The Swarthmorean, 1937-02 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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SWAI~THM[)I~E VOL IX, No.6 SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 5,1937 $2.50 PER YEAR 'AH, WILDERNESS' AT PLA YEKS CLUB Jo.hua Christian and Bobby Gra­ham, 'Father and Son, This Week in O'Neill Play Life in a small Connecticut town over thirty years ago becomes vivid and part of the present here in Swarthmore this week, as Eugene O'Neill's "Ah, Wilder­ness," directed by J. William Simmons, is presented by the Players' Club the nights of February Z, 3, 4, 5 and 6 at the club house on Fairview Road. O'Neill's homely masterpiece stays well within the span of most playgoers' mem­ories, yet he ~urns back nearly a thou­sand years to Omar Khayyam for title and inspiration and shows the timeless influ­ence of the eleventh century Persian astronomer-poet on the lives of the Millers who live near Waterbury and seek their ease or freedom on July 4, 1906. PUBUC FORUM SPEAKER HERE NEXT WEEK Next Wednesd;:y evening, February 10, at 8 o'clock in the Swarthmore High School auditorium a Public Forum dis­cussion, lead by Dr. M. W. Royse~on the subject: "Can America Stay Out of War?" will be held. This is Swarth­more's introductory meeting in the county­wide program which is sponsored by the Federal Government through the De­partment of Education. Another speaker, as yet unannounced, will come here in March. I THIS COMMUNITY RAISES $1400 FOR FLOOD RELIEF TOASTMASTER NEARLY ONE HUNDRED A1TENDI~1T1AL PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HERE I Last Saturday's Dinner Arranged /1)artY' state boundar; lines, and other by Women of SWarth .... ore ", differentiations stressing especially ~ Roosevelt Club . crime question. Over ninety local citizens attended the Mrs. Robert E. Carels varied the . Roosevelt Birthday Dinner held in Whit- "talks, speeches and ~ddresses" by sing-I ing several selections accompanied on the tier House; Swarthmore College campus, H b F 'at 7 o'clock last Saturday evening under ,piano by .Mrs. er ert raser. the auspices' of the Roosevelt' Qub, of Dr. John A. Detlefsen was called upon ; Swarthmore. to explain the character of infantile l With tables, waHs, and stage' appro- paralysis and the progress made so far priately decorated with red, white, and by science in an' effort to control it. He blue, an atmosphere of conviviality was acquainted those present with many in­' created. A large autographed photo- teresting facts relative to the disease and graph of the President which' had been stated, in closing, a great need now is given to one of the men present formed for money to enable further research. the centerpiece of the stage array. Some Sheriff Pechin complimented Swarth-who saw Jt said it would be difficult for more upon the "mighty fine sense of lanyone to view this particular portrait humor" as evidenced by the evening's without feeling an increased measure of gathering, and touched upon the current confidence in Mr. Roosevelt's capacity flood relief proposition. Independence Day under the Miller rooftree is many things, rolled into one play by O'Neill and placed in the hands of a clever cast and stage crew by Direc­tor Simmons, Assistant Thelma Pettit and Stage Manager C. Wahl Olmes. The fireworks start early, in the hands of youngest son Tommy, and verbal pyro­technics continue all day long I".nd into the night. It is a day of Roman candles, Persian poetry, picnics, lobster-shells and laughter, and too many beers with result­ant tears I School Pupils and Teachers Con­inDute Nearly $100 Cash as Well as Over 700 Packed Food. The American Red Cross is grateful to all who have co-operated in relieving suffering among those in the flood areas. and aims. American flags were draped Miss Bronk, who confessed she was Dr. Robert C. Di.que, of Stratb I about the room and smaller ones were not a "fresh new Democrat" but had the Haven Avenue, who pre.ided at the arranged in clusters on the speakers' table background of an . early and' continued RooNvelt DinIJer held in Whittier' and the three long tables annexed to it, rearing along the lines of, that party,' re­HouN laat SatlJrday evemDKo all tables coptaining red, white and blue viewed' entertaining incidents from her Moreover it is a day for Sid to get "souses"-which is evidently routine, and for Richard to disgrace himself even more thoroughly-which is bewildering to Contributions of clothing, canned foods and money have been received daily in the Borough Hall office of th~ Community Health and Welfare Society of Central Delaware County. Several truck loads of supplies collected throughout central Del­aware Couty have been sent to the flood sufferers. The people of this section have responded very generously with gifts of money, food and clothing. SALVATION ARMY TEA HERE NEXT WEEK Swarthmoll'e Drive to Be Waged During Week of February 15; Residents at Philadelphia Mrs. Joseph Geer, treasurer of the Luncheon everyone. Swarthmore Branch of the Red Cross, Robert W. Graham stars in the rote reports a total sum of $1,365.85 received Next Thursday, February 11, at 2.30 of tlie young Richard, whos(: life has up to Wednesday morning in donations P. M., Mrs. Howard J. Dingle will en­become at sixteen a strange wilderness of from this community. In addition to that tertain at tea at her home, 124 Park Ave­rebellion, poetry and love. His many amount t~ere is $18.45 at the High Scho~1 nue, for the local workers of the annual scenes were brilliant. office whklch has no It afs yet 3 be 71 en tU~bed tnd Salvation Army drive. All last year's N a t M1"1I e r and b roth er-t. n-Ia w S1'd b e- ban dt hr naI es 1 a hto tat 0( $1$0 9f . ctohn trJl ut.e wor k ers as we II as any t. nterested vo1 u n-comJtr.,: r~l~~~YhJhe. able._J:!an,ds of RYd'Ce oca sCd.ooty;;.~t.:-"1 • ~ofm et uelor .teerE-~arr. invited. to attend.-.-Mrs.-J. Paut Jos a'- dmshan and Strafford W. e t~ss an ,lie lJ<I 3nce, rom eacllers Brown will be in charge of the northern Parker. Their appearance at the dining and puptls of t~e Rutgers Av~n~e, College section of the community and Mrs. J. room table after returning from the picnic Av~n.ue and High School butldmgs). In Passmore Cheyney, director of the drive, is enough in itself to make the play worth- addItIOn the Rutgers Avenue School col- will organize the part of the town south while. lected about two hundred cans and pack- f th '1 d A t' k 'th f f d th C II A d oe ral roa . c lVe wor on e Car 01 CI eaver, J 0 h n P . D0 maIn dan aHg'e sh 0S h 001 'b 'Ide' 0 fei ge h vedn ued and S warth more d rl.v e wt.l I b cod ne dur'm g t h Co Master James Smith are excellent in ~g ~ 00 UI tn~S, ve un re ~n week of February 15. smaller but highly amusing roles of the !hlrty:nme, and mIscellaneous clot~mg Those from Swarthmore who attended "children," Mildred, Arthur and Tommy. mcludmg several ~ood coats were given. the Salvation Army luncheon last Friday Nat's wife, Essie, an!i his sister, Lilly, ~ box was placed m the S~arthmore N'a- at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Phila": are capably played by Josephine M. tl~nal Bank for conv~l1\ence and re- Walters and Martha Keighton whose ml~der, and amounts glyen to the local delphia, included Mrs. J. Passmore Chey-difficult characterizations as well as cos- police and other pubhc grou~s we~e ney, Mrs. George Hoadley, Mrs. E. D. tumes add to the product'ion. turned o.ver to the Red Cr?ss .. Smc,e thIS Brauns, Mrs. A. P. Willis, Mrs. Peter E. h t b t h Told, Mrs. Frank Fitts, Mrs. J. Paul Barbara Dolman as Muriel appears J'n accoUl,ltmg ot er con rl u Ions, ave , d b . II th t I Brown, Mrs. LeRoy Mercer, Mrs. Wil-only one of the seven scenes but it is out- $1o u4 0t0l ess come m to swe e to a to liam Bullock, Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, standingly done and bp.autifully staged. ,or more. • Mrs. A. M. Dryden and Mrs. James The dining room scene becomes even CA· FI d N Dryden. more enjoyable with the work of Marie an, ppreaate 00 ews Tapper as Nora, the maid, who slams A Swarthmorean who can easily realize doors and serves from the right by pure the drastic situation caused by flood in instinct. Louisville, Ky. is Mrs. E. Morri!; Fergus- • 'HOW TO WRITE' IS 'MONDAY'S SUBJECT Able was the selection of the players son, of Swarthmore Avenue. Mrs. Fer­for all the bits, with experienced John gusson was born in Louisville and lived Brownell as the irate McComber; Stanly there up until the time of her marriage. Taylor, who lacks experience but not During that per.iod she saw flood waters ability, as Wint Selby, the Yale "sport"; rise many times but not to the extent they I Howard Kirk Issues Appeal for Margaret Vlachos, of well ~own sill as have reached this year. Home and School Dues to Belle, the "town" girl, and Alexander The Huber home was on the higher P ad Sch I rsh° Dryden and Ned Pyle, who created clever ground of Washington Street and was roVl e 0 a Ip candles and flowers as well. The patri- recollection of former Presidents. She otic color scheme was carried out even gave tribute to Roosevelt for a life of in the dessert which consisted of straw- ins!)iration to many. berry and vanilla ice cream, cakes with Dr. Bogardus, secretary of ,the Penn­red, white· or blue frosting, and colored sylvania Department of Forests and mints. A large birthday cake, cut by Waters and a resident of thi! Borough, Mrs. Lovett Frescolin, was also enjoyed commended the spirit of the occasion, by the guests who shared the hearty endorsing the strengthening of society as birthday wish' she most graciously ex- a whole by aiding its weakest element, pressed while performing the office. and citing the friendly, humanitarian side Seated at the speakers table with Dr. of Roosevelt. ' R~bert C. Disque, toastmaster, were Congratulating the women of the com­Burgess and Mrs. John H. Pitman, Sher- munity on the success of the initial Presi­iff NathanP. P~chin, Dr. and Mrs. James dent's Birthday celebration here, bearing F. Bogardus, Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. good omens for the future, Dr. Disque in­Robinson, Miss Isabelle Bronk, Mrs. S. troduced Mrs. Frank H. G.riffin, of Milton Bryant, Mrs. Frescoln and Car- Wawa, one of the organizers of the local roll Ogden. Roosevelt Club, who spoke a few words. Assuming his duties Dr. Disque acted Mrs. Robinson, whose proffer· of the "fi~st . ~~~_ t<!..a~t~~!er s~.oul~~d;~~~ ,~~ hO~J,lita.!!!:t~!,..~~~l.qr the, a!faiJi, ~~-:.... ,./ moshoastmasters do." IJr. "DIsque IS dled'the ongmal spark wtili:Ii'resulted m president of the Swarthmore School its realization, was pleased that although Board and dean of Drexel Institute, Phil- the demand for tickets has been so large adelphia. it necessitated more table space than she The first speaker to be introduced was, could arrange in her home, con­Dr. Robinson at whose home the event sequently made possible a-brilliancy in was' orig,inally to have been held. Dr. which a great'er number of people could Robinson remarked a growth of national share, and incidentally an "increased spirit and expressed his belief that this amount for the benefit of infantile country is in the throes of becoming a paralysis sufferers. Even the hall in nation from a collection of states.' He Wh.ittier House was not large enough to mentioned he was particularly impressed accommodate all those who wished to at­with the simplicity of approach to the tend. It would have been easy to have President, at the White House, and the gathered a company, fifty per cent courageous unselfishness of the man. larger. Dr. Disque's humorous introductions Mrs. Bryant, chairman of the sponsor-brought equally amusing comments in re- ing organization, publicly thanked' Mrs. tort. Each speaker praised the merit of Henry A. Peirsol for her assisting direc­the cause, the relief of infantile paralysis, tion and the daughters of the women which occasions the assemblage of people members who had served the meal. all over the United States each year on Among these were Mrs. Miles Robinson, the President's birthday to raise funds for Mrs. Walter Rohinson, and the Misses the purpose and to which Swarthmore Alice Robinson, Doris Pitman, Doris responded this year for the first time. It MacIntyre,' Mildred Hirst, Frances Arm­was the desire of all to see the affair ,itage, Mary MacDonald, Sarah Marie broadened to a community event next Disque, Ruth Lipman and Ann Lingle. January. When folks left for their homes a Burgess Pitman read a telegram ad- little after 10 o'clock everyone shared Dr. dressed to the citizens of Swarthmore Disque's desire "henceforth to see from Governor Earle setting Tuesday, Swarthmore have its full share in 'this February 2, as Flood Relief Day in Penn~ national movement," none the less be­sylvania. Mr. Pitman brought the audi:' cause it provided such an enjoyable eve­ence's attention to several problems con-I ning ,in the companionship of one's fronting all. Americans regardless' of neighbors. character parts of the bartender and sales- comparatively safe from the onslaught, man, respectively. The bar-room scene although Mrs. Fergusson says she has in which the latter three appear with often seen the water up to Main Street. Bobby Graham is one of the high spots of It has been forty years since she has the evening, comprising in itself a mina- been away from the town, but she still ture one. act play. recalls the fun horror of the condition The February meeting of the Swarth­more Home and School Association will be held at 8 o'clock next Monday evening, the 8th, in the Music Room of the High School. The subject for discussion will Council in Routine Session TRAINED ANIMALS FOR PLAYERS' CLUB JUNIORS There are moments when the playgoer that she was considerably concerned nearly sheds a tear of joy or sadness at about her numerous relatives and friends the unconscious wilderness in which lives living there yet, until she received a O'Neill's real hero. The'equanimity with letter from her sister, Miss Martha C. which he publishes a newspaper, simul- Huber, stating the Puritan Apartments taneously keeping reasonably happy his where she resides have their own power wife, four children and a tragic spinster plant and artesian well, thereby insuring sister-all under the same roof with an the .inhabitants warmth, light, and water. a1coholicly unpredictable brother-in-law, However, Miss Huber describes the scene shows these are but the minor problems of so close to her in vivid terms- the town, diurnal duty to Nat Miller, but even his at the time she wrote, was in darkness greatness is sometimes conquered by his and people were dipping the muddy water ineptitude at giving advice to the children. and drinking it. Mail was being delivered • and coUected by men in boats and she had Local Firemen Offer Services I just had the typhoid injection which had , been ordered for everyone. Miss Huber Wallace Steigelman and A. Wayne is known in Swarthmore, having v.isited Mosteller volunteered their services with her sister here frequently. a small pumper of the Swarthmore Fire • Company if needed for relief in the Local Quartet to Sing in Chester flooded districts in the mid-west. So far they have not been called. I The Swarthmore Quartet under the • direction of Otto Kraus, Jr. will sing in Fire Company Auxiliary' Monday i the First Pr~sbyterian Church, Chester, The regular monthly meeting of the Sunday evenmg, February 7, at 7.30 Ladies' Auxiliary to the Swarthmore o'clock. Members of the quartet are Fire and Protective Association wilt be Charles Deacon, first tenor; W.illiam held at 8 o'clock next Monday evening, Brown and Jam~s Johnstone,' second ~ehruary 8, in the F.ire Company rooms tenors; J. Burris West, first bass, and In Borough Hall.- .,. ... - . Alten--Putnam, second~ bass. ._.- -- -- be "How to Write." All parents are At the first February meeting of Bor~ cordia\1y welcome. ough Council ~on Wednesday evening, Howard Kirk, president, has issued an little of general interest was accomplished, appeal, stating: "It will take exactly two routine business prevailing. - hundred $2.00 family subscriptions to give Alfred Lewis appeared regarding the the Home and School Association $400.00. placement by the Borough of a storm And $400.00 will pay for the Association sewer to relieve the drain water condition College Scholarship Award next June, along the properties on Chester Road leaving a balance of $100 for running north of Swarthmore Avenue of wbich his expenses. The treasury today looks very home is one. No immediate action was much like this: 0 x 0 = $0. taken. "There are five hundred families repre-, The subject of liens was discussed and sented in the Swarthmore Schools. To Solicitor Clarence G. Myers instructed to provide two hundred paid memberships, check on those on old 1930, 31 and 32 two out of five readers of this article, or taxes to see they didn't automatically forty per cent of the families, will pay expire but were renewed. their dues for 1937. The public safety committee was "The boys aqd girlj. of the school arc: authori~ed to take care of the r~uest of counting on this scholarship. They are the Poh~e Department fo! a fog I!ght on doing their arithmetic and algebra and each pahce car. A meetmg .of thIS com­English five days a week; you are in- ~ittee was called for this SundaY., eve­vited to do your, by helping to make pos- nmg sible the payment of a $300.00 scholarship A motion was pas~ed that the owner of to the most deserving graduate next June. the lot at Drexel and Vassar Avenue be Even though your children are not sen- notified to remove the old cars and old iors Home and School needs your support. building on th~llroperty. and in eVent of .. just m;'ilor.give :rour~heck,f~r ~.OO his failure to do so ~he necessary steps to the treasurer, Mrs. Burton' RIchards, should be taken by the Borough. to oflheSwartbtfiorcf7\'pafbfl~n'ls:""- ----. - ccomplish the change. Tamahasika's Pets, known as the So­ciety Circus, will appear at the Players' Club House, on Fairview Road, Satur­day afternoon, February 20, at 3 o'clock. Riding dogs, monkeys that turn somer­saults, birds that ride bicycles, and an educated pony will be among the perform­ers. The birds include Australian co*ck­atoos, Brazilian macaws and Japanese piegons. The show comes direct from Carnegie Ha\1, New York. Due to the nature, of the presentation there will be no repetition of the program in the evening as usual with others arranged under the auspices of the Junior Plays Committee. Tickets may be obtained through Mrs. George P. Warren, treasurer of the com­mittee. • Third Grade Mothers M~ The third grade mothers group of the <;ollege Avenue School was entertained by the pupils in class on Tuesday and later held an informal discussion. Mrs. Jo~n Marshall is. chairman of the group. MISS Mary, Kiser is the third grade teacher.

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I· i J j J : 1 , I : , ,I .~ ~, I' , " SW ~I:?TH M( JI~E VOL. IX, No. 6 SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 5, 1937 $2.50 PER YEA R 'AU, WILDERNESS' PUBLIC FORUM SPEAKER HERE NEXT WEEK AT PLAYERS CLUB \ :\~xt .Wl·dl1~'::!::;" c\"el,li'ng", Fehruary.1O, I at 8 II dock l\l the Swarthmore HIgh ____ I School auditoriullI a Public Forum dis- Joshua Christian and Bobby Gra- i cussion. lead lIy Dr, ),1. W, Royse"on the ham, Father and Son, This i suhject: "Can :\merica Stay Out of Week in O'Neill Play : War?" will he held. This is Swarth- , , " : mon"s introductory meeting" ill the county- ,LIfe III a small LOllJ\ectlc.ut. town over I wide jlro~ralll which is !'jlonsored by thc tlurty years a~o hec~lIIes vIvId and pa~t I Federal (~O\'ernlllent through thc De­of the present here 11\ Swarthmore tills I jlartmmt of Education, week. as Eugene O'Neill's "Ah. \Vilder- I· :\nother ~jleaker. as vet unannollllcl.'<l ness, "\<. I recte(I I) y J, \"'\· 1I 1l' alll ,Sl1'1 l11lOn,;. will cOllie here in :\Iarch., ' - .. ~ ... ~ *.~ is presented by the Players' Cluh the I nights of February 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 at the I d'~.~~;;~~< 7::,,:::,~~~::~:,~:;,~, ""Y' w<ll i THIS COMMUNITY wi~hin the span of most playgoers' lIIem- RAISES $1400 FOR ofles, yet he turns hack nearly a thou- TOASTMASTER NEARLY ONE HUNDRED ATTEND INITIAL PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HERE --~-- , Last Saturday's Dinner Arranged: party. ~tate hOlllldary lillcs. allli other by Women of Swarthmore ! ditT.·rl'llliatilllls strcssing" l'sllccially tllA: Roor.evelt Club ! :rimc qlll:st iOll, () , I I ., I 1),1 r!', 1~(Jhcrt E, Carels varied the \Tr nlllet \' (lca CltlZCIIS attcn( e<1 the I ., ' I' It I" -tl I ])' I II' \\'I't \.ollse\'e ,I r l( a,' IIlner Ie (Ill 11 - I". talk,. spl'echcs a. nd addrcsses , by slllg- . ,', III" ~cn'ral SCk-I."lIOI1~ aCl'Olllpallll'd 011 thc lIcr Iiollse. Swarthmore lo\Jcge campus, ,~ I 'I ] I I I' at - • I k I S I ' I 11)1<11111 )V .\ r~, cr Jcrt • raser. I 0 C Ill" ast atlln av e\TllIng um er ' the allspicl:s of the 1{()(;senIt Club, of· Dr, .11:1111 :\, »etldsl'n was called lIpon Swartiullufl'. to t·xplaill the charader of infantile \Vith tahlcs. walls. ancl stag-e appro- paral~'sis a~1I1 till' pfOj!fl:SS made .so far priately decoratcd with red, white, and hy Sl:I.t'l\l'e III an effort to c(~ntrol It. ~Ie hluc. an atmosphere of conviviality was acqu;unll:<1 thosc I) resent \\'Ith many lll­crcatel\. ,\ large autographed photo- tcrl:stin~ iarts .relati\'c to thc diseasc al~d graph of the Prcsidellt whil-h had been' stated. III doslIIj!. a grcat Ill:ed now IS sand years to Omar Khayyam for title ami g i\'cn to onc of the lIlen present formed for lIIoney to cnahle furthl:r research, inspiration and shows thc timeless in~lI- FLOOD RELIEF "';<';;'~11'>1 the cl:nterpiecc of the stage array, Some Sheriff Pechin cOlllplimented Swarth-ence of the eleventh century PcrsJan astronomer-puct on the lives of the ~I illers who live near \Vaterbury and seck their case or freedom on July 4, 1906. who saw it ~aid it would he difficult for l\Iorc upon thc ··mighty fine sense of anyone to vicw this particular portrait hUlllor" :IS evidenced hy the evening's without fecling an incrcased measure of gathcrill;!. allli touched upon the current r()lIlidence in ~Ir. Roosevelt's capacity Ilood relief pruposition, and aims. :\ull'rican flags were draped )'liss Bronk. who confessed she was School Pupils and Teachers Con­tribute Nearly $100 Cash as Well as Over 700 Packed Foods Independence Day under the ~li1ler rooftree is many things, rolled into one play by O'Neill and placed in the hands of a clever cast and stage crew by Direc- 1'he AllIerican Red Cross is grateful tor Simmons, Assistant Thelma Pettit and to all who have cu-operated in relieving Stage Manager C. \Vahl Olllles, The suffering among those in the flood areas. Dr. Robert C. Disque, of Strath I ahout the room and smaller ones were not a "frcsh new Democrat" but had the Haven Avenue, who presided at the I arrangcd in clustcrs 011 the spcakers' tahlc, hackgrOlllul of an early and continued Roosevelt Dinner held in Whittier ami the thrcc long tahles annexcd to it, i rearillg- along the lines of that party, rc­House last Saturday evening. all tahlcs containing red. white and blue "it'wed cntertaining" incidents i rom hcr fireworks start early, in the hands of c*ntrihutions of clothing, canned foods. young-cst son Tommy, and verbal pyro- and 1II0lley have been received daily in t.he ~ SALVATION ARMY I ' , II I I I . I Borough Hall office of th~ Commumty: tec IIIICS contmue a (ay ong am II\to t Ie Health and \Velfare Socicty of Central 'I TEA HERE NEXT WEEK night, It is a day of Roman candles, Persian poetry, picnics, lobstcr-shells and Delaware COUllty, Scvcral truck loads of' laughter, an(1 too many beers with rcsult- supplies collected throughout central Del- I aware COllt\' havc been sent to the flood • alit tears, suffercrs, The Ileople of this section have I Swarthmore DrIve to Be Waged :\[orco"er it is a day for Sid to get "sollses"-which i~; evidently routine, and responded very gcnerously with gifts of During Week of February 15; for Richard to disgrace himself even money. food and clothing, Residents at Philadelphia more thoroughly-which is bewildering to ),1 rs. Joseph Geer, treasurcr of the L h Swarthmore Branch of the Red Cross, unc eon everYOlle, Rohert \V. Graham stars in the rolc reports a total sum of $1,365,85 received Kext Thursday, February II, at 2,3U of the yotln~ Richard. whose life has l,l)1 to \ycchlesday , lI\Or~ling I ;~I, donati7"S p, 1\1., :Mrs, Howard J, Dingle will en-hecollle at sixtccn a strange wilderness of t rom tillS COmll111lnty, n a( ( IlIolI to t lat t t' t ttl I P4 P k A am01lnt there is $18.45 at the High School i er alfn a tl ea la Iler 10 k me, -f lar ve- rehellion, poetry and love, H is many, , ' i nue. or IC (lea wor 'crs 0 t Ie annua I SCeIIC," ,"ere brl·III'ant. ofllce winch has not as yet been turned 111 Sit' \ ~. ' \11 I • ~ " ' I a \'a Ion : rlllv url\'e, fast year s T" ..! and makes a total of $93.71 contrlhuted ., ~ at :MIller and brother-Ill-law SI(I be- I I I I ($10 f I J ' workers as wcll as anv mterested \,olun- I I , I II I t f hy the loca sc 100 s rom t Ie Ul110r I . , - come n'a peop e 11\ t Ie a) e tane sol, (. I I 1 I . 1 tt:l'r!' arp Ul"·tp!\ ~~, :1t1 1'1It! , ~lr,;, J, PattI , I .- CI ' . I S ff \\' , l':e(1 \.. ross am t 1C )a ancc nom tcac Icrs I " . , os llM Iflstlan all! • tra onl. .. I R \ C II BrowlI \\,111 be 111 charge ot the northern P ar k er, TIIC'l r appearance at t II C (Il"l I1\1g and PlJllJls 01 HtI'C I uS tgI ersI :I ve·1ll1u" e 0 eg'1 e II ~ectl' "n of the cunnllnlll. tv and ).r rs. J, room t..1I II C' al' ter rcturnl'llgf r om t I1 l' Ill.CIl'lC :\\'e.n .u e and 1'""' 1 c 100 )lI1 (mgs), n I Pa~sl11(Jrc C, heync\'. (h,rec'tor. 01 the dT.l \'c. I"S CllOUg II . , If ~~ k I I· I addItIon the Hutgers Avenue School col-, , ' 11\ Itse to ma 'e t Ie p .IY wort 1- I wll1 orgalllze the part of the town south while. lectell a"h out It wo I hunCd reIId cans\ and JlackI-I, ul' I 'I 1 .\' k I t Ie ral roal, . l"tI\'C \\'or' on t IC C I CI ' TIP DId a~cs 01 toO! : tIe 0 ege f ventte anc , " ' aro ea\cr" 0 111 • 0 man an 1'1.'1 S I I I 'II' fi I I I II Swarthmorc drlvc WIll Ill' donc dUflng tim ).Iaster James Smith arc excellcnt in ~ ~~ I . ~ 100 lUI I IlI~S, 1\'e lUll( reI :~\l( ! weck of Februarv 15, smallcr but highly amusing role5 oi the timty-nllle. :11\c\ 111lscellaneous c1ot,lung i ' ' ~,' , -.. ,.' , .. I ill .. . including sen'ral gOOlI coats were given, ~ I h,,~c Iroll1 S\\ ,lrthll1orc \\ ho ,Itlenclul c I I reno ).llldred. Arthur and Tommy, .'. I' I' I S I K i thc Salvation ,\rmv luncheon last Frida\· l'\at's wife, Essie. and his sister. Lilly, :~ hox \\as p .Icel III t Ie ~vart unore 1 a- I, ' •• ' • ,', " •• , . tlOll'l1 Ihnk for CU1l\'emence and rc-I·lt the I ,din uc-Strattonl Hotc\, Phll.l-arc capably playccl by Josephme 11. " , I I I '. ' I 1,1 "I ' J I' ,. . CI .' \\ 7 I ' • . minder and amounts gIven to the local I e 111M, 1\1C l1( CI .\ rs, , asSllIurc Il:~ - a ters and ).[artha I,-elghton whose' , II " 'I -, C'· '" 1~1(' lie' '[r' I' I) l'fI' . , Illllicc ami other llUhltc nr()UI'~ wcrc I e). ,\ I", ,CIJr,.,1: 1.11),.\"" , I I Icult charactcrlzatlons . as well as cos' turned m'er to the Red Cros"s, 'S.m cc tIn,sI I> >T".l l1n~, ',\f rs., .\. . I} , \\"I1 1I'S, , 'l . I) ,t· I- l\ r~, l: cr .. tUllles acid to the productIOn, . , .ICCOl1llt,l ll" other contrI,hu.tlo ns ha\'e 1.1' 0 I( I. "~'I r"~ , \: ranI,' I:I' tb. ..'\[ r"'. J . [1 auI Barhara Dolman as ~fuflel appears 111 ' "'. II I I I'rown )'Ir' lei{o" Mercer ).[r· \Vil- I f 1 b ,. I c\ollhtless clime III to s\\'e tIC tota tl" . - ",' J' •• ". on y ?ne 0 t Ie seven scen,~s ut It IS (Jllt- !';:I -100 ;,~ more lialll Bullock, ).~rs. AlbclI T, Ean'nson. standmg-Iy done and heautlllllly staged. :'" ... -' __ . • " ~I rs. :\, ~I, I )ryden and ).r rs. James The dining room scene becomes e\·en! Can Appreciate Flood News . I )rnll'n, more enjoyable with the work oi )'laric ' Tapper as ~ora. thc maid. who slams :\ SwarthlllOl'eall who can easily rcalize doors and sen'es irom the right hy purc thl' drastic situatioll caused hy flood in 'HOW TO WRITE' IS instinct. I.lluis\'illc, Ky. is )'Ir~, E, ~[orris Ferg-lls- Ahlc was the selection oi the Jllayer~ SOli. IIi Swarthmore :\venlle. )'Irs, Fer-; M AY'S SUBJECT for all the hit~. with experienced John gIlSSIl1\ was horn in Louisville and lived: OND Brownell as thc irate :\fcComher: Stanl\' there UJI until the time of her marriage. I Taylor, who lacks expcricnce hut nc;t J)lIrill~ that Jleriod she sa\\' flood waters ahility, as Wint Selby. the Y~lc "sport"; ri,e many times hut not to the extent they: Howard Kirk Issues Appeal for Margaret Vlachos. of well known sill as :Ia\·e reachcd this year. I Home and School Dues to Belle, the "town" girl, and Alexander I TIll' Huher hOJlte was on the higher Provide Scholarship Dryden ami Xcd Pyle. who created clever I· groun(1 of \Vashington Street and was I character par.t s of the hartenc\er and sa\t.'s- l'omparativc\.v safe froJII the onsIl augI ht, I TI Ie )''C I) ruarv llIee tI' lIg 0 I· tl Ie.S war tl 1- ,man, n.'sllectl'\'ch-, The har-rooJII sccne al.t hough ~I rs, Fer~lIss()t1 s'arys' S 1Se laS I morc 'r- I ol11e an-cI S c I1 00 I' : \ ssoc'lat ' 'II 1011 WI 11\ whld"l the latter threc aJlPear with lIit('n secn the water up to '. \ am I treI et. II Ie II e III at 8u' c I k '1 I '. IlC • next 1\ Oll( a,' evel1mg, Bohh"v (,raham is o,n(' .of, th e, hIgh' sp.ots of It ha~ hce'll Iforty years sl1l\c'e 1s Ie la'IsI I: t II e 0n t II . ' I '[ '[' f-tl II' I 11\ t Ie ,\ lISIC ... 00111 0 IC Ig I Ihe cH'nmg l'OmllT1S1l1~ m It~c1f a mma- hel'n awa\' lrolll tIC tOWI1, )\It s Ie stt I S I .1 '1'1 I' f I' , \"1'11 candles and Ilowers as well. The patri- rerullection of former Presidents, She otie color scheme was carried out even I gave trihutc to l{ooscve\t for a life of in the dcssert which consisted of straw- inspiratioll to many. herry and vanil1a icc cream, cakes with I Dr, Bogardus. secretary of the Penn­red. white or blue frosting, and colorcd sylvania Department of Forests and mints. A large birthday cake, cut by \Vaters and a re~iclent of the Borough, ),1 rs, Lovett Frl:scolin, was also enjoyed COIlIl11cncle<1 thc spirit of the occasioll, hy the guests who sharcd the hearty I endorsin).! the ~tren~thening of society as hirthday wish she 1110st graciously ex- a whole hy aiding its weakest clcment, pres~ed while performing the officc, and citing the iricJl(lIy, hU111anitarian side Seated at the speakers table with Dr, of Roosl:,'elt, Rohcrt C. Disqne, toastmaster, were Con).!ratulating the \\"0111en of the C0111- Bur~ess ali(I ~[rs. John H, Pitman, Shcr- 111unity on the success of the initial Presi­iff ~athan p, Pt;chin, Dr, and Mrs. Jamcs dent's Birthday celebration here, hearing F, Bogardus. Dr, ami ).[rs, Louis N'I).!ooc\ omens for the future, Dr. Disque in­Rohinson, }'I iS5 Isahelle Bronk, ~I rs. S, trodUCl:d ).[ rs, Frank H, Griffin, of ~Iilton Bryant, )'Irs, Frescoln and Car-: \Vawa. one oi the organizcrs of the local rol1 Ogden. Rooscvelt Cluh. who sJloke a few words, :\s~l1l11ing" his duties Dr, Disque actcd: ~r rs. I{obimoll. whose proffer of the "first as a toastmaster should and then as, hospitality of her homc for the affair, kin­mo" t toastmasters do.' \Jr, Disque is' dlec\ the original spark whirh resulted ill prcsic\elit of thc Swarthmore School its realization, was Jlleascd that although Buard and dean oi Drexel Institllte, l'hil- the demand for tickets has heclI so larg<' adelJlhia. it neccssitatcd more table space than she Thc first spcaker to he introduced was could arrallgc ill her hOllie, it had COll­Dr, I{ohins()11 at whose home the event sequently made Ilossihle a hrilliancy in was originally to have been held. Dr, which a greatcr lIumher of people could Rohinson remarkcd a growth of national sharI'. and im:idcnta\1y an increased spirit ami CXPrl'ssl'd his helicf that this amount f"r the henelit of infantile country is in the throes of hecoming a Jlaralysi~ suffcr ... rs, Ewn the hall in nation from a collcction of states, He \Vhiuier House was not large enough to mClltiont·d hc was particnlarly imprcssed :IlTolllmodate all those who wished to at­with thc simplicity ()f approach to the lend, It would have heen easy to have President. at the \\,hite Housc, and the ).!alherl:d a company, tifly per cent courageous unsellishness of the man, , larger. Dr, Disque's humorous introductions, ),1 rs, Bryant. chairman of the sponsor­brought equally amusing comments in re-' ing organization. Jluhlicly thanked )'Irs. tort. Each speaker Jlraiscd the merit oi I Hcnry :\. Peirsol for her assisting direc­the cause, the relief of infantile paralysis, I tion ami the dauf~hters of the women which occasions the assemhlage of people: Illcmhers wh" had served the meal. all over the United States each year on :\l1Iong these were )'Irs, :\Iiles Robinson, the President's hirthday to raise funds for )'Irs, \Valtl.'r Hohimon, and the ~Iisscs the purpose and to which Swarthmore Alicl.' Rohinson. Doris Pitman, Doris responded this year for the first time, It!)'1 ad ntyre. ),1 ihlred 1I irst, Frances Arm­was the de5ire of all to sec the affair i itage, ~Iary ).larDonald. Sarah ).Iarie hroadened to a comlllunity cvent next, Disque. Ruth Lipl1\an anll .\lIn Lingle. January. i \Vhen folks kit for their homes a Burgess Pitman read a telegram ad- i little aftl:r 10 ,,'clock e\"eryone sharcd Dr. dressec\ to thc citizens of Swarthmore I DisIIIlC\ desire "hl.'lIceforth to sec from GO\'ernor Earle setting Tuesday, Swartlllllore ha,'e it,; filII share in this Fehrl1ary 2, as Flood 1~c1icf Day in Penn-; national llHJ\'Clllcnt." nolle the less be­~ yh'ania, }'I r, Pitman hronght the al1cli-,! callsc it llroviclcc\ such an enjoyahle cve­cncc's attention to se\'eral problems con-, ning- in the c011lpanionship of one's fronting all Americans rel-,rardles5 of i lll·ighhors. . '. ' I f I I' . . C 100 , Ie stlllect or (ISCUSSIOII " Council in Routine Session ture one act plav, rl:l"alls thc full lOrror 0 t Ie cone Itlon , \\" " \11 TRAINED ANIMALS FOR PLAYERS' CLUB JUNIORS TI 'I I I I 'I rahh' conc II he "How to 'flte, : parents are At the first Februar,\' mceting of Bor-lere arc moments \\' len t Ie play~ucr t lat ~ Ie wa~ COIISl(le ,. I f ~rnel' I cordial1v welcome nearly sheds a tear of joy or sadness at. ahout her IIIlllleWllS r~ at.lvcs all( . flen( s' " ,. " '. ough Council ,011 \Vednesday evening. Tamahasika's Pets, known as the So- Ihe unconscious wilderness in which lives li\'ing therc yct. unlll sl,le recel\'ed a i Howarcl ~'-Irk .. presl.dent. has bsuec\ an little of ~eneral interest was accomplished. ciety Circus. will appear at the Players' O':\'eill's real hero, The equanimity with: letter inlln her sister. ~llss ).Iartha C.! appeal. statmg: • I.t wll1 tak,e ~xactly t~\·o routine husiness prevailing, ' Cluh Houst', lin Fairview Road, Saltlr­which he puhlishcs a newspaper, sinml- Iluher. ,tating the Purital~ Apartments i hundred $2,00 f~nllly suhSCfl,ptI.ons to gl\'e :\\ired Lewis allpcared regarding thc day aftcrnool1, Fehruary 20, at 3 o'clock. ta~leously keeping- reasonahly happy his ",Iwrt· ~hc Tl'~i'~l's have theIr OWI~ po\~'er I the Home and .~ch()ol ASSOCIatIOn $-t~(J.?O, placement I~y the Bor<;,ugh of a st,o!m Riding dogs, monkeys that turn somer­WIfe. four children and a tragic spinster, plant and arleslan well, t,herehy mSlIrmg :~nd $-100,00 \\ III p,ay for the A~Sllclatlon sewcr to rehe\'e the dram water condItIon saults, hirds that ride bicycles, and an sister-all under the same roof with an the inh,lhilants warmth. light, and water. Col1e~e ScholarshIp Award next June, 1 along the Jlroperties on Chester Road educated pony will be among the perform­a\ Coholicl); unllredictahle hrother-in-Iaw, ) I"\\"l'\'er, ),1 is,; ,II ul!e~ describes the scene i leaving a halance of $100 i or rnnning north of Swarthmore :h'elllle of wtJich his ers, The hi.r~ls includc Australian co*ck­shows these arc hut the minor problcms of '. ~" do!'e !o her III \,I\'HI terms-:- the town, ! expens~,;, T~lc treasury today looks Yen' home is one, No immediate action was I a~llos, Brazlltan macaws and. J a(lanese ,Iiurnal duty to Xat ).[il1er. hut c\'en "is, at the tllne she \~'ro!e. was 111 darkness 1 much hkc tills: 0 x 0 = $0, taken. plegons: The show comes (hrect from greatness is sometimes conqucrccl hy his and )l1.'oJlle w~rc 'hJlI~mg the I,Huddy .water I "There arc fi,'e hundred families repre- The subject of lic;n~ was discllssed allli i Carnegie Hall, New York. inl'Ptitude at giving ;Hh'in' to the children, : allli drillkillg 11. ~lall, was heJllg dell\'erccl ,;ented in the Swarthmore Schools. To Solicitor Clarence G, ).[yers instructed t" I Due til the naturc of the presentation ___ *_. __ . an:1 c"IIr.'Cleri hy IIlI.:n I~I !)()a~s and ~he had i prm'ide tWII 111Imired paid memberships. check 011 those 011 oM 1930. 31 and J2 thcre will he no rqletition of the prog-ram Local Firemen Offer Services ju,t had Ih ... lyp\tI'HI 1Il)('ctHlll whIch had; t\\~" (lut oi tive realil?rs of this arliek. "r taxr.''; 10 Sl'l' Ihey llidn't aut"lIlatically in Ihl' l'\"l'nin~ as 1I~1I;11 with others _~_ .. ~~ hel"n orrll'r~'d t:or everyone, :\IJss l!l~her I iort)' Iler cent of the families, will pay eX)Jirc hut wcre rcnewed. arrangr.'d lIlHkr the albpice, ni the Junior \\'allace Steigt'iman and :\, \Vayne is knowJl 111 Swarthmore. ha\'llIg" \,lsltedltheir due~ for 1937, The puhlic safcty cOlllmittee was Plays Committee, ~["sle\1(·r \'olunll'l're.1 their sen'in's with II e r ~~I ' s tI'. r here fre(IUl'lIth_' ' \. "The hoys al\(I ~irlli. oj the school are au tl lOfl'ZeI( to tak ' e care 0 ftIei reqtucs 0f , 'l'l'cket s) marY I) e 0I) tal'l le( I tl Ifoug II '.\r rs, a sl11al1 Illllllller of the SwartluHore Fire * I P I· D t f f I' It ('or"e I \\ t f tl I : cOulltin..... 011 this scholarship, They arc tIC 0 ICC epar ment or a o~ Ig I on ,l: ,.... , :trrCII, rca surer 0 Ie com- CO l11pam. ' if needed ior relief in the Lo caI Q uar t e t t 0 S·I ng •a n Che st er I"d oin"g th eir arithmetic ami algehra and cacI I po II'C C car, :A~ mee'tm g 0 flt l'iS com- 1111' tt ee. (looc\ed districts in the mid-west. So far· 'I fi I k . mittee was called for this ·Sullda~:. e\'e- -* ~ they ha\'e not heen called, Thr.' Swarthmore Quartet ullder the Engits I lye (ays a wee'; you arc 111- Third Grade Mothers Meet * ~ dircction oi Otto Krau,;. J r, will sill~ in! \"ited to do your, hy helping- to make JlO~- nlllg Fire Company Auxiliary Monday tIll' First Preshyterian Church. Chester. \ sihle the paYl11ent of a $300,00 scholar~hlp A Illotioll was passed that the owner of The third grade mothers group of tlte The re~ular monthly ml'ding" of the Sunrlay e\'Cllilll!. Fehrllary 7. at 7,30 to the Illo~t desen·ing ~raduate next Junc, the lot at Drexel amI Vassar :\venue he I Collegc An'nne School was entertained L'llies' A uxilian- to the Swarthmore o·dock. )'lemhers of the quartet are EVl'n though your c1l1ldren arc 1I0t 5el1- n()!ifi~d to remove the old ca~s and old I hy the pupils in class on Tuesday and I"" l'.llarl"',' I)"al"OII, fir,.'t tellor·. \\I.I'llianl iors. Home and School needs your support, IIl,lIldm,g" 011 the:..llroperty and, III e,",en,t nf,llater held an il,lforma.1 discussion, Mrs, 'Ire and Protecti\"C .-\s~ociation will he ", I f I I I hl'1d at R o'c!Ot'k next ~lol\(lay evening, Brown and James Johnstone. second "Just mail or ~i\"C your check fl~r $2,00 liS all1re to (0 so. t IC nelcssal ~ stcps I John ).Iarshall IS. chairman of the group, Fehruan' R. in the Fire COlllpany roon;s tenors: ,l, Burris \Yest, first bass. and to the treasurer. ).rrs. Burton ,~Ichards, should he taken hy thc Borough to ).Iiss )'Iary Kiser is the third grade in Boro;lgh Hall, ' :\lIell Putnam, second bass. of the Swarthmore Apartments, 'accomplish the chan~e. teacher. '

