The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)

1QA Apartments 7t Unfurnlshed-Ri OOQ Open House ZZ For Sale OPEN HOUSE 1610 CoDbiestone Court. woodmere Gorgeous custom-decore'ed townhouse1 $69 500 New lon price Rita Wo'th 241-7718or 277-6920 1QA Apartments 74 Unfurnished-Rent SPANISH QUARTER APARTMENTS 3635 Gaslignt Curve 277-0730 STRATFORD VILLAGE APTS. 2000 London Town Lane 77T-9M5 THE PLACE-AAcGEHEE PLACE W9 MOES YOU IN 288-0027 Three Flags Apts. Air Conditioned-Washerteria 2 BEDROOAAS Completely remodeled, carpet, ttove refrigerator 265-4229 TWO BEDROOM, i bath, completely re-decorated, downstair, washer-dryer connections, stove refrigerator, Section Norman Bridge Rd. Ms.

Brooks, 262-4666 after 4 1QA I Apartments 74 Unfurnished-Rent For The QUAINT Lifestyle You Deserve ACQUAINT Yourself Witt! VIEUX CARRE 3539 Carter Hill Rd SI-DOB IOC Duplexes 73 For Rent ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom. I bath 20S8 Woodier Rd $295 monthly, $200 deposit 271-2736 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY NEW duplex 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $495 per mo 414 Eastdale Rd So. Convenient location. Energy efficient GOOD CENTS home Washer-dryer connections, ceiling fan, mini blinds. Open Sat.

t. Sun 271-1577 1Q7 Condos 7 I Townhomes For Rent A Townheme, 2 bedroom, 2 toll baths, I story, washer dryer, $450 monthly 271-4233, 277-4274. GARDEN OISTRICT CONDO UNIT. I bedroom, 1 bath, $335 includes all condo amenities (clubhouse, pool, water, garage collection). 1400 block of S.

Perry. Vh mi to downtown, Vi mi. to interstate access. S2O0 deposit holds. Call.

Don, at 264-6633 after 9 m. or weekends. WOODMERE: 3 bedroom, 2V bath, across Irom park, new carpet $495 mo 277-3452 1QQ Homes 70 Unfurnished-Rent 475 Jackson St S27S SO Southlawn Dr SO0 3014 Renee Drive $42S Alpha Springs 10 acres S77S 5322 Rexterd Ct S575 5(43 Wares Ferry S42S CENTURY 21 ARNBERG REALTY 271-7111 A REAL DEAL, Provost Avenue, 1370, 3 bedrooms, 2v bath townhome with fireplace. Merman Realty, 265-4097 A RENTERS DREAM, rent reduced for immediate occpancy on several homes available in the Chisholm-Highland Gardens area, 2, 3 4 bedrooms. MARTIN REALTY COMPANY 116 Catoma Street 262-5762, ask for Hugh er Russell AVAILABLE, Gaslight Curve, new 2 bedroom, 1450 Boyd Properties, 277-3311.

271-3993 AVAILABLE-MONTGOMERY 2204 South Sutherland, $660 AVAILABLE-PR ATTVILLE 51 Sheila S600 226 Washington 6O0 1202 Upper Kingston S765 CallCASSELS REAL ES.ATE 269-9400 DALRAIOA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sunroom, den-fireplace, dining, laundry room, stove, dishwasher, double carport, storage room, fans, remodeled, beautiful, S625. 272-7339. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. 2 bedroom, fireplace, deck, large rooms, dishwasher, central heatair. Near Gunter.

S425 mo. 272-2439 after 6. AVAILABLE NOWI Oalraida area, near Gunter. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, livingdining combination, dishwasher, stove, central air, $550 272 7840 AVAILABLE APRIL 1. 3 bedroom.

2 bath, pool. IO Homes 70 Unfurnished-Rent CARRIAGE HILLS 4 bedroom, 2 bath, garage Available 4 I 87 244-9636 CLEAN 2 bedroom, 1 bath. 2430 4th Street, Oak Park $230 STOWERS CO, 263-3801 GARDEN DISTRICT I bedroom, ceiling fans, narowood floors, screened-in porch heat and water provided $285 per month No children or pets 834-3856 or 263-7591 MIGHPOINT ESTATES: 4 bedrooms with ceiling fans. 2 Oaths, 2 car garage. $680 per month.

