The Salisbury Post from Salisbury, North Carolina (2024)

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Weather Continued PAGE 2 A Rowanorecast riday Thunderstorms Lows in low 70s Highs in mid 80s Saturday Thunderstorms Lows in upper 60s Highs in mid 80s Vo Sunday Thunderstorms Lows in low 60s Highs in low 80s TonightPartly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunder storms Patchy fog in the early morning Low in the upper 60s Light and variable wind Chance of rain 40 percent ridayPartly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunder storms High 85 to 90 Chance of rain 50 percent Ozone: Yellow moderate Local time and forecast 704 642 1220 local forecast Weath er Channel cable 41 RowanLogbook Temp 8 am today 71 High temp yesterday 95 Low this morning 89 High year ago 71 Low year ago na Record high (1932) 101 Record low (1965) 48 Average high 87 Average low 64 Precip 24 hrs to 8 am 0 Precip year ago 0 Year to date 2449 Normal to date 3283 Humidity 8 am 94 Wind 8 am SW at 3 Peak gust 1:51 pm 15 Barometer 8 am 3037 (Readings at Post building) The skies Sunset today 7:52 pm Sunrise tomorrow 6:53 am Moonrise 6:23 pm Thurs Moonset 3:40 am Thurs Moon visibility 97 Lake levels (eet below full today) High Rock 577 Badin 163 Tuckertown 97 Norman 38 Stateorecast Cape Hatteras 7584 3 GA SC 2001 AccuWeather Inc TENN Asheville 63 82j Salisbury69 i Charlotte 7Q 8e Sunny Pt Cloudy Cloudy Showers storms Ram lurries Snow Ice Via Associated Press riday Aug 31 forecast for daytime conditions lowhigh temperatures ky va Boone Raleigh 70 Nationorecast The forecast for noon riday Aug 31 Bands separate high temperature zones for the day 60s wr fiL 4 naa YWt 60s Xp 5 Ji 70S I Pressure 80s 40s 100X 80s Higf low 50s RONTS: 90s AccuWeather Inc COLD WARM STATIONARY Via Associated Press StateTemps HI Low Prep Asheville 84 64 002 Beaufort 87 75 000 Cape Hatteras 84 78 003 Charlotte 91 71 004 ayetteville 85 69 052 Elizabeth City 87 72 tree Greensboro 86 71 000 Hickory 88 68 tree Jacksonville na 76 na Lumberton 85 73 005 New Bern 80 74 050 NationTemps Hi Lo Pre Otlk Anchorage 56 48 01 Cldy Baltimore 85 66 PCIdy Chicago 82 56 PCIdy Dallas Worth86 72 15 Cldy El Paso 89 72 PCIdy argo 81 62 13 Cldy Grand Rapids 79 53 Rain Honolulu 90 80 Clr Indianapolis 85 65 PCIdy Juneau 54 53 36Rain Kansas City 90 70 PCIdy Las Vegas 103 85 Clr Memphis 88 71 Rain New Orleans 86 74 14Rain Orlando 93 73 PCIdy Philadelphia 87 70 PCIdy Reno 93 58 Clr WorldTemps Hi LoWthr Amsterdam 67 47 cdy Beirut 88 79 cdy Cairo 92 75 clr Dublin 68 49 cdy rankfurt 74 49 cdy Geneva 83 60 clr Hong Kong 84 79 rn Istanbul 86 72 clr Jerusalem 84 60 clr Kiev 72 49 rn London 72 51 cdy Manila 88 79 rn Nassau 92 80 cdy Oslo 60 50 cdy Paris 76 54 cdy Rome 86 66 clr Sydney 58 53 rn HOW TO REACH US Phone (704) 633 8950 for all departments (704) 797 4256 Sports direct line (704) 797 421 3 Circulation direct line (704) 797 4220 Classified direct line Business hours Monday riday 8 am to 5 pm ax numbers (704) 630 0157 Classified ads (704) 633 7373 Retail ads (704) 639 0003 News ASK US (704) 797 4291 After hours voice mail (704) 797 4235 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Back lssuas the Salisbury Pbst over 30 days old 28149 75 SunOaV lssue 25 Salisbury Post THURSDAY AUGUST 30 2001 Chase ROM PAGE 1A Street Charlotte Alex Guardado 19 of 2121 Canter wood Drive and Carlos En rique Chiguila Marquez 24 of 5800 Orr Road Lot 31 Char lotte The events that led to their arrest began to unfold around 10 am Wednesday shortly af ter Salinas arrived at Mexican Store the shop she and her husband Cebastiano Hernandez own at 160 David son Highway just off US 29 While her husband and their small children were at the other store on McGill Avenue Salinas said she was going through her usual morning routine to get the small store ready for busi ness when she noticed three men had come to the door She said hello Recognizing Gonzalez she said hello but none of the men answered So she walked to ward the register that was be hind a glass counter filled with small merchandise That's when she noticed Romero was right behind her "I was like this is no she said She bent down quickly to get her 38 caliber revolver from a bag behind the counter she said but Romero took it from her hand and said senora give me the when she saw the barrel of the 12 gauge shot gun Marquez hid under some cloth and leveled at her across the counter she said And that's when she decided she'd better do what the men told her Little money When the men learned the register held little money they demanded gold jewelry which Salinas said she sell at her Davidson Highway OK ROM PAGE 1A if anyone is talking If no one answers or no one is talking on the line the dispatcher then notifies an key who may be a friend neighbor or relative The key holder will then go check on the client If a key holder is not avail able the Telecommunication Center sends a law enforce ment officer Each client must provide a key to his or her law enforcement agency so an of ficer damage proper ty if he has to get into the house On Tuesday an elderly woman did not answer her 8 am call The dispatcher attempted unsuccessfully to contact her key holder Salisbury Police responded to find the woman unconscious Her file showed that she is diabetic and Emer gency Medical Services