---------- Page 3 ----------

,. . ~ i . .. , \ I • i I, i z THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 5. 1937 E - ------h--J------w-a-s-en-t-.-rt-a-in-e-d-:tIJj-:.-s-w---:-eek--:-b-y-M:-:-r-s-:.R:-o-y-:D::--=ryd~et:;I:' :07f~D::-a':'r:tmo=";u-t~·h·--:A":v":e':'nu':'e":,:"t~h~i-s-e-v-e.-s-pee-:t-ac-u-;la-r~m-u-:s-;:ic-:a;-I-::s=m-:a:::s;:-h-:o:;f:-;;19;;3;;7:-, :'in::;t:ro~:-:-;S;;ta:n::;l;::e::Y'A;{a:c::>Mi11an, Mr-. ~n-d- Mrs. W. ntertains wit oint Comley at lunch<'On at the Inglenenk, fol- ning. They also were the guests of Mr. dncing Sonja Henie to the screen and Stanley Kite, Mr. and Mrs. David N. lowed by bridge at the Comley home on and Mrs. Dryden at one of the Players' now in its second big week at the Boyd Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Robin- BU"'t heta, Celebrat.·OD Swarthmore Avenue. Club performances earlier in the week. Theatre, Che_ster. _ +._ _- : sDonr., aMndr. Manrds. MJorhs.n RAo. laDnedt lGef.s eEn., MUlrl.m aannd, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mason, Jr. have Barbara Ladd HiSkox, of Binghamton, Lily PODS .. Check Girl Mrs. Alfred Gary White, Mr. and Mrs. retnoved from the Farley Apartments N. Y., is spending a couple of weeks vis- I R. J. Littlefield and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. A N Y k h . h d M d A Lily Pons descends from the ofty peak at 224 Park venue to ew or r were tting er gran pak"ents, r. an Mrs. . Sauln.·er. ha bee f ed H • f or a world-renowned grand opera star tQ Mr. Mason 5 n trans err. e 15 B. Chapin, 0 Harvard Avenue. Mrs. The next' meeting of these three groups, cCoon nect ed W.I t h t h e G eneraI Ch etnlC. O I Cgrhi pap. m. ha s been I' 11thI'S wee kW'It II t he itnh et hheu mnebwle mpoelsnitdioyn-a nodf- Iaa ughha t ficlmhe, ck"T ghiarlt on Saturday, F-..~.r uary 27, wl'll he held mpany. • Girl from Pari.... in which she plays the in the High School IIYmnasium since a Mrs. Charles Kimmel, of Haverford Place, entertained Saturday evening in celebration of the birthday anniverseries of Mrs. A. Wayne Mosteller and Mr. Kimmel. There were sixteen guests pres ... ent and gifts were received by the two Mrs. Rosalie Roherts, of Park Avenue, title role co-starring with Gene Raymond dance of the Swarthmore Series is sched-left Wednesday for Sebring, Fla. She l W. V. STUDY GROUP and Jack Oakie, starting Saturday at the uled for that evening at the Woman's will later go to West Palm Beach, re- Washington Theatre, Chester. ClUb;:.';;;;;;;;;; ma.ining in Florida two months. TOLD OF RELIEF" iiiii Mrs. Roherts' house at 308 South Di~ l\t~!'"' ill Week'" .. ~ UPHOLSTERING guests of honor. Mrs. Mosteller was also tendered a surprise party Monday e\'ening by her mother, Mrs. Samuel Gray, of Rutledge. Chester Road has been rented to Mr. and Starring Dicky Moore, this Saturday Mrs. John E. Chiquoine, of Maplewood, Mr •• T. Jeddson Myers. Memher evening's featuro picture at the Sirath Fu..m~~re R~tpripg N. J., who with their three sons will of Co .... ty Welfare CounclI. Haven Inn will b:e a story of two orphan hal\llib Bl1ID!=IIes . move to Swarthmore within the next Speaker at Laa~ Meeting children r~ised by a farmer's wife, "Tim- FRE· D· J. HARLEY h .... o weeks. olby's Quest." The usual short subJ'eels Mrs. Leonard Ashton, of Elm Avenue, Many memhers of the League of CaD left Wednesday to spend two weeks in Florida. She will go to the Highland Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Hayes, of Elm Park Club, at Lake Wales, and later Avenue, left this week for Orlando, Fla., visit Miss Elizabeth McConnell. a former I where they will remain until ·sprin~. Swarthmorcan, near Winter Park. Women Voters' study group on local gov- will he added; . .. -. s.~PfO 1441 ernment heard Mrs. T. Jeddson Myers, Tomorr~w, pan~ Cbap,roDS Anytime - Anywben of the Delaware Co~nty Welfare Council, The chaperons at tomorrow evening's I ~~~~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;~ Dr. John Ellery Tuttle was called from Mrs. Wi1Iiam 1. Hulf has returned to Rose Valley to York, Pa., again this week her home on VI alnut Lam~ after presiding to officiate at the funeral of an elder of at a national board meeting of the . fortner church there. discuss UAssistance and Relief in Dela- meeting of the Introductory and Advanced I i ware County" at last week's "meeting held Classes and the Senior Assembly of the at the home of Mrs. Theodore W. Cros- Swarthmore Dancing Classes held in the sen, of Swarthmore Crest, on Tuesday. Womau's Ctub House, on· Park Avenue, Mrs. Myers pointed out that one-sixth will be Mrs. Harry C. Baldwin, Mr. and of the population of the State of Penn- Mrs. F. Norton Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Fourth Annual Dinner Glvcn by the Men at TRINITY CHURCH Women's International League held in Mr. A. L. Clayden has returned to his Chicago. home on Westdale Avenue after a busi- Mrs. David Shaw, of Walnut Lane, I)ess trip to Florida. will be hostess at luncheon 2.nd bridge today to members of a bridge club to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walter have which she belongs. taken ali apartment in The Swarthmore. }.-ir. \Valler, who is connected with the sylvania was on some form of relief, either public or private, at the expendi­ture. of $350,000,000 annually; and with the present unemployment relief not tem­porary but rather a continuing problem. The present organization cf public re- SARA O. RAYMOND DRESSMAKING ' February 11 Valentine Sprpd BEGINNING AT • .30 1'. iii. TICKETS. 7&c CHILDREN, 40c Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent, Bancroft Company, has been transferred Riverview Road, left by motor for Or- froO) New York, where they had been lando, Fla., where Mrs. Kent wm spend living, to \Vilmington, Del. lief services in Pennsylvania is unneees- 405 MICHIGAN AVENUE sadly cumbersome, wasteful and ineffi- fr;;;;;;;T~.~12.P;h;O;. D;.;;S;W;;arthm;;;;o;re~;2;O~9;6;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ EVERYBODY WELCOME the' remainder of the winter visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew McKay and Mt:. Me- Mrs. Charles Parker has recovered K from an attack of bronchitis which con­ay. fined her to bed in her apartment at The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gecr, of Har- Swarthmore for several days. vard Avenue, left Wednesday to spend a few days in New York. Mrs. Joseph Seal, of CorneU Avenue, is recovering from the grippe. Mr. Seal :Mrs. Ferris Thomsen and two sons, is also .ill with grippe. Tommy and Len, have been ·,isiting Mrs. Thomsen's mother, Mrs. Sargent Wal~er, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, of Swarth­of North Chester Road, since Christmas. ma"re Avenue, entertained at luncheon Last Thursday Mr .. Thomsen joined them yesterday. for the week-end and accompanied them The second rehearsal for the play to theiI: home in Annapolis, ·:Md. "Minnie Breezer" by Reby Edmund, Mrs. Walter entertained with a family which will be given by the Young dinner party before th~y left Sunday. Woman's Auxiliary of the Methodist Mrs. E. O. Thomas. of Cedar Lane, Church on Friday, February 19, was held and Miss Frances White. of Walnut at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lane, are at the Highland Park Club for Kimmel, on Haverford Place, Monday the winter. evening of this week. Besides Mr. and Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley was ill at his home on Yale Avenue this week. The Monday Luncheon Club Second Big Week SONJA HENlE "One in a Million" Adolphe Menjou DOD Ameche Ned Sparks Ritz. Brothers Borah Mlnnevitch Arlene Judge Dix.le Dunbar . Next Attraction JANE WITHERS "Can This Be Dixie" MANOR Free Parkin .. Rear af Thcatre Reliable Attendant in C;harge Friday and Saturday Feb. 5, 6 19291 19331 19351 And Now 19371 5 BIG SONG. HITS Dick Powell Joan Blondell "Gold Diggers of' 1937" VICTOR MOORE Glenda Farrell Lee Dixon Osgoad Perkins One Hou'r and a Half of Full Startling Surprises Monday and Tuesday Feb. 8. 9 BOBBY BREEN "Rainbow on the River" May Robson Charles Butterworth Tuesday-After School Matinee at '4.00 P. M. Wednesday Only Feb. 10 CHARLES LAUGHTON Mrs. Kimmel the cast includes Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, 1\Hss Marian Burgett, ~1iss Dolly Vicidy and Raymond Shu­bert. Mr. Frank M. Scheibley, of the Strath Haven Inn, has been ill this week with laryngitis. 11 rs. William H. Haun, of Syracuse, N. Y., is staying at the Strath Haven Inn several months visiting her daughter who is a member of the faculty of the Mary Lyon School. Mrs. Franklin Makens, of Morton, and her sister, Mrs. Harold Holland. of Bos­ton, ~ass., who is her house guest for a week or so, will be the dinner guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. MEDIA Last Two Days! Friday and Saturday The Locald of "Tobacco Road" Barbara Stanwyck Joel Me~rea -In- "Banjo on My Knee" A S8ga of the Mississippi -wlth- Helen Westley Anthony MartlD 8uddy Ebsen Walter BrennaD Truly the Season's Most Outstanding Picturet Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Dick Powell Joan Blondell -In- "Gold Diggers of 1937" Wednesday ''The Jungle Princess" WASHINGTON CHESTER STARTS SATURDAY FIve New Sonp end • Thousand New LIIuahs I cient. Mrs. Myers emphasized the fact that Delaware County had been particularly fortunate in a high type of poor relief I administration,· and was in no sense typical of this kind of public relief throughout the state. However, at present there are nine different kinds of help in Delaware County administered by six different public agen­cies and by the private agencies of pre­depression days, resulting in complexity and lack of uniformity, expense for the taxpayer and working hardships on those in need of aid. At 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Crossen, 2 Crest Lane, Mrs. J. Paul Brown will explain the work I' of the local Tree Commission; Mrs. Danna Bigelow and Miss Caroline Crew will speak on elections, and Mrs. Alfred Gary White on the office of constable. There was no meeting of the study group this week. • At the Boyd Adolphe Menjou pulls another hilarious performance out of his gag-bag for ClOne in a Million," Twentieth Century-Fox's Announcing SWARTHMORE HAND MADE CHOCOLATES FINEST INGREDIENTS DeLuxe Assorted ... SOc DeLuxe AS80rted with Nuts and Fruits .. 60c All Nut Cen~ers .... SOc Old Fashioned BiHer Sweets ......... SOc Combination. aU Nuts Chocolate Mint Dain-ap.~ . Fruits ...... 70c ties ............ SOc Chocolate Bran Pat-ties ............ SOc SWARTHMORE CANDlSHOP. OLD BANK BUILDING RUTGERs AVENlJE~- SWARTHMORE 108 or 956 MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED , • ern C DID you «:ver notice something about people starting for Bermuda - " • or , people Just returned? It·s the way they say it-''We're going to Ber­muda!" • _ • "We've just come from Bermudal" _ " _ pronouncing the word as if it were a charm. . Those who know Bermuda of old understand this pleasant idiosyncrasy_ Some who don't know the islands at all may only wonder. _ • and perhaps feel a twinge of envy. A"d well they should! For Bermuda does weave a spell upon its visitors. . . . Like a charm, too, are the words "Monarch" and "Queen" , •• to sophisticated pleas~re tra~elers_ For these magnificent ships are as riChly a part of Ber­muda s magic as the beaches, the sunshine, the miraculously crystal waters of Bermuda itself! The truth is that the Bermuda enchantment begins to work as you walk up the Furness gangplank. _ • even veteran travelers who ''know all ab!lut ships" are bewitched by these uniquely "pleasure-planned" vessels. . For a month, a week ••• or a longish week-end , •• Bermuda and Furness are ready to lay their enchantment upon you! All-expenlt cfuisn 01 IJarymg duration including priIJ.te barh abosrd ship and «commodation. ar 4 leading Bermud« hotel. Round Trip ateamer nlte $65 up. including pri~4lte bath. Current Sailing.: Feb. 6, 9, 11, IJ, 16,19, ZOo ~ONSUL T Y<?UR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT or F",I),II Btrmud.. Lim. J 4 Wbir .. WI Sf.. Phon, BOding Gr,m '·1100, « 614 ~iftb Ao ..... Pbtnn CO'am!l~ ,.6460. N,." York.' FURNESS Leads the way for WINTER VACATIONS .. ~ S. 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN 11IE SWARTHMOREAN at 2 o'clock in the Wesley A. M. E. . Amoug the boys of that early TrooP I Church, Bowdoin Avenue, Swarthmore. MARY'S PET RECIPE B All women of the church are earnestly were ob Sheppard, Mike Ainsworth, The Seout handbook i. the country's best seller with the excepilon of the Bible. r_ ............... E. ......... rUBLI$HED EVERY FlUDAY AT 'SW~THJIou, PA- . urged to attend this meetiug. P ... ..up Fritt..... Russ Yarnall, Walter Suplee, Ken Yar- The visitiug minister for the next Sun- Mash parsnips after boiling and nail, Walter and Harry Lang, Paul Hartel days wilt be: . February 14, the Rev. removing skin, season with salt, and many others who are still in Swarth- • ORDUYOUR MARY T. ERVIN PAPUR Editor .... pghll+. Michael M. McDivitt, D.O., of Kittan- pepper and butter. Flour the hands more and its vicinity. ning, Pa., and February '21, the Rev. and shape mixture In small cakes 7he Scouts of today are stitt carrying VAtENTlNE C,ANDY Harold Voelkel, Presbyterian Mission- dip cakes in flour and fry in baco~ on the "good tum" daily as evidenced by ary of Andong, Chosen, Korea. drippiugs or butter. Serve with some reported at a recent meeting as • TITUS J. EWIG IN HEART SHAPED BOXES Pric:ea SOc up • pork chops or roast pork. f~lows: Methodist Church Notes I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I "After an auto accident, I cleanql the -~ Candy Mailed Anywhere ROS.A..I..J.E. -DR.YD EN glass f~om the street." The monthly Missionary Sunday will he observed in the Methodist Sunday Fourth Annual M .... •• Dinner "Took care of my sister." School on February 7 at 10 o'clock when "Returned a lost book to a boy." • Pia ... s .......... eoo .. Sec'" Clu. MaUer, J......,. .. , PIERCE'S 1118 W. siate St. "eel;a 7SS tiro. P.' OfIc. at s ... 'h NIl .... ...... Act .1 _ ... - Miss Katherine" Bieri will tell some of Again the men of Trinity Church are "Did dishes for my sister!" 'running around in circles in their bun· , . the experiences of her most recent trip to .. ~'Le;n~t~a~boy;~a~ni~ck~el~.';;' ;;;;;;;;;;;; ... ;;;;;-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRID.f.,(, fPRUARY 8, 11137 Methodist Men Pledge Fight . Against Alcoholic Drinka . Considerable interest was shown in the discussion of the lesson at the Ments Bible Class of the Methodist Church on SundaY last .. The lesson dealt with the present day drinking customs, and at the close of the session the following resolu· were passed: . "Resolved that we, the members of the ROlmd Table Men's Bible Class of the Swarthmore Methodist Church, will do aU that is possible to present to the young people of Swarthmore a knowledge of the evils of strong drink and to encourage by our precept and example, to ab,;tain from indu1ging in alcoholic bever- "Also resolved that we endorse the gling masculine efforts to put on another India. Biss Bieri is the daughter of Rev. ,9f their well known dinners. John C. Bieri, the pastor of St. Luke's Methodist Church, adjoining the Meth- They are "all at jitter" in their attempt odist Hospital on South Broad Street, to live up to their previous records of uExcetlent Food, Efficiently Served," in Philadelphia. He was formerly assigned spite of a\l female prediction of failure to the Media Methodist Church and Miss in ~ears gone by. . Bieri has a wide acquaintance among the h' 'V young people of this district. A cordial T elr' alentine Spread," which they invitation is extended to all who are in- will present 'iat Trinity C4urch next terested in India and in Miss Bieri. Miss gTohoudr sdoaldy , rFoeabstr uabreye f 1d1,i nwneilrl whei tha ntortihme-r Eleanor Shinn is superintendent of the mings, including a cute Valentine at each Sunday School. The speaker was secured guest's plate. . through Mrs. Samue: O. Raymond. A. B. Chapin, of the committee, prom- Dancing Clau Transferred ises this spread wiil he as usual, not only a tre~t from an epicurean standpoint, but B~ginning this morning, Miss Alice also as a mirth provoking example of Kraft's Friday class of rhythmic dancing uPapa juggling the grub." • Wins January Bridge Tournament clauses which were inserted in the original deeds of property in the Borough of Swarthmore, and we heartily approve the actions of our Borough, officials in maintaining these provis.ions will meet at 10 o'clock in the kindergarten room of the College Avenue School in­stead of at the Rutgers Avenue building as formerly. ---..... -- Mrs. McCabe to Entertain Fort­nightly Next Monday Mrs. Wi.l1iam A. Faison, of Chester, was the wlOner of the January tourna­ment conducted by the Thursday Night Bridge Club. She had a match point score of 432J4 the founders of the :Qorough." Pboae, D ... hT 2490 S..,~i~ Valeptine A8sort~ent ORDER EARLY The Darby Flower Shoppe EDGAR E. ~Ef4UT~, Prop. Flowers For All Occasions R1C~ C. YOUNG LaDdtcape Gardener POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL DESIGNS The topic was introduced by Fred W. Yocum and the discussion was conducted the pastor, the Rev. Clarence F. r:a"'''' Mrs. Thomas McCabe, of North Ches­ter Road, will be hostess to the Fort­nightly at 2.30 next Monday afternoon, February 8. One of the finest new books, Autobio­graphy of G. K. Chesterton, will be re­viewed by Mrs. George McCracken. The winners at last week's meeting were: North and South-first, Miss Janet Middleton and A. Arnold; second, Mrs. Philip Kniskern and Bayard Mor- :=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~I=.I rison; third, Mrs. William Faison and F. O'Neil. East and West-first, Mrs. • Arthur Robinson and Mrs. Daniel Good- Christian Science Church "Spirit"' is the subject of the Lesson­Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 7, The Golden Text is: "We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the "p,mof the Lord" (II Corinthians 3:18). One of the Harper critic says of this book "It is one of those books which one reads for the fun of reading, wholly aside from the information it might convey. It is so full of anecdotes, criticism, mem­ories, that the reader can hardly stop at the chapter ends to take breath." Ches­terton ·is intimately acquainted with all the great one's of his generation-James Barrie, Wells, Shaw-and this autobio­graphy is made gay with experiences shared by this group of friends. win; second, Dr. and Mrs. John Murphy; third, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. • Next Week Is Boy Scout Week Next week, the twenty-seventh birth­day of Scouting, reminds this community of the adventures Scouting offers to its boys and encourages them to join . It' is an old story to Boy Scouts but an ever thriUing one to those who have had the privilege of Scout training and Scout­ing experiences. Shortly after the Boer War, Sir Baden-Powell formed the Boy Scouts of England. In 1909 William D . Boyce. a Chicago publisher was seeking a difficult address in London~ A boy approached him and asked "May I be of service to you, sir?" Mr. Bo}rce told him wher-: he wanted to go and on being led to the desired spot, offered the boy a shilling. The boy promptly replied, UNo, sir, I am a Scout. Scouts do not accept tips for courtesies." The man in surprise, murmured, "What did you say?" The scout repeated and then added. uDon't you know about the Scouts?" Mr. Boyce said, uTell me about them." The boy did and then led him to headquarters where he gathered all available informa­tion and returned to America. • Trinity Church Notes On Sunday morning the Rev. J. Jar-den Guenther wilt begin his eighth year as rector of Tr.inity Parish, Swarthmore Th~;~ten~ services will begin next Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock with the Penitential Office and Holy Communion. Lit;'"v and Evening Prayer will be at 8 Immediately after the services on Wednesday morning the women of the Parish will meet for their Lenten sew­ing and weekly luncheon. On Friday afternoons the children of the Sunday School will meet immediately after their daily school sessions for' In­terestiinlr project work. All scholars are asked to be present by 3.30 o'clock. At 4.30 Mr. Guenther wll conduct a Chil­drens' Service in the church. The Friday evening services will not begin until February 19, when the Rev. D. Wilmot Gateson, D.D., rector of the Church of the Saviour I Philadelphia, will he the guest preacher. Miss Florence Garrett, o{ So. Princeton A venue, will be hostess this Sunday to the regular bi-weekly meeting of the J. J.'s at 7 P. M. Presbyterian Church Notes At the morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock the preacher will be the Rev. David Braun, of Syracuse, N. Y., who has chosen as his subject, "Christian E.vidence!' The Woman's Association will meet next Friday, February 12. Therc will he an aU day sewing meeting with luncheon served at 12.30, and a short business meeting at 1.30. The afternoon program will be postponed because of the ohservance of the World Day of Prayer HARRY BENTON SRIDLE. law or 208 Rutgers Avenue. Literary sketches wm be given by Mrs. Robert Gilfillan and Mrs. Thomas Jack-son. • Girl Scout News Troop 16 will meet at the Woman's Club House tomorrow, Saturday, for a troop meeting with a formal opening. All scouts who attend should come in full uniform prepared to practice first and second class signaling. Over fifty girls were present at the joint troop meeting of Troops 6 and 194 last Saturday morning in the High School gymnasium. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, local Brown Owl, and her pack of Brownies with their guest, Mrs. Ward Wheelock. The following eight Brownies uflew up" to Girl Scout Troop member­ship: Betty Ellen Littlefield, Judy Koch, Jean Storrs, Elaine Kite, Jessie Gilbert, Mary Gary, Ria Hanzlik and Elsie Reunig. After the fly up members of Troop 194 received badges-for scholarship, Ann Gorman, Holly James, Jane Schoff, Carol Maude Froebel; for child nurse, Carol Maude Froebel. Mrs. Robert Bair planned costumes with the older girls. Mrs. A. P. Whit­aker is teaching three Mexican folk dances and giving lessons in guitar and man ... dolin. Mrs. A. L. Venturini has offered help to any who are interested in bugle, fife or drum. Court of Honor will be held in three sections at the close of tomorrow's meet­ing. Important business for aU is to be planned. PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Inluraace IIlCludill1" Life Delaware County, Pennsyl- Notary Public On February 8, 1910, Mr. Boyce and some of his associates incorporated The Boy Scouts of America. As early as the fall of 1911 and probably in 1910 Swarth­more Scouts were organized under the leadership of Mr. Claghorn, a manual training teacher at the High School. CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH Pt'Oteatant Eplseopal Chester Road and CollC!Rf" A .... nOfO R ...... .I. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M .• R«tol' R,-v. T. A. MerywE"RthE"r. Dil'. Ret. Edue. SUNDAY 8:00 A. Y.-Hot,. Communion. 9:45 A. M.-Sunday Sehool and Bible ClaCls. 11 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wit) preaeh. ASH WEDNESDAY 10 :00 A. M.-Penitential Oftiee aud • Communion. 8:00 P. M.-Litany and Evening Prayer. FRIDAY'. FEBRUARY 12th 3:30 P. M.-Projeet work. 4 :30 P. M.-Childrens· Service. Holy THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH sUNDAY 9:46 A. M.-Bible School. of Administration cum testamento on the above Estate havinR been 417 DARTMOunr AVE. SW, 1833 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Rev. to Blanche Glass Shidle. 208 Rutgers _______________ -= Braum. or Symcuse. David SwaUar thpmerosroen. s Pain.,d eabntedd Gtoir artdh e Tsluaisdt MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON 7:00 P. M.-Chrlstian Endeavor. requested to make payment. and METRODtST EPISCOPAL CBURCR '.-~.;;;I-;,g·clJlims to present the same. with. .. Claftllee F. Carter. A.B• • B..D .. lliabter the office of JOSEPH Eo QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODCRASS. US"T. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. B ... d and Ch .. 'n.' S,,...... I FUNERAL DlREC rORS Philadelphia. A. A. JACKSON, PresidenL BELL PHONE " MEDIA" PA ORDER YOUR FLOWERS EARLY FOR VALENTINE'S DAY, FEB. 14 for Mother, Wife or Sweetheart ALWINE'S Baltimore Pike Springfield SWARTHMORE 450 SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 11 !OO A. H.-Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.-Epworth League meetings. 7:45 P. Y.-Evening Worship. TIlE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 1,4' A-IL-FI>at .,.,. SohooL 9 :45 A. M.-The .A:dult Class. ''The Lire of Lucretia Mott"-speaker. Franees Blansbanl. 11 :eo .. for Wonbtp to the _H_ PnIST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIBNTIST, OF SWARTRIlORB P.rk AftII1W Wow Banard 11:00 A.. IL-SDD_ SchooL n :01 A.. lL-Suada7 J a S ae. Wo- '.,a ....... " .. ..... ._.._. I4 tMd_IQ .1'O,C"IIII "op'e4 da:ibM· ~,_ Su­. All an c:aa 'leg,. ~ to ........... 1 Ir.- ead _ tIae R 'I -- PERSONAL LOANS for the INDIVIDUAL The Pennsylvania Company has long sought to keep its banking service modem and attuned to the needs of the public. For many years it has made loans and has given sound busi­ness counsel to credit-worthy mer­chants and manufacturers. Today the useful field of credit be­. longs as much to the modest income groups as to larger business enter­prises. Professional and salaried men and women, established wage earners, proprietors of small businesses, in fact anyone whose income is steady and assured, is entitled to borrow money for proper and constructive purposes. The Pennsylvania Company takes pleasure in announcing the inaugura­tion of its Personal Loan Service, another progressive step toward a complete banking service to metro­politan Philadelphia. This plan, copvenient and economical, is now available at the main office and each of the ten branch offices in Philadel­phia and its suburbs. Details of this Personal Loan PI"" '1';/1 h. gladly furnish.a at any office of ths Cmnpany FOUNDEO t812 THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES 69th Street Braoch:"7018 Garren Road. Membe,. Pede,.,,1 Deposit l"'"r"nc~ (:p"/1oral;oll

---------- Page 4 ----------

~ I , , ! , I I 'f ' ' , , f 1: I , ! r I f * t I ;1 .~ I ' ,! : ~J ·n , 1 l ! : THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 5, 1937 ~C~L~A~S~S~I~F~IE-D-- -==E=V=E=N=TS~ ~N~O=TE=D~ ~F~O~R- -~Ge~or~ge ~L.~ V~an~ A~len~; E~pi=sco-pa~l, M~rs~. J~. ~~Th=e J:ay. V:ee= tea=m=, h-ow:eve~r, ~ea-sily- d-e--Ja-ck-son-, -M-rs.- Warder Cresson, Mrs. 4 , Burris West. Mrs. Marion Robinson will feated the Eddystone Reserves, 12-7. Harry Miller, Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge FOR RENT FOR RENT-Until June-two rooma with private bath. Ideal for bllaID" eouple.. Telephone Swarthmore 14,17. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Turiteyll, 8-16 lb.. Price, IZc lb. KUled to order on lew day noUce. De­livertd. Saturday., or anytime by mall at cost of PGllage. Telephone Swarthmore 12&7, W8r­ren D • .Johnson, Nottingham. Pa. WANTED WORK WANTED-Local eolored maD. lawn, gardener, hoWleman. Careful driver. Call Swarthmore 207-.J between 4.80 Bnd 9 P. M. HELP . WANTED-Maid lor second work. Moat have rererehCftl. Sleep In. Telepbl1De Swarthmore 1211. 111 Wayetle Ave .... e-$65 Larrre Uvln. room, ftre:rlace. encloled pl1rc:h. . dbdnrr room an kltcheD, three bed ... rooms, third Roor finlahed, hot water heat. 011 bumer, .aral'e. ---== WM. 5, BI1'TI.E , Swarlbm .... 111-.1 Notary Public ~ In.uranee - Real FAlla .. MORTGAGES Straight or InataUment Ipte".t char.e. are redUc.ed with each bubdhoent paymenL We prepare a.nd act UPOD all appUca.­lion. withip two or three cia,... If you are thialdDS' of huying • home, we CIlD be ... ry helpful to you. SWEENEY &. CLYDE MORTGAGE BROKERS 29 E. Fifth Street Che.ter Phone Che.ter 8141 EDWYN RORKE REGISTERED ARCHITECT 12 Simpson Road, Ardmore, P .. HOMES DESIGNED, FINANCED AND BUILT P.hoaer Ardmore 4tH YE Village Window Cleaner 1 , A, HAUGER, Prop. • ---==Sw=art=hm:o.r.e. :1.9= ----;• • "I'M NO SANTA ·CLAUS •• :" "Today I installed a telephone! for an old lady who lives by her­self, She's been pretty lonely, she; said, since both her children, moved out of town. Now that she has a telephone, they can call her up any time - and she can call them. She feels safe with a telephone in her home -and it must be a comfort to her chil­dren to know she can get help quickly if she' needs it. "Another job was an extension telephonethatwillenableayoung mother to ailswer calls without leaving her baby alone and with­out running up and down stairs, , I'm no Santa <;:taus-but I made a lot of people happy today just. by installing telephones." • • • An extra telephone for your home-upstairs or in the kit. chen-costs less than three cents a day. The service con­nection charge is only $2.00. To order an extension tele­phone" just call the Business Office-or ask any telephone employee. THI am _TUOMI COMPANY ~ Of PlNNSYLYANIA ~ sing. Last Friday the Swarthmore lads were and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy, of Swarth- LOCAL CLUB WOMEN The program for the day was arranged defeated 51-27 by Chester High School in more, and Mrs. Roger Wood, of Ridley by Miss Mabel Shaw, 01 the Livingstone a game played at Chester. Park, will be hostesses. Swarthmore Club Chorus Rehears­ing for Spring Concert; Non­Members Eligible The Chorus of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore is meeting regularly at the club house each Monday morning at 10 o'clock under the direction of Henry Hot!, in preparation for the annual concert to be held in the Spring. Mr. Hotz is well known in Philadelphia and vicinity for his outstanding choruses, conspicuous among which is "The Madrigals," which has given several concerts in Swarthmore. The Women's Club Chorus is open to nOD-members of the club. Arrangements may be made through the chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, of Dartmo\lth Avenue, by telephoning Swarthmore 2080. At the semi-monthly Thursday morning Literature Section meeting, Mrs. Dana Bigelow rcviewCjJ Y.era BrHtain's "The Honorable Estate," which gives a keen insight into British life and manners. Mrs. Arno Viehoever, chairman, caBs attention' to the Delaware County Liter­ature Contest, all entries for which must be in by March 10. The State Literature Contest closes April IS. Today, Friday, February 5, at 10.30 A. M., at the Media Woman's Club, Mrs. J. O. Hopwood will start a study and forum of County GoVtcnlmqnt at the Citizenship School. The Museum of the University of Pennsylvania will present the program folJowing the stated meeting on Tuesday, February 9. Phillipus Miller, assistant curator, will give an illustrated lecture on "Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Palestine and Egypt." Tea will be served, the hostesses being Mrs. William B. Bullock and Mrs. William Harvey. • Police and Fire Department News At 7,50 P. M. las! Friday, Harvey P. Rucker, of Chester, was summoned to appear for hearing on February 9 for thru traffic violation at Swarthmore Ave­nue and Chester ·Road. At 3 A. M., Saturday, Daniel M. Wright, of Drexel Hill, was arrested for zigzag driving. 'He was to appear on the 4th. On Tuesday at 8.30 A. M.t Benjamin Martin, of the Swarthmore Ford Service, reported his garage, at the corner of South Chester Road and Fairview Road, had been entered through a rear window and a radio and some candy taken. At 3.40 P. M. the local Fire Company sent two pieces of apparatus to assist at a barn fire at Pal~ers Comer. To Observe World Day of Prayer Here Next Friday The annual Day of Prayer, participated in by woman of all churches throughout the world, wilt be observed in Swarth­more on Friday afternoon, February 11, at a service in the Wesley A. M. E. Church at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Quin­lan will be the leader, assisted by the following representatives of the Friends' Meeting and local churches: Friends, Mrs. Louis N. Robinson; Methodist, Mrs. Alfred Williams; Presbyterian, Mrs. Buying that good White Ash Coal from a yard that can and does deliver it when we need it. CALL VAN ALEN BROS. FOR COAL or FURNACE OIL Phone: Swarthmore 10412 Memorial Girls' Boarding School, at Tonight at 7.15 they journey to Sharon Mbereshi, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Hill. Over 500,000 copies are being used in the Last Thursdar. January 28, the deler- PROPOSAL Sealed bIds wUl be received (n Co1lJlcli Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore. Penna. at 7:n P. J4.. March 8rd. 193'1, for the tlUPPI)o 01 lltandard Irrade. of &,asoline and lubrieatlnc 011 as required bY' the BoroU&'h for' the ~ mainder of the calendar year 193'1. to be .. ned to the Borough'. pollee can and hlghwa, truck and, at the BoroUgh'lI option. to its ftre trucb. as deaJ&'bated. within the corporate limits of the Borouah of Swarthmore. United States. mined Garnet girls' basketball team trav- Mrs. F. W. H~dley is chairman of the clled to Lansdowne to renew the tradi-local Interdenominational Committee. tional rivalry that exists between them • SWARTHMORE MAN ADDRESSES L. W. V. Dr. Reavis Cox, Wharton School Profesaor, Speaker on "Gov. ernment and Comumer Standards" Tueaclay Although we have gone a long way to­ward protecting the consumer from the worst abuses in some industries, we have made little progress in securing the op­portunity to buy wisely, Dr. Reavis Cox said at a meeting of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters on Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's Club. Dr. Cox, who spoke on "Government and Consumer Standards," is Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of Finance and Administration, of the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania. He is a resident of Hillbom Avenue, "Swarthmore. "The professional economist has al­ways talked of the importance of the consumer," he said, "but we have never given the consumer much attention. In the last few years we have become conscious of the significance of the buyer and the necessity for an organized pres­entaticn." Our former methods of buying j'blind," by inspection or by sample were inade­quate, Dr. Cox declared, adding that a standardization of grading was essential for efficient buying. "The government, for a number of rea­sons, .is the most logical agency for estab­lishing standards. It has the advantages of great resources, it is more apt to be disinterested and it is the only agency which has the, power to make people co­operate if necessary. On the other hand its great weakness lies in the fact that Jt is subject to pressure groups. liThe government should participate be­cause we obviously need a high degree of protection against harmful goods for a great many people, as the weak, the ignorant and the careless. Also there are some abuses in refere.lce to weights, containers, etc., to which we are al1 sub­ject. This is an opportunity to use the government so that we might spend our money wisely." Dr. Cox said that the League could be of value because it was c10sely related to proposed legislation, such as the Food and Drug Act. Even if the bitt was passed there would stitt be the job of carrying on. loWe have to decide what standards we want," he said. "We have the problem of wording the label, by grade markings, in technical language or by general de­scription. We can act as a gad-fly to make sure standards are set up promptly and that standards are revised. And we must make up our minds whether we want grading extended to other fields." The next meeting of the Swarthmore League, on March 2, will be under the direction of :Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, chair­man of. Government and Education. Dr. Lee L. Driver, of the Department of ~ub1ic Instruction, Harrisburg, will speak on "Efficiency in School Adminis­tration." Boys Lose, Girl. Win On Tuesday afternoon, February 2, the Garnet and White basketball team of Swarthmore High School travelled to Eddystone where they lost one of the most poorly played games of the season by the ~core of 21-7. \Vith two veterans, 'Cap­tain Fitz Jennings and Johnny Richards, the local team faced the Stoners and took one of the worst beatings in recent years. Although the team as a whole played very poorly, much credit must be given to George Collins who played a very fast and scrappy game. A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 and Virginia Allen's basketeers. Gin­ger's protegees turned back Sally's stars 29-18 for the first time in seven years. The scoring was led by Betty Douglas who cut the cords for 12 points and by Barbara Bagby, acting captain, who col­lected five twin pointers. The Swarthmore seconds were nosed out 33·30 in a nip and tuck battle. The first team girls deleated the team at Lower Merion 29-15 on Tuesday of this week. The second team was also I victorious. I The next two games on schedule are Haverford, at home, February 4, and Glen-Nor, away on the 11th. I • To Entertain AIUIIlJli Group The Beta ]ota alumnae luncheon and business meeting of the Kappa Kappa Gamma wit1 be held at 1 o'clock tomor­row afternoon, Saturday, February 6, at I the home of Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, on North Chester Road. Mrs. A. F. Exquisite Flowers and Plants for Valentine Gifts! Novelty Arrangementsl Assorted Boxes Cut Flowers Corsages of Gardenias, Orchid .. Violets, elc. THE Marot Flower Shop ... 315 Dickin.on Ave, ~ Pho .. e554 The succemdul bidder will be required to lurnish B bond with suffIcient luret7 (nl1t neceuarUy corporate surely) In the amount 111 60 per cent 01 the amount 01 the contraet. 811 required by Jaw. The Borough reserves the rflrht to reject any or al1 bids. ' , ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON, Borough Secretafl!'. . For Sale On the Hill Real Bargain for Quick TUl'Pover Four Bedroom HOUle, Insulated; two-car garaseJ oil burner. Price $13,500 M.PARKER Swartlunore 42 ~~~ A Set of Dishes Given Away Each Saturday in February to a Lucky Coupon Holder in the RexaD Birthday Sale Quality Merchandise at Lowest Prices A Coupon with Every Sale Victor D. Shirer Shirer Building Swarthmore 586 Phone Order. Delivered Promptly VALENTINE SUGGESTIONS GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for Week of February 4 to February 10, incl. Libby's Corned Beef Hash Swift's Premium Corned Beef Uco Pancake Flour Libby's Tomato Juice U-co WHOLE KERNEL C GOLDEN BANTAM om Log Cabin Syrup Uco Pumpkin Softasilk Cake Flour Friend's Oven Baked Beans Uco Coffee Reg. Size Can 2 12 oz. Cana 20·oz. Pkg. Rea. Sl%e Can 2 No.2 Can. Table Size Can llc 25c 5c Sc 19c 19c No. 2!1 Size Can 7 C 40-oz. Pkg. 23c 12c 23c Largest Can Pound Can Vacuum Packed SMALL CAN UCO MILK FREE Kellogg's Rice Krispies White House Apple Butter 2 Reg. Size Pkgs. 28-oz. Jar 17c 10c Ready Meal Cal. Sardines Tomato Sauc. La,g. Oval Can 6c Madonna Brand Tomato Paste 6 R.g. Size Ca •• 25c Gold Medal Flour S·lh. Bag 23c Shamrock Ammonia Qu"" Botti. Sc Wyandotte Cleanser Reg. SIze Can 9c Sani Flush R.g. Siz. Can 16c Woodbury's Soap Cake 6c F els Naptha Soap 4 Ba.. 15c Fels Naptha Soap Chips Lg •. Pkg. 17~c Rioso Small Pkg. 6~c Lux Flakes Small Pkg. 8J1c La'ge Pkg. 20c Do YoW' &nking With LEGS 01' Baby Spring Lamb Ih. 23c SHOULDERS 01' Baby Spring Lamb with Raek lb. 11 c SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Mon. Tue •• & ~ Onions Ih. 2c Wed. only ~ ,Spinach lb. Sc Open 9 A, M. to 9 P_ M., Monday to Thuraday 9 A. M. to lOP. M., Friday a1ld Satanlay • Member Federal Depoait I .......... c. Corporatio.., f Plenty of Free P ... ki ... Space • J 0 CI CI 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00. 0 0 0 a 0 Q Q ~~ Q Q : Q Q : : Q : I Q 0 Q Q : Q : : ~-..:-H' !I.o. ..._ ___• '•Y ;.."o .u_Can_;;._' B.UY_.I.t_F.o.r__Lesa . a.t.th_e_•r•.i a _n.t_T.ig;::er':..' ____• SW~I~THM(JJ~E CClL.L.E(;E L. I 131~~ln ,!-:r·,~"OlAU.SUfm SW~I~THMOI~E . rttYY1(J 3'1 '-'~. !1,'. '. , . " VOL. IX, No, 7' SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 12, 1937 RECEIVE REPORTS OF STATE CONVENTIONS' World Day of Prayer Servo I HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR I ~R~EiI~~RfiiW ice Here T ocIay Swarthmore's observance of the PLAY NEXT FRIDAY II Frederick J. Libby wilt speak. ulltler the auspices of the Swarthmore branch \Vorld Day of Prayer wilt be held of the \\romen's International League, on Local Delegates Recount Las. '11is year in the \Vesley A. M. E. 'Bemard Shaw's "Arms and the "Immediate Peace Legislation," at 3 Week's Activities Before School Board Church. At 2 o'clock this after- Man" to Star Susan Wolters o'clock next Wednesday afternoon, Feb-noon, Friday, February 12th, the 17 h . B 1M' 1 S I various churches of the Borough and William Shay ruary t, III om J: emona, wart 1- o morc Coltege campus. In addition to the regular monthly rt!~ wi:! ~Ilite in the program under the I On Friday evening, February 19th./ As executive secretary of the National ports reccived at the February meeting (oHowing representative leaders: I at 8.15, in the High School auditorium Council for the Prevention of 'Var, with of the SwarthmOJe School Board on Mrs. JoselJh Quinlan, A. M. E. the Senior Class of Swarthmore High headquarters in \Vashington, Mr. Libby Monday evening, the president, Dr. Rob- Church; Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, School will present "Arms and the Man" I has uncommon opportunities to study the ert C. Disque, and treasurer, Roland L Friends' Meeting; :r..'lrs. AHred by Bernard Shaw. ' legislative situation. He comes oppor- Eaton, gave a summary of the State \Vitliams, Methodist; Mrs. George This pleasant play, under the direction tunely now when world e\'ellts have taken School Directors' Association Conven4 L. Van Alen, Preshyterian, and of :Miss Hanna Kirk, wilt he llroduceu in a disturbi.lIg turn, and nations seem to tion which they attended in Harrisburg Mrs. John Burris West, Episcopal. typical Shaw fashion. The audience wHl be travelhng the fatal road to war. In on Wednesday and Thursday of last Everyone is invited to attend q}C carried away by the light ,hulllor the his discllssion of internati1mal politics he week. Dr. Disque, who served on the tltis service. The annual observ- II ridiculous tragedy, and the gentle s~tirc, will speak of practical :ste~s that may be committee on resolutions, said of Mr. alIce is Jlarticipated in by women accomplished hy the unusual, and sOl11e- taken to lessen the hkehhood of such Eaton, chairman of the legislative com- of all churches th'.oughout the I times unorthodox style of Mr. Shaw. At catastrophe. mittee-UThis organization is in need of world. this lime. when the world is threatencd ----<.>---- intelligent leadership and Mr. Eaton goes with the prospect of war, this little play a long way in supplying it." which criticises the barbaric militarism In Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders iIlr,ess Trained Pets in Circus of supposedly ch·ilized nations, should he Supervising PrinCipal Frank R. Morey, . , I particularly allpropriate. Mrs. Morey, and Mis~ Sadie Chadwick, Pamahaslka s Pets are well known to I The cast of "Arms and the ~Ian" in-of the High School staff, attended the many Swa.rtll1norcans who tcured the eludcs only eight parts but is filled by State School Secrctaries' Convention held ~oulltry WltI!, the famous Swarthmore one of the most talented group of players on February 2. C1~autauqlla. One by Olle they have a Senior Class has had to offer in many TO END L.W.V. STUDY GROUP NEXT WEEK Practical Application of Study in Local Government Will Be 1\ir. Eaton brought to the attention of re~lstered. pleasure that these delightful years. Susan 'Volters as Raina the Taken Up Tuesday the Board the annual convention of the annnals w!th ,'thom they travelled arc to idealistic, haughty, young daughter' of a Delaware COllnty School Directors' As- be scen III Swarthmore on Saturday f.ocially prominent family' 'Villi am Shay The final meeting of the Swarthmorc sociation, of which he is president, and afternoon, February 20th, at the Players' as Captain Bluntschli, ':The Chocolate League of "'omen Voters' study-group which wil1 be held in the Media High Clu!), when. they Will be presented for the I Cream Soldier"; 'VaIter Scott as Sergius all "Local Government" will be held on School auditorium on Thursday, Febru- JUClIIl o'rI d aud',ednc er oI f t. he IClu'b .S aranoff, t II e dl'S I' 1U1S' londe, romantI. c STuesdIay, CFebrua ry 16th, at 2 Cres1t L'aIn e, ary ~8, with a morning forum and an. 11 rcn s e Ig 1t 111. t lese unusual !lets young officer, and Eleanor Gaede as wart unore rest, the home 0 .l rs. afternoon speaker. IS assur~(l. Ther~ Will be cleve~ birds Lauka, the handsvme defiant servant girl T. ,V. Crossen. At this time, Mrs. Teachers at the Rutgers Avenue per.forllllng an.13zmg stunts, while the play the leading rol~s. Ted Hannum a~ Harry Jerome will outJine suggestions School reported the lunchroom arrange- tramcd l~ny will ~c an extra. featur~ not Major Petkoff, the puffy, self-important for local governments made in the re- ment very sah.s fa ctory. This year a man always utclu.ded m the Soc. lety Cucus. lather 01 Ra',na', Consta'lce· Hcg as search work 'of the American Philoso-is sent from the College Avenue cafeteria 'Vord ,has Just been receIved that the Catherine, his imperious wife; James phical Society and by the Pennsylvania to the Rutgers Avenue building at 11.30 m~nagem~l~t expected to make th.e sur- Morris as Nicola, the cool impcrturahle League of Women Voters. With 3 view A. M. with hot food and a girl to serve prise ad~ltlOn of a clown, who Wilt add man servant, and Harry F:eer as a Rus- to measuring the efficiency of our own to. a umque program for Swarthmore sian officer give exceJlent support in their Borough government by the standards of it.TI Ie use I . h R A chAl1dre.". I I '11 b • parts. ' these research reports, the following who 0 a room III t e utgcrs ve· smg e per ormance WI e given Tile scene of the play 'IS la',d ,'n a small have made studies of our local set-up, nue building was granted Miss Maja I 300 430 d 'II b Schade, of Walnut Lane, who will con- rom .. to . p'. m. an WI not e town of Bulgaria, during a war between witt compare their findings and make sug-repeated In the evemng. R' d S . . h I 1800' gestions that might prove of benefit to duct children's dancing classes there from T' k b b' d h h M USSt3 an erVla, III t e ate s. H D • , lC ets may e 0 tame t roug rs. Th I . . I f I" our own community: ~irs. ugh en- 3 untt! 4 oc1ock Wednesday afternoons. G P W f e pot consists malO yo camp Icahons . . W · I h B d . d h eorge . arren, treasurer 0 the arising from a nightly intrusion of worth, Local F11lance and Taxation, also, info.m,t aI tioreng trheat t t e oar rec<.tve t e Players' Club Junior C 'tte ' W II k 1.1 J Ii t K t P bl' Mis~ Gtacc Wi) h d . omml e. Raina's bedroom by an enemy officer. e are wor; rs. u e en, u IC of the Latin d~par~ent who ~~en~y '5;' ~"'x· i' ~-N' "t-'T 'ad 'The story·i.!:'givell arT arnusing twist by ,Property; br1rs-. Theodore W. Cross.en, restlmed her duties after' a month's ab- gma I ec ex u ay the escapades of Sergius with Louka, FP~lblicD Heatlth, tand Mrs. F. A. Child. sence whcn she underwent an appendix On Tuesday, February 16, a Sigma Xi 1I1 e mal' d 0 I Ili'S fi ancee. "Ire .epar m'en . ... lecture wiJI be given in the Hall of • TIllS study group has been attended by operation, was agall1 . 111 havmg suffe. red CleIm'ls try at S wart h more C 0 II ege, at 8. 15 t wen t y t 0 thOI r Iy m• te rest c d womcn. Th e a.n attack of the grippe and comphca- P. M., by Professor John von Neumalm, T\VO LECTURES OF INTER- final meeting wilt welcome anyone who tlOns and would be unable to return for of the Institute of Advanced Study, EsT AT COLLEGE cares to see the possibilities of the prac-some time. Princeton, N. J., the subject of Pro- tical application of studies in government • Constantine A. Oumansky, Counselor S h .. New Athlell'c Branch at H. S. fessor von Neumann's talk will be "Pro- to the Russian Embassy at Washington, to our own wart more SituatIOn. \-Valter Sanford, Jerry Jerome, Roland babiUty in Modem Atomic Physics." wilt analyze the new Constitution of the • G. E. Ullman, Jr., Ted Saulnier, Jim All members of the Society of Sigma Soviet Republic in an address this eve- HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Dryden and Bob Delaplaine. of the Xi residing in Swarthmore and all others ning at 8 P. M. in the Friends' Meeting Swarthmore High School wrestling team, who may be interested are cordially 111- House. The lecture is sponsored by the DEFEAT SHARON HILL W.I t I1 t h e coae II , L • J • S erval.S , and L eon- vitcd to attend. • I Jlolitical ~cience department of S warht-ard Peck attended the Peml-Columbia more College. wrestling matches at the U.liversity of INTERESTING HOME Mr. Oumansky, one of the Soviet's Pennsylvania last Saturday afternoon. younger diplomats, recently came to this vais, former inter-collegiate wrestling Washington. Until this past year, he Slage Come-back in Third Quar· ter of Friday's Game for Each Tuesday after school Mr. Ser- 20·19 Score AND SCHOOL SESSION country tL assume his present post in champion and erstwhile instructor in served as Chief of the Press Division of On Friday, February 5, the Swarth-w. restling Uat Pe·nn , taI kes bth e local boyds M embe rsof C oIeI ge, HI' gh S cho oI the People's Commissariat of Foreign more courtmen, though handicapped by II1to the niverslty or 0 servation an Affairs in Moscow. In this position he the loss of their captain, Fitz Jennings, prach.c e W.i t I1 ot h er enth US'l 3sts. and Grade School Faculties was the news release supervisor for in- who is out because of leg in)' uries, met A s ye t no mate h es Il ave b cell sch e d u Ie d Ten "How to Write" ternational publicity 011 the ConstitutI.O n a strollg Sharon Hi!l five and won by for the Swarthmore team but it is pas- The speakers of the Home and School in its formative period. the close score of 20-19. It took the sible it will meet the Penn freshman in meeting, held at Swarthmore High D on Sa ivda o r d e '.. tI a dar·la ga, 1.1 1 t erna- G arnet qu.m tet qui. te a w hl' ie to get gO,t ng, the ncar future. :Mr. Servais held the School. Monday evening, February 8th, b.o naI stat esman, WI·1 1 b egm. hI'S Lr oope r I f or t h e Sha ron H'II I b oys had them 8-0 bantam amateur wrestling championship wcre Dr, O. S. Nelson, of the University F'o und a tI'O n Icc utres ta the C ~ lieg e ne.x t 1. 0 th e fi rs t quarter and II -7 at the end of the United States in 1917 and 1923 and of Penl1sylvania; Miss Mary Kiser, of Th ursd ay, .~L' e br uary 18 ,speak mg on the loI th eha I.f But 'In the t h1'1 ':d quarter the also defeated the Canadian champion in the local third grade; Miss Mary Ober- subject of "The Theory and Practice off Garnet passers found themselves and the latter year. lin, of the High School, and Dr. Robert International Relations." He will de-scored two field goals in succession. As Friendly -C-ir-c-I-e+·-N-e-,.-t-Thursday E. SlliHer, of Swarthmore College. liver four more lectures Oil consecuti~e I the fourth quarter progressed Salerno, The February meeting of the Friendly The talks were on the assi"~' ned sub- Thursdays, all on the same general1 tOPIC. I stocky guard of the Hill team sank two Circle witl be held at 2 o'clock next iect "How to "'rite:' Miss Kiser. third Mr. Madariaga served for severa years I push-shots, putting his team out in front, o-rade teacher in the College Avenue as permanent delegate to the League of I but Swarthmore came dght back and Thursday afternoon, the 18th, at the '" . La I home of Mrs. Ralph Rhoads, 333 N. Ruilding, spoke of "Creative '''riting'' Nations for the Repub!ic of S~aU1. .. st made two long shots. making the count l.lrinceton Avenue. with childrcn. She told of her struggle year, howcver, he re5lgned thiS posItion 19-18 in favor of Sharon Hill. In the • with the children in getting them to ex- because he felt that he was being treated I last minute to play, as Sharon Hill was Preparatory Tea m W.I.L. Drive press themselve!>. She suggested the usc unjustly by the radical Spanish press a?d freezing' the ball, Teddy Dingle snatched A tea for the local workers in the 'V. of a diary or journal, because it makes by Spain's Foreign Minister. Willie I the oval from Salerno, dribbled down the I. L. drive was held at 2.30 yesterday for more ease in sclf-expression. Miss permanent delegate, he was appointed j' court, and sank a beautiful one~hand stab. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Philip Kiser's class has recently llllhlished head of the Committee of Thirteen which I This victory was the fourth league win Jewett, on Kenyon A,·enue. The drive, "Three Steps Up," a compilation of their investigated the Italo-Ethi~pian disputes. i and it put Swarthmore .in second place. which official1y opens February 24th, is works in poetry and .storic,s. Hc also held the secretanat of several, The Jay Vees had a very easy time to raise funds for the' Peace Chest in Miss Oberlin, . Garuct,' s~nsor' .and i~portant commissions, inc1udillg' that~ on I' when they defeated the Sharon Hill ~e-which, this ycar, the 'Vomen's Interna- tcacher in thc High: School, exp1amed disarmament. serves by th,e score of 28-11. . tional League for Peace and Freedom, the prohlems of "'Vriting for Publica- In ]931 after a republican form .of The local team wilt meet Media, .at the National Council for Prevcntion of tion" hy telling the problems of editing I government. had been adopted by SpaID; 7.15 to.night, Friday, February 12, at 'Var, and the Emergency Peace Com- the school paper: The cost per page and Mr. Macianaga was drafted to serve as home, III a league battle. Next Tues­pai~ ll. are co-ojleratin~. At Thursday's proof readin~ of thc stories or articles I ambassador to the United S.tatcs .. ~or day a gamc is scheduled with Glen-Nor tea Mrs. Samuel ~Jorris, of the Phila-I were am()n~ the l~lain Ilro~lI(,l11s, She told I the n~xt ~wo years he s~ryed 1~1 a sll.11Ilar at homc at 3.15 P. M. delphia office, spoke. _ of the fine eXllenence gamed by the stu- c~paclty Ill. Francc. Slllec .Ius res~~a- • Assisting lIiss Olive Clea"es, Swarth-' dents on the staff, They leam what it i51 lion from,llIs League of Nahons pOSItIon, Local Girls Win Again marc chairman of the drive, arc Mrs., E. to be turned down by advcrtisers, to plan Madariaga has been extensively. . . A. Jenkins, Mrs. A. Prescott 'Villis, Mrs. the magazhte and to balance the humor .in Ellg1and a~d the Umted States on 1 he loc~l HIgh Sc~ool gIrls camc Philip Jewett. Mrs. \Valter R. Shoe- and fi:tion. Most students like about! lecture tours m behalf of the re.cently through With another victory, Thursday, maker, lIrs. J. V. S. Bishop, }'Irs. Frank se\"Cnty-five per cent humor. I formed "\Vorld Foundation," of which he, !'ebruary 4th, when they dow:oed a fight- Lawrence, Miss Ann Orr, Mrs. Francis Dr. Spiller, head of the English depart- is chairman. lUg Haverford sextet 24-22 In a.,IC?Osely Harper, l\irs. Robert Brooks. Mrs. Lewis ment at the college, spoke on writing for • played f!3me. Fussell. 'Mrs. Robert C. Disque, Miss I adults. He brought out the thought that Advanced From 2nd Lieutenant The. Jayvees .a!so came O?t on top, Littian D!ckson, Miss Isabelle Bronk, I evcryone wants to write but self-con- s.\V~mpIDg the vIsitors 3Q-18 In the pre- Mrs. Roy P. Lingle, ~frs. Herman I f:ciOl1SlleSS hinders him. Dr. Spiller stated Louis F: Pierce, son of Colon.el and h~J11nary gam~. , , ' Bloom. !\frs. Frank Reynolds, Mrs. John I that to write welt is to write naturally Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, o~ Prmceton Games O!l the 11th at Glen-Nor a~d on Howard Taylor, Mrs. E. O. Lange, :Mrs. i and to express one's opinion. Avenue, .has beer.. promoted ~o the rank thc 18t~ \V1t~ 'Vesttown, at home, are the \VilIiam T. Johnson and Miss ~Iartha! Dr. Nelson presented the prohlem of I of firs~ heutenant.tO ~he Me(hcat Reserve ne>:t sc edu ed. All games are played at Taylor. 1 ::(arting a "cub" troop in Swarthmorc. Corps of the Untted States Anny. 3.15 p. m •. , FEB 1 21937 ~--., ;;:;::"l1l;I0 d A EGYPTOLOGY TOPIC AT WOMAN'S CLUB University Museum Curator En· lightens Members; Citizenship Program Next Tuesday Members of the W .... man's Club of Swarthmore were transported back to the days of the Pharaohs, even so far back as the First Dynasty in 3200 B. C. as they Ijstened to the unfolding of archae­ological discovcries from the lips of a discoverer, Philippus Miller, Assistant Curator of the University Museum. Mr. Miller, who is a brother of Mrs. Richard Tunis, of South Princeton Avenue, de­scrihed the thrills as well as the discom­forts which are the lot of an Egyptologist. A concession was obtained from the Egyptian Government by the University of Pennsylvania to excavate the pyramid at ~feydun, a village which is four miles from the Nile except during the period of inundation, whcn the waters come almost to its base. Only institutions are able now to get permission to excavate, and this pyramid has been entered in 1896 and again in 1910 so that the choicc articles had been removed. The most disappointing fact to an archaeologist .is that robbers despoiled the tombs of the most, famous kings back in ancient times and treasures have been lost to posterity. Thc importance of the tomb of King Tut Ank Amen lies in the fact that it had never been opend and hence presented a complete picture of ancient Egyptian life, although King Tut himself \Vas an unimportant young king. The pyramid at Meydun is about half the size of the largest one at Gizeh. Work starts .in October and continues until the heat becomes too intense. The govcrnment reserves the right to claim any article for the Cairo :M uscum, an amicable arrangement since that museum is already filled with choice specimens. Mr. Miller showed slides of the work in Meydun and' in Palestine, where the \ 'work -is carried- on i6ur '·Jlln1(lreil·f'eef'lic''': - > , low sea level. At the Stated Meeting preceeding the talk the president, Mrs. Roland G. EoO Ullman, announced that Mrs. Stanley AfacMilIan had been selected as chair­man of the Nominating Committee, and Mrs. Howard Buckman had been selected by the Board. Mrs. Phelps Soule, }.Irs. Alexander I.ackey, and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer were elected to complete the committee. Mrs. Roland Eaton presented the high lights of the twenty-fifth anni­versary of the founding of the Delaware County Federation which was celebrated in Lans~o\Vne Jast month. She paid tribute to Mrs. Robert Cates, of Har­vard Avenue, who wrote the history of the quarter of a century which was fol­lowed in the pageant depicting the events of those years. Mrs. ~fartin B. YOlUlg, Mrs. William I. Hull and Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall were Swarthmoreans who helped to make history during this eventful era. On Thursday, February 11, the Drama Sc;ction studied uThe Theatre Backstage" under the leadship of Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, who conducted the members to the Players Club for a demonstration in the manipulation of back drops, scenery, and properties. Next Tuesday the program is in charge of tile Citizenship Committee, Mrs. George Zimmer, chairman. Mrs. J, O. Hopwood, County Chairman of Citizen. ship, will be the speaker. Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Music Chairman, is in charge of the music, Mrs. Ernest R. Laws, Airs. Luther M. Dimmitt, and Mrs. A. B. Gor­man wil1 be hostesses. The tea will be in honor of new: members taken into the club durjng the year. ' • Police News Thursday evening,. the 4th, Daniel M. \Vright, of Drexel Hill, arrested Jana­ary 30 for zig-zag driving, was dis­charged with warning. When streets were slippery with snow at.g,aO A. ),1. Friday, a Springfield Town­ship school bus owned and operated .by the Aronimink Transportation Company WWl Milton K. North, of Upper Darby:' drivingl was struck by a car driver.. by Martin Cannon, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The latter vehicle was proceeding south on Sproul Road, the bus east on Ba1tim~re Pike when they collided at the inter­section. The automobile was very. badly damaged and both Cannon and his com­! paruon, Josephine Dricca, also of Brook­lyn, treated for cuts and bruises. He was taken to the Delaware County Hospital and she, who also sustained a sprained ,ankle, to the lledia Hospital.

