Screen flickering when plugged in (2024)

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Screen flickering when plugged in

Screen flickering when plugged in (1)


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‎02-08-202203:40 PM - last edited a week ago by Screen flickering when plugged in (2)IKnowYouDidntAskBut

Hi, my Oculus quest 2 has been sitting for a few months in the box completely protected, it has never been dropped or damaged. I recently went to turn it on and nothing happened, so I than went to plug it in and the side indicator light didn’t turn on after about 10 minutes charging. I finally go and look at the screen and every few seconds the screen shows the oculus emblem and than abruptly turns black again and holding the power button does nothing. I have switched chords and outlets multiple times and nothing is changing.


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Screen flickering when plugged in (3)


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2 weeks ago

I’m in the same position - bought the Oculus Quest Jan 2021. Worked perfectly, then we stored it away after 1 year of usage. Got it out yesterday and tried to charge it and it won’t charge - no LED lights, won’t connect to the app, just a black screen with a feint light flicker every 5 seconds.
We did not damage the screen so how come it won’t charge??? When we contacted help desk - they can’t say why it won’t charge or perform a factory reset, and just offer me a refurbed one for £169😢. I think this is to do with updates… product fault when taken over by meta.
very poor customer service, as I think they KNOW why all these headsets are failing. £399 down the drain sadly


Screen flickering when plugged in (4)


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In response to weston.kintz


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2 weeks ago

I guess you didn’t get it up and running - I’m in exactly the same position as you… same fault and just offered a refurbish one for UK GBP £169.
This is a huge fault and I can’t believe they don’t know what’s causes this. I think it stems back to when Meta acquired Oculus.
I can see my headset has about 6 app updates outstanding - maybe that’s this issue, but if I can get it to power up it reset, I’m stuck😡😢😢😢


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Screen flickering when plugged in (2024)


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To start, you should check the cable at both the computer and monitor ends. If tightening it down or reconnecting it doesn't solve the problem, try replacing the cable with a new one. Laptop screens have cables that run hidden inside the frame and core of your computer.

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Electrical fluctuations can cause monitor flickering. Ensure that your monitor is connected to a stable power outlet or use a surge protector. Unstable power supply can disrupt the performance of your monitor and lead to flickering issues.

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Sometimes, though, you might experience problems like a shaky or flickering screen or even losing the signal. Such TV HDMI issues can possibly be fixed by checking these simple 6 items: Check if your cable is properly connected. Try different HDMI ports and avoid unnecessary extra devices.

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If your drivers or software are not updated or compatible with your monitor, they can cause flickering or ghosting. To fix this, you need to update your drivers and software to the latest versions and check for any errors or conflicts.

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Screen flickering in Windows is usually caused by display drivers. To update your display driver, you'll need to start your PC in safe mode, uninstall your current display adapter, and then check for driver updates. Start your PC in safe mode, then select and hold (or right-click) Start and select Device Manager.

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What are some common causes of screen flickering? Common causes of screen flickering include outdated drivers, malfunctioning hardware components such as the graphics card or monitor, incompatible software applications running in the background and power supply fluctuations.

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Can screen flickering damage my eyesight? Yes, prolonged exposure to screen flicker can cause eye strain and fatigue leading to headaches or migraines in some individuals.

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- Confirm that the power cord you're using is the **original one** that came with your monitor. - Try **different power sockets** to rule out any issues with the outlet. 2. **Monitor Refresh Rate**:- Sometimes incorrect **refresh rate settings** can cause flickering.

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Perhaps the most common cause of screen flickering in LCDs is a low refresh rate. All display devices have a refresh rate. It's the speed at which a display device is able to change or update its image. Refresh rate is measured in Hertz (Hz), which is the equivalent of frames per second.

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flickering screens caused by both hardware and software. Perhaps it is hardware issues such as the connections on the screen but it can also be software issues or Most likely, the screen cable is loose or damaged. Whatever the cause, this problem is fairly common which means that it is easily fixed.

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Your tablet screen may flicker when charging due to electrical interference, power supply issues, software glitches, or battery temperature fluctuations.

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Powering the screen takes less energy than the CPU, and if your battery was having problems your laptop would simply not turn on or turn on and off completely. So the screen flickering is not due to the battery. Now, the reason this does not happen when you plugin the charger is due to Power Saving options.

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Screen flickering in Windows is usually caused by display drivers. To update your display driver, you'll need to start your PC in safe mode, uninstall your current display adapter, and then check for driver updates.

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Common causes of screen flickering include outdated drivers, malfunctioning hardware components such as the graphics card or monitor, incompatible software applications running in the background and power supply fluctuations.

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If you set your display to 4K@60Hz and connect a display to the DisplayPort output on the laptop docking station, your display may flicker. This issue only affects certain monitors and is a result of an interoperability issue between the hardware used in the display and the docking station.

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Article information

Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5667

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.