de termined she may have had a stroke Officials have no way of knowing how long the woman was lying in her home Paramedics rushed the woman to Rowan Regional Medical Center Tuesday morning where she remains In June another elderly woman fell at 10 :30 pm while reaching to turn on her air conditioning She lost her bal ance and fell to the floor Her scooter has a belt to secure her but she have it fas tened Diagnosed with leukemia in ebruary she was too weak to get up She usual ly has a cell phone on the scooter but didn't have it with her when she fell She laid on the floor until 6 the next morning when she re ceived her Are You OK? call no telling how long she would have laid there" had she not had this service said rank Thoma son telecommunications man ager When she did not answer the dispatcher called her brother Paramedics and firefight ers were dispatched to the home and helped the woman who is home today and doing well The names of both women are being withheld because they both live alone The Are You OK? program is open to any resident of Rowan County regardless of age who requires a daily telephone safety check The service is free or more information vis it the Senior Web site at wwwco rowan ncusse I store So they took the rings off her fingers and a chain from around her neck Then they started grabbing whatever merchandise they could carry off the crowded shelves of the store where compact discs and candles share space with candy and tortillas and shirts hang from the ceiling bearing pic tures of low riders and Jesus After the men had been in the store 10 to 15 minutes Sali nas said a friend of hers pulled into the parking lot and the fourth man who had been waiting in the car began to blow the horn Men flee store The men fled Salinas fol lowed After finding her keys she told her friend to call the police and ran out the door to give chase minus her gun which Romero handed to Gon zalez during the robbery Pulling out onto Davidson Highway Salinas fumed When the men stopped at a red light at Central Avenue she bumped them from behind and waved just so know she was there look at me and I was she said "I tried to make them look at me" They did And when one of the men leaned out of the passenger side window of the blue Chevrolet Impala and began shooting at her she said Salinas said the man shot at her the way up through here" gesturing toward Davidson Highway ollows from afar Staying at a distance she said she was too angry to be scared that a gunshot would hit her But police later found how close the man did come to shooting Salinas A bullet glanced off her windshield in front of the passenger seat making a small circle of splin tered glass In spite of the gunfire the angry store owner kept up her niorservices or call 704 636 2344 Contact Jillian McCartney at 704 797 4253 or jmccart neysalisburygostcom pursuit along Davidson High way and past Interstate 85 where the men had to turn around because a mobile home was blocking the road and onto the interstate She chased them north to the US 29 exit After unsuc cessfully trying to get around a truck to exit she said the men drove the wrong way up an entrance ramp and onto US 29 They then pulled onto Goodman Circle behind the Waffle House restaurant Car is abandoned The men finally abandoned their car by the side of the road and ran into some woods beside 1 85 with Salinas close behind in her minivan Con cord and Kannapolis police of ficers Cabarrus County Sher deputies and State Bureau of Investigation agents formed a perimeter around the area and quickly arrested the men Gonzalez had a bullet wound in his thigh Concord Police Capt Monty Blackwell said The man apparently shot himself in the leg when he tried to pull revolver from where tucked it into his belt Blackwell said After the arrests police found a third gun the men had he said Police: do this Blackwell said law en forcement officials fired no shots when apprehending the men And he decried chasing the bandits and risk ing her life is something we tell everybody: Let them have the money let them have every he said lady did feel that way a very strong willed individual and takes it personally when you GREENVILLE SC (AP) Sen Ernest Hollings says his colleague Strom Thur mond is no longer but stays in the Senate because he has nowhere else to go The remarks about Thurmond a Republican and the oldest and steal something from her been lucky twice and sometimes your luck runs out" Blackwell said police tried to get the same message across to Salinas after her first run in with a robber in March She shot that man in the neck Authorities charged her with assault but a grand jury de clined to indict her "frying to do right Salinas said she was only trying to protect her livelihood in March And Wednesday she said she was only making sure that the men who robbed her get away if she could help it I follow them nobody going to find she said would call the police by the time they got here they was not going to find Salinas and her husband employ a man to provide se curity for their stores He was at the store Wednesday when the robbery occurred but they said be there a lot more often now Do it again? Salinas said if confronted with similar circ*mstances if someone is trying to steal what she and her husband have worked hard to build probably take matters