---------- Page 5 ----------

I Social Notes About Residents aud Friends Children Enjoy Birthday Parties; Other Events of Local Interest Alice Putnam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Putnam, of Maple Avenue, celebrated her eleventh birthday on Satur­day, last, with a supper pa.rty. Guests included Mary Garrett, Jamce Wherry, Pauline Deacon. Helen Kraus, Laura Lee Hopkins, Lois Landon, Elizab~th Pope, Dorothy Shaw and Anne PerklDs. Nancy Hoot, of Lafayette and Prince­ton Avenues, entertained friends at. a party last Friday evening in celebratIOn of her thirteenth birthday. Mj5S 1-1ary Ellen Mercer returned to her home on North Chester Road, Mon­day evening after attending a week-e~d house party at Williams College, Wil­liamstown, Mass. --- Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, of Ogden Ave-nue , was hostess to her luncheoll-bndge club on Monday. --- Dr. and Mrs. Harry Jerome and family have removed from 503 North Olester Road to the Philips house, 1 Whittier Place which they will occupy until June.' Mr. and Mrs .. Phil~~ ar~ i.n Florida and Miss Edith Phdjps IS In Paris. Miss Margaret Jerome entertained at supper Saturday evening before the meet­ng of the Swarthmore Dancing Classes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison and chil­dren have removed from Myrtle Avenue to Riverview Road. -.,,-::-:- ~frs. J. Harvey \Vhiteman returned Now Playing Wamer Oland - Borfs Karloff "Charlie Chilli at the Opera" Keye Luke - Charlotte Henry -Addcd- March of Time--Latest Edition ' .. ..----.,..... FEBRUARY 12, 1937 THE 591,.,... '-~~~~-:-:---:::---::-=--~;::-;;-;;-;;:=--->:;:-;-==::-;;,;:;;:;:-::--;;:-~;::'-;,;-;;­ ·----:-~::::--;:-=:::h =:-;:1 :':t::-:::te'::'r -;;R::oa::;d,~s:::pe:n:;-t :a"ife:w days this week in Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Alger, Mr. E D W Y N R O· R K' E her .apartment in The Swart more as ed A B '11 and da hler Friday after a ten day visit to her ho me Englewood, N. J., as the guest of her and Mrs. Fr .M. . d M ug P us,l _.~ ••_ __ _1_ d h M· brother Captain Leonard R. Sargent, U. Judy and Betsey, r. an rs. a ARCHlTECf in DeLand Fla. Her aug ter, I,S • ed Alger and daughter, Naney. In .pite of Anne Whit~man, spent the week-end with S. N. ret.. . her ninety-two years; Mrs. Smith en- 12 Simp_ Road, Ardmore, P .. friends in New York. Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower and her joyed making three dozen rolls for the HOMES DESIGNED. FlNAHCED Mrs. Benjamin Collins, of Swarth· daughter, Miss Dorothy Brower, are en· dinner. AND BUILT more Avenue, was hostess to a bridge joying a cruise to St. Thomas, Barbados B~ Ii Pt.;-;;;I;;_;;;.;. ;.;. ;;44I18;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ club of which she is a member at luncheon and Trinidad. A daughter, Josephine, was born to and bridge on Wednesday. Mr. Paul J. Furnas, of Spring Hollow Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitehair. of the Mrs. Leonard Ashton, of Elm Avenue, Fann, Media, and his son, Paul, Jr., are Shirer Building, Wednesday morning, and AIrs. Francis Warren, of Walnut spending the week-end in Indianapolis February 3, at the Lying-In Hospital, Lane, ,Swarthmore, and Mrs. Charle~ D. with Mrs. William Furnas. PhiladeJphia. Mrs. Whitehair is the Mitchell, of Avondale Road, Walhng- Mrs. Lewis B. Krausse, of the Shirer daughter of Mrs. Florence M. Temple, of Stop in for YOUR FREE GIFf from the ford, are expected to return to the!r ed f .. 'th Park Avenue, and Mr. W. E. S. Temple. homes next week after a two weeks triP Building, has return rom a VISit WI CO ED BEAUTY SALON to Florida. Mrs. William S. Evans, of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Cedar Lane, Swarthmore, who accom- Mrs. Grant Benjamin, of Cincinnati, and panied them south will remain at Lake her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wales for the rest of the season. George \V .. Myers, of Akron, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte and Dr. Miss Margaret S. Tuttle, of Rose Vat-and Mrs. Brand Blanshard, of Swarth- Icy, is spending this week at \Vcllesley more, were among the guests at a din- College attending the mid-winter meet­ncr in honor of Dr. Mary Emma Wool- ings of the Graduate Council of which ley, retiring president of Mount Holyoke, she is a member, representing her college College. class. The dinner was given by Dr. Marian Mrs. Conrad C. Schatte, of Swarth- Edward Parks, president of Bryn Mawr more Crest, who was seriously injured College, at her home "The Deanery," in in an automobile collision near Wood­Bryn Mawr on Tuesday evening. bury, N. J., recently is in a critical con- Mr. Harold Griffin, of Rutgers Avenue, dition in the Underwood Hospita!, Wood-has been m with the grippe. bury. Her condition was reported more hopeful than at the first of the week, the On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Oscar infection in her .injured leg having been J. Gi1creest entertained the Sixteen controlled somewhat. Bridge Club at a Valentine dinner at The Ingleneuk, latcr playing cards at the Gil- Miss Mary Ayres, of Vassar Avenue, creest home 011 Harvard Avenue. who has been a patient in the Presby-terian Hospital, Philadelphia, for some Mrs. Harry Liebeck, of Park Avenue, weeks, with a broken hip. is matedally left Wednesday to join Mr. Liebeck in improved but must remain there for an Miami, Fla., and remain until April. :Mr. indefinite period. 1 Liebcck, who left two weeks ago with his • : cruiser, Josephine M., II, was recently made Commodore of the Philadelphia Yacht Club. Miss :h.largarct Little. of Park Ave­nue, recently had as her guest Miss Dor­othy Hutchins, of Allentown. Mrs. Cara L. Ebert, of Parkersburg, w. Va., was also a recent visitor at the Littles' home. Evelyn \Vherry, of Cedar Lane, will entertain Esther Blaine, of Chester, over this week-end. This evening Dr. and ?oIrs. E. LeRoy Mercer, of North Chester Road, witl cn- Celebrat .... 92nd Birthday i Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alger,! of Park Avenue, entertained at dinner in celebration of the ninety-second birth­day of hIr. Alger's grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Smith, of Germantown. All of I Mrs. Smith's children, grandchildren and. greatgrandchildren were present. They arc: Mrs. C. K. Alger, Mr. and Mrs. , Newell K. Chamberlin and daughter,· Cape May, New Jersey "MINNIE BREEZER" (A Comedy In Two Act.) Young Woman'. Awr:illary METHODIST CHURCH 8 P. M., Friday, February 19 Adults. 35 Cents Cbllclrea.. IS Cents 409 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 595 "Every Shampoo ,f! Scalp Treatment A Successful Year Just Ended With the close of our Eighth Anniversary Sale, we pause long enough to thank you, our customen, for our period of success here in Swarthmore_ This year you have made the sales during our Anniversary Week total more thllIl other year. Our sales, telephone, hookkeeping IlIld delivery force has heen taxed to the limit and we wish to publicly thank every employee for co-operating so loyally with us. Next Attraction tcrtain a dinner-bridge club to which they . MIchael Whalen - Roc.helle Hudson belong. SALE OR RENT Our one hope is to continue to serve you with our "Woman-wise" 1033 New York Avenue Geod Quality, Fine Service and Low Prices. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Mrs •. Ambrose Hirst. of Yale and Dick- .; inson Avenues. has recovered from her recent illness and returned to her posi;­tion at Martel Brothers on Monday. Three-story house. 8 rooms. base­ment garage, all heat, two bloeks (rom ocean; reasonable. Last Two Days t Friday and Saturday SHIRLE-Y­TEMPLE "Stowaway" Robert Young - Alice Faye Wednesday Only JAMES MELTON "Sing Me a Love Song" Starting Thursday SONJA HENlE in "One in a Million" With Our New R.C.A. Hish Fidelity Sound System The First Installation in Delaware Co. MANOR Cheatat' Pike - Prospect Park Free Parkins Rear of Theatre Reliable Attendsllt in Charge Friday & Saturday, Feb. 19-20 Extra Matinee Friday at 4.00 P. M. Shirley In Chinal She even talks and sings Chlnesel SHIRLEY TEMPLE -"'- "THE STOWAWAY" Robert Younl" - Alice Faye Positively Shirley's Beat Picture end a Great Coat ADDED Our Gao. Comedy .. News _ Other. Monday Onl,.. February 1& JAMES MELTON Patricia ElII. - HuCb HeThert Zazu Pitts - Allen Jenkins Nat PendeltoD • Walter Catlett ADD Sheridan "Singe Me a Love Song" Tuesday oat,., FebTDary 16 Seventy Minutes of Delight For the Entire Family "GENERAL SP ANKY" with Spa"ky McFarIa"d Weda.eada,. Only, February 17 MAE WESTin "Go West, Young Man" with Ra1Jdalpb Scott .. WIlI"ftD wmtama nanday Only. February 18 WiUia;" po .... n "One Mrs. Sargent "Vatter, of North Ches­PROPOSAL Sealed bids will be received in Council Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarthmore. Pa., at EDWARD L. NOYES Swarthmore 114 MARTEL BROS. BEITER FOOD FOR THE TABLE 7.45 P. M .• Mu"h 6. 1937. for [urn"h'n. .... MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON proximately 2600 feet of 8 inch and 100 ft. of 10 inch terra cotta sewer pipe. twenty- JOSEPH E.. QUINBY 8" x 6" Y Branches, and twenty 6" pllJg8 de- ERNEST C. SNODGRASS, ASS"T. Swarthmore 2100. livered in carload lots with the limit&. of the Dorough of Swarthmore at such points as may FUNERAL DIREC rORS be d""gnated by the Bo",ugh S ..... tary. P'pe and fittinp shall confonn with the latest ~~"~LL~~P~H~O~N~"~'~ ____ ~M~~F~D~lA.~~P~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~ specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials. Inspection and acceptance will be made by the Borough Engineer at the time of delivery. Bidders shall quote on pipe in three foot lengths with an alternate price for two foot lengths. The sueeessful bidder will he required to furnish a. bond in the amount at nO per eent of the amount of the contract as required by law. The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON, Borough S~rctary. 2-12-3T PROPOSAL Sealed bids will be reeel\'l"!d in Council Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore. Penna. at 7:46 P. M •• March Srd, 1937. for the suPPly of standard grades of gasoline and lubricating oil as l"e<luired by the Borough for the re­mainder of the calendar year 1937, to be serve'l! to the Borough's police cars and highwa,. truck and, at the Borough's option. to ita fire trucks. as designated, withln the corporate limits of the BoroUgh of Swart.hmore. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond with sufficient surety (not necessarily corporate Burety) in the amouDt of 60 per cent of the amount of the contract. as required by law. The Borough reserves the right to rejeel any or all bids. 1-29-3T. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, Borough Secretary. " If YOUR home isn·. s wann ha~n of rest-just try this,:iood ~ in ruma~ beater or nate.. Trv this' cleari·bumin& White Ash Anthracite SOLDDY VAN ALEN BROS. Phone: Swarthmore 10412 a liAS [OOHlnli , Model pictured and $99'0 described costs CASH Other mode's. QI low Os $&5~SH Slightl, higher on budget plan­$ 2 dow", 2 yean to wmpl.,. payment&. than ever before If YDU shDuld flnd one Df these beautiful new Quality Gas Ranges in YDur kitchen some bright morning, you'd discover many things abDut gas cDDkeryl You'd flnd all cooking easier and faster ... and thotfoods of every type would taste beHer. The model pictured has manymodernfeatures, none more convenient than automatic oven lighting. One pilot lights both top burners and oven. This means an end to the bother of hand lighting ••• an improvement every woman appreciates. Come in and see our complete Iinel PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Dealer fEBRUARY 12,1937 THE- SWARTHMOREAN F «. It,. ItHwt Eo ...... PUBLISHED EVERY FalDAY AT. - SWAilTHMOa&. PA. .. MAllY T. ERVIN PAIUtER­EcUtor ..... P aYeL. TITU..S... .J... . E..W JG ROS-AUE. .-D RYDEN Ph ... Swarlln ...... .00 btend .. 5ecOIId CIu .... u.r. J......,. 24, ,Ize, at til. P ... Oflice at SwartJ.. ..... Pa., _d ... ~. Aet o' liard a. life. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937 MEN'S BIBLE CLASS CONGRATULATED Editor Swarthrnorean: To those who are shocked at the great increase in the consumption of alcoholic drinks, it is encouraging to learn that the Uen's Bible Class of the Methodist Church has taken the stand reported in last week's Swarthmorean. I wish to express publicly my congratua lations and to express the hope that other groups in Swarthmore will soon follow their example. ---J-uliet C. Kent. Presbyterian ,C hurch Notes At the service Sunday at 11 o'clock the preacher will be the Rev. Michael M. McDivitt, D.D., pastor of the First fres­byterian Church of Kittanning, Pa. Dr. McDivitt has chosen as his subject, uLife, Tell Me What Thou Art." Writes Dr. McDivitt, "The sermon grew out of a THE HARVARD Come to a Valentine Dinner Sunday We Will All Be RED·Y 12.30 to 7.30 Phone, Swarthmore 149 most helpful conservation I had last holiday with a yonug man who had just graduated from one of our large W1i­versities and who seemed to be much confused with the meaning of life. I was So impresoed and so gratified with his conversation that I wrote the sermon and later preached it to my own people." On Sunday, February 21, the Mission­ary Committee of the church has .r­ranged for a special service at which the speaker will be the Rev. Harold Voelkel, of Andong, Chosen, Korea. Mr. Voelkel comes from the mission field in which the local missionary, Dr. Harold T. Baugh, is stationed. Members of the congrega­tion who have heard Mr. Voelkel are very enthusiastic and assure a .splendid service. - • Trinity Church Notes The fifth anniversary of the use of the new church building will be celebrated on Sunday. This afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, Albert E. Wilcox wilt address the Childrens' Service. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox spent several years among the mountaineers of Tennessee, where they had most interest­ing contacts wjth the children. Preceding the Childrens' Service the students of the Sunday School will meet for special proj"l!ct work. The boys will design and make several church buildings and thl': girls will arrange for the furnish­jngs. The general topic for discussion will he "Worship." Next Friday night, February 19. the first of the Special Lenten Services will be held at 8 o'clock. The Rev. D. Wilmot Gateson, D.D., Rector of the Church of the Saviour, Philadelphia, wilt preach. Dr. Gateson was formerly Dean of the Cathedral in Bethlehem, Pa. The February meeting of the Junior Woman's Auxiliary witt be held at 8 o'clock next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr., on Park A venue. Each succeeding Monday eve­ning until Easter the organization wilt hold its regular Lellten meetings at Mrs. Johnson's J. J.' s to Sign Charter Miss Florence Garrett was hostess to the J. J.' s at her home on Princeton Avenue last Sunday evening. The Misses Ruth Detlefsen and Elizabeth Moseley \Vere appointed for contact with Announcing SWARTHMORE CHOCOLATES HAND MADE WITH THE FINEST INGREDIENTS DeLuxe Assorted ...... __ .. __ .. _ . __ DeLuxe Assorted, with Nuts and Fruits _ Combination, All Nuts and Fruits_ Ali Nut Centers _ .. _ ... Chocolate Mint Dainties Chocolate Bean Patties .. Any Assortment in Valentine Boxes SOc 60c 70c SOc SOc SOc SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP OLD BANK BUILDING RUTGERS AVENUE SWARTHMORE 108 or 956 MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED • He was known to all as .. Hon .... t Abe." His deed. still .live on. • A. LINCOLN This hank tries in its own way to c:any Oft the fine example which Lincoln has set for us. It has been our policy to deal sincerely IlIld honestly with all of our depositon and cus­tomen at all times. THE SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. MARY'S Pl!.T RECIPE Chocolate Paddi., 1 egg • 1 cup .ugar. I~ oZ. chocolate. I cup 80ur • I tsp. butter. I~ tsp. baking powder • ~ cup milk . Pinch of sail Beat egg thoroughly, add sugar and continue to beat, add _Ited chocolate and butter. Add the Hour, baking powder and salt al­ternately with milk. Put in but­tered cans or cups and steam one hour. Serve hot with cream. the family in which the organization is interested from a welfare angle, The proposed Charter was read and after several amendments were made, accepted. All members are urged to attend the next meeting at the horne of ·Miss Constance Schoff, on Swarthmore Avenue, SWlday, February 21, when the Charter will be signed by all present members as 'charter members. The president, Miss Nancy King, announced the first of a series of progr~ssivc bridge parties would be held at her home at 2.30 Saturday afternoon, February 13, to raise money for the treasury. • Christian Science Church IISoul" ,is the subject of the Lesson­Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 14. • Mn. Knebel W'ms Dishes Mrs. Lewis M. Knebel, of The Swarth­more, js the winner of the first set of dishes being awarded weekly at V. D. Shirer's. • Irish Movi .... at Inn Saturday The travelogue program at the Strath Haven Inn tomorrow evening will consist of five reels 011 Ireland, presented by the Hamburg American Line with Edw3rd Lee as commentator. The usual short subjects will be added. • Leads Vocational Guidance Group ~lrs. \Valdo E. Fisher, of Harvard A venue. is the leader of a discussion group studying the "Vocational Guidance Interview" for the Vocational Guidance Association of Philadelphia and vicinity. The first meeting was held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the ·Social Serv:.. ice Building, 311 South Juniper Street, Philadelphia. Special Sale "WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Cooking Utensils We Have .he New Pyrex All Glass Coffee Maker SUPLEE'S 11 So. Chester Road Swarthmore 105 CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH I'roteataDt Epiacopal Cb.ter Road and Collf!8'e A't"eDae Rev. J. Jamen Guenther. S. T.M •• Rector Rev. T. A. Mcryweathcr. Dir. BeL Educ. SUNDAY 8 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. !l :45 A. M.-Sunday School and Dible Class 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach • WEDNESDAY 10 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion • FRIDAY 3:30 P. M.--Childrens· Project Work. 4 :30 P. M.-Childrens' Service. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.-lIible SehooL II :00 A. M.-Moming Worship. '1:00 P. M.-Christian Endeavor. MBT~ODIST BPISCOpAL CIIUltCR Clarence F. Carter, A.B.. B.D .. IOaIder SUNDAY 9 :.15 A. SchooL 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.-Epworth League meetings. 7 :45 P. H.-Evening Worship. THB RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY • ,(5 A. II.-FJnt IIap Sehaol. 9:46 A ••• -The Adult Class. "The Friend's Spiritual Jleuage."' Speaker, Herbert WaUer, of York. Eng­land. " ... A. II.-Jl_ for W"","1p ta .... , ..... Ba.e. nBST eJIUItCB OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. OF SWARTBJIORB Park Aftllue below· BanImI ",GO A. 1I.--II1nMIoQo Be-. . 11 :00 A... K.-8u"DdQ I c 9 g I WI!!"'lIlr~ ..... ia. meetiq Meb week. • Po" Radbl.- room opeD dan,. ~ Baa­.... """ IooIIoIQo 1,00 ... "GO. _ ..u_ AU are cordialb ~ to .... 1M .... L. _________________________________________________________________ , ~ aDd .. u. P pi ~ Playa in Philadelphia Recital CAPRlOII1"S Janice Wherry, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Nivin Wherry, of Cedar Lane, played two namber$ by Godowsky in a recital given by the pupils of Badin Hrenoff, at the Philadelphia Musical Academy, Tuesday evening. FUEL OIL Phoae, Dar..,. 2490 #4 5%c #2 &: jf.3 &%c #1-71Ac CALL SWARTHMORE 1800 W. SeD or Serftce C....,.oJor AJr.T .... on Bamen POllERY The Darby Flower Shoppe EDGAR E. DEMUTH, Prop. 44 CHESTER PIKE Flowers· For All Occasions RICHARD C_ YOUNG r .. ndK_pe Gardener POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL DESIGNS GIVE HER A PRACTICAL VALENTINE! BUCHNER'S 8 P81i< Avenue Swarthmore 240 ·YOU'VE HEVER TASTED COTTAGE CHEESE likE THIS •. • Here is Cottage Cheese "ith thcfial afcl-fasfrWned'- ; -.- Havor. Try it. Notice how entirelv different it is. Dad will relish it. Ideal for Lenten dishes. Ask the Abbotts Milkman for recipe folder. -D E LUX E ABBOTTS COTTAGE CH~ESE For "e-"'ce, no" the Abt",tu MUltmon or relelJ"OM GRAnile 5374 J. PBnTT~ f"'AI"RIF.S, Inc. PhU",",e-lnh;" C .... uen Soutb Jc~ey Give A Sweet Heart to Your Sweetheart A heart.shaped hox filled with wonderfully delicious candy is just the thing for a Valentine gift. OUR OWN CHOCOLATES, ONLY 60clb MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY Place Your Order Now for Delivery on Valentine's - Day PHONE 857

---------- Page 6 ----------

! I , ::,1 {~ -.- -_.-.... _.. . .-_.--.. ._._._ .... ~·,;cT~iiA:.._ --.....-.----..u--;.v ",ii.B~~·~ ~'.'' I ~J'liIjill~!N ll' 4" - ··C"-"t.\,·i.·..~, {S-S·;:i.,I~F.n '£N'~J"O'-'Y"AB''''L El"I·P·IIRol~O'" 'Gi R:A.. iM'\ ' ~'''eellncn,ryallvan~,:!,~pe,~t~i''1!\ .. _O,t~hC'B .. iurthnl't·ede.,nstrtbalt~si,~, ;,:"i.· Girl Sc:outol·. .~ , i Jmu!l}-,jM~~~ ..~ "k Ii:: ~ "lIt'l ,., .. '" t. ' • • 1,1_ (./'\JI:.< "'" . ( ... "I·~,':IJ:!iV"1 " . , ' , , Itbld of" the"' e~,'" bi st'u''r', ' 01" ht e B ,rt h '1,- l'~"ir ,• . F,N.Land.,,0 .Dwill. .. ta!<e,th.e. placf e, TheArt5elltion'of-theJUnioi-Woman's .. r, . '. 'FOR'1tENT '. .,." : ": A' T. JUN~O-R £. LUB Control. movement in the UmteiJ States pi.r.~rs. George .Zilllll1er, as,. "i'ptam 0 Club will meet at 8 o'Clock next Tuesday FGRRENT-Untf'l;1une-t~ofumg,hedroom.' . 'II." ," .~ountmgt h ee.fof Yt' s·of" M rs. II,{a r g•a.r et Tinrgo, opto 16J .,. . ath.etolldl lqartr 09" ·w30·moo,cr~ol,c" gks a tmetehte- ,e venin;~; :~i"iii".!·"\.\1oii' 1t..· ,o,f'M is;~: E :._i!',i i{t!.i'Red_ with private _th. Ide.rior bualoeq.cbupJe. . . Sangtr to establish Federal r~eognlt1on W ';-Club House. A short program grave, on Vassar ,Avenue. The even- T.' ...... •• Sw~rl~mo,. 1<17, '. H':ah" School Chol'Wl and Two pf the need for clinics, etc. oman , "E I' h Ch' d I FOR RENT-Two furnlsbed rooms near 5ta- -Promm-ent Sp--'-en P~_V1'~e She stresse d t he 'Im por t ance is plalU1ed and a11 girls are asked to come 1inFg's t,to pic" 'Yilt ~ , ng IS Ippen a e A ..... f d .. b h d b th I'n full ullHonn. ur01 ure. . " ...8.4:J: ::D:.a.r.t.m::o:u:t:h:: ::v::e:n=u.e:.: .:=~=-:::~ b Unusual Ente. ...m • ment 0F edae ,raelc eCnto uretcsl SI,O'nI 1 favrooru go ft otlw,c nd isyse mie- ::::;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;~============================::: FOR RENT-Apartment, six rooms and bat , fireplace. heated garage. For appointment. Under the direction of Miss Clarissa nation of information by responsible plty-eall Swarthmore 806·W. Randall, Supervisor of Music, the sicians, which decision marks a new era. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Turkeys, 8·15 Ibs. Price 32e lb. Killed to order on few days notice. De­lIvered Saturdays, or any time by mall atwcost or poatage~ Telephone Swarthmore 1257. ar­ren D. Johnson. Nottingham, Pa. WANTED POSITION WANTED - Young mechanical engineer-now empJoyed-desiN!8 oPPO~DIt7 in plant maintenance or indwtrial engineer­ing. Three years experience. For further Information address Box S. The Swarth· mOrt!8D. WANTED-Assistant for tea room. busil!e5s in splendid location. Must be experienced. Plnae give full particulars In first Jetter. Reply Dox W. The SWDrtbmorean. Swarthmore High School Chorus, made in the establishment of Preventive Social UP of sixty or more High School stu- Service and of social security. dents, presented a most outstandil1~ and Dr. Lambichi, a resident of Haverford interesting program of choral musIc for Avenue, Swarthmore, in a most impres­the entertainment of the members of the sive and effective manner outlined to the Junior Section of the '''oman's Club at members of the Cluh the procedure fot­their monthly meeting at the Club HQcse lowed in the operation of a clinic, show­Tuesday evening, February 9th. Attired ing the organization and set-up covered in the colorful garnet and white robes, in carrying on this great work. featuring the High School colors, the I k group of boys and girls displayed an un- Hockey Club to Meet Next Wee usual ability in the rendition of harmony The Swarthmore Hockey Club is or­and rhythm. The several negro spirit- ganizing for winter activities. A meeting uals which they gave were sung with witt be held at 7.30 next \Vednesday especial charm and feeling. evening, February 17th, in the girls' gym WANTED-Young student for night clerk at After the business mceting, the Junior at Swarthmore College. It is planned to The Harvard. Telephone Swarthmore 149. Club members had the privilegt" 'of listen- {orm a hasketb:?lt team. LOST ing to two very active leaders in the Anyone interested in playing hockey -------~~~-_:_::_c._-_;_-! prescI,t B,'rtl, Control movement-Mrs. next f:lIl is asked to communi~te witll LOST-Child's gblsSes. brown IIhell [TOme, be- L' I f P k A tween College Avenue School and Chester R. Dale Kitzmi1ler, General Secretary of Miss Peggy Itt e, 0 ar venue. Road at Baltimore Pike. Reward. Telephone the Pennsylvania· Birth Control Fcdcra- Virginia Tomlinson is captain of the S ..... arthmore 776. tion, and Dr. Marika Lambichi. Director Club's hockey team and Mildred Brewster RENT of the Maternal Health Center of South· is manager. Modern cottage, $55 a month, 4 bed.-oomll. 2 batba, sleeping porch, fireplace, haTdwood flOOTlI, hot-water heat, Barale. WM. S. BITTLE Swartbmere III-J NotaTY Public: - In.uraDce - Real ~tau MORTGAGES Straight or InstaUment Interest charges are reduced with each in.taJlmcnt payment. We prepare aDd act upon all applica­tion. within two or three days. If you are thinkinS' of buying a home, we can be very helpful to you. SWEENEY & CLYDE MORTGAGE BROKERS 29 E. Fifth Street Che.ter Phone Chester 6141 • .. ---<.. ....- - crn Delaware County. On Convention CommiHee Mrs. Kitzmiller, whose tOllie was Joseph Wagner, of Dickinson Avenue, ESTATE OF HARRY BENTON SIIJDLE, Deceased, Jate of 208 Rutgers Avenu? Swarthmore. lJetaware County, Pennsyl· vania. Leltenl of Administration cum testamento annexo on the above Estate having been granted to Blanche Gla.'lS Shidle. 208 Rutgers Avenue. Swarthmore, I~a.. nnd Girard Trust Company. all persons indebted to the suid Estate are requested to make payment, I.lnd those having dnima to present the same. WIth­out delay. at the office of GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Droad Dnd Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia. A. A. JACKSON. President. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH G. CHANNELL. deceased. late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate have been granted to the under~ signed. who request all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons In· debted to the decedent to make payment, with_ out delay. to SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK .t: TRUST COMPANY and MARIAN S. CHANNELL. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Or to their Attorney CLAUDE C. SMITH. Swarlhmore. Penna. and 1617 Land Title B'lilding, Philadelphia. Pa. 2·12·6T has been appointed a member of the Con­vention Committee to arrange the Golden Jubilee Convention of the National Asso­ciation Merchant Tailors of America, which will be held in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Philadelphia, February 16·19. He has also been appointed to serve 011 the Finance Committee. Mr. Wagner recently retired as presi­dent of the Merchant Tailors' Exchange of Philadelphia, and was elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Ex­change for the year 1937. • Local W. C. T. U. Reorganizes A reorganization meeting of the Swarthmore branch DC the W. C. T. U. \Va! held at the Yale Avenue home of Mrs. George Friend on Wednesday after­noon of this week. ---... --- Orchestra for Sunday'. Vespers J'he Swarthmore CoUege Orchestra conducted by A. J. Swan with Alexander McCurdy, Jr., organist, wilt present a program at this Sunday's Vesper service ALERT motoring America. more eager than ever .t'"1. for economy in its cars, is swinging over to the impressively economical new 1937 Studebaker which in test after test equals or betters the gas and oil mileage of lowest priced cars. World's first car to offer the dual economy of the Fram oil cleaner and the gas·saving automatic over .. drive 1 World's only car with the builtwin automatic bill holder and feather~touch hydraulic brakesl See and drive a big, new. money-saving Studebaker I A FEW CENTS A DAY MORE THANA LOWEST PRICED CAR SWARTHMORE GARAGE PROPOSALS WANTED in Clothier Memorial at 6.45 P. M. In.. J. S. LEES, MaDftger eluded will be Concerto by J. S. B~ch 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 41i NO SISSY "I'm a Chief Operator and I'd like to tell you something about these girls who work with me, For instance, during the flood last Spring, when we were swamped with calls, some of these girls worked many hours at a stretch without sleep. Final· Iy I thought one slim little oper­ator was going to crack, so I sent her home. She left, but an hour later I found her back at the switchboard, working like fury. She said she didn't want to be a sissy. That's typical of the spirit of service these girls have -and it doesn't take a flood to bring it out." e. . • • • Thousands of people have found the telephone a priceless aid in emergencies. Millions more find it indispensable for the everyday business of liv~ ing-for running errands, shop­ping, making appointments and friendly cans. No modem home is Complete without at least one telephone. You can have one in your home for less than a dime a day and two or three cents a day pays for an extension.· Just call the Busi­ness Oftice-or ask any tele­phone employee. 1M1 .ElL __ ONI COMPANY 01' .PlNNSY1.VANIA I • • I for four dwelUDBa of alx rooms and bath to be erected on Vale Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa. Particulara from --- EDWARD T. BIDDLE WEST CHESTER. P A. cfoerr tof ounru mpbiaenro s5 anbdy oGr.c heFs.t raH aanndde l cfoorn -Ili==~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=. organ and orchestra. All interested are cordially welcome. WHAT mARES OOd Wate~ Chemists lind minute amounts of minerals in Springfield Water that account for its pleasant and satisfying taste •• , Many wat.ers, ,although clean and fit for human consumption, may lack these vitalizing minerals, and he flat and unpleasant ... It's the mineral content ... so beneficial to good health •• _ that supplies the taste, zest and sparkle to ;URE~"-;n9(ief,,:::::=:=w~1\: ~.:: BRO UGHT TO YOUR HOME IY PHILADElPHIA SUBURBAn IU A , ER ED m P An v GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for the Week of Feb. 11th to Feb. 17th, inc. Pillsbury's Sno-Sheen Cake Flour Pkg. Granulated Sugar IO·lb. Cott;on Bag lSc 46c Uco Tomato Juice co*cktail llc Del Monte Coffee Uco Evaporated Milk 1·lb. Can Tall Can 22.Y:lc 6c Dole or Libby Pineapple Juice No. 'O-3'q'. Can 39c Uco Peanut Butter 16·oz. Jar Del Monte Grapefruit Juice Prido, for Shortening 3-1h. Cnn I-lb. Can Schimmel's Preserves, Assorted Flavors Crispy Corn Flakes 24·oz. jar Pkg. Secco Spiced Pears No. 2Vz Can Rock Lobsters, Cuban Imported Kipper Snacks Vz's-Flat Can Boneless & Skinless Sardines, Olive Oil Kremel Desserts Dr. Phillips' Blended Juices Friend's Brown Bread CamaySoap 3 Cans Lge. Can Pkg. No.2 Can Lge. Can 3 Cakes 13~ 6c 16c 45c 21c Sc 12c 17c 10c 17c 2.Y:lc 10e lIc 14e Ivory Soap l 4 'led. S;,e Ba" 19c I 2 La,g. Ba.. 17c Butter Cream Candy Eggs FRESH KILLED Chi k SmW~G C ens ~~ Calli~s. , 3 For Lb. Lb. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., Monday to Thursday 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parking Space ''You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" 13c 19c 16c 5Wlll~THM()J~E TH~ VOL IX, No.8 COUNCIL RECEIVES DIVERS REQUESTS Several laaullll Brought to Atten­tion of Wednesday's Mertin, SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 19, 1937 ANIMAL CIRCUS AT PLAY· 'IRS J 0 HOPWOOD ERS CLUB SA11JRDAY • • • The Senior Play of Swarthmore High Tomorrow afternoon, Pamabasika's AT CLUB TUESDAY School is to be held Saturday, February Pets will be presented at the Players' 20, at 8.IS P. M. and not on Friday as Club of Swarthmore lor the entertain- stated last week. ment of its Junior members. Those who Influential Talk on Power of The cast of .... rms and the Man" has have travelled over the country witlI these Women Citizen. Followed by worked hard for several weeks and now animals claim it is quite true that they Musical Interlude believes it has a play that is truly fine. SENIOR PLAY TOMORROW $2.50 PER YEAR MRS. BONSAU DIES AFI'ER LONG iLLNESS Well Known Swarthmore Woman Eight Months in Hoapitals Here and Abroad have been trained and are treated on the ThL high acting ability of the cast, the Communications received at Wedoesday principle of kindness, and bave won . h' b M' H K" k Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall, wife evening's session of Council included: admiration from all who have seen or Ahr e citizens made a. t the dinner table? sau pd ertiho*r .caomacu smingg pyl ot ISaSl l caonmnbai ne lrt , of the Rev. Edward H. Bonsall, Jr., of report of work done in the Borough d ur- known them. Suc wHas the conteCnt IOn of Mrs. J. Os- na k thi.S one of the best SeD.l or Play0s ....,...,...., Corn",1 1 Avenue, passed away Sun- ing 1936 by the Mosqu., to E n Wee birds performing feats will be the Cbo· r.n e h'o pwood,h Tou ntyd Chairman of Ig~ ,v ene by the school T,.c kets may be day evening, February 14, in the Jefferson Commission cf Delaware County; request most unique feature of the program, while thIet lzWenosm IaPn, 'sa Ct lut be of Suewsa ratyh mmoreee.t inTga locf- bought from any me.m ber or the sen.t or Hosp,'tal, Ph,'ladelphia, a.f ter an. illneI ss or L. M. Suplee, Chester. for permission dogs, monkeys, ·ony and clown assure I or at the sthool on S tu da e or eight months. Followmg an moeu a" to submit bid on contract for Swarthmore children of comp.t"l ete absorption in thineg ais rhe.r theme "Possible Influence cD iansgs. a r y ve- tion for typhoid last spring Mrs. Bonsall garbage collection; and a request f rom afternoon's entertalnment. WT omden" Chit izedn s IM _a.y... Hha ve h on hW orld On Monday evening, Febnlary 15. the suffered an arm jnfecti.:)u and on June 16, the CommlUlity Health Soc·l ety f or paper- Children may be left at the club house ren s, s be fevfe 'O lA"" t e tb ou. g t that play was announced on th. e art alliance upon arriving with Mr. Bonsall and their lng" painting and new floors in their at 3 P. M. and called fOr at 4.30 P. M. women, to e e ectlVe. mU:it e IIlformed. program. family for an extended trip abroad, she rooms in Borough Hall. A few tickets may still be obtained from \Vorld trcnds today are disquieting, she was admitted to the Prince of Wales Morris Sapovits, Nether Providence Mrs. George P. Warren, treasurer of the said, with democracy on the defensive. Hospital, Plymouth, England, where she Commi.S SI. Oner, appeared as one 0 f thr ee Junior committee. which was not true before 1917. SALVATION ARMY remained a patient untit December 9. liquidation trustees for the State Banking I Women, to train citizens properly, must On December 14, accompanied by Mr. Department which has taken over the hold opinions worthy of respect acquired DRIVE OPENS HERE Bonsall, who had been called to the lot opposite 323 South Chester Road, W.I.L. MEETING HELD through intelligent and unsentimental hospital two weeks before, and by Dr. formerly owned by the Commercial Build- study; ~inker, one of the head physicians of the ing and Loan. Mr, Sapovits asked that IN BOND WEDNESDAY Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, president Over Fifty Local Women to Cover Prince of Wales Hospital, and a nurse the Borough divert the storm water now of the club,. preside.d at .the meeting, Borough Before March 1 for she was brought home aboard the Queen draining through the property. T. E. I where she patd beautIful tnbute to Mrs. Tbis Year'. Contributions lI£ary and rushed by ambulance to the Hessenbruch is to determine if there is Fred • k J L·bb f N • all Edward. H. Bonsall, Jr. whose passing is Jefferson Hospital, still in a dangerous any l:abHity of the Boroug' h in this case. C encn f • plY, .0 faWtion such a great loss to club members, in- I On Thursday afternoon of last week condition, although considered very Bu"r gess J~hn" ·R: 'Pitman' was present ounc Gor reSv enelaiok D 0 sr, dIV"I' du'a II y and co II ec ti. ve Iy . I a number of the workers in Swarthmore's s II' g ht yi 'I mproved. H owever, t h e strepo-and ·stated a bill :had Q'e.en':,iritrOduce<l-by Qat p er The spe.aker was. l~tr~~ced by. Mrs., Salvation Army Campaign met at the cactic infection spread deeper and even Representati~e Adie S .. Rush, of Chcster, In the absence of Mrs. Edward A. George Zimmer, CItizenship Chalrma~.' home of Mrs. Howard W. Dingle, on though she was '50 near to the many to have the state takt·over 'the remaining Jenkins, chairman of the Swarthmorel and the hostesses were Mr~. E~nest • Park Avenue. Mrs. J. Passmore Chey- friends whose anxiety for her was great) portion 'of North Chester Road, between Branch of the Women's International! La~s and Mrs. I:-uther M. ~Immnt.. Fol- ney, director or the local drive, gave a Mrs. Bonsall was unable to receive visits Swarthmore Avenue and Baltimore' Pike. League, Mrs. Robert C. Disque took lowmg the talk, the MUSIC Chrurman, short talk on the distinctive work carried from anyone except occasionally a mem- Mrs: Charles C. Townsend, Jr. sub- charge of the meeting held at Bond Mrs. Llo~d Kauffman, pre~entcd Rex on by the Salvation Army both in emer- ber of the immediate family. stituted for Secretary Elliott Richardson, Memorial on Wednesday afternoon, Jones, celltst, wh,?, accompamet! by M~s. gency ass.istance, and in rehabilitation. Born in Cambridge, l-Iass., on March who is attending the Convention of Bor- February 17. H~nt, d~hgh~~d the audience :~vlth The Swarthmore Drive was most 17, 1890, she graduated from Cambridge oughs this week. Mr. Richardson was Announcement was made of the death selectlOlls mcludmg Casa de Loma by satisfactory last year and the workers Latin School in 1907 and from Wellesley delegated to represent this Borough as of Mrs. E. H. Bonsall, Jr., a valued mem- W. H. Squi.r~ and uDan~e Espani?I" by are hoping to be equally successful in thjs College in 1911. taking her master'~ de­jn favor of taxing praperties owned by ber of the W. I. L., and appreciation of g,lVl11g. expression to hiS ~ne year's driv~ which is being carrif.d on this gree in geology at the University of utilities. The secretary was asked to her usefulness to the community was ex- mtonahon. Rex IS the son of Mrs. Doro- week and next. Pennsylvania in 1914. On December 4, reply to Mr. Suplcc's letter stating the pressed by Mrs. William I. Hull. national thy Da~ Jones, of. N?rth Che~ter Throughout February Report Lunch- 1912. she married Mr. Bonsall and around present contract for garbage removal does president. 'and a high school Jumor: H~ IS studYI~g eons will be held at the Bellevue-Strat- Christmas of 1921 the famity moved to not expire unt!l January, 1938, and at Miss Olive Clea,ves made announcement under ?rlando Cole, cellist With the Phd- ford Hotel, Philadelphia, on Thursdays at the Cornell Avenue address from Clifton that time if he is still interested, Mr. of the drive which is to begin on Febru- adelphia 9rchestra. '12.30 P. M. These are open to all and Heights where Mr. Bonsall had been Richardson will ~nspect his equipment and ary 24. ~ quartette composed of Mrs. }uhn thQse who attend wHl get interesting and rector or the Epistopal Church. Of late bid. As chairman of the legislative commit- Stainton, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Mrs. stim\llating side lights on the work done years he has been engaged in interde- ~<:,~~ast.e~. '..\~f.r~ .. ~~~I~r ~~pea_-:e4 .,tt:':,- ~.r~~ :pi~~~ :t<1~ _ o}.~ her r!:c~t __ ,yis~,~ ~mes~.-,,"~~ws _i,a;:d :., ~r~: _ R .. ~~~~_~er b~_ ~!t~~_~lv::tioJ:1. ~rmy _a.~~.!~_e -;~!gh n:.-.. no~i!1a~o~t ~~~l<, ~~~Jhe Pen~~y,ly~nl~,,_. late .'Ill the '.11eetmg calhn.g. Council's- at- t? ,Harns6urg to diSCUSS mlhta!y leglsla- ~pem:t!l, :oaug"'- :l J:; . Du:!~, :·'?;t gard 10 ~hlch !he orgaruzatlOn IS ~eld. State ~ou~c~_! ~~ "R~II!?,OUS ~ucau~n. tentlOn to the unsa~e cond1tlOlls of certain tlon. There have already been mtroduced Paul A~brose and Plerrot y .o~ence The 1:1111 sectIOn of Swarthmore IS un- Mrs. BonsalJ has been an active mem-sections of the Borough where although into the State Legislature seventeen hills Peck, w~th Mrs. An*ony y~nturmll :~ der the direction of Mrs. J. Paul Brown ber of the women's organizations of the no side walks exist, mail service has asking for increased appropriations for companymg. A~rs. enturml .clonllc U w~ose co-workers are: Mrs. William B. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and b eell estab l' h d H k d 'I'ta 0 tl the program WIth three beauh u y ex- B II k '\ H T B tt H G " IS e . e was as e to ml I ry purposes. ne, very recen y ". ." b U oc , n rs. . • asse ,J.urs. corge also taught a class of high school age In present a map showing the sites in the presented, calls for an entirely new Penn- eeuted numbers, r;:~elette. lIlC r~h Y Hoadley, Mrs. Charles Israel, Mrs. Wit- the Sunday School. She also belonged hope Council could co-operate by improv- sylvania Guard, in case the present guard R~ber!, SchCuma~n, ~lVtz I.I~" b Ja~~ tiam T. Johnson, Mrs. LeRoy Mercer, to the 10cal'Woman's Club, the Swarth. ing the most troublesome places. should for any reason be called out of the Mmor. by hopm, and a CI . Y a Mrs. Charles Bolton, Mrs. Alfred Gary more branch of dIe Women's Interna- I . state. MokreJs, a contemporary Amert~an. White, Mrs. William Thatcher Mrs. fiLe f P nd F d CONFERENCES AT :'\ tea to new members of which over ' lona ague or eace a ree om, The guest speaker of the day was : ' bl Paul Cleaver, lofrs. James B. Douglas, the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Frederick J Libby whose topic was thirty were present, concluded a profita e Mrs R J Little6eld Mrs Benjamin N' I A . t' f th Ad' t SCHOOLS NEXT WEEK ., d d r htf I ft . . . ,. atlOna SSOCla IOn or e vancemen "Immediate Peace Legislation." He said an e Ig u a ~rnoon.. ! Ar Collins, Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoads, Mrs. of Colored People. that the peace movement is supporting the Mrs. Hen~y Pelrsol, Chairman. 0 t, Harold Ogram, Mrs. Percy Webster, Reciprocal Trade treaties, that by her can~ attentIOn to. th~ GuggenhClm C~l- Mrs. Joseph Perkins, Mrs. Louis Koch, Listed in "Who's Who," the following Aftemoon Programs Arnuiged high tariff the United States has con_llection of Non-ObJeCbv~ Art now on dls- Mrs. Albert N. Garrett. Mrs. C. J. books claim Mts. Bonsall as author: Instead of Regular Sessions tr.ibuted to the difficulties or the under- pIa y at t h e A r t All lance every day . Wolters. Famolls Hymns, with Stories and Pic- Privileged nations, and that Pennsylvania Do roth y Gr af l y WI'1 1 t a Ik 011 F e b ruary 24 Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney is in charge lure.r, published .j n 1923, and Famous Bible Each afternoon next week from 12.30 has played a conspicuous role in the im- and 26 4 to 5 P .. M. or the southerly section of the Borough. Pictures and Stories They Tell, 1928. She t o4. 3 0 'I k the S ·rthmore Elemellt Th L S t f h' h 'I also wrote Goodwill Lessons in 1926 and 0 c oc w.... - position of tariffs. Germany would never e .Iterature. ec I?n, 0 w IC .i.l rs. Her helpers are: Mrs. Edwin A. Yam-ary Schools will hold the second series of be able to get from a colony what she Arno Vlehoever IS chairman, met Th?rs- all, Miss Alice Barber, Mrs. B. C. Wig- World Friendship Lessons in 1929-both individual conferences between teachers would get from the raw materials made day morning for the review of the diary gins, Mrs. A. T. Eavenson Miss Lillian pamphlets. She has been editor of the and nl~ arents These conferences w,'11 pro IN'" k b h' '1 R 01 In the 'Union, Primary Quarterly, writing pri- • - accessibJe to her through a lower tarHf. 0 .1J111S Y Y IS WI e, . om a. h Boyt, Mrs. Frank Fitts, Mrs; Frank Gray, mary Sunday School lessons for the vide the opportunity of discussing the Mr. Libby refuted the idea that the a~sence of Mr~. Lee Bahnger, who bas Mrs. J. W. Allison, Mrs. E. D. Brauns, child's development and problems in terms Buenos Aires Conference failed of Clccom- removed to OhIO, her notes were .read ! Mrs. W. W. Turner, Mrs. J. Harold American ·Sunday School Union for a of his educational achievement, sociat, plishment. That it established the pr~n- M rs. R a Ip h .. E . V an KI eek ,w. ho m addl -f GrJffin, Mrs. Roy P. Lingle, Mrs. Elliott number of years and contributing to emotional, mental and physical growths. ciple of consultation he considered very tion commented on. the bJogr~phy. 0 Richardson, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mrs. Home Kindergarten Afolillai. Instead of the children .in grades 1 to important, also the "contin~ntalizing or Nij.insky, _ also pubhshed by hiS wife, I Harvey R. Pierce, Mrs. Howard Buck- Mrs. Bonsall's chief interests were 6 'being required to attend regular after- the Monroe Doctrine." which came out several years ago. man, hIrs. A. R. O. Redgrave, Mrs. E. music, she played and taught piano; peace noon sessions the week of February 22, Believing that America's primary con- Next Tuesday wilt be another red letter I R. Laws, Mrs. J. Howard Smith,' Mrs. work, and organizations working for ad-activities of educational value have been cern is to keep her own couptry out of day in the' club calendar. Featured by. a I R. V. Little, :Mrs. A. P. Willis, Mrs. vancement of the Negro. planned b! the school. ~It .are schedul~d war, Mr. Libby belongs to tl.,e school of 1 o'clock luncheon by the' Hous~ Commit-I Albert S. Johnson, Mrs. Franklin S. Besides her husband and three daugh­for the ~Ig~ school auditorIUm and chd- thought that calls for mar.datory neu- tee, Mrs. E. D. Brauns, chairman, the Gillespie, Mrs_ W. Earl Kistler, Mrs. E. ters, Elizabeth (Mrs. Roy McCorkel), dren are mV.lted to atte~d. 1 trality. "If we go into war. we go into p.rogram is in cha~ge of the Drama S~c- P. Yerkes, Mrs. Ethel E. Stuart, Miss who lives at New Haven, Conn., where On . Monday. at 1 0 d~k, we have a a totalitarian state," he declared. "If as hon. Mrs. C. Whitford McDowell, chaIr-I Emily Fine, Mrs. A. T. Sayre, lirs. H. she and Mr. McCorkel are doing gradu­tel~ tative appomtment wuh the. State a democratic state, we go to war against man, has issued invJtations to.a bir~hdaY!J. Dingle, Miss Mary Temple, Mrs. ate work at Yale Divinity School; Ann, ~Ighway Patr?1 .~o have movies on fascism, we lose our own democracy." He party to celebrate Ch~r1es Dickens 1251 David J. Evans, Mrs. N. H. Keedy, Mrs. a senior at Swarthmore College, and Safety. Educa.tton. . On Tu~sda~ at 1, thinks that the word "neutrality" as now anniversary: . Reservatton must be. sent J. M. Pearson, Mrs. H. A. Peirsol. Mrs. Mary, a member of the junior class at the PhiladelphIa Dairy Council wtll pre-I used is an unforlUllate one, that nOIl- to Mrs. \Vllham H. West to?ay, Fnd.aY·1 John C. Foster. Swarthmore High· SchooL Mrs. Bonsall sent ~ ~uppet Show. On. ~edne~day at I participation would be a more accurate .The regular D~ama Section meetmg I If you do not expect to be at home is also survived by her parents. Mr. and I, W.llham Frazee, a m~gl.clan. will ~~e,: term. I will be held at 10 o clock Thursday mor!l-I when the worker calls it wJIl be appreci- Mrs. Phineas Hubbard, of Cambridge, sent a. program called Bits and T~I~. Hc regards it as our second interest 1 ing, February 25, when Mrs. Osear Gil-I ated if you, will leave your contribution Mass.; two brothers, Henry Hubbard, of On Fnday Dr. Arthur James, .the mUlIs- to jain in the prevention of war, and creest will review a modern play. ! at the home of the solicitor nearest you, Plainfield, N. J., and Edward Hubbard, tcr of the Br?ad S.treet Methodist Church (Iuoted the President as saying in his To Hold Cooking School lor at THE SWARTHMOREAN office next to of Belmont, Mass., and a sister, Mrs. of Drexel H~I1, will ?resent a travelogue Chautauqua speech. l'The American people The American Home Department of i Ihe bank. ~Iary Dick, wife of John Dick, of Cam-on Egypt, With mOVies taken per~ollal!y are isolationists only against war." He the W<9Inen's Club under the leadership! I bridge, i\fass. . by Dr. James last summer 011 I11S trip looks upon the encirclement of Germany of Mrs. Elliott Richardson, chaimlan, is Wm. Craemer ~ets Fourth Term The Rev. John Huggins, of Holy Trin-abroad f I V "I ity Church, Philadelphia, a former c1ass~ • • •• • T _ as the outcome 0 t I.e ersal Ies tre~ty, meeting the re'quests of the members IllOSt I .. . Attendance. at these .actlylhes IS ,ohm and morc than anytlung else responSible I If t· I Last year a successful coursc Wtlham Craemer, of Harvard Avenue, mate of Mr. BonsaU at the Episcopal la, r~". I~al 'Ients may. WISh! l!lSltead. to It~kc I fur the pre~ellt situation in Europe. ~n e~I:~:r~;r' Decorating. followed hy the! treasurer' of the Sun Shipbuilding . and Seminary, Philadelphia, officiated at the t lelr ell ( .-en to pOlllts 0 C( llCattn11a 111- I -_ ... ----- I F' I .t Xoycmber I Drydock Company and State CounCillor simple scrvicts which were held for the terest sue I I F kl ' [ . ,'OllO ar course 011 'Illance as • '. f'l t C I" P' St t 1 a:i t Ie 'ran· 111 nShtutc'1 To Hold Alumnae Event at I . t! large number of the Delaware County' Chamber of an1l y a us ling s, on me ree, o' -"cademy 0 f N aturaI SC'l ence, Phil a d C I- CoUege . mIe t t Ieb rcqwremel1 s 0 a Commerce,, was elected to the office -of PI1'1I a d e Ip hi'a . T ues d ay a ft ernoon a t 2.3 0 I · Z U' 't 'I P k 0 mem ers. I' P lla 00, mverSI y J.l useum, ar way \ . d d f ooking school State Director or the Chamber 0 ICom'- 0 'CI o ck. Int ( "rrncn t was a t \""v est L aureI Museum, Art Exhibit of the .Philadelphia An informal get-together butTd supper j growmg eman I art a c 'I,tg ,vl'tl, the mercc of Pennsylvania last week at Har- Hill. A d f F · A I ! I '11 I I f led to arrangements as spr I . . ea emy 0 mc rts, or t Ie numerous or t Ie VI age a UOlnac, ex-stu( ents 0 P'.I d 1 h. EI . C patty for a nsburg where the members were 111 annual buildings of historical interest. the College, wives of alumni, and faculty 111 a e. p la k- ~tritci COlmb House with i session. b '11 be It Id' B d H • I course 111 coo mg ID Ie u , . Tbis WeekI at the Inn omfe mS wearsr thWmI ore Ceo llegIIeI. a0t1 1 6.3..v 0. emP.o nMa,. '.,I rs. "'{an' anG. Kemp , Home Economist I Thhe edle'c tIOn of thfe lho calS man to a p. ost In "Pardon My Gun," to be shown Saturday February 27th, before the of the, Company, as instructor. lo.n t e Irectora~~ ~ ~ ~ tate or~amz~i tomorrow evening, Saturday. at 8.15, at Haverford-Swarthmore basketball game. This cooking School will be held on I tlon. came as a IStlllC Ollor as e '~I the ·Strath Haven Inn, Pathe depicts life Replies should be sent to Mrs. Jack Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, go mto h0!hhce . forI the fourth cedousecedutl,:e on a dude ranch in a modem musica I Thompson, 409 EI m A venue, or M rs. '{ h 9 JO and 11 and will be available It erm, w IC IS a most unprec ent m J-' arc , , F: f h r the annals of Chamber of Commerce or-comedy version of the old familiar Uwest- George Plowman. of the Swarthmore to non-members of the Club. or urt e .•.. . enl" with an all star cast. Short sub- Apartments before February 24th, for I information those interested may consult ganfJzatthon tn thiS Sta~. ~he .eblecbon f;:- ). ects \VI.I I incI u d e a traveI reV'Ie w and a resefrva t''b o0ntSh f or th e supper or t h e game 8M5 rJs Rich.ardso'n telephone Swarthmore aw oorku ratc cotemrpmli swheads ain oIgth ert ny euatres . to t Felix, the Cat, cartoon. or or . - • • Business Association Elects The following officers were elected at the February dinner meeting of the Swarthmore Business Association held at the Strath Haven Inn Wednesday eve­ning: Cllarles R.. Russell. president; Edward L. Noyes, vice-president; John E. Michael, treasurer, and Alfred P. Smalley~ secretary.

---------- Page 7 ----------

2 __._ _________: -:-:----::-_,._ _._ A_", ___: :---:--:---;-------:--:=--.:-:-:-:-F::::;F:;:-B;-:-R-:-U-;:-:AR=Y. _1 -::-9-:=-;,~1;;:93;-;;;.7 MO· M Elo B b ,-- Ralph Rhoads, Jr. will return from .. ,r .• 11<1 Mrs. Louis F. Umsted are At the Lanadowne crs, shoes, scrubbing brushes and $37.00 ISS ary IZ. ee e S Ya. Ie U.niversity to spend this wee k- en d clI",vm. g t Il'iS wee k f rom 201 EIh· t A ve- to the same causc. w.Ot h .. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .uc to Dala:· On Monday night of this week the an- E A d . A nual tri-post meeting at Swarthmore was U· gagement ooouoce·, Rhoads, of North Prmceton venue. Miss Bertha Sellers and Mrs. ~~~r:~;:! , I I held in the Legion Room in Borougb I Mrs. R. MacElwee, of Mt. Holy- S. Brown have returned to their Hall when the Ridley Park and Chester Mn H C P • h Entertained oke Pia .. , entertained on Monday with at 503 North a.ester Road. City Posts joined in the regular mopthly • • eIll'YV ': an1SMn C!__ t luncheon at the Ingleneuk followed by meeting of the Harold Ainsworth' Post. DurmlD' JIlt to .nu._ .. • brit!gc at her home. There were twenty Miss Ruth Mattern, formerly of A 11 a dd Tess by _a n auth on'l y on Ab, ra h am Walter guests. _ .. Park )\YelllJ< •.. has_ Ielll0Ved _to 341 Dart- Ullcolll was lIie feature of the evening. Mrs. Eugene W. Rother, of Roche~~e!., N".Y., Ts--ili;; 'guest -'oeM;:: aiid-"Mrs. Ralph V. Little, of Park A\'enue. mouth· AveilUc,· reccllt1y \'acated by'· ilr. and Mrs. Mervin who with their two Avenue. . The engagement of Miss Mary ElizaM Safety Movies at High School beth Beebe to Leslie Q. Miller, of Bronx­, .. me, N. Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Miller, of Spokane, Wash., was recently announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lucius Beebe, of Plush Mill Road, Wal- Mrs. Justice Garwood, of The Stonc Mrs. John LeDoux. of \Valnut is jn Florida for a few weeks. On Friday, February 12th, motion pic­tures pertaining to highway safety 'Were shown in the Swarthmore High School Assembly by co~rtesy of the State High­ilingford. . way Commi.!:;sion. Mr. and Mrs. Beebe entertained with a dinner party for their. daughter last Friday evening. -------'- ~I rs. Henry C. Parrish, of Rh'ertol1, X. J., has been spcnding. ,a week with ·l\frs. Sargent \\Talter, of North Chester Jload. Mrs. William J. Hull, of Walnut J..ane, entertained at SUI)I»er on Sunday for Mrs. Parrish. Mrs. Walter Roberts, formerly of Wallingford, now of Bryn ~Iawr, also entertained jn her honor at Juncheon Tuesday. --- ~fr. and Mrs. Robert Haig with their fl.ughter, Mrs. A. H. Sheldon, all of Ogden Avenue, were called to Alhambra, Cal., last week by the death of their son, Edward M. Haig, who passed awa)" on February 9. He had been an invalid for se\'era~ years. Miss Peggy Noyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, of Harvard Avenue, spent the week-end at home, re­turning to Wellesley College on Monday, last. She has been recuperating from a recent operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer, of Og­den Avenue, spent Lincol:1's birthday and the week-end in Atlantic City, N. J. ~lrs. J. N. Folsom, of Pdl1ceton and Lafayette Avenues, left Sunday for a few days visit with her mother and sister in Portland, Me., expecting to return yes­terday or today. --- ~Irs. Ralph V. Little, of Park HUe". visited in Clifton, N. J. and York City last week-end. TODAY and SA TURDA Y "ONE IN A MILLION" . with SONJA HENlE Adolphe Meajou Ave­N\!\ V Ned Jean Heraholt Spark. - Don Ameche Ritz Brothers 4-DAYS----4 SUNDAY, MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDJ\ Y William POWELL Myrna LOY in "AFTER THE THIN MAN" Sunday Continuous From 2 to '11.15 P. M. House, Yale and Harvard Avenues, en-tertained at luncheon at. the Strath Haven Il1n yesterday. Mrs. John R. Brownell, of Park Ave­nue, wilt be hostcss at luncheon today tu the Duplicate \Vhist Club. Mr. Hugh Dellworth, of Elm A\'cnue, :md Mr. John E. Fricke, of Winding Lane, Bowljng Green. leave by boat to­day for a short vacation in Florida. ~-Ir. Edward L. Noyes was confined to his home on Riverview Road several days this wcek by the gril)pe. :Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, o( Princeton Avenue, arc spending this week-end at Chalfollte-Haddon HaU, At­lantic City, N. J. --- Mr. and Mrs. Charles \V. Lukens, of 5trath Haven A venue, spent last w'eek­end at Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Aubrey Smith has returned to his home on Park Avenue after ten weeks in the Crozer Hospital, Chcster, where he was taken when shot in the thigh by two hitch-hikers he l)icked up in his auto­mobile. Due to the nature of the wound it was considered less dangerous not to attempt to re~nove the bullet. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray cntertained at tea last Sunday afternoon at thcir home on Princeton Avenuc. They will give another tea this Sunday. Barbara Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Thatcher, of College A venue, celebrated her birthday on Wcdnesday by entertaining friends in the afternoon. 1\Irs. \Villiam Allen Brown, of Yale A venue, was hostess to her bridge club at IUllcheoll and bridge yesterday. Mr. and lIrs. Henry A. Piper, of Yale l\ \'enuc, Hrc spending some time at St. Petersburg, Fla. ~[rs. Pipers mother, ~·Irs. WilHam J. Guy, is spending the winter at Daytona Beach as 'is her custom. Mr. II. Ludlow Clayden, of Westdale Avenue, is spending the weck-end and George \Vashington's birthday at Lake Placid, N. Y. Now Playing GEORGE O'BRIEN in "DANIEL BOONE" with Heather Angel - Joan Carradine Next Attraction PETER LORR£ •• "CRACK·UP" lH:~~OH. THEATRE Chester Pike at Prospect Park FREE PARKING FOR OUR PATRONS REAR OF THE THEATRE Monday Only Gene Raymond - Ann Sothern 'The Smartest Girl in Town' Wednesday Only Lee Tracey - Cloria Stuart "Wanted! Jane Turner" ,"' • n _.~ a .... :Ily JANE W ::t T, "Can This Be Dixie?" Sta!"tbg ':bu··s '"\y f r Three fhvs "After the Thin M8'l" , Birth :Mr. and Mrs. Graham \Ventz, of Dick­inson, Avenue. ine receiving congratula­tiulls upon the birth of ;:1 son, Charles, at the Media HOSIJital, Thursday evening, February 11. Before her marriage last April Mrs. \Vcl*tz was Miss Helen Banks Schoff, daughter uf Dr. Charles Henry Schoff ami Mrs. Schoff, of :\Iedia. The little boy is a grandson of Mni. Charles Perry \Vent,z , of Vassar .th·elluc. Mrs. Sproat's Mother Dead Patrolman C. R. McLister, of the State Highway Patrol, slJOke concerning the films ana answered the questions of the students. He was aCcoml)3nied by PatrolM man A. O. Hess. I The films shown were entitled "Re­member Jimmy," "Saving Seconds" and "Highway Maniac," a Paramount News reel. The pictures showed the correct ways to walk and drjve 011 our streets and highways, the tragedy caused by careless drivers and some automobile accident sta­tistics which show that there are more auto accidents than any other kind of accident. , Funeral sen'ices were held last Satllr­da.}' in East Orange, N. J., for Mrs. \V. E. Knowles, mother of Mrs. Elrie S. Charles Laughton as HRembrandt/' Sproat, ·of Ogden Avenue, who passed appearing at the Lansdowne Theatre, Friday and Saturday of this week. away on \Vednesday of last week after 1================ Photophone at Media Theatre With the showing of "One in a Mil­lion," as the opening vehicle, Harlan M. Taylor, manager of the Media Theatre, announces the public dedication and operation of the revolutionary new RCA Photophone "High Fidelity" sound re. producing system, installed by the RCA l\·[anufacturing Company. an iJlness of three years. ~lrs. Sproat will return to Swart,h morc this week. M. Brun at Cercle Francais lirs. Robert C. Brooks, of Swarthmore A venuc, entertained the members of the Ccrc1e Francais at the February meeting of the club last Monday evening. M. Brun, of the Swarthinore CoUege faculty, was the speaker. --~,>---- Thursday Night Bridge Winners The results of last week's meeting of the Thursday Night Dridge Club, held at the Woman's Club House, are as fol­lows. North and South: \Villiam Craemer and ;\ndrew Robinson, first; ~hs. William Faison and Mrs. Philip Kniskern, second; Mrs. Charles Mordson ;;ami Mrs. C. A. Bagby, third; East and W cst: :Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden and \Viltiam E. Soden, first; Mr. and ~Irs. Fred \Vilson, second; Dr. and Mrs. John :\Iurphy, third. The previous week's winners were North and South: Mrs. Arthur Robin­son and A. Arnold, first; Mrs. Edith Cuskaden ami Andrew Robinson, second; Mrs. \V. L. Lukens and Daniel Goodwin, th-ird; East and \Vest: Mrs. Sewell \V. Hodge and Richard Carvell, first; Mrs. Charles Morrison and :Miss Janet Mid­IUeton, second; Mrs. Ludlow Claydcn and H. G. Browll, third. LANSDOWNE Delaware County's Finest Theatre Lansdowne Ave. abo Baltimore Pike Mad. 720 Friday and Saturday Better Than All His Other Ro]es Put Togetherlll CHARLES LAUGHTON .s "REMBRANDT" Gertrude Lawrenr:e Elsa Lanr:hester Monday and Tuesday SHIRLEY TEMPLE ROBERT YOUNG ALICE FAYE in "Stowaway" Arthur Trear:her Eugene Pallette Helen Westley Wednesday and Thursday MAE WEST in "Go West, Young Man" Warren William - Randolph Scott Alir:e Brady _ Lyle Talbot MEDIA NEW R. c. A. High Fidelity SOUND System TIle First Insta11ation in De]aware County Last 2 Days! Friday _ Saturday SONJA HENlE ;n "ONE IN A MILLION" with Don Ameche M Ned Sparks ",dolphe Menjou ~ The Ritz Brothers Sunday w Monday - Tuesday Two Complete Shows Monday After­noon, 1.30-3.30 William Powell Myrna Loy "After the Thin Man" Wednesday Only Spanky McFarland ;n "General Spanky" Chaperons at Last Saturday's Classes The Intermediate Group and the Junior Assembly of the Swarthmore Dancing Classes met in the Woman's Club House last Saturday evening. The chaperons invited for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme, Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton. A·fr. and Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reavis, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander \V. ~Ioseley and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beatty. There will be 110 dancing classes held this week. Wilde1iJfe Group in Bermuda Among the students from Wildcliffc Junior College who sailed recently arc the Misses Jean Russell, of New Yurk City; Mary Cartey, of Kingston, N. Y. j Margaret Stannard, of Louisville, Ky.; Marjorie Porter, of Enid, OkJaw homa; Marian Huntr~ss, of Chevy Chase. D. c.; Ethel i\bcdonald, of Freehold, N. J., and Jane Patchett, of Green Hill Farms, Philadelphia. The unit w,ilI presellt a three act play in one of the local theatres in Burmuda in addition to preparing for regular classes in French, English Literature, Social Studies, Art and 1\1 usie. Excur­gjons for sketching and painting will be taken to \'arious parts of Burmuda during the six-weeks stay. , Legion AUxiliary and Post News The American Legion Auxiliary asks the IJCOIJle of Swarthmore to help in keep­ing a certain number of Delaware County's unfortunates fed and clothed. It will offer all opportunity for them to do so 011 April 9th, when it approaches them 10 buy tickets for the annual dance which will be held at the \Voman's Club. All money realized from the event witl go toward relief work in this county. The Auxiliary recently sent through contributions from individuals and from their treasury, $25.00 to the Flood Relief Fund. The American Legion of this Post donated one hundred cans of food, sweat- UPHOLSTERING A N Y W H E R E Furniture Restoring In AU Its Branches A N Y T I M E FRED Jo HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Phone, D .... by 2490 Sound technicians from the RCA laboratories installed and tested the new system. A new giant loudspeaker, cap­able of reproducing the entire range of audible frequencies with the utmost fidelity, has been installed behind the porous screen from which the sound emanates, and with the new sound head and high quality amplification system in the projection booth, the stage is set· for presenting the greatest advance in theatre sound since the advent of talking movies. The range of volume has been improved so that the merest whisper of the wind in the grass or the great crescendo of a symphony orchestra may be reproduced with equal fidelity. With the installation of the RCA ap­paratus in the Media Theatre, motion picture fans of Delaware County wHl en. joy sound of the same high _ standard as that in the tWQ finest theatres hi. the world, the Center Theatre and Radio City ~Iusic. Hall, of Rockefeller Ccntre, New York, for the sound systems are practic­ally identical in operation and (Iuality of reproduction. SWARTHMORE CHOCOLATES Novelties and Favors for Washington's Birthday Old Bank Building Phone 108 THIS Year Keep Comfy with VAN ALEN BROS. COAL OR FURNACE OIL Phone: Swarthmore 10412 POTTERY The Darby Flower Shoppe EDGAR E. DEMUTH, Prop. 44 CHESTER PIKE Flowers For All Occasions RICHARD C. YOUNG Landscape Gardener POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL DESIGNS FEBRUARY 19, 1937 T".Hu.1EIe dS WARTHMOREAN bJ' RoHrl; L ........ PUBLlSHED.'EVERY FRIDAY AT SWAilTHMOllE, PA. . .. MARY T. ERVIN PARKER Editor P aW',·.r TITU..S.. .J... .E.W. lG ROSAUE -DRYDEN N ... ·EII ... J ... Pbo.. Swutlamoi:e, •. ). ~. :. '.i Eatered .. Secobd ctus Matter, J_uuy 24. 1829• •t th. Yoet O.l&c. at $~-.;tII.-., r... . iaDder lb. Act of MarCia 3; a.7'~··> .': FRIDAY, FEBRUARY-.1!', 1937 PLEADS ANOTHER -C-<:\US/:l, Dear Swarthmorean.: There has been introduced in the legjs­lature at Harrisburg by Senator Leon C. M IIndy a bilt to take the power from the county commissioners of five counties to appoint the tax assessment board. One of these counties is our own, Delaware County. If this bilt passes it means that we arc obljged to accept from the hands of the Attorney General any set of as­sessors which he is pleased to appoint. This IS glaringly opell as an effort to concentrate . more authority at Harris­burg. It says to these five cOlin ties : You are not competent to elect your own com­missioners and therefore we will assist you by dojng some of their work. It would be just as reasonable for the Great United States to say that Rhode Island is a small state and therefore incapable of self-government. Efforts such as are contemplated in this bill if they are suc­cessful mean that the principal of the United States government is beginning to crumble away. It would be' well for everyone .interested to write his Senator and Representative at Harrishurg stat­ing his opinion of such a legislature .. SHAD, E SIMMONDS. RECEIVES ACKNOWLEDGMENT tion of scores of people in amounts from 25c to $5.00, indicates to w that you and your group have made excellent progress in bringing the attention' of th~ people jn your community to this very fundamental and vital work of providing ue}'es" for the blind. I am enclosing the official receipt for the community contribution and a receipt also for $23.10, the proceeds of a play given by six of your younger residents. I hope that these young men will have, as they grow, a growhlg appreciation of our ';vork. . :' The' ~verage cost to the Seeing Eye for eaCl~"'blind man or woman, who through it~. work fii1~s. !ndcvcndence, is .$900. All the' tlll:'i"tey \vliich we receive goes to pro~ . vide· this 'illdepeiidence and into assurance of its~ licrmanehce. The. Seeing ·E)·e· IS interested partic­ularly~' in" 'I)uilding annual contributors, who, as 'inenibet"s of the orgallization, ·wHl k~ep in touch directty with its de­MARY'S PET RECIPE Whol_heal Mum ... 3 cups wholewheat flour 2 taplespoons shortening ·1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs . 5 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups milk 6' teaspoons sugar . Put wholewheat flour, salt, bak­IIIg pO~\lder and sugar in bowl, add the hulk, well beaten eggs and melted shortening. Mix well. Bake III muffin pans which have been greased with lard, put a spoon­ful of mixture hi each muffin ring and bake in a moderate o\'en (350 to 375 degrees) 15 to 20 minutes. Test 'before removing from oven as flour varies in baking. A cup of raisins Ulay be added to the dry ingredients while mixing if desired. velopment al)d' iii" turn serve-to interpret ~~;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:::;:::;::;;:;;:;::;::;;~;;:;;;;:;;; oUr work to those who do 110t know about .;: it. For the morning service Sunday, a May I repeat that we are deeply special missionary service has been ar~ grateful for all that you and oth.;:r rcsiw ranged by the committee on Benevolence. dents. of Swarthmore, through you, have At this ser.vice the speaker will be the done for the Seeing Eye. '''Ie should like H.ev. Harold Voelkel, of Andong, Choseil, th.e opportunity of thanking eadt contri- Korea. -Mr. and Mrs. Voelkel are spend­butor individually and .if you will send ing the year in America after which they me their names and addresses and the will return to their mission fields in amounts contributed, I will see that this Korea, is done. At the Chrjstian Endeayor meeting at With best wishes: i am, 7 o'clock the topic will be, "What Is Sincerely yours, There to Christianity Beyond a Code of HENRY A. COLGATE, Morals ?, The leader will be Anne Chairman, National :Membership Com. Wray. Christian Science Church u:a,lind" is the subject of the Lessolt­Sermon 111 all Churches of Christ, Scientist, 011 Sunday, February 21. Dr. Gateson to Preach Tonight The Rev. D. \Vilmot Gateson, D.D., rector of the Church of the Saviour, Philadelphia. will be the guest preacher this evening at 8 o'clock. Next Friday night the Rev. Stanley V. Wilcox, of Chester, will preach. At the Friday evening services the fol­lowing women of the Parish will assist with the mus.ic: AIrs. F W. Hadley, Mrs. S. Francis Butler, Mrs. C. F. \Volters, l\.frs. Richard Tunis, Mrs. Allen W. Carpenter, Miss Jane Butterworth, Mrs. G. A. McCorkle and Miss Edna Mixsell. This evening Mrs. Carpenter will sing "Like As A Father Pitieth His Children," by David Davis. Other Trinity Church Notes This afternoon the childrer. o( the Parish will meet (or Lenten Project \Vork after school. At 4.30 o'clock there will be a Childreos' Servke. The first meeting of the Bible Class and D"iscussioll Group was held at the Rectory on Monday evening. It will meet every Monday at 8 o'clock under the leadership of Mr. Guenther. The \Voman's Association has recently received word from Mrs. Covington, ad­vising that her husband, the missionary pastor, who is located at Gaiolsboro, Tenn., is v~ry ,111 and that he will be unable to resume his work for se\'eral months. This illness imposes a severe burden on the slender resources of the Covingtons. Those able to help in this emergency rC(IUested to hand their contributions to Mrs. J. R. Kline or Mrs. Walter Thorpe. The next meeting of the Young \Voman's Guild will be held at the home o( ~'I rs. Harlan Jessup, 241 Haverford Avenue. Thursday evening. February 25, at 7.45 o'clock. A book review will be given by .Miss Adelinc Strouse. Methodist Play Tonight The cast for "Minnie Breezer," a play by Rcby Edmond, which will be given in the social hall of the Swarthmore Meth­mUst Church at 8 o'clock this evening, Friday, February 19, by the Young 'Voman's Association, IS as follows: Minnie Breezer, Marian Burgett; Connie ~heridan, Dolly Vicidy; Shirley McNab, Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth; ~Irs. Deaville, 11 rs. Charles Kimmel; Christol)her Dea­ville, Uaymond Shubert; Uncle Otto, Walter Snyder; John Spencer, Charles Kimmel. , Methodist Men Study Kagawa The subject presented to the Round Table Bible Class of the Methodist Church 011 Sunday last was olle of the most .important figures of modern times. "A softly spoken man, unassuming, of almost insignificant appearance, and an Oriental. But a man of noble ancestry. a fearless and successful apostle of This interesting character. Kagawa. 0(11 Among the members of the local volun­Japan, was presented to the Class by one teer committee which is canvassing of .,the members; Dr. ·Alfred.-Hr WiIIill8ll1t Swarlhmore by telephone are Miss Henri­o(, Wallingford, professor of IndusirYlat ~tta Meeter, Mrs. Sewell W. Hndge, Mrs. th~ Wharton School of the Universitr.iof John Daley and Mrs. Theodore W. p,innsylvania. Dr. Williams told h9w Crossen. thiS scion of a wealthy and prominent . family of Japan refused to enter the diplomatic service because he chose in­stead to devote his life to the Servjce of , , Dr. Bronk Gives Addreaa at Univ. of Penna. hi~ most countrymen and was . 'p.r. Detlev ·W. Bronk gave the address therefor disinherited. at the mid-year convocation of the Uni­Kagawa too-k 'charge of the rescue work versity of Pe~nsylvania held hi Irvine III Tokio after the terrible earthquake Auditorium, Tpirty~fourth and Spr~ce which dev'astated that city, was the prin- Streets, Philad:clphia, Jast Saturday. His ci,ml factor in the institution of universal subject was "The ·Foundation of a UniM rmile suffrage in Japan, and is introduc- versity in Modem :Democracy." ing a co-operative movement . of far- Dr. Bronk. is' pro£essor·- of biophysics reaching effect. at the Uhiversity and director of the The time at the disposal of the speaker Eldridge R. Johnson Foundation··' {(;r \~as all too short so an invitation was Research in :Medical Physics. He and his given. to members to present questions family are living at present oh Elm Ave­and discllss the matter more fuUy next Due Swarthmore Sunday morning. An invitation is given I' .' - . to any men who may be interested and who are not affiliated with any other' Men's CJass. ---00---- Swartbmoreans Urged to Express Views on Supreme Court Change' The people of Swarthmore are being asked to voice their attitute toward the present Supreme COllrt crjsis, irrespective of their party adherence. Citizens who care to express themselves on this subject are asked to write letters at once to the following Senators and Representatives lJl Washington: Ron James J. Davis, Senate Office Duilding; Hon. Joseph J. Guffey, Senate Office Building; Repre­sentative Hatton W. Summers, Chairman House Judiciary Committee, House Office Building; Senator Henry S. Ashurst, Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Office Building; Hon. James \Volfendell, House Office Building. 6 Acre!5-s -a;$12,OOO Just outside of Swarthmore. D. nice. plot of ground, half of which Is open wood. of fine old 50 to 60.£oot trees; a stream with three little lake •. one atocked with carp, ·trout and. catfish up to 5 pounds in weight: about an acre planted with mastodon etraw. berrlell, rows of common' and rare nursery sto'rk .of shrubs, hedge. etc. Grapes, peaches. pears, and apples at full bearing age. Two amall houses with electricity Dnd their own water supply from individual welts; chicken house, two barnll, stable for two cows. etc. Property located on a macadam road in Ridley Township. TUS:l!s nbout $ J 00 a year. M. PARKER 23 South Cheater Road Swarthmore 42 CAPRIOTTY'S EQUIPMENT & FUEL SERVICE CO. Scda Authorized Ignition and State Inspection DEAR CUSTOMER, All Make. of Car. and Trucks Reconditioned MORTON, DEL. CO., PA. Our long research of various product. and service is now at the peak, to offer you service and merchandise. yet CAPRIOITY'S quality 18. kept at the .ame high IItandard always. Our facilities for service are being expanded constantly aesuring you that high quality will be matched with trigger-action, intelligent service throughout eVt!ry trans .. action. Your patronage of any kind or &mount is highly appreciated and more profitable for you and all concerned. CAPRIOTfY'S facil­ities and service will help you immeasurably. We are selling new and used automobiles. trucka. tractors,. and parts. Oil burnera--domestic and commercial. Fuei oil 0.£ aU grad'; •• Lubricating oil and grease. Our shop is fully equipped with all modern facilities for all aorta of mechanical attention. This establishment is permanent and you can depend on us today, tomorrow and for years to co~c.:~ ... . Respectfully yours, D. E. CAPRIOTTY, Bell Phone, Swarthmore 1800 Directors of Sales and Service. The following letter' has just been re­ceived by Mrs. J. V. S. Bjshop, of Har­vard Avenue,: chairtnan of the local com~ mittee in the recent drive to raise funds for the Seeing Eye._ The members of the Woman's Associa­tion met at the home of the president, Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, o( Princeton Ave­nue, on \Vednesday afternoon. An 111- teresting program of "Radiograms from Mission Fields" was presented by Mrs. George .. \. Marr and Mrs. Roland Eaton. The election o( officers held at the annual meeting in the Church last Friday re­sulted as follows: president, Mrs. Earle P. Yerke~; first vice-president, Mrs. Paul D. Wjlliams; second "ice-president, Mrs. Frank Reynolds; third vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Bates j treasurer, :Mrs. Frank Reitzel; recording secretary, lIrs. Percv Gilbert; corresponding secretary, Mrs. j. Christialiity, and a champion of ·Labor, r':::~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~';;~·~~~ who is bringing about, in his own country, outstanding improvemcnts 111 the condi- .. Dear Mrs. Brshop: It gives us great plcasllre ·to acknowl­edge with gratitude the receipt from the community of Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, the sum of $363.52 toward ollr work. The fact that it represents the contribu- Donald Gibson. . IPHILADELPHIAI I CAMDEN I J.E.LlMEBURNER CO. tJI/PENfIN6 OPTlc/ANf I GERMANTOWN I I BRYN MAWR I Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacleso JOSEPH E. HAINES. President. tions of the working classes withollt adopting any of the sinister methods at use in this country today." CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH , Protestant Epilcopal Cbee;ter Road anel Colleae A .. enue Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M •• Rector Rev. T. A. Meryweather. Oir. Rei. Educ. SUNDAY 8 :00 A. M.-Ho]y Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday Sehoo] and Bible Class 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. WEDNESDAY 10 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 3:30 P. M.-Childrens' Project Work. 4 :30 P. M.-ChHdrens· Service. S :00 P. M.-Evening Prayer. Guest Preacher this evenint! the Rev. D. Wilmot Goieson. D.O. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-Bible Sehool. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Rev. HRrold VoekeJ, of Andong-. Chosen. Korea. 7 :00 P. M.--Christian Endeavor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Claren(!e P. Carter. A.B., B.D., Minbter SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.--Chureb School. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.-Epworth League meetings. i -+<+.-..:-:-:-:. .....: +:~.. ....................: -< : :-.~~ ~ ~ O:Me-,"" 0 :Q eo.:. .: ..,. 7:46 P. M.-Evening Worship. . t THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS I SUNDAY Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company o 9 :41i A. M.-FirBt Da;y School. .f\. 9:45 A. M.-The Adult Class. William T. Hull will speak on "Quaker in V HoJland-Present and PR$L" i 11 :00 A. Y.-Meetinc for Wo ... bfp In the X I Meetins- House.. X. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Parle: Avenue below Hanard 11 :00 A. M.-Sundq Scbool. 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday LeMon-Sermon. ix OF SWARTHMORE WedDe8d.,. evenill8" meeting- each week. 8 M be Fed aI D '1 I C· X I em r er ep051 DSurance orporatioD l pd.a nm •a.n dR -hdoilnfdaa nro 1o:m0 0 0t1o't' D4 :0rf0a;il yC. IneSnld"1I! Pet di8f1i]cne_. o a 0 " 0 01 " " : " .. &."' .............. ~ .... , .. • .. • • _ _ _ ~ All are eordial~. iDvited to attend u:ae .en .. • .. .. ~. .....- ............_ _. ......) <t. ......! M>(. .: +... ........: ..:-.... .~ . .... C 0 c : : :. .: +.'<....... iceI and UH the 1lMdm. Room. Unvarying- 'in Reliability.. .. • ~ r ! ~r~ In addition to its wide usefulness, one of the most valuable factors of Utility Service is its con­stancy, its regularity. Even seasons vary-wintry days tak­ing on the aspect of early spring­excessive rains following excessive drought-but the product of the public utility is always the same. Upon its reliability and dependability are built modern productiveness, comfort, and convenience. Utility Service is faithful service! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Electricity Is Cheap in the Philadelphia Area