into her own hands again they take my gun I got nothing to shoot them with" she said chase Asked if she really meant that she paused a couple of seconds then said quietly don't know" Contact Scott Jenkins at 704 797 4248 or sjenkinssal isburypostcom longest serving member came in an interview Wednesday with The Greenville News The newspaper said Hollings 79 seem to want to talk about Thurmond 98 But he eventually said it is because the poor fellow have any place to go if you think on Hollings Thurmond still OK Ground beef recalled LINCOLN Neb (AP) IBP Inc is recalling 500000 pounds of ground beef from 35 states and the District of Columbia saying it may be contaminated with the deadly coli bacteria The recall was voluntary and no illnesses have been as sociated with the meat IBP said Wednesday adding that it presents no danger if prop erly handled and thoroughly cooked The government rec ommends cooking all ground beef to 160 degrees to destroy bacteria IBP the biggest beef processor recalled 266000 pounds of ground beef in June The recalls came just days after American oods Group in Wisconsin recalled more than 530000 pounds of ground beef in 17 states because of concerns about coli The contamination of the coli bacteria was discovered through samples collected by the Agriculture ood Safety and Inspection Service The beef was produced Aug 7 in a Dakota City plant and distributed in 5 and 10 pound packages The beef was distributed to wholesalers distributors and grocery stores in: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Con necticut lorida Georgia Illi nois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Mis souri North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Jer sey Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington DC West Vir ginia and Wisconsin The meat shipped to whole salers bears the product code EST 245C SELLREEZE BY Aug 25 A (or B) Box Codes D0271BH or D0371BH Consumers who think they may have bought some of the meat were advised to contact the store where the purchase was made coli 0157 can cause bloody diarrhea and dehydra tion and it can be deadly es pecially in children people with suppressed immune sys tems and the elderly The bacteria kills an esti mated 60 Americans each year and sickens an estimat ed 73000 Jailed aid worker celebrates birthday KABUL Afghanistan (AP) An Australian aid worker being held in Afghanistan cel ebrated her birthday today as the Taliban prepared to try her and seven other foreign ers on charges of preaching Christianity in this devoutly Muslim nation Australian diplomat Alas tar Adams in Kabul along with diplomats from the Unit ed States and Germany brought a bright bouquet of flowers to Diana Thomas She and the other aid workers are being held at a reform school for delinquent children in the heart of Kabul The diplomats also were trying to meet Taliban offi cials to get more information about a decision by the Is lamic militia to put the for eign aid workers on trial Adams was accompanied by a doctor who examined both Thomas and a second jailed Australian Peter Bunch Both are said to be in their 50s Adams said the doc tor found them in good health "It was Diana birthday which is a special day for her and as a very fine gesture of the Ministry of oreign Affairs they allowed me to go and convey my good wishes on her Adams said Bright yellow purple and white flowers were picked from the sprawling grounds of the UN guest house in Kabul where the three West ern diplomats and the rela tives of two detained Ameri can women are staying Adams did not see the oth er detainees Americans Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer and Germans George Taubmann Margrit Stebnar Kati Jelinek and Silke Duer rkopf The eight foreign workers with Shelter Now Interna tional a German based Chris tian organization were ar rested during the first week of August along with 16 Afghan staff members mother Nancy Ellen Cassell a teacher from Thompson's Station Tenn and father John Mercer of Vienna Va are the only family members who have come to Afghanistan so far Curry 29 traveled to Afghanistan about 112 years ago but returned to the Unit ed States for about six weeks this winter to spend the holi days with her family said her father Dr Tilden Curry dean of the School of Business at Tennessee State University in Nashville She graduated from Bay lor University in Texas and worked as a social worker in Waco Texas her stepmother Sue uller said from Nashville Mercer also at tended Baylor The parents were permit ted to visit their daughters on Monday they have said the Taliban were "gracious and their daughters are in The Taliban announced Wednesday that the aid work ers would be put on trial for the charge of preaching Christianity or a foreigner the penalty for spreading Christianity is jail and expul sion The penalty for an Afghan who converts from Is lam is death Little is known about how the Taliban will proceed and the diplomats say they are not sure what will come next "Normally we like to be present when charges are laid at the course of the hear ing and naturally when any sentence or punishment is handed said Adams know the legal process in Afghanistan so we have to first find out what the process will allow" HOW TO REACH US.

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