---------- Page 8 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 \1\ FEBRUARY 19, 1937 -- ------------ ---------- At tbe Lansdowne I crs. shots, s\:rubhlllg: hrl1sh('s .md $3700 I 10 the s.lIl1l' (.tllst M· MEl· B b' 1<.III,h l<ho.uI5. Jr. \\111 Il'lllrJI frolll ,lI1d ~In; IOlllS l' Umst(:d .1It ISS ary IZ. ee e S Y.lIt: lll1\lrsll\ to SP(.'lIlt tins \\f.:tk tilt! (111 \III).! tills \\tt1... frum 201 l~JIIl A,e \\Ith Ills ("'Hnts ).Ir .1IIt! ~If" R.llph n .. 10 B II I On lI4)1111.1,)" IIIghl uf tlu!oi \',;nk the .UI- 1I1I1! tn-po ... 1IIt:c.:tmg- .It S".lrthmorc "as ht ttl III III( I q.HUIl Room 111 Borough filII \\htll the 1<1(11(') P.lrk .lIId Chest('r l 11\ I'mh 1ollu:d 111 t:u.! monlhl\. IIIllIlIlg Ilf Ihe.: II.tnlld '\lIIs\\(lrth 1'0 .. 1 \11 .ullln .... " 11\ .111 .ltIllwrih' on Ahr.lh.l1l1 IIIUIIIII ".IS. thl' fl.lllire of Illl c\e.:I1I11g: Engagement Announced i I{II" ... I-. "f );",111 1"111«101< ,\HlIll< I ~Irs In1l1 1< ll.ld·h<:l, of ~It Hoh· Mrs. Henry C. Parrish Entertained ~Ikl PI,in:, ('IIII.'rl.l1l\('d 011 ~IOJl(l.1) \\uh ;\11 ...... Bath.t Sdlu ... tlld \1 r.. \ I S gro\\11 h.IH ntunu:d to tlillr 11(II11C II 5Ui Xorth t Iu. .. lcr Uu.ltl Durl· ng Vl'S I' t t 0 M rs. S a rgent 11111l1U;OIl cll thl 11IJ,!ll111:ul\ £"II<)\\ul 11\ Walter I"ntl..!l .It Ian hOIll(, Illln: \\In.: 1\\\111\ \II .... l{lIlh \1.lttlill. f(lrllIlrh of 2'35 I'tll, \ \4.. 1111l. Ii I ... n.:II]o\nl to 3-11 D.lrt 1I101llh hUllIl nU:lIlh \.ll.lle.:d In :\Ir .lIul \Ir ... \Ie.:nlll J:ur~t·t1, \\ho \\lth the.'lr 1\\0 dlll(lrlll .trl 110\\ Oll IIp\ III;.! -In-l l'.lrk Illl 4..ll)....I1-te.·lIIl·1I1 III ~II ..... 111(\ l·hzl h( 111 J:..:du: 10 I t .. Ill t:J 111111:r, (If Bronx \ rllt \: , .. 011 IIf ~I r .lIld ,:\1 r.. \ S \1111\1 Ilf S)lIII~lIIl \\ IsII ",t .. n'llllll) 11!1 'l'lIlul 11\ 11tr plllllh 'Ir m" \Irs 11'\111-. Hllhl 11\ I'ltl~h ,:\1111 I{OIIi \\.11 I ;..lllt"h :\1 p. " \ I{.tlph 1.1I1-te.:lIl \\ l{tllht:l. of Hodllshr Is Ihl' J.!114.. .. 1 of 'Ir ,md ~lrs \ I lult. of 1'.lrl~ "H'IIU{ • Safety Movies at High School \, emil \lr.. 111 ... llll t •• lr\\ood (If I ill Stolll fohn I till IIX. 01 \\.1111111 IIIIIII"l 'lIl .11lclllll\lnl \\lI1Ul'" ll1 1111'::I<lnl h rt IIllul •• t JUll l ltl"ll II Ihl Sir Ilh 11.1\1.:11 I .. 11] 1 lund I for t Il \\ • Birth Oil J"nd.t) Flhrtl.ln 121h. 111011011 1>11.:- 11IIts IJl'rt.l1l1l11g 10 Ingll\\.l\ s.lfet\ \\crl' .. 1111\\11 111 thl S\\clrlhllllire Illgh Se.:'14)llt \ ...... 4..lIlllh 1)\ tllurl4..S\ If thc St.ltl' Illgh \\.1\ llllllllll"Sllln \11 .l1Id 'fr .. l~l4..hl ultut.llmd \\Ith 111m )4.. .. llrd.l\ .1 (lllllllr 11.lrl\ I,] 11111r Illu,.:htlr 1, ... 1 Illdn\\lIllII_ \11 .. "lllll~ __ _ _ 1'.llIohll.m ( U :-"Jd Isll·r. flf the.: SI.lte \Ir .tllli :\Ir ... ('I,i1lcllll \\llll7. 1111)llk 111.!h\\.I\ ".Itrol sJlIII~e.: lllllnrlllllg Ihc 111-.,,11 \HII1]\ lit Illll\l11,.. UIlIt;I.lhtll '11111" .ml .1II"\\lnd th4.. 111Il'>I1I)I" of llil' IllU ,,!II he. !J1I ... 1l ..... II itnuhunl 1(ld.\ 1,1 I 11'11 .. tI]toll Ihe. hit til I I I -.c I] (h 1I1l~ .11 .. ll1l1llll-. lit, \\ Is IllOIIIIl.ll11ld In I'cltrol- \11-. Iltlln ( 1'.lrll"h 01 ~1\l11l)1I 1Il4.. IhlJ,lil.lll \\llI .. t (Iuh :\ 1 h.I" I Illl1 "PUll I 111~ I \\ll I~ \\11 II I Ihl \lull.1 110"'1 111 •. 1 I hnr .. d" t \ 1I1111t; I 111111 \ 0 Ile ... s \II" >";.l1glllt \\.tltu III \llrth lhl,t":ll :\11 111I"!h J)\lI\\lIrlh til 11m \\4..ll1ll IlIIIIIII\ II II Iht 111m .. "hll\\11 \Hrl' cnllliul 'I{c- I~, Iii .:\Ir .. \\ tllt.11Il I 111111. of \\ •• 111111 lilt I \II 101111 I I rl4..kl 01 \\ 1II111111.! I I:lll n hu nl.lrlla,.!.l 1.1 .. 1 \pnl :\Ir.. Illllllhtr 11111111\ S.l\lIlg St{olltl .. ' .lIId 111\ tlltl]11I1Il11 I "'UI'1'4..1 on SlIlId,\ Illll 1!1I\\I!1l,.., (.rnll Il.I\(' 11\ hllcll to \\llliz ".1" "\1",,, IllIlll n.IIlI, .. Slhllli Ilndm.1\ :\1.11II.ll .1,llllount \e.:" ... I I \Ir~ 1'.ln] ... h \11" \\ litlr I~olllrl' dl\ I'll 1"1011 \.It.III'l1 111 IIlIlltl.1 IIIlH!hltl 01 1)1 lhuh .. Illlll\ "'(hilI! nll IIll I)!dun:" <;ho\\(d thl lurnd I 11II\lh (If \\.IIIIII·j,nl 1101\\ 01 1,1\11 Iuu' :\h .. SlhlJlf 0\ :\1\1111 \\l\"tO\\.IH ... llldtlr!\C1JIIOUr'ilrtlb.IIUI \11\\1 .11"'0 1I1Ilrt.llllt(j III Ii..: I hlill r 1\ \11 tI\\.l1d I \0\\" \\ I" lOllllllul I II Iht httll hll\ I .. ,I .!1.IlItI"'UIl 01 :\11... l11~h\\ I\S Ihe.: tr.lge.:(h {.ll1 ... ulln {.trcks .. 11Il\!t\11I l11t .. I1,\ In .. h"lIIl 1111 H"l(\ll\\ I{IM!! "l\t:].ll t1""lt 11.11 It .. I'lll\ \\lnlz III \ 1 .. ~.11 htlllh (h 1\ e.r .... lIul Slll1lC Ilttolllllhill .tllulc.:nl "t.t I!HI \I r~ I{~ III rt 11.11':: \\ Ilh Ihllr \ II Shdrl~ 11 111 111 ()_d~11 \\llllll \\llcl.t1luIIO \lh.l1uhr.1 l tI 1,,"'1 "ul, In Iltl tll.lll! oj thur "'011 I d" Inl :\1 1111~ \\he> 1'1"'l'<I .1\\.1\ 011 Itlllll.L1\ ~ II~ Ii.HI lInn.111 111\.11111 tor 11th \\llk fH Illl ~lll']Il. tlslllS \\:lIth 'ilio\\ thlt tillrt .In nUJll' Mrs. Sproat's Mother Dead ,mlo ,lUIIIlIIIs Ih.UI .111\ other kllltl 01 \It ml \lr .. lull P \tll~t .. Oil I til III 11 SU\1l":'" \\lll hd .. I., .. 1 S.ltm .lllulUlt l'll1lU II I] \\llllll IH "'lllllth1H.~ 1111"1 d)\ III 1.1 .. 1 Ol.tllt..t.:\ , fHI :\Ir .. \\ • \\lll~ tllli It lh.llf'lIItl' Iluhltul 11.111 \1 I 1\,1111\\14.. .. 1lI11111l1 Ilf \II~ Ilnl" Charles Laughton as "Rembrandt," Photophone at Media Theatre IllIla lll\ :\ I >..; () 1 \ I I appearmg at the Lansdowne Theatre, I plol\ 01 g(OI \lIll1l "hi pt ...... u \\llh th..: 'iIHI\\III!." of Olle.: 111.1 :\1]1_ Friday and Saturday of this week. p ),11 11111 \lr .. lit II Ie. ... \\ Lul~(I'" f lll\\ 1\ 011 \\ uhlt: ... d 1\ I I 11,,1 \\ld~ .\tt~1 1Inll IS thc 0Pllllt1~ \dl1d~ I I.lrt.1Il :\1 >";Ir.llh 111\l1l \HIHll "'pUlt 1.I'it \Htk 1111 11111e.: ..... uf 111I'tl \":Il'" \lr .. Sploll 1.1\lllr 1Il.U1.I!..,lr Ilf the.: :\Jl'(I1.1 Ihc.ltre II I I ,. I I I Chaperons at Last Saturday's I llHI It c..hllllllll~II.lIhIOIl 11111 \11.1l11It l \\1 !tllrll t) • ...,\\.trl.l1lllJlt:lll-o\\l'l~ .11I1UHlIIl4.. ... thl' (lldlClllon .11111 \[1 .... f'l!1,. _'\ \0\4.." c1l1'1"hhr o.f \Ir l'l'' ,. I 1MB Classes UPl r.llloll 0 [ t II ..: rn I I (I IltlOIl.ln lIe\\ ~CA .IIHI \Ir ... C.lri ..... I ~fl\l" 01 II.I1\.lnl • ____ • run at Cercle Francais . 'I, I( I I L I' I I S II Ihl Inh:rllluh.lit (.Iotll' ,Imillie )111I111r 111]otflphul1l Illgh Iltltlll\' "(11111<1 re \\l1l11l "Ill lit thl \\ hOllle. 'c I :\Ir \ul,rt\ SlIl1lh h.I" rc.tllllled til 111'" .\ So Illel .IOth" \ \\.Ir llUIIH I II I II ,. II IJ Ilrlldl1tlll'~ s\slC:1lI ]lIst.II1,,1 It, Il'l I(l \ IHIIlIlIg 10 \1 4.. II {"I t\ CO II O!t: 011 :\IUlltll\ h"lIll 011 1'.1r1~ I \e.:lllU .1 [I II tl11 \\ll,I " \'("'1." ..(."1.·." 1.,,,,,,1 Il'l ,1,..., ,,,,1,,,, ,,[ Il't .. ..,tlll I \ (I Il' ~\\.Ir IIlIllIl' .1I1t:1l1g: 'I [ I"> I l II (Il' I I.UIl .lIs .It Ihc I e.:hnl.lf\ IlInt11lt; l I''''''l ~ lIlt't II] till \\ Illllclll s Cluh ] II/Ibe. .\ clllll .Illllrmg ll)IIIIMI]\ 11 .. 1 Shc h~lll ncuplr.ltlll.L! from .~ III Illl l r" 11""Jllt.11 l h..: ... tlr \\hlrl II I ,. I I '11 I Soulld lu:h1l111.'lh I,,,,,, 1,'1" 1,'[ \ Itt(1I1 I'Jllr,ltHI1l [ Ilr .tPIlI.:Il{he.:ttl" lit \\,1" t II'lll \\11l1l .. IHlt III 11]e.: tll1~n I1 \ ,,' tit, lll,l, 1.1,1 ..'\1 ",1,1.1, ""''-I'll!-' .'\I I h :"lun.l) l\e.:l1mg Ie ll,lperUIlS I I II I, [I SIC 11 I Ill\lhtl IlIr the.: t\t.'llIlI!." \\lTl.: :\Ir .lIld .1101 Ihlnl's 1I1'iI.t l<i .1IIt! tc<;tl.:d the Ile\\ 1\\0 hlllh h I,tl .. ht l)lll'lll 11)1111 hi'" IIlto .rllll () tiC \\arlllllllr .. 0 l'gl.: I.ICUI\ ., \ I I ~iI .IIHI \Ir ... (Ilor,.,l' ZlIllllllr of 0.. I I :\Ir .. ( \\ \ItDo\\t.'II. ~Ir .1Ilt! :\In, s\ ... Il'1lI j 11t\\ glclllt UIUSIl(·.lkcr, e.:,II)- I"> 1II11111k Dill 10 Ihl' 11.I{lln' 01 thl \\0111111 \\ IS tiC SJll·.1 ~t r II [ dlll \\lIlt1e.: 'iP":llt LIIIloln .. IJlrthll 1\ 111111 I I I I • \urlJl.11I ) Inlllll :\Il' lIlIl ~[rs Rul,lI1d .1) l () rll'r{Jtll1llll~ Ihe e.:ntlrc r.mge fli lilt \\It:k e.:nd 111 \11.l1HIt LII\ :\: , II ".Is llll1"']( lnt l ... " r ,l1lgl'IUII" 1I0t tIl ThursdaY N,' g ht Br',d geI nWn' ers I 11011 :\Ir .IIHI \Irs ltdl'h I)IIIS1l10re ••1 11( IIIIII [ re.:qllt:lI11h \\11I] t II ": tltmost Ittlll1l)t I" rUIIO\ l I III.: hulld 11 I I k I I I I I II I I I II Il'ill ts 01 hI \\It "1lIt.:c.11t1..! 01 ,:\11 .lIul :-"lr ... \ n l{ta\I .... Dr .lIul \Ir ... I(e.: 11\. I.IS ll'tll IIlSI.1 l( I~ ltIul tlil' :\lls :1\ rill ... til, Ilf Pnllt:~toll dlHtl I)r lilt! )'11" 1--1-1 ~hlrrl\ u]tcrt.lI1ll'ti Iill IllIlrsd,l\ ~I!.!hl 1:IHI!!l lluh hdt! 11.lrr\ /CI'OI11e.:. :\Ir .1IIt! :\Irs 1\I,,:xl1I<ltr plnou ... <;lrl'lH frolll "llIdl thl' sOllnd Ul\dh \\llllll ... lll1 SUlIc!" lor.t fe\\ II III 1.1"" Smull\ .ll{(rlloll!l .It thur II Ihl \\OIlMB" lll1h Ilol1"l In I .. 101 \\ \!O .. dl·\ .lIul :\11 .mel :\Ir ... I e.:"", l:III,111114..s .mel \\lIb Iht 11(:\\ "0111111 ht:.ul !In .. \1"11 ~\lllh hlr Illlllhl'r .lIld .. 1.. . It:r III 1 h01l1\ oil Prlllutull htllUl 'I III \ "ill 10\\'" :l\orlh .11111 SII1IIi \\IIhllll I!t'.It!\ .1IIt! lugh (Iullil\ .11111'1II1t.1I101I s\,.,I..:1II 111 "0111\11\1 .\ l l:Xl'lltlllg to nll1rn \t" 1'::1\4.. ,111\11hli ttl Ihl'i Suml.n ll,ll'lIllr .IIHI \mlrl\\ Roll]l .... OII IIrst. Ihlrl \\111 III 110 d.l1ltll1~ d.I""l<; held tht pro}..:{tlollilooth. tht SI,IRl' I .. ''It for tlnl." or tod.1\ _____ \Ih \\ lilt 1111 111(1 \Ir .. 1'11111)1 1111 .. \\llk 11Il ... tllll1ll.! Ihe grc.: Itl',,1 .Hh.lIlu: III the.ltr~ Ih.lllhll tll11ghle.:r 111 :\Ir lhlrlt .. :\lllnl~(Jn • "1'"0t! SllltC Ihl .lIhe.·1I1 (II t.llklll" 1I10\1l''' \11.. R.llph \ I mil III 1'.lrI~ \\1. :... Bill \ 1"lll(1 III lilit 111.:\ .Uld \e\\ lilt! :\11.. \\ IIII.lIn 11].Itc.lll r tlf C(llllt;t \ I: 11.:11\ th]nl I a ... t .l1ltl Wildcliffe Group In Bermuda I hl r IIlt;<: III \1111II1le.: II(.lll ]11111(11\((1 \\llll1t. lll~hrltlli Jar IlIrll"l.n \ I IIIUo" lll\t!ll] 1I1tl ----- Sll Ih.11 Ihl lilt te sl \\hl-oll..:r 01 tht.' \\lIul , d~ llt\ 1.1-.1 \\\l'klnd I I I [ \1 \\u!Ill ... t!" In lllhrllllllilg IrlCIHI-. SlldUI IIl .. t. \Ir .l1ltl \h.. 1U11l":: til st1Hlllts flllII Ihkhlll III til{ gr,l'iS IIr Ihl gn •• t e.:n"tlluio of.1 Ihl.lltlrllO{JIl Illd \\lbll1] "l'UIIHI, Dt ,Ilitl \11'" lohn IHI1H1r Lollt~l \\lin "'lIled I~ll'nth "\1I1PI01l\ onhl"trl 111.1\ ill nl'rod'IL({1 -- - \l1II))h). thnt! I·tn till' ..\" ..... l·'i Il.11I 1~l1s .. dl of :l\l\\ \\llil uJl1.I1 luldll\ WAVERLY III .. \\llhllll \114..11 I!ro\\11 of '.i1l Ihl 1I1l\IIIlI'i \Htk ... \\IIlIHI ... \\trl \ r1 L I :\.1 r l rl f l"Il!..<:"((11l \1 II ~ 1 \. .1 \ I e\ 0" lilt the. lI .... tilJ.IUOI1 III thl lH \ "I'. htlltl\ ".IS Itll ... !..: ..... 10 hcr hrui!..,l' dl111 ,. \ 'I S I I II \(ul'l lilt! Slltlth \Ir .. \tlllllr 1{llllIll" .\ Ir,.!.lnl t.lIl11.lI( (,I IIU .... \I l' IMI.III .... 111 Iht :\lld1ct I hl.ltre. 1Il111linJ II lnndlloll !lui hi lIkl H .. IlId.l\ 1 \1 P t I I lOkI Theatre Drexel Hill ... "11 Uill \ \rl1oltl 111 .. 1 \Ir .. I (ltlh ,\ ,lrJ"lle. IIr lr II Ill( .1 PHtllll 1.11 .... "f I)tll\\ tn: LlJllnl\ \\111 ell TODA Y and SATURDAY "ONE IN A MILLION" ulth SONJA HENlE Ned Ado1phe Menjou Jean Hershoh Sparks - Don Ameche Ritz Brothers 4-DAYS--1 SUNDAY. MONDA\ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY William POWELL Myrna LOY on "AFTER THE THIN MAN" Sunday Continuous From 2tol1.15PM :\Ir .lIld :\1 .... IIl11n \ Pll'tr /)1 \ lit \\111111 lit "pllllll1l~ "('lIll tUlit ,II SI 1\ItI .. ht11~ III \Ir~ I'IJltl ... 1II01"lr \Ir .. \\llh.1111 I (.11\ h .. JllIl111l1,.!. tll\ \\mltl .It Dl\IU!l1 Ih Ilh .I'i '" 1tl'1 lll .. tOIl1 I htllll\ I .. "'Jl(:1l(11Il,.! tilt \\ltk (,{lIrgl \\ hlllll~lull" 11I(llid l\ I'I.H HI ~ \ e.:1I{1 .lIul .11 I .Ikl UlJIID Now PlaYing ----~ GEORGE O'BRIEN '" "DANIEL BOONE" \\ I t II H"ather Angel - Joan Cfl! radulc :\,xl \UT HIl<lll PETER LORRE '" "CRACK·UP" ~~~OK. N,," THEATRE Chester Pike at Prospect Park FREE PARKING FOR OUR PATRONS Rl \It 01 Till 1111 \ J.U Pia) m~. Friday arHI SCI II (Ifl\. F,,' I' n ~ Ml)l1d 'Y Only Gene> R;c,limond Ann Sothern JA~ W [ " 'The Smartest Girl in Town' "Can Thh Ee Dixi2?" Stn II ~ h Til, .... 5 "After t"e Tl,in Ma~" hlillt.l :\1.lll.l11 Ilulltn .... III (hn\ Lh.I ... ~. I) ( 11hd :\lll""ll.Ild III I rllhl 111 \ I .Iml IlIIl l'lllhl'lt, 01 (1IlU] 11111 I .lnl.... 1'1111 .ddllill I (" ... 1, "llII .md \Iuill\\ R, hlll~lJn "uolIIl \II .. \\ I lul-lll'" mcllll1lHl (Hu,c1\\111 1111111 I.hl .1Ilt! \\ t .. t :\Ir .. Sl\\lll \\ 1!IHl!..,l lilt! 1{ldJ.l\ d l .In t 11 hr ... 1 \1 r .. ( Ii II It.. :'1.1 orll ~Ul1 IIld :\lJ..... 1.l1Ill \1 "I I ht 111111 \\ ill I" t ... t III .1 1111 tl .Il t 1'11\ \I,e 1",11.", 111 tllIt 01 till IUl d tlll.tln ... III J:urlllut!.t 1"\ ... 1 IIl1d til tilt ".l1Ill II1;!.h ... 1 l]ul.1I d I'" Ihll 111 lIlt 1\\11 Ilm ... t lilt 1111-. 111 IIll' \\lIdd. tltl' (tnlt! 111(.llre.: uul R Hill) (U\ :\111-.1\ 11111 III H,"kl'ltllc.:r CtllIrt ~4..\\ \ ork 101 thl ... 11111111 ... \"Itlll .... Ire.: llr.lllll dllil fl, ... ( I (11111, ll.n til 11 IIHI .111\ uitntu.1i 11IlJplr~lltlll ,l1lt! IJtlclhh til II ( ••I ' 1 0\\11. thnd 111 .ul<hlll'l1 10 1"(IJ.lnll~ fu] H!". ! I t pi fJ(ll1dll II LANSDOWNE Delflware Count}!; Fmest 1 heatre LansdownI'! Ave abo Baltimore Pike Mad 720 Frlda\ Bctltr lhm Put .md Saturday \11 lias Othn Ing<th(r I 11 CHARLES LAUGHTON Rol ... "REMBRANDT" MondflY IOd Tuesd"y SHIRLEY TEMPLE ROBERT YOUNG ALICE FAYE on "Stowaway" .Arlhur TI earhl'l ElIgCII~ Path,tte Helcn Westley Wcdncsd~y and Thunday MAE WEST on "Go West, Young Man" \Vall ell Wllh~m Randolph Scott Ahce Hlady - Lyle Talbot MEDIA NEW R. C. A. High Fidehty SOUND System I • IU"l Insl.lI.tlon In Dela\~""Te ( ounl) Last 2 Days' Fnday _ Saturday SONJA HENlE on "ONE IN A MILLION" \'1th Don Ameche - Ned Sparks lolphec MellJoli - The Rtt..: Brolhcrs Sunday Monday - Tw;'sday " Coollpkt .. 5'1 ws Monday Afl(,l_ nor. 1 t 30 330 Wilitam Powell Myrna Loy "After the Thin Man" lll .... l .. 111 FruIll Ingl. .. h LlI..:I.lltIIl, SOllcl1 Stnclll ... \It .lIltl ~lllsIt I • .. I.:t1r "llIlh 111I "kl'ldIIH~ IIHI II Ikt II 10 '.1111 th JIll h I II I tlh "I~ \Hlk ...... 1.1\ • J1111l111lg \\111 hc I~l1rmt1ll.1 dUrin,.. Legion Auxiliary and Post News Ihl \lIlllll.1Il J t:glOll \1I~lh.lI\ .I ... k ... 111\ I'll JIll III '-'".1I111I110n to hdp 111 J..tlP 111-. I {lltllll lll1111hlr 01 J)lll\\lfl \ '1Imt\ .... 1I1111111t1ll.1h" fld .I1HI clolliul It \\ III Hill! III opportllllll\ 101 tht:m to do I • III \11111 ~tll \\IltH It .IJlPrlJ,Hh..: .. tllllll 1111 1111\ Ild~l.:h lor tltl .lIllHt.ll (I,Ult~ \"lIdl 1"111 In lilh! tlll1t \\()IIlIll'i <.11111 \11 I mol \\ n Ih7.ul !tom thl t\lllt \\11t 1-,0 j l,,\\.lIri r\!lll \\llrl~ III thiS ~fl1l11t\ I Ih~ \t1~I1JU\ r":llllih stili 111I11Ug" l 1lI111mtlllll .. 1111111 IIldl\ulutl .. 1Il(1 111)1Il Ilul\ Ir\ bl1]\ !f.!~t.() til Ihl' llood I{thl:l I "1I11d I lil \lIl..:rllclll 1l't!]()11 til till ... Pust , dllllllli (jill Illlllth..:1I l Ill-. of hlod ,,\\~ 11-1 UPHOLSTERING I Furniture Restoring , In All Its Branches i , SWARTHMORE CHOCOLATES Novelties and Favors for Washington's Birthday Old Bank Building Phone 108 THIS Year Keep Comfy with A N Y W H E R E A N Y T I M E IVAN ALEN BROS. FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Phone, Darby 2490 I C~~L FURNACE OIL Phone: Swarthmore 10412 POTTERY The Darby Flower Shoppe EDGAR E. DEMUTH, P,op. 44 CHESTER PIKE Flowers For All Occasions RICHARD C. YOUNG Landscape Gardener POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL DESIGNS - FEBRUARY 19, 1937 -- THE SWARTHMOREAN :s THE SWARTHMOREAN Founded by Robert E. Sbarp'" PUBLISHED EVERY FRJDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. tUIII of S":OTl.:S (If 11t:0I,lc 111 a1l1(1unts frollli l51: 10 $500 lIuhe.:.llcs II) 11:-; \Utl and "'A/noS PET RBCIl)E I II ... 1I11erl·stlltJ..: lh •• r.ldcr. K.lga\\il, of I AlI10ng thl' IIll'lIlhl'rs uf the local \ohlll- I ',11),111, \\.IS l,nscIIIl'1! to the Class h) onc, tc('I' e.:OlllJllltt(:C \\htch J:-; (.un.lssmg \ o'ir group 1.(\ I.' m.llie n.:e.:dlcnl )Jr(l~rcss I ' Wholewheat Muffin. uf thl' nlt IIlhus• Dr. \!frcd IJ. \Vllh~all1, J S\\.lrtlullorl' In Idl'Jlhollc arc \lISS Ilcl1n- 111 IrInglll1-t the .. UcntuJIl ()f tile lI(:ollle 111 ! . \uur e.:tJl1I11IU1Uh tu thIS \l'f\' ftllul,t1l1l.:lIt"'1 .1 OIPS \\hol4..\\l1l.11 Hour of \\ •• Ihll~ft)rd Jlror~"sor of Imlustn .1t e.:1t.1 ~ll:t:lu • .:\Ir .. Sl'\HII \V I1miJ.::e,1Irs .... MARY T. ERVIN PARKER Editor and Pulrli.ber ,l1ul \Itil \\ork of pro\lCllIlg e.:HS· for 2 l,t)lIl:"'IIOOIl'" shorlUltl1ri tht: \\h,lrton S..:huul of Ihl L'1l1\crsll\ of 101m D.lin .1IIt! ~Irs Iheot!urc \V. III II I I 1e.:.I"'IIO(1II "Ill J'cllt)s\I,.ul!l Dr \\'IIIt.IIIlS tuld ho\\ CnlSSCII 'e '"11 I I I I fl I f 2 (['"'' till ... "(11111 of .1 \\l.i1t11\ .lIId Ilroltllll"1I1 • .1111 l:lll Ihlll~ I Il II 11I.l rClelpt or I ~... .. TITUS J. EWIG II Ihl' tllllJf'nllut\ {f'lIIniJl1llUlI .lIlIl .1 r('nll,t 5 1l'.I<;I"Itll]s,lIIg ptJ\\dlr f,lIllIl\ ()f "'1lotll rc.ft .... lll tIl t.'lIter tllel Dr. Bronk Gives Address at .... Ma:aer .i1! lor ~n ttl. tltl prollC(b tlf .1 pl.l\ 2 t tips 111111, thiliollt.ltil ... en IlC ltt:l,IU"e.: il(' e.:hose ill- Univ. of Penna. I ~I\I.:II In ... IX Ilf \tlur \tluliger lesl(lcl1t" (, tl.I"'I'OI liS sltgl1 ... h.1I1 til «14..\olc 111" hIe.: to Ihl' scnle.:c (If! ROS:-!;!~~~:a::oEN I hope.: thl"l \OI11]~ IIll'lI \\111 h.l\l' I Put \\11I1Ie\\hl.11 HUll!. 'i.tlt. iJlk- IllS IIImt unfortllll.ltl' (olIlItn1l1(:11 .md \\.1'" Dr ))l'lll\ \\' Bront... g.I\C the .Iddress • 1.1 .. thl' ~1I1\\ I ~ft)\\IIlJ... Ipprcll.ltllIl1 01 111~ pO\\tlu .lIltl "'1i~.1r 111 1)(1\\1. .l<ld thlldor dl"'lIlllt'nlul ! .It the nml-\4..·.lr ((11l\Ve.:.lII0I1 (Jf the Uni- Pbone Swartbmore 800 lour \\ork I tht IIlllk, \\lll l,l.llln ~,.,,.!" .tllIl 1,.lgl\\l Ilulk <:h.lrg-.: of thc rc"(IlC \\ork \e.:I ... II\ (If l'lI1f1,,\I\ant.l hdt! 111 Inmc Eatered •• Second Cia .. Matler. Jaauaf7 24, Ilu' .1\4..r.lgl lo ... 1 to thc Sll'lII~ L\ c fur IIlllhtl shnrlllllllg :\,,~ \\<.'11 111 I C)I~IO Ift4..·r thl' te.:rnhle.: e.,rthQ1l.1kl'11 \ucl*torllllll 1111;1)' fourth .mel Sprnce 1929u,.ntd tehre th"oe sA. cOt ffoifc eM aat rcShw a3r.t b1m87or8e.' P.. I II I i I' I II \\111 It d \ I I Lt I II I I I II I I I "l llCI JIll( lIJ.tIl(lr\\IIII!.III. \\holhrollgh l .,~..: 11111111111 l'lII .. \\Imh h.l\e.: t l .... t:( 1.1 (I).\\"'tl":)lrlll StlClts. '11.l(lllll1.1 laslSatllrda\' HIS It-. \\ork IlIId" Iwl,,:p .. lI(ltllll ..... $IJO() \111 hC:l'1l !!n·.I<;lIl \\lIh\ "1l0UIl- .11' Ii f.ldoI' lit thc 111 ... 1111111011 of 11111\\r<;.11 sufl11 II \\ IS "I hc 1011ml.ltlull uf a UIII-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1937 I titl IIIl1l1n \\lud] \\..: nUl\!.: ~OlS tl) pro 1 lui til nll~ll1n III l.lth 1111111111 nll~ ...;e III '.IIMII .1I1t1 I'i lIItrotlu{ I \lr ... lh 111 :\Io{\crn J)cmucran" 1 1\ld(. 1111 .. lIIde.:llllUltllll ulilmlo ..... "ur.l1llcl .mt! h.11,..: HI IlI1lJdlrlh IHI1 (:;:;0 111).....1 {ollpt:r.ltl\e 1II0\1.:1I1CI1t of f.,r-l I)r BltJllk I~ prol(ssor (If hlOph):.tcs I'LEIlDS ANOTHER CAUSE of 11<; l,l:IlII.llltlllt I II) 3i~ tltl.:r..:n) Fi hI 20 1II111111l''' Itlth11l~ dTut I II the.: llll\clslh .111<1 {hrector of the I I'I~ Sltl1lg I \t I" IIIt4..flsll(1 Ilctrtll- I 1\ .. 1 hlClln nllltl\lII~ fr'lm II\lll Ihl 1IIIIl It the dbl""11 I)f 1111.: "Jll'akl:rll 1(lrui!.!c I{ 1(lllIl ... tlll 1"1)11l1c1.ttlOIl for It I ullrh III IJtllhhll~ .11I11llll (tllltnllllhlr'o.1 hlllll1l\.nl4.. .. I1If1lk11l;!. \ltllll,1 \\1 ... "1 Irll) ... IIIIn ~I) .111111\11.ltlllll \\.I ... il{l .. (trt:hlll.:\lldl(.IIIJln ... lls IIc:tndll1s )'llIch lle.:el1 \Hlllen h} .l our I.:tlrrc::; - \\iI t) .1 .. 1I1tl1Il )ll .. 111 tIll Ilr,.!.I1117..ltIOIl'1 1\1 .. 11'" 1111\ II \: .uhllli t till' (In 'I\~II I II IIll'UIl llr" I II prc.Sllll (IUlstHllls I 1.111111\ ,ITt. 1!\lIIg.ltprc.< ;cntoIlElm.\\c-puUde.: llts IlIonl \1110US uu .... t<les. dC.IT to \\111 k(tp III II/ud] IlInd" \\lIh Its (It: I 1Il .... luh..:lIh \\Inll' 1111 X 111.:: 11 dl ... lrul ,11111 t!]'illl ... " Ihl IIIltt..:r 1II0rl full \ I1e.:XI!1II1t S".lrtlIlIlIJH Ih'lr he.:.lrts ),1.1\ J S• ll • , ,\ur,1 "'I H IO JlIIIlIl I .l1lt I III lurn "lne.: to IIItl'rprd ';;;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;' •S I""I" '" 'I '" lIIg \ 11 111\1 I a I 1"11 '" ~I\~]J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mtllht.'r IIJ.1ttl.:r "llIdl sccms to mc to 1/\11 \\I,ri. t(1 thtl~l \\!JII (IOl1(1t kllll\\ .1110111 .;: III .111\ llllll \\}1O 1111\ he lIlttrl' ... tul ant! __ tonl.ulI f,lr more.: I'ote.:ntl,ll d.lIl~cr Ih.1II111 I l'lr till m~IIIl11]~ "ll\l~l SWIII.I\ \\1111 In 1111 .lnllJ.ltlll \\llh 111\ "tllcr clthcr tit),!.!s Ilr drllll~ of \\hlt:h \\C IM\el ~1.I\ I Hl) Ihlt "l .Irl' <lnpl\ "I'lll" 1111 ..... 1\)11.11\ ~lnl{..: hb ])lll] Ir \ll11 " CI.l"" iLl,lnl Ht:ll1th ~ I gr.lhltll 101 .,11 thtt \1\1 lIul Ollltl n .. 1 1111l~td Il\ t"~ tlllllllllttll "II !lull\ ,11I1{l • 6 Acres-$12,OOO I )urlllR the )I.lst \\e.:l'1~, 1\\0 till! d gr.ule I tlllih til S\\.lrll11l1orl thrHu~h \ IItI h l\ l \1 1111 ... "l r\ Il( Ihl "llt.lkt r \\ III ht Ihl Swarthmoreans Urged to Express c.1ultlnn h.1\ l' h{lll \\ou,uled 11\ ,lIr nlks lollt.: for the.: Slll1l~ I \l \\ 4.. sl)(llIld It"..: II{t \ I J.lntlcl \ Illlkll \)1 \wlll1!! (Ii ~lll Views on Supreme Court Change llrtll.:d I" the.:lr 111.t\l1lltes .IS 1m ... 1.lstlthc OPllorttllll1\ 01,uH! 4..clt.:h (onln II"nl \Ir .Iml :\Ir .. \ndkc.1 Irl ~pllitl 'Ih~ p(IIJlI..: 01 S\\.trlhllliln .Ire helll,.! 'iUllIlIlcr.lllOthe.'rdllltl \\.IS hurt I".l Sh.lrtl hUllll m!lI\IlIt1.llh .lIld 11 \Oll \\111 "'l'IHI IIIg llit \llr HI \IIIlIll.1 Ifill \\huh Ihc\ IsI,ul tIl \11l(' 111111111.: to\\.Ir<1 the 1111s"lk froIIl ,I ,,11I1~ shol III 1,;,Ilh e.:.tsC lIle Ihur I1.Hlll'" 11111 ,"Itlr~"'''l'' .lIul Ih..: I \\I}I Idllrn 10 thur 1111 .... 1011 IIdtl .. III pll"uH SUI,rullc (ourt I.:n'il ... IIrcs,Jlcctl\C Just outs)(l. or S ..... trthmon· ,I nice plot of ground h 11f of 1oI.hlch IS opecn woods of fmc old )0 to {,O foot tnes .1 str~ lin With Ihrecl' httle I.tkes on( ~tocked With c up trout .tnd c Itfish up to J pounds HI ueclght lbout oIn ICH pllnhd 'WIth In1stodon strlw· bernecs rows of COnHTlon Ind rife nUTs~r} "tock of shrubs hedge etc Crlp,s pClche!5 flllTS Ind .Ipplcs at full be! lrlll).; ').;C tile dnldn'n \\tTl.: stlud, \\IIIII11.1ll IIldl l .UIlOllllfs e.:Olllllhulul \\tli "ll' till'" I,"rtl 01 thtlr Jllrl\ .lIlhulllll' C]tlZClh "ho 01 IhclI C\l'<;-(IIlC I.:.I~C \\.IS \\llhlll .t I ... done \1 III( <. hn"lllIl Il1IllI\11 lI1(tI11l,.: 1 \ tn til {~)lrl' 'i tIHIIl~4..hc .. '111 tillS "uI11Ct.:t I tit! Irtl'r of .111 11lcli '1111.: III xt \ lctnl] 11101\ j \\ ]til "l"t "hhl.... 1111 7 0(11)(" tIll 10)11{ \\ 111 hl \\ Ii II ;''i! Irl cI ... kul til \\ nl..: It'II'':I ... It ()11(~ 10 thc nut he so hld.y SlIIterlh \Olll.. IlIln III (1111"'11.11111\ I'c. \, IlII \ ("til of 10110\\ III~ Se.:n llor ... 1Ilt! Hq)re.:"cllt.ltl\(:s I uo sm~lI .'OUSt S wllh eleclrlclt}: md th~lr own wltcr supply from mdl\ldu II 'hells chicken hous~ two b Irn!! stable for two cows ctc 1.1111 IIId thlt 111.111\ h \S 111 S".lrth- III \:In \ lOI(.\'l!" \llIrll,,) Ill..: Ilulu \\11{ he. \nnc 111 \\.I"ill1lglol1 flon JI!IIl<; I D,I\IS, mure 0\\11 n.l) IIr..: Ir;m .md 1bC thc111 I Ch.llrm.1Il ~ Itll 11 tI \IUllhu,ll1l' (0111 \\ r.n Slllitt Ol1llC Ihllltl,"~. 11011 Juseph J Properh locatcd on 01 In tcadilm ullstll'ln]scd. "uhm thc to\\11 Ii tlll,,1 • 111\ \\11111111" \ ..... I)l .. IIII)1I hi ... Ilt\:lltl\ (.1111l'\ Sellll..: ()Ihlt: lhllhhll.L!. I{CllfC-hI.: so. 11101\ I IlIr .1 protected nile: Christian Science Church ] e.:t4..I\l'd \\lInt Irom 'I r.. l 11\ III..! I II .1(1 "'lllt.111\ c Illtton \\ SUlIllllcrs Chairman ro HI 10 RldJ~} Town!'ihlp Taxes .,bout $100 .1 }ecdr r,mgl 10 \\ 111e.:h thl' Usc of such .. o-l.llkd I •• '1",.1 \ I"'III/.: 111.11 II( r hu"h.l1ul till' l1]h~l' 111(\ Ilou"l JudI( lin (ollulllt!n" I louse Ofllcc .\ 1"lhl· .. uh111l l ftiJettSSIIIl I'll S II \ I to\sm." heco11hllul~ SUlci) thcstr~ds'I''''''''''''1 11 1'.1 .. lor \\hOI ... Ic,t:lt..:t1.1t(1c11ll .. horll Itlm J11I11Il~ t:ll.ltor elln S . "hurst, M. PARKER ... 1Il.1 llnu(hl'" (If (ilnsl II S I I "'lhoul pla)grounds .l1ul s11I11I1.t\\lls .IIC I !-'Ulllll-ot. tIll Slllldl\ I lhrll II \ 2'1 IS \lr\ III.lIlIl thlt Ill' \\111 ht Itlllhll' til J.Ilnnlll l'lIatl _tf(luar) (011111I1itC(', 23 South Chester Road 1101 proJll.:r pl.le.:e.:'i IlIr Ihe.:111 \V1111c \\C • n .. ullit IllS \\ork IlJr "t\O tllll!Jlllh ... 1111 ... Stliitl Ol1llC Ihllldlll~. 11011 .Llllles Swarthmore 42 J I [ I I I II \\ "ilUHIe.II, lIou~l' 011]\" BII,I(llllg I II .... 1 s.1 C p.1\ C c.ln \\ C (u SI met 11ll1-t Dr. Gateson to Preach Tonight I Ill...... I IIll" "": 'i .1 "'l \ I.: r..: 11111 dlll I In till.: ... 10 rcstr.ltll our \uulh-Jlbt.1 httle-or ... Illitiu n"Ollrn .. (It 111..: lO\I1l!.!llJllS l"II't ,I dllhls "'I~hl \\orlh the trouhll'? 'Ihc I{n lJ \\dllllil ("'0I1 1)1) Iho ... e.: .dlll to hdp III thh ..:llllr~(I1{\ .Ire. VIOIeI (I br,ld 1t:t:t(1I 1)1 the 1I11lnh of lhl SI\I011r rltll1l .. tul to h.lIul thl'lr lUlltnlmlloll:. tol • I PIIIIlIltlplll.1 \\111 hl' Ihl' glll .. 1 pn.'.1lIll'r \fr'i I ){ klllll IIr :\Ir .. \\ 11tH I hOrJ]e. I PROT! S7 557 ATf: llll L II 0 I I II ... nUllJIg II () Ol til ~ '\:lxl l·rld.l\ llil 114.. XI IIlU I lIlg 01 tht 'uung I )) S".lrthmlllcclll 1l1!o!I1I thc Ht\ Sltllll'\ \ \\I!lll~ III \\11111111'" (,1111<1 \\IIII)l Illld.1\ IIIl hllmt rhcre hetll mlrofiull'd 111 Ihe I~gl"'_ (ht .. tu. \\111 prlcte.:h III 'lr~ fllIl.m h .... lIj1 2'-11 1I.l\trlnnl I Iltnrc .11 Jlarnsht1r~ In Slll.ltor Icon C I \1 tht rtuln 4..\l.llm!o! ... tn]le .. the fol \\tl1llt Ilwr .. <1c1\ nUIlII!.., I\hruln .51 \lull(h .1 hill 10 1.lkc till )lo\\cr Irom tht'l O\\III1~1 \\omtll 01 Ihl' PlrI ... h \\111 ."''''1 'it .117-1:; Illiulk \ bllok n\Il\\ \\111 h..: I ltllllll\ l(llllIlIl ..... itllllr ... Ilf 11\t: lOllntle.:s 1{)I~Jltl lie mll"IC :\Ir .. 1 \\ lltdlc\ 1!1\tl] I" \11"" \c1ll11H Stllllhl j .Ipflumt till t.IX .t-."l ... sllle.:111 hIJ.lrd One I, \\."1 S I r,1I1t h lilltll r, :\1 r.. l I • I I II tt>r ... ~" ... Ru Illnl Imll :\Ir Methodist Play Tonight 01 t ]l"'l {Ollntlt: ... ] ... tlnr 0\\11 ),I.I\\.lrt.' 1\\ ... .. tllll111\ II tlu ... Inll p.I""'C" It me.m ... that I 'I l.(lfJ lt:l\ltlr. \It ..... !.LIlt I!Ulhl\\orlh lhl: 1.:.1 ... 1 lor :\ltlllll4.. Brl'l'Zlr' 11111\ II I I I .\ IS. \let or)"ll: .L1I(I 11.1 I..... I· tin I \\1.: .lIl (1)lgt'( 1(I.Ul..:!'t Ircllll tll IHtd" '1""'11 11\ Hdl\ 1(lnHlIul. \\llIlII \\111 hl.' ~l\cn 1111 oilitc \ttUlIH'\ ('''!ll,al ."1' ,cl III "' 1 0 ' 1'1'''' 1111'> 4..\lIlItl;!. :\Ir .. (.lrpl.:lltc.r ... \\1 Sill' 1,1,( \, \ I ,11,<, 1',1,«(11 II Ih..: "'tI.aI h.tlllll tlu S\\ •• rlhlll\Jre.: :\Itth-I !oI.lI . ..... or" "llII ch hI.. : IS JIIc.I ... e.:d III ac: l'llomt IllI l(IIn n- 11\ 1).1I1t1 1)1\1" " Itlt .. t (hnnh .It X otl1)(1.. till'" ..:\Ullll,.., I II~ .... ~ Irlll_ \ Oplll IS III cllllrt to I rid t\ It hrll.lI \ II) iI\ 11]( 'nl1l1g I lllllllHtr.ltc 1II11t: ,mlltlllll\ .It II.lIn'i Other Trinl',y CI,ur'-" h Noles II 11111111 .. 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III.NT 'I Itl' llIunhu ... III llit \\ UIl! 111 .. \'iSOll.l- 11011 III t .11 Ihl hlllll 0\ th..: pnsltillit :\IL ... I 1I1c P \ltl,l:'" III 1'll1lnlol1 \\l !llll III \\tlillt ... dll IIhlllOllll \11 IH-Illl' ... tlll~ I'I II,.! I lin III I~ HIli '..! I lllh fllllll :\11 ...... 1011 lit It!... \\.1-. PI( ... ~111l(1 11\ \Irs 11ll' flllJo\\llI~ Inllr his JtH "lUI rc I (.t(lr~t \ \1111 IIld \I, .. 1{1I1 HId I.t\t'll (u\ul 11\ ~Ir ... J \ S n,..JltJJl tit 1114.. dUIIIllllJl "1I1\·l .... tlhJ .11 Ih~ .1111111\1 \ Inl \\lmll lhllltll.1Il Ilf the Illl.IIlIllll IIIllllllg III Iht (lil11{11 II t I rul,,\ n..:­llHtllc III Ihl' IUlli. dlJ\l' 10 filsl' lund ..... 11 It ul I .. 1~llIn\\.. IlIl~]tltllt \11 ... E.lrll' 101 till Sll'lIl~ I \l II' \tli t .. 1,,-.1 \Ilt Plt ... ltlllll. :' ... P.ttll J)l:.ll \1 r.. l~h!HJP II) \\ lilt IIlh "U owl \ It l pi t ... ttknl :\,1 r ... It g1\l ... u ... gltlt ph.I"'U1l In .llkno\\1 I] Illl~ 1{(\11 JI(I:. Ih11d \lllll1l'iu!cnt, lCL~l \\!lh gl.t1III1t1..: th..: In{lpl Irom tile ),11 .. In"lph g.tll" IIll"lIIl! 'II" I r.lIIl~ l!lI1I1Il1t1l1t\ It S\\ Irlh1llurl PUlIl,,\h lIlt.l II":lltZtl Illlllt!m ~tlll! 11\ ::\11 .. Plfl\ tltl "'\]111 ot $lrd:;2 lo\\.tnl IlUi \\ork !.!llIlIl lnl1l"pH~dlll...! "'\lrdll\ :\i1s IIIl 1.1( I Ih.Lt II rt )JIl''il:llt .. Ihl t:lllltnl)11- 1 I), 1111111 {.llhl 11 IPHILADELPHIAI I CAMDEN I J.E.lIMEBURNER CO. iJ/fPENf/NC OPTIC/ANI' I GERMAIJTOVI,J I I BRYN MAWR I Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES. President. • Methodist Men Study Kagawa I hI.: ... uhJttl pit "lIl1ul t I Ihl 1{~JI11Itll IhIt nihil (I h" I 1 thl' \Idhllth~t l hnn I 01] Sunil 1\ 11 .. 1 \\ I ... (Jill ~Il 11i(C I 11111 .. 1 lllilltlrl11l1 11_lIrl'" III 1II111tlll IllIIl~ 1 \ ~tdll\ "'11,I.tll lllill IIll 1 ..... 111l1l1l..! III .111lI11 ... 1 11l ... 1~1lI1]~ lilt .lllJll II lIllt .IIHI III ()ntnt.t1 )~UI. III III 1)1 1111111..: 1IIll~tl\ I Il.IlIt ...... lilt! ... Ul({ ...... 11I1 .Ip' ",til ,I (111] .. 1111111\ 11111 I {11.llllllllllI 1)1 I tlll I \\hlll~ JlIlII~l1l,.., .lh"I!1 111111 ... I \\lIllllllltl\ Il1tt ... l.uulill-! 1I111'111\lllltl1l"']1I llil tlllHI, tUIIl ... (II thl \\1I11..1Il!.! 111 .. ~t ... \\lIh'l1t .HIII'IIl1- \11\ IJI lilt .. 1J1I~ t] Ilh III rl ... 11 Ihl III 1111 .. t(lIl1lln Inell\ CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Eplseopal Chester Rand nnd ColI~1=r1." Aventll." Rt'v J fnrd,;>n Guenther S T M, Her.tor RH T A MH~\\enlher OIl' Rei Educ, "lmA :\I '1 1. A :\1 II III) \ l\I I {) IU) \ :\1 III I' :\1 '"I. n I' S UI) I' SUNDAY Ii, It l Olllml IlIOIL SUlid l\ ~I h.1I I L1ul HI!.I, (It :\I'llllll)' I', l~ r 1Iul ~ 1111 I ;\1 r (.11 nth. r \\ III I'n" h \\ IIINI SII \\ II. b l. mmunll n I HW\) (1111,lrll" l'r'IJ"t \\,11 (h",lflll S,I\!<l I Hum.! I'rl\~) (.111' t l'r, I h 1111 I" II Ill.! th, It \ II \\ 11m ( II III II D THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTEktAN CHURCH I SUNDAY ~ ,- \:\1 Ihhle S, h" .. ) I II I (j \:\1 :\Iolllln~ \\"1 hll' H, \ \" k I of ,\U']"II I~orr 1 7 00 I' 1\1 (I,rmll 111 1 nll( L\or II loJ I I ("h ,11 METliomST F.prsr:OPAr. CIIUReD I Clart'nt'e 1>' Carter A.n. n D ",,"I!'iter I ~UND \"\ !.I 4 J \ M -Churl h School ~::;:=.::=======~~=~~=:==::====::====:::================lll 1 I 'I I \:\t :\1"rl1 II ~ - UIII':\1 tl)\lorth I\\e .l11~' Hhe \) Illeltlng: -: .. : .. : .. :.-:-:-:-:-:-: .. : ... : .. :-:-: .. :-: .. :-:-:-: .. :-: .. :-:-... -._ .................................................... _ .. _ ...... - ... .. I, I' ;\1 -f.,\lUln-- \\ 0·'\"" .!. •• - ................................ ~-.-.-.-;' .... .., {...-. ..j.. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIF1''i Ot I Rlf NDS "i" "I. SUNDA Y "t· ·i· 9 45 A l'tI -FIN;t Day School "I· Do Your Banking W itb ... '1 I. \ M 1 h, \,11111 (II \\ ,111 ,m ~ ".. "f Hnll \ III "I" II-. "11 Qil ,k. r HI ~ "i· . 11 .. 11 Hili I'r(' CHt IIl.1 ) \,1 ::: SWARTHMORE NATIONAL :!. : II 00 A M -~,:;;'~',~~ ,{~,:so "o~h'p on the ::: :;: j' HR..<;T CHURCH OF CHRIST SCHNTIST Y ·s· OF SWARTH!tIORF .;" ••• i Park Avenue below Harvarti ',' Bank and Trust Company ',' , I I 00 A M -Sunday School ): :z: III 00 A M -Sunday Lesson Sermon .;. .!. \\'ednt'Soiay !!'!'u'nlng m('t>ting- ~lIeh Wef'k S I ".. Member Federal DepOSit Insurance C rp t" ·:'1 n m R("~tfm~ room open .hul .. p;<;('''pt "'un ~. 0 ora Ion .;. dnys nnd hohdays I '00 to 4 00: Church edifice 1... .: ..: . .: _:. .: _:_.._. ._.. .... _ .. _.. _.. .... _ .. .... ..... ..........._ .......- ..-...-..-..-...-..-...-..-...-..-..- ._. ..•- •.. .." - .•- .• -.• -.• -.• -.• -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-',." All are corillally InvltM to BtU'no tne .ton 'e~ and u •• the H ••• hn. Room CAPRIOTTY'S EQUIPMENT & FUEL SERVICE CO. Salo Snuice Authorized IgnitIOn and State Inspechon All Makes of Cars and Trucks MORTON, DEL. CO., PA • Reconditioned DEAR CUSTOMER Our long research of various products and service IS now at the peak. to offer you serVice and m.en:::handlse. yet CAPRIOTTY'S quahty l:i kept at the same high standard always Our faCIlIties for serVice are bClng expanded conslantly ilssurlng you that high quality WIll be matched With tngger·al;:t!on. Intclltgenl service throughout every trans~ actIOn Your palrona~e of any kmd or amount IS highly appreciated and more profitable for you and all concerned. CAPRIOTTY'S facli lilt s and service Will help you Immeasurably, \Vc are seiling new and used automobiles, trucks. tractors, and I}CHls 011 burners-domestic and commerCial Fuel Oil of all grades. Luhncatlhg 011 and greal:lt Our shop Hi fully equipped wtth all modern facilities for of mechanical attention 1 hiS establishment IS permanent and depend on us today, lomorrov.; and for years to come Respectfully yours, D E CAPRIOTTY, all sorts you can BcJI Phone. Swarthmore 1800 Directors of Sales and Service Unvarying Reliability + In addition to its wide usefulness, one of the most valuable factors of Utility Service is its con­stancy, its regularity. Even seasons vary-wintry days tak­ing on the aspect of early sp::ing­excessive rains following excessive drought-but the product of the public uttlity is always the same. Upon its reliclbility ,111.1 dependability are built modern productiveness, comfort, and convenience. Utility Service IS faithful service! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrtcil~ Is ClteClt> ;n .lte P/lI/uc/dt.hiCl AreCl

---------- Page 9 ----------

, . , ' Ii I" . " i ,, i, " , ~ ~ , f ! • THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 19, 1937 4!...._-=:--c:-::=-====:---;----A.~:1i~~;_--Ii~~~~~~~~AFfii~E~RDIMn.M;;:lSchkbo;ibbijn;;pr;JNNex~tIR~e;;v~ie~w;;eI'~~~Hj;.~ndi~·~craft~ Pl'OJP'IUD at School CLASSIFIFD At the Waverly SPORT DANCE Mrs. Horace Avery will entertain the On Friday morning, February 12, in Fortnightly on Monday, February 22, at an assembly held in the High School FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brau bed in excelI~Dt condition. Priee. IS.OO. Telephone Swarthmore 6G~ FOR SALE-Paekard Electric RuGr. Like new. Near bait price. Telephone B •• rih .. more 18. WANTED WANTED-Youna' Btudent for clerk du17. 8 P. II. untU 10 P. M.. at The Harvard. Telephone Swarthmore 149. FOR RENT Apartment. taS. 44 S. MortoJl Ave .. Mor .. tOIL Near P. R. R. Adult.. Second Roar. I ... oiDs. electric "friceratioD. Gua,e. WM. s. BITTLE SwartIla .... 111-.1 Notary Public _ lIIauraace - IlaaJ &late MORTGAGES Straight or InataUmmt Interest char ...... 1It reduced with each iDataIIme.t payment. We prePare .... d act upon aU appUca­tiOIlS within two or three day.. If you are thiakiDl' of buyiDa • home, we caD he yery helpful to ,.OU. SWEENEY & CLYDE MORTGAGE BROKERS 29 E. F"lfth Street Ch •• ter Phone ChelleI' 8141 MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST, c.. SNODGRASS. ASS"T. FUNERAL DIRECrORS BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA. PA. YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. Swarihmore 19 A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical CODtractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 • • "I'M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR TROUBLEI" "That's my job-to find trou­ble on your telephone line before you find it. You see, I'm a Test Man in a telephone central office. It's my job to find trouble before it troubles youl Switches and dials tell me what and where trouble may bit. Then I send R repairman to fix it. Very often we can catch it before it affects your service and you never realize that there has been trouble on your linel"., • • • " eI We telephone people spend a lot of time and money to keep your service free from mechan­ical failures. But some people have telephone troubles of another kind. They waste time and effort-even lose sales· and customers-due to inade­quate telephone facilities or the wrong equipment to meet the needs of office, home, store or factory. Why not let us study your telephone problems and check your facilities? There's no obligation. Just call the Business Office. tHE all.L mEPHONE COMPANY OP PBlHS'II.VAHtA MEDIA GAME FRIDAY 2.30 P. M. auditorium, a talk aod an exhibit were "And Gladly Teach" is the book to be given 011 handicraft. Dwight Cooley r __ S hob· prepared an exhibit illustrating finishes William Powell and Myrna Loy in IIAfter the Thin Man," playing fDur c1aya--Sqnday, Monday, Tuesday and the Waverly Theatre, Drexel Hill. Phi Delta Pi Rwh Party at hm The Temple University, Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Pi, national professional physical and health education sorority for women, entertained at its annual Rush Party last Saturday evening, February i3th, with dinner at the Strath Haven Inn followed by attendance at the Hedgerow Theatre's performance of "Twelfth Night." There were seventy­eight at the party. Among the prominent guests were President and Mrs. Charles E. Beury, of Temple Uuiversity; Gertrude Peabody, Dean of 'Vomen at Temple j Grace Nadiz, sponsor of the Panhellenic Association; Grace E. Jones, Anne Townsend, honor­ary . member of the organization and president of the AU-American Hockey Team; Grover Meulter, head of physical education of the City of Philadelphia. Phi Delta Pi sponsors a camp each summer for undernourished children. Last year,it was held in New York State. The sorority is very active in civic affairs in and around Philadelphia. • Girl Scout News Three Gam.. WOD by Swarth· more HiP School Soya' BaM· ball Team During Put Week After the Swarthmore-Media basket­hall game last Friday evening the Senior Cabinet of Swarthmore High School held a Sport Dance in the gym. The purpose of the dance was to raise funds for the cabinet. Men and boys were charged a small admission fee while the girls were admitted free. Both young and old waltzed gaily to the music of Bill Allen and his orchestra. Entertainment was supplied by the Media team for two of their players tap danced. Burnett, a Media colored boy, also sang to the en­joyment of all listeners. The garnet and white courtmen of Swarthmore High School played e'pe­dally fine basketball during the past week by winning three consecutive games. They gained their first triumph on the home floor, February 10, at the expense of a fast cutting and passing P. M. C. prep to the tune of 18-16. Stanley Hill, the diminutive negro guard of the home team played brilliantly, cutting, passing and shooting from all over the floor. George Collins must also be given credit for his fine floor work. In the preliminary the garnet Freshmen lost to the Springfield freshmen in a very exciting battle, 10~9. In an important league game on Febru­ary 12 at home, the garnet quintet topped Media by the .!>core of 23-19, thus giving it an undisputed right of second place, trailing Chester. The Jay Vees were nosed out by Media Reserves, 23-18, in the first game. On Tuesday afternoon on the home floor, February 16, Swarthmore High met its old riva1s, the Glen-Nor Indians, and easily won by a lopsided score, 37-23. In this game Lauer Jones went on a real scoring spree, sinking goals from every­where. Captain Fitz Jennings, now fully recovered from leg inj uries, played very well. Jones led both teams in scoring by collecting 18 points. Although the varsity came through, the Garnet Jay Vees were badly beaten by the Indian seconds, by the score of 33-16. Mothers of members of Troop 6 and 194 entertained the girls with a surpdse Valentine party following the regular scout meeting last Saturday morning. The event was also a birthday surprise for Mrs. F. A. Child, leader of Troop 6, and there was a birthday cake and Mrs. Child was presented whh a gift by the girls. At tomorrow's meeting the music work under the direction of Mrs. A. Venturini, and dancing with Mrs. A. P. Whitaker in charge will be continued in the high school gymnasium. At 7.15 tonight the lads play at Darby, and next Monday afternoon they will meet Springfield, als~ away. • J. V. Girls Surpass First Team Swarthmore Higb's girl basketeers lost their third game of the season when they bowed to the undefeated Glen~Nor sextet, 22-13, on the latter's floor, Thursday of last week." The junior varsity chalked up its fifth win when it sank the home team 29-15, in the second team game. reviewed by Mrs. "",rge c mger. • H This is one of the rare books which at such as paints, varnishes and stainS. e once puts the reader at his ease. One indicated the finer points on articles of feels that he may read in a leisurely woodwork. Eleanor Gaede, who has !be manner taking time for the enjoyment of distinction of being the first girl in !be each chapter. Bliss Perry is the author history of the school to take shop, exbi­and he bas written of his life in a manner bited and described the process of work­that arouses the interest and ~akes one iog with metals. Ted Hannum then told h d k f I . of the process of making . using plastics. glad to know of his ar wor, 0 e15ure, of travel, of meeting distinguished people from all countr.ies, and with it all a EDWYN RORKE gaity and happiness which naturatty IlEGlSTEItED should come to a man of such fine achieve- ARCHlTECf ments but which is not frequently found 12 SimPIOD Road, Ardmore, P .. in' the New England type. HOMES DESIGNED. FINANCED Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes and Mrs. George AND BUILT Sickel will read literary sketches. PhOllet ArcIlDore.t4" .~======~~~========= For DlOre than 22 years; . the £a-rm.er8 who ha"e d d Abbotts pro uee de I me " n~-" Milk have • ed a cash bonuS, recelV regularly, for their extra cleanlY care. This JDilk. is a1wa~s safe for babies and children h cheapest health - t e can buy insurance yoU h fortheD1.Itco~sfres elle.r y ."..-.y Jrorn carefullY selected nearbY farms. For_""ce.orc!!w/romthe..fbbolt.MU1c~gr telephone. GRAnite 5374 ABBOTTS A_BOTTS OAI.'£$.INC • hild sbould have Your c • "'_ the proteCtion tb.s .... e, pure milk assures, MILK (;IIA·N T TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Next Wednesday afternoon, February 24, the girls of Troop 16, who are study­ing for the hostess merit badge wil1 give a tea at the home of Mrs. L. J. Servais, on Dickinson Avenue. Mrs. Servais and MI·s. Stanley MacMillan have been coach­Jng the girls in this work. The regular weekly meeting of Troop 16 will be held at the Woman's Club House tomorrow morning, Saturday. If the weather is clear a morning hike will be taken, leav~ ing at 9.30. Two home games, with Westtown on the 18th, and with Ridley Park on the 25th, complete the local girls schedule for this season. Specials for Week of February 18 to February 24, Inc. Sugar XXX:a ~~:~ERED Pkg. Sc Mr. Underwood Speaks on Radium J. E. Underwood, of Wallingford, lectured on "Radium and Radioactivity" before the Porter Scientific Society of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancas- PROPOSAL tert Pa., Thursday evening, February 11. Sealed bids will be recClived in Couneil -=================­Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore. Pa •• at ... 7.46 P. M., March 6. 1987. for furnishing ap. proximatel,. 2600 feet of 8 inch and 100 ft. of 10 inch terra cotta sewer pipe. twenty- 8" x 6" Y Branehes. and twenty 6" plutrS de. livered in carload lots with the limits of the Borough of Swarthmore at sueh points 88 may be designated by the Borough Secretary. Pipe and fittings shall conform with the latest specifil!ations of the Americau Society for Testing Materials. Inspedion and aceeptanee will be made by the Borough Engineer at the time of delivery. Bidders shall quote on pipe in three foot lengths with an alternate priee for two foot lengths. The successful bidder wiJI be "required to furnish & bond in the amount of fiO per cent of the amount of the eontract as required b,. law. The Borough rer>erves the right to reject any or all bids. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Borough Secretary. ESTATE OF HARRY DENTON SHIDLE. " Deceased. late of 208 Rutgers Avenu". Swarthmore. belaware County PennByl~ vania. " • Letters of Administration cum testamClnto annexo on the above Estate having been granted to Blanehe Gln.o;s Shidle. 208 Rutgers Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa., arid Girard TlllSt Company. all persons indehted to the said Estate are requested to make payment. and thooe having eiaims to present- the same with~ out dC'lay. at the ofTice of • GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Broad and Chestnut Stre"ls. Philadelphia. A. A. JACKSON. President. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH G. CHAr.'NEI.L. deceased. late or Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa. " LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate have been granted to the under~ signed, who ~uC$t all persons having claims or demands against the Estate or the decedent to make known the same. and all peraons in­debted to the decedent to make :payment, with-out delay. to " SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY and MARIAN S. CH'ANNELL. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Or to thetr Attorney CLAUDE C. SMITH. Swarthmore. Penna. and 1617 Land Title BoUding, Philadelphia. Pa. 2_12_6T Delivered Equipped in Swarthmore Public acceptance of Chrys­ler Cars this year has been amazing. m-crease this year. HANNUM & WAITE So. Chester Rd. &: Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1250 17c FANCY RED Alaska Salmon HORSESHOE, Tall Can UBBY'5 or uco Early June Peas 2 No.2 Cans 9c College Inn Tomato Juice co*cktail 26·oz. BDitle13c Shamrock Peaches S!tit..~~R 2 ND. 2~ Can •. 2Sc Sliced Pineapple Largest Can 12c Del Monte =~ Asparagus No.2 Can 18c Del Monte Tomato Catsup L... 14.oz. Bottle 10c D I M EARLY P 2 No.2 Cans e onte GARDEN eas 2Sc 19c 10c Del Monte GO~.;"W~::;AM Corn Embossed Napkins 80 COUNT Silver Dust Welch's Grape Juice Standard Tomatoes 2 No.2 Cans 3 Pk ••. Reg. Size Pkga. 19c PInt Bottle Quart No.2 Can 17c 33c Sc Large No. 2 Vz Can8c H·lb. Bag QUICK or REG. Gibb's Pork and Beans Ceresota Unbleached Flour Mother's Oats with China Eagle Brand Condensed Milk Domestic Sardines OlL or MUSTARD 9Sc Lge. Pkg. 20c KI· ng C 0 Ie C0 ffe e FINCEASNT BMUOYN EY Household Kitchen Towels Grapefruit Juice, Unsweetened Reg. Size Can 16c t4s Size Can 4c Lb. Ba. 19c SEPTA BRAND 5c Roll Tall Can 4c 7c 2 No.2 Cans 2Sc Uco Fancy Grapefruit No.2 Can Uco Fancy Melting Peas Uco Golden Bantam or White Corn 2 No.2 Cans 19c SHOULDERS OF Baby Lamb with Rack lb. MILK FED Veal Cutlet Roast Lb. U. s. GRADED Maine White Potatoes 10 Lb •. Medium Size NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OpeD 9 A. M. to 9 P. M •• MODda,. to Thuroday 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., Frida,. aDd Satartia,. Pleat)' of Free Parld". Space ''You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" tlc 21c lSc SW~I~THMnl~E SW .l.1~THM()I~E THI: VOL. IX, No. 9 SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 26, 1937 $2.50 PER YEAR ANNUAL MEETING l STU~:':; A~~~~L AN~RO-I WOMEN CELEBRATE O:I::::c~:r~;::~g:: ~~:: FOR HEALTH SOCIETY T~~~::~C::~~c:s~~:!~ the DICKENS' BmTHDAY r:i~: a~~~t~re~gU~~,::~:y :tesr.:; s::; 'THE CRADLE SONG' AT CLUB NEXT WEEK _____ direction of Miss Clarissa Randall will • Sunday evening. Qualified Speakers Arranged For render an overture and thl! 'High School AnticipatioD Growing For Cook. JlJbn Price Ferris, ex '19, will give the Trio Directorate Producing Mar­tinez Sierra's MAsterpiece of Simplicity Dinner at Strath Havm Inn Chorus will sing a number of folk songs ing School to Be Held first engineering department lecture of Next Tuesday and art songs next Monday evening at S March 9, 10 and 11 the year on Sunday at S· P. M. in the The annual meeting and dinner of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County wilt be held next Tues­day, March 2, at 6.30 P. M. at the Strath Haven Inn. Speakers will be Kenneth Appel, M.D., of the Institute of Mental Hygiene, Philadelphia, who will speak on "Family Relationships"; Robert Mac­Leod, Ph.D., "of Swarthmore College, speaking on liThe Value of the Intelli­gence Test in Family Case \Vork"; :Mjss Helen Willard, of the Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy, on the topic "Occupational Therapy in Relation to Family Case Work"; and Miss Julia L. Groscop, Health Secretary of the Council of Social Agencies, speaking on "Newer Trends in Public Health Nursing." Everyone interested is invited to at­tend the meeting. Tickets may be secured at the Society's offices in Borough Hall (telephone Swarthmore 362 or 2070) or through any member of the Board of Director. Attendance is particularly desired from those who wilt this year conduct the United Campaign drive for funds. The local interest in the projects of the United Campaign is largely colored by knowl­edge of just how contributions from this particular fourteen mite area are dis­bursed. Considerable attention will be devoted to outlining the fact that our contributions locally, are exceeded by the funds expended in the area. This is neces­sary by reason of the vast importance of the character of the work accomplished through the agencies. • L.W.v. CARD PARTY -·1f'CLDlfTODAY Dr. Lee L Driver, of Harrisburg, to Speak at March Meetiq Nut TuesdlQ' o'clock when the Home and School Asso-. Friendst Meeting Mouse. Mr. Ferris, dation meets in the High School audi- Originality and ingenious characteri- at present the acting director of the The Players Club of Swarthmore will torium. zation scored another hit at the 'Voman's Agricultural Industries division of the present "The Cradle Song" by Gregorio Howard Kirk, president, urges that all Club of Swarthmore last Tuesday when a Tennessee ValJey Authority, will discuss and Maria :Martinez Sierra for its llarch parents attend regardless of whether or "made in Swarthmore" luncheon and en~ the "Agricultural Rehabilitation Program IJroduction. with the opening performance not they are members of the Association. tertainment edified and amused the of the T. V. A." scheduled for Tuesday, March 2 The next topic on the program for dis~ capacity audience. The Drama Section The Cooper Foundation is joint sponsor This is one of the most unusual plays cussion under this year's general subject under the leadership of Mrs. C. W. Mc- of the address, which wilt be non-tech- ever written; unusual in its complete of "Leisure" is "How to Converse." Dowell celebrat~d the one hundred and nical and open to all. ( simplicity and almost total absence of Aft('-r the meeting the junior-senior high twenty-fift~ anlllve~sary of th~ birth. of The third of four; Thursday evening t,lot. Of it the late "H. T. P." (H. T. school teachers will be in their respective Ch~rles Dlckcn~ w~th app~opnate Dlc~- l«tures by DOll Salvador de Aladariaga, Parker, for many years dramatic critic rooms available for conferences with ellSlan characterIzatIOns, thiS feast of Wit international statesman,"will be given next of the Boston" Transcript and dean of parents. 'I and humor being preceded by a delicious week Tn the Friends Meeting House." The the American Corps) wrote: "Simplicity • repast preparcd and served by the mem- final lecture of this series on "The Theory arrays the stage." Possibly no play in H S SENIORS GIVE I bers of the J:Iouse Committee. Mrs. E. D. and Practice of International Relations" history has achieved such universal suc- Brauns. chairman. Mrs. John Robert sponsored by the Cooper Foundation, will cess and acclaim as "The Cradle Song," • • Kline, in charge of serving, dir«ted her be given on Sunday, March 14. with so little plot material and action. 'ARMS AND THE MAN' i cor~s of the committee with dispatch and John Mason Brow~J dramatic critic of A baby girl is left at the door of a I efficlcncy. the N C'w York Ev{!umg Post" who spoke convent; the sisters take her in, care _ Presiding at the luncheon the preSi-\ here last year, will deliver the next lecture for her and rear her; eighteen years Shaw's Lively Comedy Handled dent, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, intro-- of the Somerville Forum series on Sun- later she leaves the sisters to be married. Well Last Saturdav Evening duced the guests, Mrs. Bassett Ferguson, day, March 7. Accredited by William That is all there is to the story. But it by Class of i937 president of the Woman's Club of Ridley Lyon Phelps as "one of the best public is the deep penetration into the lives, the Park, and Mrs. J. LeRoy Smith, presi- lecturers in the United States:' Mr. characters and the personalities of the The class ,I;hich will graduate next dent of the Delaware County Federation, Brown was nominated by uV~nity Fair" sisters that the authors have shown June at Swarthmore High School made a each of whom responded graciously. for the 41Hall of Fame." through their play that has given it life wise choice in the selection of this y~ar's The spirit of the early Victorian era J1A' and set it high in the list of fine plays senior play. There are lines in George was ind~ced by a celebrated Medium, TINED ANIMALS that everyone should see. Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man" better know to Swarthmoreans as Mrs. " "The Cradle Song" is under the joint which even if merely droned could not Oscar J. Gitcrecst, who by means of her D~UGHT YOUNGSTERS staging and direction of Mary Ryan fail to evoke laughter. When in addi- crystal, was able to transport her r. O'Brien, Dr. A: F. Jackson and J. J. tion the play is produced by a sympa· listeners into a former existence when Gould. These three fine artists have thetic understanding group containing they could actually see and hear Charles PamahasikA's Pets Attract Local collaborated to produce the play with all perceptible talent it becomes not merely Dickens. This excellent living portrait, Children to Players its beauty and sweetness enhanced by a duty of parents and friends to attend done by Mrs. Roland Eaton, vies with ('1ub technical accuracy. Mrs. O'Brien, who the student production but a real pleasant her Mark Twain of a past season, so spent some of her girlhood. in a convent evening's entertainment. favorably remembered by Club members. That the prospect of a performance by school, ha... paid particular attention to Of course there is always a handicap In his reminiscences Charles Dickens trained animals and birds appealed this important phase; Mr. Gould has as-presented in the lack of age range, but recalled favorite characters so vividly mightily to the younger element of this sumed the responsibilities of general direc­the cleverness of Barbara Dolman, of the that they actually appeared before the community was obvious upon inspection tion, working out the choreography of Swarthmore Players Club, in the art of audience. "Breaking the News," an ex- of the full house last Saturday afternoon the group movements, ,and ,stii~"~'aCtion, make.up went far toward producing tHe cerpt from UBlack H~use," was charm,. at the Players Club House on Fairview and Dr. Jacksoti.,~: with th,e. aid of G. necessary delusions: in the perfortJ;13l1ce ingly don"e by Mrs. Charles Israel, a~ Road.. WahJ..Qhng~~~ed lasf:Satur.r.yOeveiilngTn-,the High' School Esther Stimmerson·:-Mrs. 'Franli' KGfay .. Presenting' Dtit one Perforinance -iiiis ·aud built one"TlIiC'finest s_. ever· . auditorium. as Caddy Jellyby j Mrs. Frederick A. time the Junior Membership Committee seen on a Players C]Ub"8ta"ge~ Meticulous . • ac SOlI. Susan Wolters imparted to the role of Child as Mr. Turveydrop. Sr.; Mrs. Amo of the; Club brought Pamahasika's At- attention has been paid to every detaiL Raina Petkoff just the right amount of Viehoever as Prince Turveydrop; and tractio.ns to Swarthmore as the third The highly specialized typ~" of decoration airs appropriate to the daughter of a high Mrs. Ralph E. Van Kleek as Mrs. Jellyby. production of the 1936-37 season. and hand properties needed for such a ranking Bulgarian military officer whose David Copperfield was brought back to "Commodore;" an unusually well production have been attended to by Mrs. home boasted "the only library" in the tife with the episode of the. donkeys at trained and inte11igent pony, was first in- A F J k A card party today, Friday, and an im- section. Betsy"Trotwood's door. Betsy was por- troouced to the audience and the chil- The directors have assembled one of portant luncheon meeting next Tuesday It was obvious Raina had always before trayed by Mrs. Elliott Richardson i dren beheld the unusual sight of a real, the best casts possible for the play. With are on the calendar for the Swarthmore her a living ejc:ample of how ladies of David by Whitford McDowell; Mr. Dick live rocking horse. "Commodore" also two- excepfiolls the cast is composed en­League of Women Voters. their position and financial status should by Mrs. Robert Sheppard: Miss Murd- waltzed, answered questions and dis- tirely of women." The women are Mary The card party for the benefit of the conduct themselves, in her mother, Cath~ stone by Mrs. I. L. Nickerson; and Mr. played remarkable mathematic~l ability. Ryan O'Brien, jean S. Milne, Lilla Her­local and State Leagues will be held at erine Petkoff, into which part Constance Murdstone by Mrs. Frank R. Morey. He could even tell the exact 'time upon man, Jessie L. Lewis, Margaret Latimer, the Woman's Club House, on Park Ave- Reg put some very convincing charac- The Marchioness and Dick Swiveller consulting Professor Pamahasika's watch. Alice Jones, Katherine Turner, Lorraine nue, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Tea will teristics of maternity. from The Old Curiosity" Shop, in two A group of very well~dressed dogs con- Michels, Grace Green, lulita Powers, be served. Mrs. Dana H_ Bigelow is A most pronounced Communistic sen- scenest brought the grime and poverty of tinued the program. Willtzing, jumping Mildred SifQpers,' Angela Mason. The chairman of the committee in charge. timellt found it impossible to detract from the little slavey's existence so poignantly rope, ascending and descending ladders, men are Dr. Jackson and Howard Turner. Other members are Mrs. J. Paul Brown, the charm of Louka when portrayed by to the hearts of the beholders that this backwards and forwards, leaping through The pOem, cotning during the single en­who witt arrange table prizes; Mrs. J. Eleanor Gaede and lent the fascination scene will be long rem~mbered. 1lrs. hoops and acrobatics from the back of a tre act, will be read by Dr. Robert M. Prescott Willis, in charge of the tea; of her slight natural German accent and Francis Taylor as the Marchioness trotting. pony, were only a .few of the Stabler. Mrs. John Marshall and Mrs. Charles her sparkling youthful vitality. voraciously gnawed on her bone which accomphsh~ents ?f these canmes. • All but two members of the cast are G. Thatcher. As Captain Bluntschli, the officer of Dick had brought her. An am?slOR" ~a1f. of c~owns, one a nlld~ well known to Players Club audiences. At the Tuesday meeting, Dr. Lee L. the Serbian army, whose seeking shelter The passage selected from Nicholas get, p~ovlded. hilarIOUS tnte~als. . Katherine Turner is the wife of Howard Driver, of Harrisburg, will speak on in the bedchamber of the daughter of an Nickleby dealt with the Garden Wall ReSides bemg a most agde ~questrlan, Turner, and has had some exp"erience uEffiCiency in School Administration" enemy develops the theme of the play, over which the irate Old Gentleman. a monkey demonstrated. catchIng talent with college organizations. The other promptly at 2.00 P. M. following the William Shay appeared, introducing local played by the versatile Mrs. T. Harry such as would be the prIde of any base- new comer is Mrs. Michels, wife of a luncheon at 12.30 P. M. Dr. Driver is audiences to another dramatically inclined Brown, threw vegetables and delivered I haH promoter. . " Bryn Mawr faculty member, who has chief of Consolidation and Transporta- young son of that Rose Valley f~P1i1y. his doubtful oratory. Kate Nickleby was I . Over a dozen beauti~ul whIte bIrds pro- appear many times with the famous Pasa­tion of the Department of Public In- Last year his brother, Howell Lewis played by Mrs. Jesse N. Folsom; Mrs. I vlded the. most excepttonal "fea~ure o~ the dena group ilt the Pasadena, Cal. Play­struction. and wilt touch upon the prob- Shay Jr. scored a hit in "Death Takes Nickleby by Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman; and presentatIOn. These Austrahan stiver house. . • .'. ' h·b· ed b T Id th d b M Robert Sh d crested co*ckatoos wheeled each other le?IS o! consohdatmg. small sClhD?1 ~IS- a HO~ldayll and eXodt It . a IltWY '"Iel' o~ eAathttent~nt tt~ CS. t deppakr . about in all sorts of vehicles selected and tncts to Pennsylvama and eglslatlon I seen 111 amateur pr ucltons. I lam 5 u en IC se lOgS, cos urnes an rna e- • d h II f ' f concerning education. Mrs. S. Milton interpretation of "The Chocolate Cream up aided the excellent characterizations I dr~fflse t e p~oper lag rom aedgroudPd °d . .. h d· f h II . . M M I erent nations co ors count , a e, Bryan" t, chairman of the. Dep.artm.ent o f Soldier" was e•n joyed by t e au tence 0D t eI I we -cas.t padrt·i cipant. s. dr sd. · ct - b ed I . I·ed ' d . h . SII tract ,mu tiP I pose Wit wmgs Government and EducatIOn 15 planmng as well as by himself. owe was asstste 10 castmg an Ircc - d f th ad ' d d the meeting , Walter Scott resplendent in yellow uni- ing by Mrs. Stanley MacMillan, and in alnd feah' ersdspre lod' an even entacte !lhn • .• ' . I f M . k b h .. th· I· 'f 0 as lOne me rama camp ete Wit Mrs Robert T Bair IS chairman of the form played all SIX se ves 0 aJor rna e-up y t ose artists 10 IS me,~'" rs. ·It· h d h . Th' - f lunche~n committee Those who wish to Sergius Saranoff, the hero of a battle Henry James and Mrs. Robert H. Reed. VI alfin, effOt'han d efr~:nnde. IS Sp~CI~S a . " h dl no· I· d b F k h B be our ne ea ere nen s are no SISSles-make reservations should notify Mrs J which proved both t e era e and the nlgS were supp Ie y ran tear r tl ·11· d·d h· d f· h t· ·th • • •• • II D leVI am I 15 eaemngs oomgwi Warren Paxson, telephone Swarthmore grave of his ml!lta~ reputation. and Jasper eeter: . a cannon. Professor Pamahasika is quite 158-R. Despite the disparIty m the ages .of the Too muc~ :::redtt C3!lnot be gn'en the I ari exponent of the waltz--even the birds The Delaware County League of actor and Major Paul Petkoff, thiS fine I Drama Section for thiS memorable pro- had been trainedi in the dance. Women Voters will hear John C. Foster, character part was ably done by Edward gram. Each character was so we!l por- The flaming colors of Brazilian macaws of Park Avenue, Swarthmore, speak on Hannum. Raina's !ather was nonplused trayed that to praise. one is to praise al1. brought gasps of awesome delight from "Recreational Opportunities in Delaware more than once durlDg the three acts. On Thursday mornmg, at the regular the assemblage as the birds rolled hoops County," at a meeting on Friday after- Nicola, who for~~nately did uh~ve the m~ting of the Section, Mrs. OS,car J. and performed other feats. nooll, March 5 at the Media Woman's soul of a servant and proved ItS un- Gtlcreest read Somcrset Maugham splay • Oub. lIr. Foster is Executive Secretary selfishness by obligingly dissolving an 4lCaesar's Wife." Dancing Classes at Gym of the Chester Division of Delaware and engagement in order to empower his At the Cooking School which is to be This Week Montgomery Counties Council of the Boy crstwhile fiancee to better her position in held in the Club House on Tuesday, S couts of America. !t he world. was rna de . convl.Ilc.lI1 g I) y t II e " W e d nes da y an d Thu rsd a!, 'i\f arch 9, 10 The Introductory and Advanced Classes A luncheon at 12.30 P. M. will precede 'I work of James Morns. and 11, under t?e AmeTlca~ Ho":,-e De- amI the Senior Assembly of the Swarth-h L· I fi Id d h I h h M Ell tt Richard more Dancing Classes will meet tomorrow t e discussion. Those interested are re- 'I Thomson Itt e e rna e a s ~rt and part~ent,? w IC rs. .IQ - quested to make reservations with Mrs. fruitless search as an officer lookmg for son IS chairman, Mrs. l-farlan G. Kemp, evening, Saturday, in the gymnasium of George Linn, Bowling Green, of Media, the candy starved fugitive from the enemy Home Economist for the Philadelphia the High .Sc~ool. The chap~ron.s who telephone Media 1447. ranks. Electric Company will demonstrate, have been mVlted for the evem?g mclude A study group under th~ direction of This year's play was only one of many frozen desserts as well as hot. foods. The Dr. and Mrs. George L. Arnntage, "Mr. Miss AI· C C II f p. R·d I al High School dramas the success stage of the Club House WIll he trans- and Mrs. Alhan Eavenson, Mr. and Mrs. Ice. arne,o me Ige, oc . P' F kR G M dM E will consider the report of the Goodrich of which Miss Hanna E. Kirk's coach~ formed into a complete kitchen. . rlzes ran . ray, r. an rs. ugene Committee, at a meeting on Friday. ing has been responsible. consisting of the food cooked Will be Lappe, lIr. and ~r.s. R. Chester Spencer, February 26, at 10 . .30 P. M. at the Afedia The stage settings brought bursts of given away daily. • Air. and Mrs. Wdbam Craemer, Mr. Public IJibrary, Jackson Street, near applause from the audience and Miss Whether you. use ~n electnc range or J:.frs. A." 11. Dryden, Afr. and Mrs. WIl­State. This meeting is a continuation of \Volters' costumes, two of which be- not. the committee 111 charge feels that ham W. Turner, llr. and ~rs: Frank a study of Pennsylvania Administration longed to her grandmother, were perfectly these cooking classes will be of interest I Gettz, lIra and Mrs. B. C. Wiggms, ~Ir. of Public Assistance. delightful. to every homemaker. and lIrs. W. L. Dethloff. • Boys and Girls Both Win On Friday night, February 19, on the home floor. the Swarthmore High School passers nosed out Darby in a sloppily played game, by the score of 16-13 .. The Garnet Jay Vees also won a close one by eking out Darby Reserves in the preliminary, 18-17. On the following Monday, February 22, the Garnet courtmen travelled to Springfield an gave the home club a real lacing by winning 23-14. The Swarth~ more quintet had its own way from the start and kept a good lead up to the last. The Jay Vees also won at the expense of the home team seconds, 22.17. A home game with Chester at 7.15 to­night completes this season's program of the local team. Last Thursday, the 18th, the High School sextet staged the biggest upset of the year when they nosed out Westtown 34-32 on the home floor. The Gamet girls overcame the 30-25 lead in a mag­nificent second half rally. In a story book finish, with a half-minute to play and the score standing at 32-30, Westtown ho1d­jng the slim edge, Sylvia Swann sank two one hand slabs, thus pushing the local girls out in front 34-32 as the final .... histle blew. The Jayvees also came out on top in an easy win over the Westtown seconds, 29·17.

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 19, 1937 4!...---=--:---======---:-------;~~:--.;u:::=:;::----,,~~~~~~~EiiA~F~T~E~RDllM~rs;:-. ~SCicl;h;;;O;);b;;;in~gr.e;;rlNie;,xdt:JR~evi-e-W-e-r-!----:H--an-d-:-i::-c-raft Program at School CLASSIFIED At the Waverly SPORT DANC ~Ir< 1I0r ICe AH" \\111 1I11criam Ihe 0" I nday ll10rnmg 1 ebruary 12. In ['ortl1lghth 011 l'o.lond I) 1 ebl'uar) 22, at i III as~cl11bly held 111 thc High School FOR SALE fon SAl I' -lira!>!! b(d In E!xcclllnl COnl.htlUlI Pr ce ~!:I 00 1dcphonc S\\nrthmorc GG7 J } on SAl I' -I'ackard folet'lnc Hnzor ] IkE! nE!W Nl:ar hllif I ne~ Telephonl' S\\tlrth more 18 WANTED WANTI'D-Youm.: lOtudE!l1l for derk duty 6 1 AI until 10 I 111 at The lfar~nrd Tdcphtone Swarthmore 149 FOR RENT Apartment. $35 44 S Morton Ave Mor ton Ne-ar P R R Adults Second Door S rooms eJectnc refrlll'r.!lr.hon Garage WM S BITTt:£ Swarthmore III·J Notary Public _ Insurance - Real Elitete MORTGAGES Straight or Installment Interest charges are reduced With each Installment payment We prepare and act upon all appllca tiona wlthm two or three days If you are thlDkmg of buyang a home, we can he very helpful to you SWEENEY & CLYDE MORTGAGE BROKERS 29 E FIfth Street Cheater Phone Chester 6141 MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G SNODGRASS ASS'T FUNERAL BELL PHONE .. DlREcroRS MEDIA PA. YE Village Window Cleaner • A HAUGER, Prop Swarthmore 19 A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 • "I'M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR TROUBLE!" "That's my job-to find trou­ble on your telephone lme before you find It. You see, I'm a Test Man m a telephone central office It's my Job to find trouble before it troubles you I SWitches and dials tell me what and where trouble may hit. Then I send a repalftnan to fix it. Very often we can catch it before It affects your service and you never realize that there has been trouble on your hnel" .. • • '" We telephone people spend a lot of tIme and money to keep your servIce free from mechan­Ical faIlures But some people have telephone troubles of another kmd They waste tIme and effort - even lose sales and customers-due to inade­quate telephone faclhtles or the wrong eqUIpment to meet the needs of office, home, store o. factory Why not let us study your telephone problems and check your faclhtles~ There's no obligation Just call the Busmess Office. • THE B£LL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA MEDIA GAME FRIDAY 2 11) P :\1 IlluhtorlU1l1 a talk and an cxlllblt were \lId Glad" J cach IS thc book to ue I-;I\CII on handicraft DWight Cooley rt.'\ le\\ cd ,,, Mrs George SchoulI1gcr I.,rcparcd an cxlllbit dlustratmg finishes flus IS one of the fare books , .. 11Ich at I stich as paJllts fivarl1lshcs and slams I Her WIlham Powell and Myrna Loy In I uAfter the Thin Man," plaYing four days-Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and Wedneaday-at the Waverly Theatre, Drexel Hill Three Games Won by Swarth­more High 5c:hool Boys' Basket­ball Team During Put Week \hcr the S\\arthmore Media basket hall game last 1 nd." evenmg the SelUor ( Ihlllet of Swarthmore High School held l Sllort Dance 111 the Rym The Ilurpose of the d mce was to raise funus for the ( IInllet Mcn and bO\ s were charged a small admlssloll fcc "dille the girls \\ere adnuttcd free Both '\ oung and old \\ litT-ed gall) to the musIc of Bill ,t\lIen u1(1 Ins orchestra IntcrtaUltllent was sUJlllhed h) the Me(ha team for two oi their pla\ crs tap dallced Burnett a ~ledl3 colored bO\ also sang to the ell· JO) II1cnt of all Itstellers I he garnet and \\ lute rourtll1CI1 of S\\ Irthmore High School 111a)ed cspe (I Ill) fine h lskethall durmg the past \\Cek 11\ \\ llunng three COtlsccutl\ e gamcs f he\! gamed thclf first triumph un the home floor I cbruan 10 at the eXllcnsc oi a fIst cuttlllg" and llasslIIg P M C prep to the tunc of 18 16 St 1I11e) 11111 the dl11lllUttH Ilegro guard of thc home h.alll pJl\ed hrliltatlth cuttmg passlllg Phi Delta Pi Rush Party at Inn ami shontlllg from all OHr the III or I ht I (,l11pl(' 1..:111\ ersll\ lJ'eta fCll IPh:rl George (ollllls must also be ",1\ en credit II I III Ddt l PI II It I )II I tiro (.' "11 III [( r Iu s fim e fl oor work pin 11.: II lilt! Ill.: 11th e(hllIU( 11 "OTOnt\ Illr 111 the I)rdlllnllin the g Irnet Freshmen \\11111.'11 t.:lIh.'rt IIlled It Its al1111111 ku"h h st to the SJlrmghcld frt.:shmen III I P Irl\ II t S Hurd 1\ eHllll1g It.:hrull \ I I III 10 9 I I Hr) exci Il1g)a C I Ilil \\ Ith dll1l1cr .It thc Str 11h 11\ lUI III all Important league g IIIIC on I ehru I nil t IIl\\lIl 11\ IUuul Uf lel It tIC Ir) 12 at home the garnet qltll1tcl ttlPPt. (I Ilul,""lr \\ Ilu: Itrl'j'l 1 er (rllla hl I ~Icclll 1.)\ the score of 23 19 thus ,...1\111 I 1 \\lilll :\Ighl len 'Hn: eHIII\ I It an UIl(I Isputcd Ttg j It 0 [ Sec()1l( I I I I I.. l'1 III It III Jllrt\ I tr ulmg Chester \1111 I,.. thl pTt 11Il1ll'llt ,..,tlC"!" "trl I he ja, Vel's \\crc nosed Ol1t h) )h(h I I Tl Hlt.llt lId ~Ir CII Irles I Il.'un I I\ .csen('s '_3 1°,.., III II Ie fil r I gmIe I (lIIpll L lI\l'r"lt\ (J('rtrucJe j\ah (1\ On IUl.'sdl\ Ifternoon (n the IUIIlt.: J)\.' 111 f \\ 11Il11 \t It.:mpll' Grlcc ~ 1<lIZ fl or FdJrltan 16 S\\tlrti1nure llJ,..h met .. p 11'" r' I till: I IIlheilellIl \s (Clltlt II II ... () I{I rnaI" II Ie Il"I ell ".'1 ; ( r I It( I1 111 11I11 (lrlll I J Il(S \nlle IO\\llsClld hon r I 1-' I I I.. ISlh "Oil 11\ I I()(l"ule( st.: re I I n In 1lI11nll r ul th('" org IIIIZ IlIull 1111 I I \11 \ II k 1III1s gllm: 11lI\.'r j(lI\.'s \\elll (11 I Ha pn lit.: II 01 tIL meTt( III I l l\ UJllI1g <;pru smkmg goa I s Irolll C\ln 1l'11ll (n Hr ~h:llJl('r hI.' ul 01 )111\ ... It Ii \\ II l n l 11 I 1111 I II Z J l'n111 II g... II l \ \ [1111\ l'dUlltl n II tit.: Clt\ of PlnllilclJlhl1 rllO\lnd Ir mlc ..... II1Junes pll\ed \('r) PIli Ddt I PI Sllillsors I C lIll)) l Ich I \\lll It ill'S It.:d I (th teams III <;corl1l~ In slIlllllI('r I( r tIIul('nlOUrtshe<i ciuldrcll list \ t Ir It \\ Is h( lei III :\e\\ "\ ork Sllte I h~ son nh IS ,cn actl\ C 111 U\ Ie Iff III 111 mil around PilIlule111lu I l IJldlll~ IR I lilt-; \hlll lI./'>h th,-= \ Irsll\ (ame throu~h the lfllet J 1\ \ ('t.' "ere h ulh he It(11 1)\ Ih~ Indllll SC.'l nds 11) the Slore (f • Girl Scout News )3 ~~ i I~ tl HI ht thc Ilia ill Darin :\lot!J('rs of memhers of I roop G and 1m I Ill'xt .'\I " I [I( S I ) one a\ a ternoon the) \\111 19.1 t.:ntert lined the ~Irls \\Ith I sUfJlf1SC S II I [ II I t illed I f1nghl' { I "0 1\\ 1\ \ il(ntllll: Jl rh I 1\\l11g tie re tllir SUll1t lllt.:ctlll~ list S lturd 1\ lllornllll-! • f hl ("Hill "1 Ilsu I I)lrlhd 1\ surpnsc I J V. Girls Surpass FIrst Team S\\ Irtll1w re 111gh s girl hasketeers losl till Ir 1111nl g IIl1e ul the se IS( n \\ hen the) I \\e<l to the undcf('ated (lien Nor sextel litter s Hour 1 hursda\ (t h r ~Irs I \ LiIlIeI leader (f I roo)) (, IIKI there "IS I Inrlhda) C Ike Iml ~Irs Un III \\as llr('scnl('cI \\Ith a glit h\ the Rlrl \t h 11lorrO\\" lllec1mg the IllUSIC \\, rk under th( (hrcclioll of ~I rs \ \ t.:nltlrllli and dUl(11l~ \\Ith :\Irs \ I hI..' JtUllOr \ Irsll) chalked lip Its fifth P \Vlutaker 111 c11 Ir,.,l' \\111 I C' wlltll1t1\.'d \\ 1II \\ ht.:ll Ii s IIIk Ihe hOllle team 29 15 III III the I Igh schm 1 g~ IlllllSmlll ~t.:xt \\ l'dlu:~d 1\ lilt' 11 (11 I ehruln 2-1- the girls l I I rol Il HI \\h I arc stud) 111,.. f( r the 11 sIess Ilu.'nt hldge \\111 gl\e I te I at the h lInC' oj ~Ir ... I J Ser\al'i (It D1CklllSUIl "('lIllt ~Ir S~n liS 111<1 til( st.:lollll tl.' 1111 g Illle 1 \\0 hnlllt.: /-llmt.:" \\Ith \Vestto\\11 (n thc 18th lIuI \\ Ith I~Hlle) Park 011 til(' .bth complete the loc II girts slhcdulc f(lr thiS s('aSOl1 • Mr. Underwood Speak. on II der at hiS case Onc lIuheated the mer "omts 011 artlc cs 0 OIl(C )JlIt S Ie rca EI I 1 fecls that he mOl) read 111 a lelsurelv wood\\ork canor Gaede \\ 10 laS the mauner takmg tllnc for the enJO)fl1el1t of (hstmctlon of being the first girl In the cach chaptu Bhss Perr) IS the author lustor) of the school to take shop exlu and he has \Hltten of Ins hfe 111 a manner blted and descTlbed the process of work that arouses the mterest and makes one mg- \\ Ith metals Ted Hannum then told glad to kIlO\\ of IllS hard work. of leisure of the process of makmg uSlIlg plashcs of Ira. cI ,,[ meetIng dlsllllgUlshcd people E D W Y N R 0 R K E from all cOllntrJes and with It all a ~alh ami ha,JlnllCSS winch naturalh should COllle to a man of such fine ac1ue'\; c 1Jlents hut \dllch IS 110t frequently found III the ~C\\ England 1\ pe REGISTERED ARCHITECT 12 Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. HOMES D£SIGNEO FINANCED ~Irs Carlos F No)cs and Mrs George AND BUILT Sickel \\ 111 rcad literary sketches ~~==~~~~~====== For Ulore tban 22 years, the fanners who bave d d Abbotts pro uee de I uxc "A" Milk bave . d a cash bonuS, receive I 1 for thClr extra regu aT)~ cleanly care. ThIS nulk IS ah' n) s safe for l,,,blcs amI chIldren _ the cheapcst bealth Insurance ") ou can buy I It comesfresh for t lelll.. layfrom carefully ctcry ( selected nearby farmS. For .. errlce. orflcr from tile ...11.1",,13 JU.l"lJlQn. 0" Your chll(l sboul<l have t.hc protection tbn~ bile, pure nulk assures. GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for Week of February 18 to February 24, Inc. Sugar XXXX POWDERED Pkg 5c OR BROWN 17c FANCY REO HORSESHOE. Tall Cnn LIBBY S or UCO ~Irs St 1II1t) ~llC~hll m ba\C heCll coach lIlh the gIrls 1Il thiS \\ rk I he regular \\cl'kl) mcetlil~ ot I f(j JI 16 \\111 he held It the \\ ( man:s Cluh II u t t( morro\\ 1111 rnlllg- S Itllr<la) II III \,cather IS J RadlulD I Undu\\ood of \Vallmgf( nl I ( n h.adl1l1ll amI Radloacl1\ 11\ Alaska Salmon Early June Peas 2 No 2 Can. 9c College Inn Tomato Juice co*cktail 26 oz Bottle 13c Shamrock Peaches S~~~~E~R 2 No 2;', Can. 25c Sliced Pineapple L .. g"t Can 12c Del Monte ::R"oLi;. Asparagus No 2 Can 18c Del Monte Tomato Catsup Lg. 140z Bottle 10c Del Monte G~~':,'E;' Peas 2 No 2 Cans 25c (Ie ir I lectured III lTilIllg- luke \\ III he takl'1l ka, before the Porter SClentlflc SOCle1\ of I r l11kll1l and ~larshal1 College [altc IS h;r Pa I hursda\ nemng 1 ehruan 11 lllri at 9 lO PROPOSAl rtl Im IIrne C}'oau ncaitl -.. ================== "r I n II I t n k kn 1 ! 1 tit t I II \HR\ JIlofl.:TON (( 'l() itut)!( r Bela 1 C UI t~ SlIlI)] E \\C 11 I I I s~ I I ~\\ \HilI:\tom N\rION\J II\NK t I 11\ t & IltllST (0:'111 \N\ 11 I M\HI\N S CH\NNI'II I s\ arthm rc 1 m )h uun Or t II {lr \tt rn('y <.:1 \IJ1ll- ( SMITH I s arthmJr I f'n ani Hit 1 and Ttlh Bu II n).! I hllaclC'i, I m I a _ I) 12 ~T ~~~~~* 'lI'/l.v1J.;! I " 1/,.011 1It J,1)· IN GICt 1) J,O~·P'" Come see the new Chrysler Royal! OnlyS 964 D h\(Tf'n Equlppf'l In 5\ aTthmor Pubhc acceplance of Chrys ler Cars thiS year has been alnazmg 1 () () crease thl~ year • HANNUM & WAITE So Chester Rd. & Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1250 D e I M onte GOL0D"E NW HBAITNET AM C orn 2 No 2 Cans 19c Embossed Napkins 80 COUNT 3 Pkg, 10c Silver Dust 2 Re" 5,,, Pkg, 1 9c Welch's Grape Juice ~ Pm' Bottle 1 7 c 1 Qu"" 33c Standard Tomatoes Gibb's Pork and Beans Ceresota Unbleached Flour Mother's Oats with China Eagle Brand Condensed Milk No 2 Can Large No 2' , 24 Ib Ba~ QUICK or REG Lge Pkg Reg SIZe Can 5c con8e 9Sc 20c 16e Domestic Sardines OIL 01 MUSTARD 1 4S Sile C In 4c K· C I C ff FINEST MONEY 109 0 e 0 ee CAN BUY Household Kitchen Towels Grapefruit Juice, Unsweetened Uco Fancy Grapefruit Uco Fancy Melting Peas Lb BI~ SEPTA BRAND Holl 1 II ( , ( 2 ( II " 1ge Sc 4e 7c 2~ 25c Uco Golden Bantam or While Corn 2~ SHOULDERS OF Baby Lamb with Rack MILK FED Veal Cutlet Roast 1 ( Ib on 19c He u S GRADED L" Maine White Potatoes 10 I los l\tt'"dmm SIZe NONE SOLD TO DEALERS Open 9 A M to 9 P M Monday to Thursday 9 A M to lOP M, Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parking Spaee "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant T,ger" 21e ISc S~~I~THM(JI~E COLLEGE L FEB" SW~I~TH M()UE I'.l. VOL. IX, No. 9 SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 26, 1937 ANNUAL MEETING lSTUg.f!'~ A~~~~1L AN~RO. WOMEN CELEBRATE FOR HEALTH SOCIETY \ SCHOOL NEXT MONDAY \k'"l1ltr ,klllC1h \\111 ~I\C 111 "r~ 111 DICKENS' BIRTHDAY nell tI Illhe "~1I1 If \\c,kh \"1"" "" I Iltl I ilgh Slil I Orche .. 11 a tllIIlcr till: 1t.:C 111 Lh tlner ~lclll( 1111 It h 4:--. Jlext On Calendar of Events at College $2 50 PER YEA R 'THE CRADLE SONG' AT CLUB NEXT WEEK Qualified Speakers Arranged For Dinner at Strath Haven Inn Next Tuesday <ilnctu \I (f ::\llss Clans", I H. lilt! III \\ III • Smull\ eHnltl~ I ft'tl<i('r III (\lrtur(' IIId the lllg:h Seliiol Anticipation Growing For Cook- j<.11II IJncc I ('rn" ex 19 \\111 g:1\C tlu Tno Directorate Producmg Mar ... lhorll" \\11t Slllg: I Iltlllllll'r (f folk S()lI,..S ing School to Be Held hrst englllecTlII ... dellirtment lecture 01 hnez SIerra's Masterpiece of IIId Irt SI II!.!" 11<: xl ~IOllcll\ C\('lllllg It H. March 9, 10 and 11 the ) ear 011 Sunil I) It 8 P ~I 111 the Simplicity (Jell ck \\11(,11 thl.' Ilollle a11(1 Scho I \s<;o I ne-nels ).Icctmg: ),Iousc ~Ir I "rn" I he anllU II 1lledlllg lIul dUlIlcr of the C1lholl 1II<:('b-; III the 111 h Scho I Huh Ong-III Ihl\ lIld m,...,c111 III cll Ir Ictert It pre (11t the I(tlll~ <11r«\01 (f the (1IIIII11I1l1t) lIt.: lith Soclct, of (cntr 11 tOrll1l1l 7. It 1 II "r nd 1Il( thlr 1111 It thl' \\ Jill III S \gflt.:ultur 11 Illd\1~tl \(.'s <11\ Istull lJclm Ire Counh \\ 111 he held next lucs. Ilm\ ml l'lrk pr(' ulcnt urges th It all (Iuh If S\\ Irtillllore list J lie II 1\ "ht'll I I enllt.:ssee \ .tIn \ulhonh \\111 d1'iC.::u S d l\ "larch 2 at (, 30 P ~[ It the Str Ith Il lrl.!nts Ittcnd n,.,ardkss 01 \\hcther or I Hll III S\\ I thl11 Ire Itll1dlc II mel t'11 J the \gncl1itur Ii Rl.:h Ihillt It 11m Pr gr 1111 1IIHI1 11111 Sp(,lkcrs "Ill hc I,ellneth Iht the\ Irc l11emher" of thc \<;StlUltHlIl hrt111111 lIt eddll.'Ct lIul IIIIl1SI' I till.: of the J \ \ I III PIIHr" lluh til S\\ Irthmtlre \\ III 1 n e:llt I hl l r ulh: S( II,... I" (In .... no Illd ~llrIl ~llrtl11eZ Siel r I for Its :\llrch Jlr \1m II 11 \\ lilt Ihl I pl 1l111 .... (Ill h nllllllt.: chelillilfl I r 111(' <11\ :\1 In It 2 \Pllll ~I IJ of thl.' Instatute.' of ::\Ient II I h(' next 1< Inc on the program for dIS l II) Hit' I1IdlO1((, I he l)r 1I1l1 S('ctlOlI I hc COt per If und 111011 IS JI lilt Spt IIsor Ih,..,IUIC Plnlllldpina \\ho \\111 ~Jll'lkIClI"'''I()lll1l1dlr tIllS \(Irs .,:et'lIera1 sllhJ('ct Itlller tlil h:ukr"llIpof ).Ir C \\ ).Ic f the uidre"'" "Im:h \\111 he 11 II led I III IUUlh Rc1ltl(J1l~hIJls }{ohert::\lac Iff felllrc Is 11(\\ IfICll\erSC Ih\\(lll\.'lll,rltld tht.: Ilil hllulred lIul l11 (11 mclo{ll.'lItolll I ('(){I Ph D (f S" Irthmon Culkge \uu thl' lIIeellll .... tht.: JUllIOi SCllIor 11I.!h t\\lnt, IIfth 1Il11l\Cr"lT\ III thl: Ilrth 01 I he tlllrd of four Illk1ll,... 11 Ihc \ ,Iut' (I the Intclh I dUll t(,lchus \\111 he 111 thur Il"llctl\e lhlrll llnll'l15 \\Ith alpr In\tl 1)llk ,lIet' I l I 111 j 1111I1 ' l 1St.: \\ 0 rk '~I\ I"... ,: -; t roolll" 1\ II I II) lc I r c( nle llin \\It I1 'I II lh Ir Ittlnz Itll liS till h: I t I "It tn I crill II 11I1 "I.I.I". " 1\1 '"I II )('!-!: I\ t' 111I t: xl Illlll \\llllnl )1 the I)hllHklplUI School l'lrt'uts 11111 hum I 1 lilt- 111 Ctcti(till\ 1 lI('ltt.:1 liS \\lll, III tht.: I rllllb ~Il'ltlll Iiolls( lhl I (hCtl(lltHlnll Ih('rll)\ til the t)111t.:l • HIlt pHllrld u}{I"'(nlll\ thllllelll tlllillcltureofthss~nesoll IheThcory I (:I~~I;I~' 1~\~Ct1 \\ : I;~I 1I"11l,;\1 ~{~II::,I:\ :' I H. S. SENIORS GIVE II ';:",,1 II: I :1~111:;~ L '~;:':III~' I ~I r "oh,I:1 :;:,III,,/'~,I:i;~~ :h~ ~II' :I~ :1; nl:I\I/:I~I::"~\I:1I (.n)SC 1]1 11(' 11th Slcrlt In of the Cot1l)(l1! I,hlll III eh Ir .... e ~ f st.:f\lIlg (hnctul hel ht.: ,..,I'CII (II Slllllll\ ~Ilrch 14 f S ILl II \gl tl( It.: spc Iklll .... Oil ~r\\cr 'ARMS AND THE M ~ N' l I JI (I the l IHI1l1tt(C \\ Ith (Ii I 11th IIld Jull11 ~I I" II I r \\ n dr Ulllttc cntlc ( f iI'lIHIsmPllhhcllellth:\urslll' I .. \l Ii t.thllllH\ Ithe\I' }II!.! JIIII,I'I<;1 \\hI)SIlOl~ I \lnt IIC IIltlfe ... tcd IS 1I1\lt('<I to It I _____ l'nsHIIlI,., It tht.: lunch('( n the 1 re.. . 1 ht.:rc II t H Ir \\11I Ikll\er the next lecturc \t.:ml the mc( IlIlg I Ickcts 1111\ he secured Shaw's Lively Comedy Handled dUlt ~frs h.ollllli (. I UlIllllll IIItro I t I th~ SOIm:n Ilk I (nUll "l'rit.:s Oil Suu t the S'Clch ~ nOtes III Bor u .... h IIlll Well Last Saturday Evening tiulul the III.' t ).Irs II clIlu 11 11 <11\ ~Imh 7 \tef('{hlulll\: \\11111111 (tcic)lh(11C S"lrtllll1lre ,(,2 Ir 20i"O) r bv Class of 1937 pTt 1I11111ofthc\\UI1II11 (lulll!\.ll1ntl,oll Phdl~ IS III (\ the hest pUhllc tlllou~h UJ' member 01 thc B( Inl of I flirt lui ~Ir J r 1.'1" \ Suutl 1 resl llccltlrcr~ III tht.: Lllltc<l Stlte", iI,[r iJlrector I hc c1 b" "Inch \\ III gr HIli Itt.: next «1<.:nt of the Del 1\\ Irt' Connh I edt.:r Itlun I I nm 11 "b n nun Itl.'d b) Valllty I air· \.lcnd IIlCC IS llarttcularl\ deslrni from I JUII~ It S\\ Irthmorc 1 (lg:h Sc:h JI11IIde a I.'aeh ( f \\holll HSllonded .... rael( l1"h I lOr the II lit (t 1 aUIl till ~C ,,110 \\ III tins ) car conduct the \\ Ise t.:h Il e III thl.' ~I.' In:t Ion of tillS \ ear s I he slnnt of the I.' Irl\ \ Ict n Il era I • LlIIted C Illlpalgn drne for fund~ 1 he lllIe 1 III 1\ I h('re Ire hllt.:s 111 Ge rge \\ h II1tlt]("('d In 1 eclehr It('d ~ledllllll TRAINED ANIMALS ioe II mtercst III the proJcd~ of the UlUted Bernard Sh 1\\ S \Tlns and the 11a11 letter kno" to S"arthmorcans I ~lr~ I C Ullpllgn IS Ilrgeh colorcd b) kno\\l I \\ I11Ch t.:H 1I If ntt.:reh droned could not Osc Ir j CJllcreest ,,110 hi ll1eall-. (I her I DELIGHT YOUNGSTERS ((l~e of Just ho\\ contnhutluns from tins f III to e\oke IllIghtcr \\'hen III addl cnstal \\as lhlt..: to trall~port her plrtlcullr f( lIrteen Illl1e ana arc diS I tHl1I the pll\ IS produced hy a syntpa IIstellcrs II1to I former eXl5tellt.:C \\hell hllr"ed C( nSlderahlc attention \\ III he thellc underst lIldm.... group contal ung the) could actllall) sec and hear Charles 1 Pamahasika's Pets Attract Local de\ oted to uuthnmg" the fact that our I pnccphhle t 11ent It hecomes not lllerel) DIckens TillS excellent It\ IIlg portr nt Ch'ld t PI 'I I' I II I ren 0 ayers contrlhutlons locallJ Ire cxceeded h) the I dllt\ of plrents and fncnds to attend done by 1\ rs \.oland aton \Ie" \\1t 1 CI b lunds expcnded III the area TillS IS neces tlu "tudent production hut a real pleasant her Mark T\\ un of a Illst "eason so U "ar) by reason of the last Importance ot eHllmg s enlcrtamll1ellt fa\orahh remembercd b} Club memhers I h It 1he prospcct of a performance h) the character ot the \\ork accolllphshed 01 Cl1lrSe there IS ah\a)s a handIcap [n hiS rCllmllscences Charles Dickens tramcd 1I11lnais md birds apilcaied through the agencIes llrcsl.'ntcd III the lack of agc range "but recalled ia\ontc characters so \I\ldly nughtlh to the \uunger clement o[ tillS __ -+ 1 thc cle\(,:rncs~ of Barbara Dolman of the that thcy actuall} atll1cared before thc (( tnmumt} W IS oln IOUS UP( n mspectlon L W V CARD PARTY I S\\ lrthmorc Players Club In the art of amlicnce Break11lg the Ne\\s an (X of the full hou"e last Saturda\ afternooll • • • \ III Ike up \\Cnt far to\,;ard prodUCing the cerpt from mack HOllse ' \\a~ charm I at the Players Club House on Fain ICW necessary delUSions 10 the performance mg1) done by ~f rs Charles Israel as Road A" T CLUB TODAYlllst Saturday e,ellmg 111 the High School 1 sther Summerson Mrs I rmk {{ Grl\ Prcselltlllg hut onc llerformance tillS Imhtoflllll1 as Cad(h Jell) h) Mr.s 1 redcrtek \ 1 tune thc JUllwr :llemherslup COlllllllttee Susan \\olters lIuparted to the role of CllIld as Air TUr\cHlrop Sr ~[rs \rn I oi the Club hroll~ht Pamahaslka s At Dr. Lee L. Driver, of Harrisburg, to Speak at March Meeting Next Tuesday l~all1a Petkoff Just the right amount of Vlehoever as Pnnce 1 UrH) droll llld tractions to S"arthlllore as the tlnrd lIrs appropTiate to the daughter of a high ~Irs Ualph E V III Klcck as )'lrs Jdhh) prodUction of tht.: 1936-37 season rlnklng" Bulg-anan military officer whose Da\ul Cop)lerfi('ld \\ IS hrought hack t() COIlU1l0U()re an lUJllsually \\ell hOllle h( Isted the only hhrary 111 the hfe "Itil the ell1sode (f the donke, s at lramcd and IIltclhgent pony \Vas first III A card part~ today 1 nda) anel an 1111 sectton nctsy 1 rot\\ood s door Betsy \\as por I trudl1ced til thc amhence IIld the clnl port ant lunche 11 meeting next Tuesday 1 t W b ( In IOUS Hallla had alwa) s hefore tra) ed b\ Mrs E Ihott Richardson I <inn behdd the unusual Sight of a real Irc on the c Ilendar for thc SwarthmoTc her I il\l1Ig- example 01 how ladles of Davl(l b) \\ lutiord McDowell ~lr Dick Inc rt ckl11g" horse Commodore also f eague of \Vomen Voters their position and finanCial status should h) ~[rs Rohcrt Sheppard ~hss ).[urd I \\a1tT-cd ans\\ercd questIOns and diS The card party for the henefit of thelC<lHlmt thClllS(')\cS 111 her mother Cath I stone by ~Irs I I ~Ickersoll anI ~lr 111\1.:(1 rCllIlrklhle mathcmatlcal al>tlth lucal and State leagues \\111 be held at erllle PetkofT mto \\Iueh part Constmcc J Murdstonc b) ~[r" Frank R :M rn lIe could l\1:11 tell the exact tllne UpOII the \Vomans Club House 011 Park \ve- Heg put some \ery COI1\mcmg charac I lhc Marclllollt.: ... S alld Dick S\\I\l'lllr (11J-.ultll1,., Proft.: sor Ptmahaslka's \\ Itcll Hue at 2 o dock thiS afternoon lea wllIl tenstles of materl1lt) irom The Old lurH sit) Shop 111 1\\( \ g-rl up of \Cf) \\el1 dressed dogs con he sCf\etl Mrs Dana 11 BI ... elow IS \ most pronounced COllntlll11tstlc sen scenes brought the gllllle and )lO\ert) of tmucrl the Ilrogram \Valtzmg JumJ)lIlg chairman of the committee 111 charge llI1l(,lIt f( unci It 1I11POSSlb1c to detract from the little sla\e) s eXlstcnce so t OIgllllltl) n I)e as(elHhng and (Il'scelldmg ladder" Other members arc ~Jrs J Paul Brown the charm of I ouk I \\hen llortra\ed b) to the htarts ot the beholders th It thiS hick" mls md for\\ Inls IC'alnng through \\ho \\111 arrlllge table prizes ~lrs J Illelllor Glede and lent the fasematlOn scene "lit hc long remembercd 11r~ h.ops lIld acrobatlc.s from the back of a Pr('srott \\'Ilits 111 charge of tne tca ot her slight natural German accent and 1 rallCIS Ta) lor as the l\larcillolless trottmg pon) \\ere ani) a fe\\ of lhc Mrs John :Marshall and Mrs Charles I her splrklmg: )outhful 'Itaht) \oraclOlIsI} gl1a\\ed 011 her hone \\Inch It.:t.:ompllshments of these Clillnes G Thatcher \s C Ipt lIll Rluntschh the officer of Dick had brought her \11 alllllsmg paIr of clo\\ ns one a nut! \t the 1 ue~cla\ mectmg DI I ce I I the S('rhmll aTtn) \\ hose seeklJ1g she1ter The passage sel~ctl.'d fnall ~ Ichol ts ,..,t'I Ilr 1\ l<le<1 IlIlanolls mten als l)n,er of Harrisburg Witl slleak on III the bedchamber of the daughter of an Nlcklehy (Icalt \\Ith the Garden \\ all BeSides hemg a most agile equestrian EfhClency 111 School \dmllustratlOn t.'llem) de\clops the theme of the play o\er winch the Irate Old Gentlt.:1II111 t III nkc) dcmonstrated (atehmg t llent prompth It 200 P 11 follo\\1Ilg" the \Vllhnn Shl) appearcd mtf(}(Iu cmg Io caI pIa )e(I b) tiIC \er atlIc .'\I rs T II IrT) tldl as "ould he the IJrlde of all) base lunchcon It 12 30 P M Dr Drl\ cr IS IlHltt nccs to anolher dramatically II1chned BrO\\ n thre\\ ,cgetables and dcll\ I.. rl:d h III promoter chid of ConsoltdallOll and Transll Irta \( ling s m of that Rose Valley family Ius douhttl1i orator') Kate Nlckleh) \\as (her a dozen he lUuful \\Inll: birds pro tHIlI of thc Department of Puhllc In- I a ... t )ear IllS hrother Ho\\ell LC\\IS pla)ed by Mrs Je~~e N I olsom :\rr~ \ ldt.:d the nlClst excepttonal feature of the II I I I SI,a\ Jr >core(1 a Illt 111 Death Takes Nlckleh) In )'Irs Ilo)d Kauffman and prcst.:lltatJull k j hese AlIstraltan slher structlClIl Uld \\1 toUCt U]lOI1 tle pro) I b 'I 1'1 SI I lrt::-.ted (OC atoos wheeled each (ther' lellls of consoll(lat1l1~ small sch 101 diS l 1Iohd<l) Ind cxlul)lted ablht~ seldom the alten( Illt ) .. \ rs \.0 )crt leJlJlIT< II f I I I \\' II ,I \ I I k I ahout 111 a sorts 0 \'ducles se ecte< am tncb III Penns) h al1la and I('glslatton scen III l1nateur productIOns I Jam slu*t lentlc settlllgs costumes Ill< III t C I I II r [ 1111 f tIL 111 ... t tllIlI"n II pIa\ S tIIltI 11 I 111 It l IIIplctt.: IllIp1lltt\ 11111 11m t t t 1.1 Ih"l a(' .1 01 It tla lilt II j ]I til Illd tIl.' III lit II l TJ ) \\ r ,te SlInpilllh t I I.. P .. Ihh I I )lll\ III Illll<Hd .... \1eh 11 IIHr" 11 til Ictllllll I lit.: Crldlc St n I htt1l 11 t IIllh n II 11111 Idl( 11 .... Irl IS Iltt It tl1(' d Ir (t lOIl\t.:nt tht.: >;hll'r" I til hl.'r 111 I.. If(' f(r ht.:r lilt! rell h('r 1'1_htUIl 't.:lrs Iltt.:r .. he k I\('S the "l ... t('r ... t J hc IIllrr t.:d II It IS 111 till re I t I tht.: st I \ I lit It IS tht.: !It.t'll Ji(' letrltl II IIIt( tIll It\(.' th~ cll Lr Il tcr 111 I thl pt.:T I nlht t" I till I"t('r" th It lilt.: IlItll r" 11 III .. ho\\ I) thr lI .... h th('11 111\ till hi" ,",IHlI It hlc mel It It Ill~h III thl' It t It Ime pI 1\ ~ th It e\Cr} III .. lullIhl (l I hc Cr IIl1l SOli,... under the Jomt 50t Ig-III~ mel chnclJ( II 01 )'lar~ R\ an o Bnen Dr \ j lei ~Oll and J J G( uld fhesc thr(.'( fllle Irtlst" h l\C cc Illborated to produce the ilia) \\ Ith all Ib he lUt' and S\\ el'tnes<::; enhanced. by teclnucal lecurae} ),1 rs a Brien \\ ho spent some of her girlhood 111 a com ent school has paid partlcullr attentlOlI to thiS Itllflortant phase )'Ir Gould has 1S Slimed the responSibilities o( general <llree tHlI1 worklllg out Ihe choreogranh\ the group movemcnts ~,(1 1('1 l! Idl n and Dr Jackson has \\Itl th 1.U\ I (J \Vahl Ohnes anc1 R,,\ 1 lrrlllo('r {I.: I~ 11('<\ and bUIlt Ol1e of .he fimst <;dtmg", e\er seen on a Players (.:Jul. s.tage Metlculotl~ attention has been paid to e\ cry detail The highly sJ)ectahzed t) pc of decoratIOn and hand properties necded lor "1Ich 1 prodnctIClII have hecn attended to h) )'Jrs \ I Jackson The directors ha\ e assenlhled nllc 01 thc best casls posslblc for the play \V Ith h\ 0 exceptIOns the cast IS composed en­tirely of \\Ol11en The "ameli are ).(arv I\)an 0 Brien jcan S )'hlne LIlia Her Illall Jessie I I e\Vls 11argalet I atUller \hce Joncs Katherme T11rner ] orrame ~lIchcls Grace Green }ultta PO\\ er" l\ltldred 5nHllcrs Angela M ISOII I he men are Dr jacksoll ali(I Howard I uTiler I he Iloel11 C()11I111g dl1rmg the smg1c en­trc Ict \\111 he read h) Dr Robert }'I 5t Ibler All but 1\\0 Ill(,lllilers \ f the cast arc \\ ell klU)\\ n to Pla\ ers Cluh .uuhellces K lIherlllC Turner IS the \\ lie o[ Ho\\anl Turner and has had ~tlll1e expenel1ce \\ Ith college orgamzatlons The other tle\\ comer IS ~Irs ~llchds \\Ife of a Br) Il )'Ia\\f facu1t~ Illt.:mhcr \\ ho has appe lr many tUlles \\ Ith the tamous P lsa dl.'na g:roul) at the Pasadelll Cal Pla)­hOll e ---0----- Boys and Guls Both Win C I I I II I I r Ihl( t Ie proper ag rom I group 0 (' JJllcrnl1H~ educatu n ~rr~ s ~hlton IIIt('r]>r('t lllon of I he Chocolate ream lip au C( tie exce Cllt c l:tractcnza I b T I I II I r II II t t t 'Ir 11c- till t.:r('llt natums colors counted added Oil I rulay IIIght I chruar) 19 on the I nant chairman of the llql3rtment ot SI Idler \\ t-. lnJ I\I.'( )) Ie all( lence 0 Ie \\e cas par IClpan s .&.\.s I I I ('()\(rll111cnt all,l EIlllCltlO1l IS 11111111111- ,,11 I In IUlllsclt I Do\\ell \\as assl~ted III castmg and direct Sl1htracte( 11111 tlphed posed \\It 1 \\IllAS! 11lllllC floor thc Swarthmore High School .. b (' S I I mel teat hers sllrcad and c\ en en Icted 111 I I D I I I thl llleetlll(Y \\ It r Scott re~J1lendent III )eIlO\\ \1111 lUg h) ~[rs St mle) ~lac~lIl III IlH 1111 11assers II SCIOli ar I) III a 5 OpPI Y , I e I '! old I asll10lled melodrama complete \\ Ith I I n I tl t 16 13 :\Irs RohertT Balr IS cit urman 01 the Ilrlll pJa\(>cI all SIX sehes of ~faJor makeupb\ those artists 111 tins lIIe .\r~ II I II II Ipa)e( .... ame I) leSlOleo I t II 1 I \ I am lero all( IcrOUle liS speCies 01 TI G t J \ c 1 0 I a close hlllthe n cumnllttee fhose \\lto \\Ish to S(,I,..lUS SlraU( ff Ihe hl.'ro of a hattie IIt.:nr) Jaml.'s and )'Irs Rohert ~ \.ee< I ur fine i('ather('d fnends ate 110 sISSies-I lIe ~rn~ ~\ D ~s al~o \\ I tl IIltkc rl's~r\ ltlll1-. should notify :\lrs J \\Inch ]lTtI\('d 1 th the cradle and the \\l,.,S\\Crc sUJlJlhed In 1 rank the I Irber 1" lone.y c mg 011 ar)) \.esene~ 1Il lC J illth t.: \ Illatn did Ius de IfUIIt1:-. shootmg \\Ith prcll1mllan 18 17 "linn PIXSOII td('llhol1c S\\artllllHre ,..,rl\C " 111" nllhll(\ replIlattnl llld asper cctcr alllltllll Profl~sor Pamahaslka I .... 'IllItC I' 1 I ISH I... . I) ('''Ill I( ' II It.: ( I ,\I 11\ III the anes of the 1(0 much credit canllot he <1"1\ t.:1l tht.: J I On the fol 0\\ 11l~ ..l \londa\ e )ruary I I '"' 1 '"' III exp Ilcnt of the \\altz-ncll the l)lrll~?) I (I II I I I he Dt.l t\\ lr(' C unh Ie: Igl1C of Icl r lIul ~I IJor Panl P('tk 1fT thiS fine I Dr IIllI Sect! It h r thiS memorable 1 ro I Id heol tr IIncd III the d llH'(' -- t Ie I t Irn~ C()l1~tm~n tra~ el e( (; \\ 1111('11 \ ot('rs \\111 Itcar john C 1 (ster lit Iradtr I Irt \\as ahh dOl1e h) Ed\\ard gram I ach ch lractel "as so \\ell III r I I hl tlamlll (Iors 01 Prazlltan mala\\" Sprm,.,hl: ( am ga,c); IC lomci c U) are: j f Park \ \l nut:' S\\ lrthmor(' SJll' Ik 011 TI 1111111111 Rallli s • Ilha \\ as tlollpll1sed I tr 1\ ('d that to )Jral~e Olle IS to pral e all ! hrought ~asl~ of a" e"Ollle dehght from Ilcmg 11\ \\ 1I11l1llg - 14 r Ie S\\ art 1 i{ecrcatl nil OPI)(lrtUtlltles 111 Ddn\lrc mllre thlll (Illc durlll_ the three acts Ion 1111lr~da, llIorllmg at the r(',..ulal thl a ... t1nhll~c as th(' hlnls rolled hoot) 11mre qlt:l~et had Itsl~"nl \\a\ fr~mlthc ((11111\ It a 111ect1l1,.!" (11 I rnln after X'il II "h forlullltd\ dul ha,e the IIltctlllg 01 thc SedlOll ).[r O..,clr j lIul pt.:rlortll('d ttht.:1 tClts st~~ alJH ~t a g~l() ea( lIP:O tIC ast II II ~lln.:h 5 It till ~I((h 1 \Voman soul ot I S('1\ lilt l1lel prO\cd Its 1111 (,Ilcrt.lst nI(l S( Illl'r"d 11a1l~hall1 pll\ I • IC a) ee~ as 1 \\on ~t} t le expense (Iuh 111'r IS 1 x('(utl\e Secrctin dll hntss In hh~\Il,",h dlsslhmg an lalSII s \\lle Dancing Classes at Gym f the h(lHt.: t('al1l <;('" OIHIs __ 17 I Ihe ( hc.,tt r 1)1\1 I III (II J)lla"arc lilt! lll.., t ('lIllllt Tn nllr t I empO\\lr hi \t the (( ()klll~ School \\hlt.:h h to h(.' I This Week \ home gamc \\lth Chestel at 71:1 to ),1 It TIll n ( tint l (11111 d ( f 11 l~ \ l I t\\ 11 II illlH t.l t hl ttl r 1 cr 1 h( III 111 thl Cluh H( tJ<;e OIl lilt. la\ IIlI,..,ht c llllpides tillS s(' lS JIl S 11(( r;Jm t f Slit f \mTlll tl{ \\111 \\ 1\ 1 clI\lllllll \\llmd III I Ihurlln )'llrll) 10 Il1llltr(1I[(ln IIlI\hal1("«(l(ll"t 1hll(,llham 'I 1111111 1I11,I,r 11,,, \III,rl'lIl 111ll\;})~ lui thl SlIlI r \"l1l1lh II thl S\\lrth lIt 11111 dn tht lSth thl lIa It \lull(hul1 111.?,\{)P:\1 \\ll1pHluil \\lIrk 1 Il\lIl .\ nl "- the III"lII:-.SIOll I h se mh Il'stl'd an It: J hI llls II J lttkh('hl ma Ie a <;h Irt nul t ]llrtmull nl \\ Illch ).11 s 1 Ih tt Rlt. hard III Il [hm 1I1~ Cia ... cs \\ 111 Jlied I mornl\\ (Sl.:h I "l :-.tct st ,.,1..<1 tIt.: I)lg-,.,l'~t upset of I 'I '! (I 1111) l\llllng Saturd;J\ til the: ~nnUlaSIl1Il1 01 thl \car "hll} thc\ no cd (lut \Vestto\\t1 qlll!-.tul to 111:"l.kc rtSlnal1l1lS \\HII ~[rs Inl1tk ... s (,Inh a ... an ot1]('lr I( kmg I r S(II I" ('lalTlllan ~\ rs .\ afllll I ,t.: 1 1'1 I I 1 I tht.: Il1rrh Schonl The clml ('Ion... \\ 11) ,-1 l2 on thc homc f1 )or The Garnet (ll'lr"{e Imn PO\\hn .... (,(('CII of :\IC<l11 thlt.:llllh llr\ullu,..,ltl\elnmtheCl1elll\\I1oIlU: IC)JIltlllst lor thc }Ia(c]llta lekphc IIC 11 (11 J.t4- r lilT I kdm CntHpall\ ,\111 (]CIl1 Ilstrate h:1\c hnn 1I1\11e<l for the e\(,I1I11,.., lIlc1udt.: ,..,Irl" (\('rla111e the 30 2~ lead 111 a lll:tg-- \ huh ;ro~Jl lII;der th~ (itreell' n of 1111 Har .. 111\ \\a ... IIlh nn(' Cli lIIall\ ! frozen ellS ('I ts as \\('11 as hot foods The I Dr ~I!ul ~[\rll> Gc1org-e I ~rnlltagcl' ~Ifr mhccllt ~C('I nd halt ralh In aston h )ok :\IJ \hu." C Cartllll (I Pille RHIne lit 11 111 h Sl.:hot I dral1la~ the "lIn<' 1a,.,('" 01 th Cluh Hou<;e \\111 he trans and.\ r ),1.11 a\('l1son .\Jr 3tH ~\ rs fi11lsh \\Ith a half 111111UtC to pIa) and the \\ III (' IIwl( r tht H 11m t c f thl fio 1(1r~l; I \\ IIll 11 )'11'" I 1111111 1 }'Irk" cadi I formed mlc a c mpletc kllchen PflT-C I rank !{! llral'.!"r I .. ~ltIC"1 }'I rs Sl l1,..,CIlt.: l r(' .... ta uhn at 12 30 \Vestto\\n hold ('Olllllllttn at I 1 t 11 n p n Ihlt.: (""( Ihl"tlllY (I tltt.: tood cooked ,,111 he 1 app(' .\ r am .\ rs \ l('ster [lcl1ccr m~ thl' 11m «IOl S\ h 11 S\\ mil ank t\\ ) }llrlll\ 2( It l~I~(;ll;;tl~t Ir l1~ht hllr"t 01 !.!1\(11 a\\:1\ (bll\ ~Ir and ~Irs \\llhalll Craemer ~[r ~nd 111\ houlIl<;ial tilU"Jlnshlllgthcltllal~lrb Pul It I II r In lat.:ks 11 Slrl('t alHhC'llll ;"it! I::\h \\ Illthu ,011 the an (')I.'('tnc ral1,..,('" or ~lr" \ :\1 Dnden ).[r ami :\Ir<; \\ II (til III fr lit ~-t 32 as the final \\!lI",th.: hIe" Stilt III Ill(ltlll l ... a(lltl1ll1lt IlII I.. ttllll( 1\\ II \\\1I('h he 1I0t theC(II11llltte('ltlchIP!('"lcel"that ham \\ 1urmr 11r aIHI~(r., Irm\ 1hcja\\(( l1ocallle(lut(lllt))ll11 Iht t.: l kill!!: clas es \\111 he 01 mterc",t (It.ttz ).fr anti )'fr<; P C \\Ig- III ).Ir \ \\111 \U the \\e .... Uo\\1l <;cc)l1cl:s a "tnh II Pt.lltls\ha11la \<illllllltrltlllljl ltl11 ltr 111IImtht.:r\\lrl:plrll.'lth.. \\ 11)('tl,I,,', 01 I Hill{ \ It I11ll d 11 hll111 1 t I C\U\ humllnakcr I and ).Ir II

---------- Page 11 ----------

I I " , " ' , i . , >\' i ! : I I. , ' .:: I' !j"; I; i. .' 'I ' ' '" " i . , i i ! '1 , j , ,I • 2 ------------_.---- W ho 'Bo hd Mr •. William I. Hull, of Walnut Lane, ---- as mgton S Irt ay will entertain at luncheon next TuesOay for her sister, Mrs. John B. Maxwell, of P l 0 Old Bank Bldg ar y 10 Villanova, and Mrs. Maxwell's guest, 0 Miss Mary Pierce, formerly 01 Washing-too. THE SWARTHMOREAN Concert held at the Academy 01 Music, Philadelphia, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bassett, of North Chester Road, sailed last Friday on the Monarch of Bermuda for several weeks stay in Bermuda. W. L. Lukens and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee, third; East and West-Co K. Swift, and Captain DiarIes Morrison, first; H. G. SARA O. RAYMOND DRESSMAKING FEBRUARY 26, 1937 Brown, and R. C. Sellers, second; Mrs. Charles Morrison and Mrs. C. K. Swift, third. 'Cbri.ttianity Veraus Religion' A Book by Mn, SHADE SIMMONDS Conrad Scbatte at Home, But Cannot Receive Visitors .. Yet Mrs. Percy M. Dawson left last week for Austin, Texas, where she will spend the rest of the winter. Mrs. Dawson is recuperating from a recent operation after which she came from Boston, Mass., to visit friends and relatives here. Mrs. Charles Parker, of The Swarth- 405 MICHIGAN AVENUE can be bought at any more, and Mrs. William E. Mingin, of Swarthmore Drug Store Marian Troxell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Troxell, of Dartmouth Ave­nue, entertained with a Washington's Birthday party from 2 until 5 o'clock, Monday afternoon, in the Old Bank Building. Guests included Janice Wherry, :Mary Garrett, Marian Schatte, Lois Landon, Laura Lee Hopkins, Ann Argyle, Nancy Smith, Ann Perkins, Helen White­car, Mary Frances Dimmitt, Alice Put~ lIam, Marjorie Bagby, ]enifer McCone, Janet Randall, Nancy Peel, Trudy Enders, Dorothy Shaw, Katherine Downing, J03n Prang, Betty Anne Hulme. Jean Baird, Elizabeth Pope and Bonny Morse. Media, will arrive in New York next Telepholle, Swarthmore 2096 "Price, $2.00 Monday aboard the S. S. Borinquen -===============================:; the New York-Puerto Rico Line, follow· r Mrs. Conrad C. SchaUc, of Swarth· more Crest, was brought home by am­bulance February 18, from the Under­wood Hospital, \Voodbury. N. J.r where she had been a patient for six weeks fot~ lowing an automobile accident. Al­though she is not as yet permitted to re­ceive visitors her condition has shown a gradual improvement since she has been at home. and the consultants, Dr. John Kolmer and Dr. John Royal Moore, of Philadelphia, and Dr. Russell Levis, of Chester, expect in another ten days or two weeks the infection in her leg will ha,'c subsided sufficiently to enable her sce callers. Both Philadelphia doctors, who are wen known specialists on in­fection, and Dr. Levis submitted favor­able reports after an examination last week-end. She is a former resident of Swarthmore and the mother of Mrs. Duane R. Terry, of Cornell Avenue. --- Mrs. John E. Fricke, 01 Winding Road, Media, is entertaining her Vassar room­mate, Mrs. Katherine Erwin Nelson, and Mrs. Nelson's little daughter. Mrs. Sargent Walter, of North Chester Road, gave a luncheon at The Warwick. Philadelphia, on Wednesday in honor of her niece, Mrs. Walter Wesley Fricke. of Narberth, the former Miss Lucy Sar~ gent, of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs, Louis T. Day, of Man­hasset, Long Island, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Joncs, .of Dickinson Avenue. -- Mr. Willi~rn S. Hobbs and children, Charlotte and MiltOn, returned to their home on Yale A venue, Monday, after a sixteen-day trip to Cocoanut Gro\·e, Miami, Fla., where they v-isited Hobbs' parents. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hobbs' father, Mr. Franklin Mohney, who returned to his home Ridgway, Pa., on Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. West, of Walnut Lane, will entertain at luncheon next Monday. ing an eleven day West Indies cruise. Mr. and Mrs. Hersche1 G. Smith, of Avondale Road, Wallingford, entertained with a dinner party Saturday evening. There were twenty-rour present. Mrs. George Van Duser returned to her home on Strath Haven Avenue this week after a month's trip to California, accompanied by her father who lives in Rochester, N. Y. --- Mrs. Daniel Goodwin, of Walnut Lane, entertained an eightsome to which she be­lon3" s at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. The Misses Louise, Eleanor and Emily Campion, of Lapidea Hi1ls, and Mrs. A. E. Bassett and daughter, Miss Barbara Bassett, of North Chester Road, will at­tend the Seventh District Convention of Kappa Alpha Theta at Challonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., this week-end. Miss Louise Campion is president of Theta alumnae of Philadclphia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fairbanks, of Garrett Avenue, spent Saturday in New York City, attending the Sportsmen's Show at Grand Central Palace. CAPRIO TTY'S EQUIPMENT & FUEL SERVICE CO. w. Authorized IpitioD and State InspectioD DEAR CUSTOMER: All Make. of Car. anel True," Rec.ODditionec:l MORTON, DEL. CO" PA, Our long research of various products and service i. now at the peak. to offer you .c~vice and merchandise, yet CAPRIOTIY·S quality .8 ~ePt at the &arne high standard always. Our facilities for service are beIDg expanded conltantly a •• uring you that high quality will be ma~ched with trigger-action, intelligent service throughout every trana­acbon. Your patronage of any kind or amount i. highly appreciated and more profitable for you and all concerned.. CAPRlOrrv"S facH· itiea and service will help you immeasurably. We ~re selling new and used automobile., trucks, trBetora, and part.. 0.1 burnere--domeatic and commercial. Fuel oil of all grades Lubricating oil and grease. • Our .hop i. fully equipped with all modern facilitiea for all aorta of mechanical attention. Thia e.tabli.hment ia permanent and you can depend on us today, tomorrow and for years to come. Respectfully youn, D. E. CAPRIOTTY, Bell Phone, Swarthmore 1800 Directors of Salea and Service. Mr. Curtis Jones, of Dickinson Avenue, Mrs. Sidney Sherwood returned to her a sophom*ore at Duke University, was home in Cornwall. N. Y., Wednesday, recently elected treasurer of the after having visited her son-in-law and Sigma fraternity. daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Hale have returned to their apartment at The Swarthmore after a month's absence. Mrs. Hale visited her oJd home in Detroit and later joined Mr. Hale on a trip to New Orleans. ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~~ The S. and K. Luncheon Club met at . the home of Mrs. W.illiam Robert Landis, on Yale Avenue, Monday. .____ of South Chester Road and Yale Avenue, Mrs. John H. McWilliams, of Benja-I since last Friday. min 'Vest Avenue. spent Thursday of ---- week in New York. Mrs. Clifford Banta, of Swarthmore Crest, entertained at luncheon yesterday. Births Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall. of KenyOn Avenue, left Thursday afternoon to spend Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller. of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edwin Fellows, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thayer Road, wilt entertain at dinner next of BaJtimore Avenue, Media, are receiv­A. Yarnall and family, of Flushing, L. I. Friday evening, March 5. ing congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, on Sunday, February 14. Mrs. Kaney Tcrry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. McWilliams, son of ]"lrs. Fellows is the former Miss Edith L. Duane R. Terry, of Cornell Avenue, cele- John H. McWilliams, of Benjamin w,,.t I Sloan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley brated her sixth birthday by entertaining Avenue, graduated - from Temple Sloan, of "Spring-Lawn Farm," Balti­friends at luncheon on Saturday. Later versity at the Founders Day Commence- more Pike. Dr. Fellows is the son of games were nla.ved and some of the ment on February 15. Mrs. Charles E. Fellows, of Park Ave-guests attended' the Junior production at 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh AlcLean and Mrs. nue, Swarthmore. the Players Clnh. John Ayrault, of Tonawanda, N. Y., ---- )'lrs. WiJlizm T. Johnson, of Ogden visited Mr. and Mrs. WJlliam H. West, A\'!!riue, will be hostess at luncheon today of Princeton Avenue. over last week-end. io the Duplicate Bridge Club. Mrs. John W. Adams entertained The Mrs. R. Spotswood Pollard, of Thomp­son Road, Springfield, returned recenUy from a visit with her married son who lives at 180 South Third Street, South Orange, N, Y." MANOR CIt .. ter Pike - PrOlpect p~ Free Parking for Our Patroa. Rear of the Theatre Reliable Attendant In Charge Friday &: Saturday. Feh. 28-27 WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY In 'After the Thin Man' -with- James Stuart - Eliasa Landi Josepb Cal1eja ADDED-MICKEY MOUSE Monday &; Tuesday. March MERLE OBERON BRIAN AHERN In 1-2 'Beloved Enemy' Starting Thursday JACK BENNY MARTHA RAYE In 'College Holiday' MEDIA New Improved R.C.A. Hish FideUty SO\lnd System The Only Installation in Delaware County Last 2 Days JACK BENNY Radio's Number One Comedian MARTHA. RAYE BURNS a ALLEN 'n "College Holiday" Sunday Only "Smartest Girl in Town" with ADn Sothern - Cene Raymond Monday • Tuesday BOBBY BREEN In "Rainbow on the River" Charles Butterworth Ma, Robsa.D • Lauise Beaven Wednesday Only) Henry Fonda aDd Anllabella John J4~Corlnaek In "Wings of the Moming" All in Technlcolor Sixteen Luncheon-Bridge Club at the Ingleneuk for luncheon on Wednesday and later at cards at the horne of }.{rs. F. M. Sawyer, on Rutgers Avenue, where she and Mr. Adams are living. The Adams house at 323 Swarthmore A venue has been rented to Afr. and Mrs. Morton Goodspeed, formerly of Boston Mass., who with their daughter, a studen; at Mary Lyon Schoo1, took up occupancy February 1. Mrs. Edward James, of Swarthmore Avenue, entertained aftcr the Slarto Today DICK POWELL MADALElNE CARROLL In IRVING BERLlN'S "On the Avenue" with The birth of Robert Spotswood Pol­lard, 3rd on January 2~th is announced. • Won Last Thursday Last week's winners at the meeting of the Thursday Night Bridge Club were as follows: North and South-Andrew Robinson and A. Arnold. first; RusseU H. Kent and William Craemer. second; Mrs. PROPOSAL Scaled bids will be received in Council Chamber. Dorough Hall. Swarthmore, Pa., at 7.45 P. M., March 5, 1937. for furnishtng ap­proxim~ te]y 2600 feet of 8 inch and 100 ft. o! 10 ~ncb terra cotta sewer pipe, twenty- 8. x 6 .Y Branches, Bnd twenty 6" pluga de. . hvered m carload lots with the limits of the Dorough of Swarthmore 1It such points as he designated by the Borough Secretary and fittings shall conform with the' specifications of the American Society T~ting Materials. Inspection and acceptance Will be made by the Borough Engineer at the ~ime of delivery. Bidders shall quote on pipe m three foot lengths with an alternate price for two foot lengths. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in the amount of liO per cent of the amount of the contract as required by law. Allee Faye Ritz Brothers The Borough reserves the right to reject Georse Barbier dny or all bids. ' ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, Borough Secretary. ~2"2'3T~~~ WAVERLY LANSDOWNE Theatre Drexel Hill TODAY and SATURDAY , "COLLEGE HOUDAY" with JACK BENNY MARTHA RAVE BURNS and ALLEN MARY BOLAND SUNDAY and MONDAY Merle OBERON Brian AHERNE In "BELOVED ENEMY" SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 2 TO n.ts P. M. Delaware County's Finest Theatre LaJudowne A..... abo Baltimore Pike Mad. 720 Frfday--one Day Only Gene RAYMOND Ann SOTHERN "SMARTEST GIRL IN TOWN" Helen Broderick - Eric Elore Saturday--one Day Only 'SING ME A LOVE SONG' James Melton - Patricia Ellis HUl"h Herbert - MSU Pitts Allen Jenkins - Nat Pendleton !4onday and Tuesday "ONE IN A Mn.uON" SONJA HENlE Adolphe Menjou .. Jean Henholt Ned Sparks - Don ~~cbe Ritz Brothers - ArUne JudIe Borah Minevltch 6; His Gang Wedr&esday One Day Only ''Wanted-Jane Turner" Lee Tracy .. Gloria Stuart COMINGt 3-BIG DAYS-3 Thunday - Friday - Satu .. day WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY FLOODS brought their culminating distress when water-works could no longer operate ••• Every Engineering Precaution is taken to insure this system aga~nst floods, ""droughts;,_ and other extremes of Nature .... to main. tain a constant supply of ~URE =spft.inf)(ief{WATER BROUGHT TO VOUR HOME BV PHILADElPHIA SUBURBAn WATER UmPAnV Keep him on his toes during these IIlndoo.r Days" DURING winter, it is particu­larly importaul that children keep their heallh and vilali.". For strong Uttle bodies are better able to fight oft' the ucolds" and other infections that are so common at this time. Help your child keep well by giving him. at least a quart of milk a day. It supplies ealclum to help build slrong bones and sound teeth, protein Cor masel~ alon. with other minerals and vitamins.. Supplee Milk is proteeted by every Kientific sarquard. It tastes better too. There's a cup of cream in every quart. And it is produced under the SEALTEST SYSTEM OF LAB­ORATORY PROTEcnON. You'll like the courteous Sup­plee service. Telephone your order to Cheater 2-5721. • Lb ..... o I.e SEALTEST MUSICAL PARTY ..... , So.anlay ar B P. II. 0_ S'."on KYW. SUPPLEE MILK lACKED II A CENtURY OF CONRDEIICE • WE AlSO DISTRIBUTE WALKER-GORDON IIIlK FEBRU~Y 26, 1937 THE SW~THMOREAN r_oIo<I .p R-' E. """,_ PUBLISHED EVERY nmAY AT IIWARTHMORE, FA. .... MARY T. ERVIN PARKER Ecl*t->r ..... Pabllohor .... TITU-S J. EWlG • ROSALIE DRYDEN N..--Ut ... • Pho.. Swartb..... 100 ~t.r" .. Second CI_. Malbl', Ju....,. 24. l8Z8, at the Poat Ofliee at S ............. Pa.. IlIIdwr til. Act of March 3, lant. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1937 IN MEMORY In the passing of Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall, the Swarthmore branch 01 the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom has lost a most devated member. In the first year of its organization her advice and counsel were invaluable. As chairman of Education she was very active in furthering Peace work in our schools. She helped prepare the pamph­lets for Reace Toys and also illustrated books for children" in her desire to spread Peace through art. These studies were largely used by the Church Peace Union. Her keen mind, her many gifts, her broad interests and sympathies and withal, her sincerity and simplicity, were rec­ognized by all who knew her. Her vision, combined with her faith and courage. will ever be an inspiration to those who work for Peace. Ellen A. Jenkins, president, Maude S. Bishop, Caroline L. Crew. Juliet C. ,K ent. Christian Science Church I;hri~4~~~~~~THE==~S~W~AR~THMO~~R~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~~~~S Presbyterian Churcla Notes left and the other turned to the right a Philadelphia, were arrested and held on The minister for Sunday, February 28, MARY'S PET RECIPE collision rnulted which caused slight suspicion when they failed to give a oatis-will he the Rev. Burleigh Cruikshank, damages to the cars. factory explanation of their being on of l'hitadelphia. Dr. Cruikshank, who i. Mu,hr_m Meat Loaf At 10.25 A. M., Monday, the Fire Fairview Road at 2.30 A. M., Tuesday • pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, I lb. ground veal. Company was called to Joe's Barher Shop At 11.45 A. M" Wednesday, the aulD-Philadelphia, bas chosen as the theme of I lb. ground smoked ham. where discarded hair in a back room had mobile of Harry Hamby, Dartmouth his sermon, "The Counsel of the Old 4 tbsp. tomato catsup. ignited. Avenue, caught 011 fire at Rutgers and Men." The service will he sung by the 3 tbsp. green pepper (chopped J am<s Johnson and Willie Smith, of Harvard Avenues . girls' choir of thirty-eight voices under fine) . the direction of Mrs. James Hornaday ) small onion (chopped fine). and Mrs. John Fawcett. ) cup mushrooms (chopped At the Christian Endeavor meeting at fine). 7 o'c1o.:k the leader will he Charlotte 2 eggs (heaten). Griffin. After the meeting there will he yy.. ctsupp. msaillkt.. an informal so.:ial gathering to which all )i tsp. pepper. young people are very cordially invited. 1 cup cracker crumbs. The visiting minister for March 7 will be the Rev. David Braun, -of Syracuse, Mix the ingredients thoroughly N. Y. !ogether in orde.r given and pack • J,n a greased loaf pan. P1ace in Trinity Chun:h Notes cold oven. Cook ) hour at 375 degrees. This meat loaf is de- Mrs. J. Burris West spoke on ·'The licious served cold. Background of the Negro ill America" at 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the weekly Lenten meeting of the Junior ,:: Woman's Auxiliary held at the home of Police and F"tre Department News Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr., on Park Ave-lIue, Monday evening. At 8.30 A. M. last Saturday a car The rector, the Rev. J. Jarden Guen- driven by Charles Sharp, of Rodney Mills ther, was guest speaker at Christ Church, Drug Store, going west on Elm Avenue. Media, last Sunday evening. met a car operated by another PhHadel- The Rev. Stanley V. Wilcox, rector phia man, travelling south on Cedar Lane of St. Paul's Church, Chester, will be the at the intersection of the two streets. guest preacher this evening at 8 o'clock. Although Sharp swerved sharply to the Miss Jane Butterworth will sing "Panis Angelicus" by Cesar Franck. This afternoon the children will meet for Project work and at 4,30 o'clock Mr. Guenther will conduct the Olildre,{s Services. The third meeting of the Rector's Bible Class will he held at the Rectory on Mon­day evening at 8 o'c1oc~. The topic for discussion will be the first part of the sixth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. • J. J.'a Desire Philanthropic Work CHURCH NEWS TRINlTr CHURCH Prot.-taut Epkeopa) Cb.ter Road and Oollec_ A.eou. ReY. J. Jard~n Guenther. S.T.M. •• Rector BeY. T. A. Mel'7weather. Dlr. ReL Edue. SUNDAY 8 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9 :46 A. M.-8unday School and Bible Cl888 11 :00 A. H.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. WEDNESDAY 10 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 3 :30 P. M.-Childrena· Project Work. "' :30 P. M.-ChUdrens' Service. QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE Save 10 to 20 % on office supplies and printing. Com­plete Office Service. All goods delivered promptly. No salesman's commis­sions to add to the cost when you buy direct from PREMIER STATIONERS, Inco Stationery - Printing - Office Supplies 617 Sproul Street Chester 2-2815 "Doing the W eekly Wash" is undoubtedly the last remaining job of drudgery left in some of our homes of today. Modernize your method of housework as you would modernize your home. For a very small amount each week you can send your wash to the MEDIA LAUNDRY Stop oUr Driver or Call Media 174 ··Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" "Christ Jesus" is the subject of. the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of, Scientist, on Sunday, FebruarY. .28. At last Sunday evening's meeting of the J. 1's the charter of the organization was read, and signed by the members present. It was decided to secure a speaker for the next meeting, which will be held at 7 o'clock Sunday evening, March 7, at the horne of Elizabeth Mose­ley, 611 Elm Avenue. Tho girls would like to give their services in a nearby hospital, home or other institution where they could go on Saturdays, Sundays or after school and read to or otherwise en­tertain inmates who would appreciate such visits. Anyone knowing of such a place is requested to contact the president, Nancy King, 29 College Avenue, tele­phone .swarthmore fA7-W •.. 8 :00 P. !d.-Evening Prayer. Guest Preacher this evening Rev. Stanley V. Wilcox. THE SWARTHM.ORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY INCOME TAX Announcing Swarthmore Chocolates SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP Old Bank Building Rutgers Avenue . SwutIaw>re, Pa. HAND-MADE CHOCOLATES FINEST INGREDIENTS De Lwr:e A.sorted ........ SOc De Luxe A •• orted, with nub . aDd frui.. .""' ......... 60c CombiDation. ·all nub and fruita ........ ' ........ 70c All Nut CeDte,.. .......... 80c PhoDe, Swarthmore 108 , At the InnThia Saturday The national Y. M. C. A. in New York has contributed the educational picture uWonderworld of Chemistry" for to­morrow evening's movie program at the Strath Haven Inn. The Y. W, C. A.'s "Beneficent Reprobate-Alcohol" will de­pict the discovery, source, and effect of I this product. I N January, Studebaker sales went 'way ahead of January last year ••• in fact they were the largest in the company's history for fifteen years! And that ....... tional sal.. advanee stems straight from the Dew 1937 Studebaker's remark­able economy which equals and often betters the best showing of the omaI1er lowest priced carst Before you buy any new car. you will be smart to drive a Studebaker aDd find out why it'. called America'. spotlight car of the yearl SWARTHMORE GARAGE J. S. LEES, Manftger 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 411 9:45 A. M.-Bible School. II :00 A. M.-Morning Worahip. Rev. Bur­leigh Cruikshank. of Philadelphia. 7:00 P. M.-Chrlstian Endeavor. I[BTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Clarellce F. Carter. A.B., BoD .. Hlnt.ter . An Internal Revenue Officer will be at this office during banking hours SUNDAY 9 :45 A. II.-Chureh SchooL 11 :00 A. H.-Morning: Worship. THURSDAY, MARCH 11 FRIDAY, MARCH 12 7 :00 P. H.-Epworth League meetings. 7:45l?'. M.-Evenina W~rshtp. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY D =-4.5 A. JI.-Flnt Day SchooL 10 :00 A. M.-Tbe Adult Class, William T. to assist the residents of this vicinity in the prepara­tion and filing of income tax returns for 1936. Tax may be paid to this officer. Hull will speak on "Quakers In Holland-Past and Present" (postponed from last week). There is "no charge for the service. tl:" A. "-M.eetina for WOrlbip ID the l/leetfnc Boue. PIBST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWARTIUIORE Pad:: AftDae below HarTard 11:00 A. JI.-SUbclQ SchooL 11:00 A. M..-Suu.clQ Le.on-8ermOll. WedD..clQ e'ft'Iliq meeUnc eaeh week. a p. Ill. Rel.dlq room OPeD c1a117. ueept Sun­..... and holl ..... 1 :00 to C:OII , Ch ..... edI .... All an eordialb' tllYited to .-ad me 1Mn'. _ and .. the p •• '". .... "WEl.l.,DID I J(N~W IT WAS GOING TO • THE SWARTHMORE 'NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. "Serving Swarthmore Since 1904'· . ,,~~_~~! .. W.,.AORD~" ?" ?~:," Jo4. ~ , ""r::--''''·· §.~. - ..--dSI!If ~, There it goesf The annual March wrangle on the house rempen.ture. Here·s Mr. Tobias Tweedeson all tlhot and bothered" because he's met with the anDual spring and fall com. plaint-"this house has been like a hot-box!" Our sympathies go out to both. Poor Tobias meant well. It was a cold morning­he arranged (or a nice warm house all day. Instead the sun got busy ••• the air warm ..• the house plain hot ••• Mrs. Tweedeson suE-fered. We only hope tbis nice subwban couple will take our advice and conven their present system to cleaD~ controllable gas heat. With the thermostatic control, this method keeps right up with the vagaries of spring weather. We·U install Janitrol, Bryant 0[" Welsbach Conversion Burners immediately on a small down payment. Price $195 cash for each, installed. Slightly higher on budget plan- 3 years to pay. YOII'II be particlliarl] interested wben we explain /1111] ollr convenient ",onthl, budget payment plan on gas boIlS" heating ••• lind ollr /ow co",bination gas rllte. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY AT OUR SUBURBAN STORES, OR SII VOUR PLUMBER OR HEATING CONTIACTOR

---------- Page 12 ----------

, i, ' , , i I :-.: , i ... c ., .: .. ~ t' - " ~. :: !~ fl·;.r' ; , -. ',.: i' THE SWARnIMOREAN FEBRUARY 26,'1937, -4 ~--------~~-====-==~~~~------~t~~-r-es~t~in-g~r~epo~rt~o~f~t~h:e~p:r:og::re:s:s-o:ff:s~om::e~~T~hespeakersemphasuedtheimportance ---------------- 'FRIENDLV cIO'e CLASSIFIFD of the cases helped by the Circle in the of the school doctor and nurse in dis- II 11\ past two years. covering unsuspected defects in eds'c hdo .o l which ten involved injuries, five of them r being hospital cases, but no deaths. Most of these accidents occurred at FOR SALE intersections where the vi~w is not ob- FOR VALE _ Columbia portable victrola. structed. It is estimated at least Dne- practically new: General Electric table modtl third of these accidents would not have radio. 'lZeach. Teleph9ne Swarthmore R"E. . V' IE' WS PD'OJECTS A brief summary of some of the more so that these may be rem Ie an ft important cases included: An Italian Many Deaervm. Local Cues Re­lieved by Charitable Woman'. Group musician, a diabetic patient, provided with Haverford Township is the only school travel expenses and treatment at a large district in the United States that owns occurred had one or both vehicles been _61_4_-R_. _____- ::-:::=-;;-::=:--___________ moving at a speed not exceeding thirty FOUND city hospital where his life is being in- an X-Ray machine, and its dental and definitely prolonged; a boy with a very medical departments are the best in the serious eye defect which necessitat~ country. In the Haverford School any­changing his expensive glasses every SIX one unable to afford medical treatment months and for which the Friendly Circle is treated by the school doctors and has so' far been responsible. With the nurses. miles per hour. FOUND-PhI Della Theta fraternlt,. pin Sun: __ --< • ..--- clay In front of Presbyterian Church. Tele. The February meeting of the Friendly Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Ogden Avenue, Thurs­day afternoon, the 19th. phone Swarthmore 646 In evening. Have ·You Given Yet? LOST --- The president, Mrs. T. Harry Brown, explained the emergency call for Flood Relief, for which a contribution of $10.00 was recently sent to the treasurer of the local Red Cross. help of the glasses, the boy was enabled So far this y~ar seven accidents have to be tutored at the University of Penn- occurred. At this rate the 1937 total wiU sylvania Psychological Clinic and is re- considerably exceed that of last year. Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Swarth­more's chairman in the Salvation Army Drive, requests that anyone who has not as yet been caned upon by a solicitor, leave his or her contribution at THE SWARTH1dOREAN office as it is desired to close the local drive within the week. Encouraging progress has been made since the opening of the campaign here last week. Last year this Borough gave about $1000. ported to be doing splendid work; an- • Urgent appeals that are to be met in this vicinity include a request for a month's supply of cod liver oil for a group of under-nourished school children and $3.00 for a supply of surgical dressings, etc;, for a cancer case. A contribution of $25.00 was voted for Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. Members were urged to attend the an­nual meeting of the Community Health Society, preceded by a dinner at Strath Haven Inn, Tuesday evening, March 2. Mrs. Helen Muth, of the Welfare Divi­sion of the Community Health Society, was then introduced and gave a very in- - '2 '1I1l."J~~t , ". ,,~f)fJ ,,11,'0. ,II 1l1,f'O I oVl-.'P Come see the new Chrysler Royal! Only" 964 Delivered Equipped in Swarthmore Public acceptance of Chry8~ ler Cars this year has been amazing. Over 100 % in-crease this year. • HANNUM & WAITE So. Chester Rd. tit Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1250 other boy who seemed a hopeless case, untit provided by the Circle with a set of good tools which he learned to use under the special instruction of Mr. Cook, the manual training teacher of the Swarth­more Schools. This boy is now attending the School of Occupational Therapy and succeeding so well that he bids fair to become an expert carpenter. Mrs. Muth paid' a glowing tribute to the Swarthmore Schools, to the manual training instruction given for which there is a crying need in many sections of the county. In her dosing remarks, Mrs. :Muth stated that it is so often the small things in child care that count so large in the future of the individual. As the March 1\1eeting is the annual meeting, Mrs. C. C. West and Miss Mae Lynd were appointed auditors. The election committee will consist of Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup, Mrs. E. D. Brauns, Miss Mae Lynd, Mrs. C. C. \-Vest and Mrs. Benjamin Collins. Following the business meeting tea was served by the hostess. Speakers at School This Week Mr. Howark Kirk, president of the Swarthmore Home and School Associa­tion, presented a talk on George Wash­ington's chancteristics at the Monday morning assembly of the High School. Mr. Kirk described the first president of the United States as six feet tall, lean, and lively. His large face showed de­termination and dignity of statesmanship. Mr. Kirk compared Washington with "Morgan's Virginia Rangers" and traced him from youth through the Revolution­ary War and his presidency, describing his statesmanship, character and ability. At school on Wednesday a program was given on hygiene by Haverford Town­ship Schools and the State Dental De­partment. The speakers were Dr. Edgar Diller, dentist for the Haverford High School; Dr. Roberts, School District physician; Dr. Carter, superintendent for Haverford Schools; Dr. Darley, president of the school hoard. Among. the others present were Dr. Nosley; Dr. Vogt, chairman of the state oral hygiene committee; Mrs. Hunnewell, school nurse; Miss A- Roeck, dentlll hygienist. WONDER HOW MUCH A PACKARD SIX WOULD COST? You're undoubtedly guessirig too much-fW Out'· • Just to gIve you a clue, many peopl: buy Packard Sixes for their use car and on' y$ 32 •7 5 a month. ------- FU:L~N ;;'-5 COUPON-MAIL My present car is a,--;:(III::a:L1t~e}'-"(y;;e:aarir}--,(;;;lIIo;odiieiii'}I- __ ---------miles. My speedometer reads . h do you think you cou1d allow me ~n a trade- How muc • tn on a new Packard SId ~ow small, then, would my monthly payment be' NAME----------------------- ADDRESS------~_:_-~-- (Cut olano tI"'lfDcf lines) F. B. FRANCIS 12th and Crosby Streets Chester Cheater 9131 LOCAL BROTHERS IN "DANIEL BOONE" Swarthmoreans who go to sec the cur­rent movie attraction "Daniel Boone" will, if they watch carefully, distinguish a fi gure wI lI·C I I t h ey mi. gh t encounter any ESdT ATEe d OFl atEeL IZ01A BSEwTHar thGm. orCe HADNeNlaEwLaLre. day on the streets of this Borough. I C=,.. 'Pa. • Leonard Peck son of Mr and Mrs. I LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the , . above Estate have been granted to the under- Leonard A. Peck, of Yale Avenue, went signed. who request all )le1'BOJ18 having claims to Hollywood last summer to visit his or demands against the Estate 01 the decedent • to make known the aame. and all persons in. half-brother, John Carradine, and was debled to the decedent to make payment, wlth-given the part of an extra in the produc- out delay, to " . - l' SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK tJOII which was bemg ulmed at t Ie time. '" TRUST COMPANY and I f you go to sec the picture and want to MARIAN S. CHANNELL. , find Le onard, look for 11.1 m I.I I tIi e cI l Urc 1I Or to their AttoSrwnaeryt hmore, Pennsylvania. scene at t!le beginning. While the crowd CLAUDE C. SMITH. dI· sperses a ta 11 yout h d ons 1! I.S som.b rero Sw1a6r1t7h mLoarned. TPietnlen aB. uailnddin g, as he slowly walks away. fhere IS no Philadelphia. Pa. mistaking the identity of the lad. When _2.=12=-=6T=~============ the dancing ends in the little settlement -- of Boonesboro, another good view of Leonard is possible, and if you are real wary you can catch other glimpses of him here and there. \\\tltt A~E '#J\tO OOWl " Carradine, who appears in the role of the white renegade leader of the hostile Indians has grown to be considerably in demand in the film world since he first muttered portendous threats at Warner Baxter in "The Prisoner of Shark Is­land." He went mad for a spell, "Under Two Flags," played an important role at Katherine Hepburn's request in "Mary of Scotland," rose to the mustachio tw,irl­ing villain of "White Fang," and frightened Shirley Temple in "Captain January." He also attended Swarthmore High School and lived here durJng the last few years of his teens. • ·that good HOT COAL BUT UP HERE Two Fatal Accidenb Here in '36 They will feel better if they During the year 1936 thirty motor ve­CALL hicle accidents occurred within the Bor­ough limits-seve~ involving injuries, two of which were hospital cases and proved fatal. These compare with thirty­five accidents during the year 1935, of VAN ALEN BROS. Phone: Swarthmore 10412 I \ I I GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for Week of February 2S to March 3, Inc .. GrAnulated Sugar Uco Purple Plums Pillsbury Best Flour Cotton Bag 45c No. 2l/z Can 12-lb. Bag Fancy Whole Grain Rice 3 Lbs. IOc 49c lIe Fanning's Bread and Butter Picklea 15·oz. Jarl2c Fancy Light Meat Tuna Fish Ws Can Ilc Libby's Corned Beef Reg. Size Can 15c Sardines in Tomalo Sauce Ready Meal Brand 2 Oval Cans 13c Kellogg's Kaffee Hag Lh. Can 33c U co C 0 ffe e ESvmapaollr aCteadn Mofi lk Free VacLubu.m C aPna ck 25C D e I Mo nt e GWOHLODLENE KBEARNNTAELM Com 12-oz. Can No.2 Can IOc Uco Cut Refugee Beans IOc Peninsular - Silver or Uco Condensed Milk 1 Reg. SIze Can IOc Sunsweet Prune Juice Quart Bottle Shamrock Sweet Garden Peas No.2 Can Spry 1 Lb. Can For Shortening' 3 lb. Can Fancy Applesauce 3 No.2 Cans Uco Mayonnaise Quart Jar WHITE LABEL Tomato Catsup 2 14 -oz. Bottles MILK FED Boneless Veal Roast Lb. PRIME JUICY Rib Roast Lb. Cut From Armour's Stamp Beef-Any Cut Desired Texas Beets Bunch Hard Crisp Cabbage Lb. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., Monday to Thursday 9 A. M. to lOP. M., Friday aud Saturday . Plenty of Free Parking Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" 14c IOc 20c 57c 20c 3lc 15c 21c 25c 3c 2c LOST-Boy's black leather wool·llned elove for left hand. Telephone Swarthmore Ins. FOR RENT ApartmeDt, t35. 44 S. Morton Ave., Mor. ton. Near P. R. R. Adult.. Sec:ond floor. S rooms, electric refrl.eratloD. Gar .. e. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111-.1 Nota.." Public: - laaurance - Real Eatatt MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST .:0. SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS SELL PHONE .. MEOlA. PA-YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. Swarthmore 19 A. Wayne Mosteller Eleebical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 EDWYN RORKE REGISTERED ARCHITECT 12 Simpson Road~ Ardmore, P .. HOMES DESIGNED, FINANCED AND BUILT .P hone: Ardmore 4458 PETER E. TOLD • AD Linea of Insurance Inclucliac UI. Notary Public 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. fJW. 1133 • SCHMID, SCHMIDT, SCHMIT AND SCHMITT "I'm one of the girls who make up the Bell Telephone Director­ies. Accuracy-with a capital A -is the big aim on my job. There are millions of chances for errors in the spelling of all those names, initials, addresses and telephone numbers. But we're mighty care­ful in our effort to get every letter and figure exactly right because to us they're not just names and numbers-they're people and telephones. So, every listing-name, address and telephone number - is ch~ed and double checked. Then after the printer sets the type, each page is checked four separate times - by six experienced proof readers."." • • • When things happen that you should know about; your name in the telephone book may be worth many times the small cost of telephone service. Busi­ness and social opportunities ••• new jobs . • • chances for extra work or extra sales • • • can find you without trouble if you're in the telephone direc­tory. Millions of people refer to it daily. It's the nation's calling list. More than 12,000,000 names are listed in the directories of Bell companies. You can go straight to anyone of them­easily t quickly and economi­cally - by telephone. THI BELL 'RLEPHONE COMPANY I ~ o. PENNSnVANIA .... ~----------------------------------. • •

---------- Page 13 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE FEBRUARY 26, 1937, THE SWARTHMOREAN -------- 4 FRIENDLY CIRCLE REVIEWS PROJECTS Many Deserving Local Cases Re· lieved by Charitable Woman's Group ----:I'I'I'c·, "'-1,, ,.:.k.:;s eml,hasizl'Illhc i;lll~ort.I~~~~ whidl ten ill\'oln.'c1 illjuries, fi\"e of thelll terestill/-! n'port of the progress of some • , I I tl tl\c Cl'rcle I'll thc of thl' ~ch"ol doclor alld nurse in dis-' h('iug hospilal cases. ~ut no (ea IS, of the ("ascs helped hy , I I' :\1'1 f II"('s(' 'ICl'ldl'lIls occurH'd at covcrill" ullslIsl,ectcd defccts III sc 100 i • os 0 ". ,', I past two years, '"' , I' ,'t, ., 'I' 110; where the \'ICW IS not 01- ,'\ I,rl'," f S,'III 1IJ11·.lr.\' of sOllie of Ihe more c,h ilc, ln'n so that thesl' lIIay he remedll'( III m~I rutrc\~cnd , 10 I' t is csll.l llal('(I al I cast lllle-imporlanl ('asl'S included: ,\11 Italiall tllllC, , ,. II' I ,j Ihl'''e accid('lIts \\"(lu1<1 1I0t ha,'e IIIlIsiciall. a diahetic patiellt, pruvidl'd with . 11;,lver~ord rown~llIp I~ the ollly s("hool o~~~I:rr~d ha:1 onl' or huth "chicles been Ir,'II'('1 ('XI'l'nses ;lIld treatment at a large distri,c t m Ihe U' llltcd Sta.t es It hat I UI\'IISI ,1110\'1,1 1" al .•• 'sP C"C(I 1Il,t e",.c ee(lillbo r tlll'rt"" 1'1'\',1' 1t0sI,ital when~ his life is IX'ing- ill- an X. -I{a\' ' lIIachllll'. amI Its I( ellta' alIl l 1i 1111'I l'S ,.p, er I lOur, .It-Iinildy prol()J1t-:ed; a hoy with a \"ery IIIl'dlral dl'partllll'lIts arc the ,lest m t Ie I' ... -,.. . serious cve defect which lIecessilates COUll I ry, I n the lIan~dorcl School all),- Have You Given Yet? The Fehruan' meeting of the Fri('ml\y rhallt-:ing ilis ('xp('lIsive glasses e\"ery six olle ullahle to afford IIIl'dit-aI treallllent --- Circle was heid at the hOllle of ~Irs. lIIonths, ancl for which the Friendly Cirdl' is Irl'aled hy thl' St'hl/ol doctors amI :\Irs. J. Passllwre Cheyney, SwartJl- Charll's Thatclll'r, Ogden ,\\"('IIUl', Thurs- has ~IJ far hel'n n'sponsihle, \Vilh Ihl' nllrSl'S, lIIorl"s cilairlllan in the ~al\'ati()n :\rmy <la,' afternoon, the 191h. hl'lp of the glasses. Ihe ho)' was (·nahll,.I. So jar this Yl'ar ~1'\"l'1I an:idl'n\s ha\"1' Dri\"e. re'lUcsts that anyolle who has not ;I"hl' 1lresident. ~I rs. T, Harry Brown, 10 ht' tutol"ed at the Uni\'ersily of l'enn- occurred, :\1 this rail' Ihl' 1<)37 total will as I'd hl'CIl railed upon by a solicitor. cxplainl'd Ihe enwrgency rail for Flood s\'lrania PS"chol(Jgical Clillic and is re- considerahly exceed that oj la.t year. I('a\:(' his or her cOlltrihutiun at TilE Hc1id, for which a contrihution of $10,00 p:,rll'd to 1;1' doing- splendid work; an- • S\\'",nlll\lOln:A~ (JOice as it is desired to was f('l"l'nlly St'nt to the tn'a,lIrer uf thc nlhl'r hOI" who se('lIIell a hopdl'sS ('asl'. LOCAL BROTHERS IN close the local dri\'e within the weck. loral Hed Cross. ulltil Jlr()~'ided hy Iht, Circle wilh a sl'l of "DANIEL BOONE" Encouraging" progress has been made since Cf!.!l'lIt appeals that arc 10 he met in ~Olltl lools whirh he learned t(1 usc under ____ Ilhe opcning of the campaign herc last this vicillity include. a rl','III,est for a illl' s"I'Cial instrurtion of ~lr. Co~)k. the Swarthlllorl'ans who go 10 S('l' IIIl' ("ur-, wt'ek, I.ast ycar this Borough ga,'e ahout mOllth's supply of cod 111"(,1' 011 lOr a grouJI lIIallual training learher (If the Swarth- n'nl movie attrarlioll "Daniel HO(lne" $lO\lO, of IImkr-nourished school l'hildrcll, aud , IIIl1r(' ~l"hools, This hoy is nfJ\\" attl'lIClillg will. if thl'\' watrh l'an,fulh', distinguish 1================= $.lOO fllr a supply of surgical dressllll-(s'll Ihe Sell')ol of Ol"l"upational TI,Il'r;IJ,'Y, ;11)(1 'I lj"un' wl;i 'h Ih '\' mi"ht (:Ill"ounler am' E~TATt: OF I-:I.IZABI-;TJI G. ClIANNI-;L1,. .,., l I. '"' 'I .I,'<,~a>"d, late or Swarthmore. Delaware etr., for a ,Call~('I" casl: . .,. .. ," I ~1I\"n'l'c1ing so wdl Ihal he hHb lall" to day (Ill Ihe sln'els of this Borollgh, 'C"ullh·. I'll, ,\ l"OnlnhutlOl1 of :;;_:J.OO \\.IS ,0t~11 for hl'rOllll' an eX)ll'rl rarpenter. I.l'llI1ar<1 Peck son of ~Ir, amI :\Irs,! I.ET·~lms 0\" ADI\JJNISTHATION on the 'I' I I I 'I I" II I J k I I' 'I I • ~ . I :tho\"«' I-~st:ltt! hu\'e been grunted to the und~r-aY" 1" oS\1lla. 'II l'Y ar', I ~Irs, ~llIlh pai.1 a g OIl'III!! tn mtl' II Ll'flllanl .\, Perk. 01 \ all' :\,'cnlll'. IITllt I,i",,,,,d, whn re'luc"t nil persons havinl! claim" ~rl'lI1hl'rs were lIrgt't\ to alle,nd the an- I Ill\' Swarthlllore Srhools, to thl' l1Ianllal III Ilolh-wofld last SUl1lllll'r to "i"il hi.'. "r d,·lIIa.lIl" Ul!lIjll"t the Jo;state of the dcecdl'nt I I, f tl ' C 1\11111\11111\' lll"llth ", "f I "I II '1"" , til lIIake knn,,"11 th., "am". lind all Ill'rsons ill- 1111 a II1Cl' IIIg 0 Ie I, .• ' tralllll1;: IIlstrllr\lOn gl\"('n or WillI . It C half-hrollll'r. John Carradllll'. amI was, ,lelote.1 t .. the decc.lellt to \layment. with- Sodety. prl'cl'dcd hy a dmner at Strath i,; a eryillg need in :Ilany sl'ction< III Ihl'1 gin'lI the l,arl (Ii an l'xlra in the 1'1'01111(- ; ,,,,I .klny, ,.. • II.' 1'. e 'I I 11111 , '1'11•",.,(•1'1 _\' ," "l'nin'""'; •:\•1 'lrch,?-' , I rllllllly, I l"o ll wln("h was hl'l"Ilg III 1 111'( I al I III' 'tm ll', ~\\",\JtTIII&\ IOTJtIEl UNSTA TCIOOMNAPAl. NYH AaN 11K11 :\Irs, IIelen ,~llIth, (~f Ihe \\ e\fare 1~I\'I.- 1 III Ill'r l:lo~illg rl'lIIarb, ~Ir,;, :\~uth II j yon go to Sl'C Ihe pil'IUf(' and want to lIIA!!~~N s. Cll~~N"~I.!:" SIOII of the (oll1l11l11nty lTl'alth Soelet), I ',·IIl'.1 Ihal It IS so ofll'lI Ihe smatl 1IIIIIgS lind I ellll'mi 10,,1' f"I' hilll in Ihe dll1l"rh I ' A S" •• rthnwre, I cnll') h.lll1a. • • .• .... ,. \. Or ttl t 1(.'1r tturney was then IIllrotiucl'd anel gave a very m-, i,lI dlihl care :h;~I, COUllt so large 111 the I sn'ne at the Ill'ginlling, \\'hil~' tltl' rrowel l"r.,,~~JlJJo: c, ~l\Ir~lI: . . __ tlltlln' of Ihl' melll'Hllla!.. . 1c1isl'l'rSl'S a .tall \"ol lth .Ions IllS sOl1lhrl'f1l ~ '1'6rrl4~ hnl\,:f1l1r1t1'l TI I~ tlll{J~l .II'1 ti·l. 'I(n l'I~t lJ.!, ._~_-,::: .----.-. ---* =-- I' ;\s, thl' ~Iarc,h 1,\ll'c1,lIlg I~ Ihe, aIIl111,:I.1 as, hI' ,slll\\'ly ~\"alk~ a\\":~y, Thl'l"l' i~ 110 I'hihlflt'lphia, I'll, n ,1111'1'tl1lg", ~rrs, l. C, \\ l'sl amI :\11~, )' IIIlslaklllg the Hlt-lItlly III III(' lad, \\"hl'n 2-12·GT ., If! f'.. Lynll liTre appoillied auelitors, 'I thl' d;ull'ing l'mb ill thl' liuh' ~ellll'lIIl'l1l --...... ---...,.==-==========- II ~~ ~ Tlrl' electioll, ('ol11l11i\tee will ~'(ln,i,t (01 (lj B"(In~sh()r"" anuthl'r yoml "iI'\\" oi, ---------------- ,tl"'7'.J- t ,~Ir" J, lIar1.111 Jessup, ~Ir~, E. l>'ll.eollard IS Ilt,sSlhll'. anel 11 you arl' real '.", ... ~ 1#1 I:ralll1'. :\Iiss :\~ae !.ym,1. ~Ir", C" C. \\'~'<t \\"ary you can calrh ulhl'r gliIllJl'('s .. i him '" A.1Jf~ ItJ,,'D' 1 ancl ~II> .nenJan~1II C~~lIl\1~,. 1,,:'III:\\"IIl~ hl'r~ aml.'hl'l"l'. , ' IN"~ ~f) f Ilk hIlSIIll'''S lIIee\l11g Il.1 \\.IS s('l"\ul b} tarr;~c11111" who :lppl'ars III thl' r .. 11' ."1 P1lI'~ Ihl' h",tl'sS, Iht" ,"'IIIIl' l"l'lll'gatll' kacll-r of "hl' h(l'!I!I~. 0 111' • IlHhalls I~as gr(ll~'n 10 he e"l~sldl'r;lhly. III J, Speakers at School This Week delllallli 1\1 the 111m world slI1(l' ht" IIr,t Come see the new I :\Ir, lIo",ark Kirk, presidl,nt (Ii I II t" III uller('11 l,orll'lIllolls thrl'als at \\'arner!' h 1 R 1 f I Swarthmore 1I0l1le ami SdlUOI ,\sstll'ia- Baxter ill "The Pl"isoller of Shark b-' C rys er oya. i tioll, pn.'sl'lIll'c1 a t,all,' on George \Ya~h- land." Ill' \\"('111 mad for a spell. "L'lItlcr o 1 $ 9 64 ingloll',; chararleflsllcs at Ihe ~I ullelay 'I:\\'o F!ags," playeel. an imporla~tI ~~Ile al n y lIIornin;!" assem"ly of the High Srhon1. (,athertlle Ill'phufII s n'CJllesl III ~Iary Delivered Equipped in Swarthmore ~Ir, I,irk descrihed the firsl pre;.idl'nl of of Scotland." rose to the l11u~lachi() t",irl- Ihe Lniled Stales as six fe('t tall. lean, ill)! \'iI\ain oi "White Fan)!," and \\\t\ti. ~Wl.E Public acceptance of Chrys-and li\'e1y, His larg-e face showed dl'- frighll'lIed Shirk'y Temple in "Captain tl'rmination amI dignity of stall'slIIallShip, January." 1Il' also attcllded Swarlhmore 11 r. Kirk compared \Vashington with High Sdlllol and li,'ed here duriug the I "~lorgan's Virginia Rangers" and traced lasl few years of his teens, \'J"O "O~l ~i ~ that good HOT COAL BUT UP HERE ler Cars this year has been -_ .. -.---- ; amazing. Over 100 % in- him from youlh Ihrough the Re\'olution- I an' War alld his prl'sidenc)" describing Two Fatal Accidents Here in '36 They will feel better if they hi~ statesmanship. character and ahility, During Ihe year 1936 thirty motor ve- ! At school on \Veduesday a program was hide accidenls occurred wilhin thc Bor­crease this year. CALL given on hygiene hy Haverford Town- ough limils-seven invol\'ing lIlJuries, V AN ALEN BROS. ship Schools amI the State Dental De- t\\'o of which were hospital cases and partmenl. proved falal. These compare wilh Ihirly- • Phone: Swarthmore 10412 HANNUM & WAITE The slleakers were Dr. Edgar Dillel", fi\'e accidenls during the year 1935. of dentist for thc Ha\"crford High School; So. Chester Rd. & Yale Ave. Dr. Hoherts. School District physician; Dr. Carter, superintendent for Haverford Schools; Dr, Darley, president of the school hoard, Among the others present were Dr. N osley; Dr, Vogt, chairman of the state oral hygiene committee; ~I rs. Swarthmore 1250 Hunllewell, school nurse; l\liss A. Hoeck, dental hygicnist. WONDER HOW MUCH A PACKARD SIX WOULD COST? You're undoubtedly guessing too much- fW ,.,. -Just to give you a due, many.peopl~ buy Packard Sixes for then use d Iy $32.15 a month. ~ car an on --- ';;:L-'; T;;-S-COUPON-MAIL My present car is a--""'lm--calt;-e-;-I--~{;::y::e;;a;;rl~-'"""[;lm~a;;'d:tie;TII)- __ ---------miles. My speedometer reads , h d Y OU think you could allow me in a trade­How muc 0 in on a new Packard Six ~ 'hi payment be ~ II then would my mon Y How sma, ' NAME----------------------- ADDRESS-------~----- (("ul "'O~o ~~"orl lines) F. B. FRANCIS 12th and Crosby Streets Chester Chester 9131 GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for Week of February 25 to March 3, Inc .. Granulated Sugar IO-lb, Cotton Bag 45c Uco Purple Plums No, 2!1 Can 10c Pillsbury Best Flour 12 ,Ib, Bag 49c Fancy Whole Grain Rice 3 Lbs, 11 c Fanning's Bread and Butter Pickles I),oz. Jar 12c Fancy Light Meat Tuna Fish !'z's Can lIe Libby's Corned Beef Reg, Size Can 15c Sardines in Tomato Sauce Ready Meal Brand 2 Oval Cans 13c Kellogg's Kaffee Hag Lb, Can 33e U co C 0 Ife e ESvmapaollr aCteadn Md ilk Free VacLUbU,m C iPlnu ck 25 C D I M t WHOLE KERNEL e on e GOLDEN BANTAM Corn Uco Cut Refugee Beans Peninsular - Silver or Uco Condensed Milk 1 Sunsweet Prune Juice Shamrock S'\veet Garden Peas Spry For Shortening Fancy Applesauce Uco Mayonnaise WHITE LABEL T ornato Catsup MILK FED Boneless Veal Roast PRIME JUICY Rib Roast 1 12,oz, Can No, 2 Can Reg. Size Can 10c 10c 10c Quart BOUle 14c No, 2 Can 10c Lb, Can 20c 3 Ib, Can 57c 3 No, 2 Cans 20c Quart Jar 31 c 2 14·oz. Bottles 15c Lb, 21c Lb, 25c Cut From ,\rmo\lr's Stamp Bcef--.-\ny Cut O,'sired Texas Be~ts Bunch Hard Crisp Cabbage Lb, Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M" Monday to Thursday 9 A. M, to 10 P. M., Friday and Saturday . Plenty of Free Parking Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" 3c 2c CLASSIFIED FOR SALE )0'0 It SA 1,1-; .. Columbill Ilortllble victroln. Jlrll~th'IIJJy IIl'W: G,'ncrlll Jo:lectril' tubll' modd "ulifl, $12 elleh. Tele)lhone Swurthmore G:J·I-It. FOUND FOUNIJ ·I'hi 11 .. 1". Thetn frllterllity )lin Sun: dll)' in rront .. r I'r.",bylt'rian Church. Tele_ l,hulIl-' Swurlhmorc 6·16 in t-'\"enitlJ.!. LOST------ 1.0S1'- JIll)"'; hhlf'k 1"lIth.'r wflol-lined glOVe (or left hand. Tele)lhune Swurlhnwrl' 171~. FOR RENT Apartment, $35. 44 S. Morton Ave .• Mor­ton, Near P. R. R. Adults. Second noor, S rooms, electric rerrigeralion. Garage. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore III·J Notary Public - Insurance - Real Eatate MRS_ A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS 8ELL PHONE 4 MF.OIA. PA, YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. Swarthrnore 19 A. Wayne Mosteller EIecb'ical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 EDWYN RORKE REGISTERED ARCHITECT 12 Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. HOMES DESIGNED. FINANCED AND BUILT Phone: Ardmore 4455 PETER E. TOLD All Line. of Insurance Including Life Notary Public 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. SW. 1833 .. • SCHMID, SCHMIDT, SCHMIT AND SCHMITT "I'm one of the girls who make up the Bell Telephone Director· ies. Accuracy-with a capital A -is the big aim on my job. There are millions of chances for errors in the spelling of all those names, initials, addresses and telephone numbers. But we're mighty care­ful in our effort to get every letter and figure exactly right because to us they're not just names and numbers - they're people and telephones. So, every listing-name, address and telephone number - is checked and double checked. Then after the printer sets the type, each page is checked four separate times - by six experienced proof readers." .. , • • • When things happen that you should kn\lw about; your name in the telephone book may be worth many times the small cost of telephone service. Busi­ness and social opportunities • •. new jobs ... chances for extra work or extra sales - - • can find you without trouble if you're in the telephone direc­tory. Millions of people refer to it daily. It's the nation's calling list, More than 12,000,000 names are listed in the directories of Bell c0mpanies. You can go straight to anyone of them­easily. quickly and economi­cally - by telephone. !ME BELl. TELEPHONE COMPANY ... OF PENNSYLVANIA • 1 1 ) ,1 1 l ! , . I. ." •

The Swarthmorean, 1937-02 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)


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Digital collections contain the digitized material from an analog (physical), or born digital, archival collection that are displayed online and are, generally, available to the public.

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Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, as well as to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks." It was founded in 1971 by American writer Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library.

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LC's Digital Collections provides free and open access to manuscripts, prints, photographs, posters, maps, sound recordings, motion pictures, books, pamphlets, and sheet music. It is a digital record of American history and creativity.

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Established in 1971, Project Gutenberg was the world's first digital library.

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A digital collection, also known as a digital library, is any collection of files that has been digitally preserved and is accessible on the internet or through software. A digital library may contain manuscripts, newspapers, books, journals, images, audio, and video. There are all kinds of digital libraries.

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What is the oldest library still in existence? ›

Both works, as well as 4,000 other rare books, can be found at the world's oldest continually operating library. Al-Qarawiyyin library in Fez, Morocco opened in 1359 C.E., at the University of Al-Qarawiyyin (also the world's oldest, built in 859 C.E.).

Who created the world digital library? ›

Launched in 2009, the World Digital Library was a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, with the support of UNESCO, and contributions from libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations around the world.

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The World Digital Library is a free web site featuring multilingual, primary source materials from cultural institutions around the world.

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The number of e-books from the Library of Congress grows every day, although the vast majority of the Library's books are still available only in print. Find Library of Congress e-books in the digital collections and via the in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, which offers searching and browsing options.

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Invention of eBooks: Project Gutenberg, the First Digital Library : History of Information.

What is the z library? ›

Z-Library (abbreviated as z-lib, formerly BookFinder) is a shadow library project for file-sharing access to scholarly journal articles, academic texts and general-interest books. It began as a mirror of Library Genesis, but has expanded dramatically. Z-Library. Z-Library homepage (December 20, 2022)

What did libraries use before the Dewey Decimal System? ›

Fixed Location (1784-1883) Before Dewey, the Columbia College Library was shelved by "fixed location", a finding system in which books are assigned to specific shelves or bookcases, in contrast to the relative order of modern classifications.

What is a digital collection librarian job description? ›

As a digital librarian, you are an archivist responsible for selecting, organizing, and preserving digital information in a library, including online public library materials and genealogy record collections.

What does a digital library include? ›

A digital library is a collection of digital objects, such as books, magazines, audio recordings, video recordings and other documents that are accessible electronically.

What is a digital hold at the library? ›

If all the copies of a digital book are checked out, you can place a hold on it instead. This will put you on a wait list for the title. Once the title becomes available, you'll get a notification.

What is collection development in digital library? ›

Collection development is a term representing the process of systematically building library collection to serve the study, teaching, research, recreational, and other needs of library users.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.