279-9607 HILLMAN (1318), 4 bedroom, 3 bath $675 5752 Worchester Court $450 CLARDY REALTY 271-9167 HOMES FOR RENT ERA RICK'S LIND DAVIS 288 7665 LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE 3 new 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhomes. in historic Cottage Hills overlooking the Alabama River and down town Montgomery. 1 mile from Maxwell and state office complex $450 per mo on a 1 year lease Built to "GOOD CENTS" homes energy standards Call Frank Broadway or John Parker. Parker Development 269-1009, at-ter hour, 244-2020 MILLBROOK 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $350 $385 PARTRIDGE REALTY 285-5015 MILLBROOK Townhouses From $350 PRATTVILLE 327 Janice, 3 bedroom. 2 bath.

$575 MONTGOMERY 4329 Brewer Road, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $350 5575 Carriage Brook, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $525. 3461 Princeton, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $400. Kahn 8, Co 834-5900 NEW 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, garden tub, fireplace and ceiling fans in den Located off Wares Ferry Road $800 month 27) 1639 OLD FARM ROAD, (2926) Luxurious townhouse Excellent school zone 3 bedrooms, 2' baths. Private courtyard, eat-in kitchen, separate living, dining room, den with fireplace. Attic storage Annual lease.

No pels. $600 per month 281-2797 PRATTVILLE Available April 1, 223 Radburn way, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $325 plus deposit, CENTURY 21 RAWLINSQN REALTY 263-7565 PRATTVILLE. 4 bedroom. 2 bath, central heatair, fenced yard, in Overlook. $485 mo.

BROWNELL REALTY, 365-2S33 or 365-6392 Residential Rentals Available PEAco*ck AGENCY 265-9266 Residential Rentals Available Colleen Stewart Realtor, 263-4759, 272-6435 SETH JOHNSON ESTATES: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced, double carport, hardwood floors, cov-ered patio $550 mo Available May I. 279 6818 SMALL HOUSE near Lake Martin in Elmore County. References required. Call 804-779-2228. SOUTHLAWN 5024 Southlawn Court, 3 bedrooms, Vh bath, fenced yard, $340 NORMANDALE-1419 E.

Audubon 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $350. ARONOV REALTY CO. 277-10O0 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL DEPARTMENT THREE BEDROOMS, 2 baths, stove and refrigerator furnished, fenced backyard. $400 month 8, $200 deposit. 271-6216 6051 Cherry Hill Rd $390 456 Burton St S27S Girard Garden Apt $275 Audubon Townhouses $415-425 4528 Hurleston $375 4577 Wimbleton $365 JIM INSCOE AGENCY 263-5713 104B Broad St.

-Wet 3 bedroom, 2 bath $300 104A Broad SI. Wet 1 bedroom, 1 bath $250 5938 Provost-3 bedrooms. 2 baths $385 1245 Sath Johnson 2 bedroom, IVi bath $385 7403 S. Brampton-3 bedrooms, 2 baths $725 217 N. California-! bedroom efficiency $145 2201 E.

Aberdeen 3 bedroom, 2 bath $675 1613 Glllespie-3 bedroom, 2 bath $550 1213 Buckingham-3 bedroom, 1 bath $350 2720 West Aberdeen-4 bedroom, 2 bath $750 631 Iris Line 3 bedroom, 1 bath $300 2022 Rexford $500. Available April 1 5853 Roxboro-SSOO. Available April 1 4413 Coventry S375 Available April 15 5909 Oakleigh Available April 1 3914 mo. Available April 1 Call Mar'y Sternberg, 834-2073, LOWDER OHO Lake.Gulf Z. 3I Homes, Property LAKE MARTIN HOUSE 2 bedroom, 250ft waterfront with large pier.

$350 Mo. negotiable Sum-merWinter lease. 284-2881 nights-weekends. LAKE MARTIN. Near Chuck's Marina.

2 bedroom, full screened porch, pier, ample yard and waterfront. Also 17 ft. Giasstron boat for sale, 130 hp inboard Volvo engine with outdrive, like new. Call, Tailassee, 283-4033 alter 5 30 m. weekdays; anytime weekends.

ent Under New AAanagement-Bridge Krett Apts. 4220 Stritlimere Dr lUtlg WETUMPKA-Riverview Apartment. 2 bedroom. 1225 Kann A Co S34-S900, 567-4931 Find Your Pot O' Gold With The Savings You'll Discover At Willow Bend $49 Deposit Move In Special Come See What We Have To Offer 2845 Zelda Rd. 277-3444 A GREAT I ORATION.

11 Directty Acrou From Montgomery Mai Behind Steak Ale KROFT cross aver to convtnienct" 1 Bedroom 270 2 Bedroom $320-330 3 Bedroom 390 Adult Family Sections "Washer Dryer Connections Economical Gas Heat Free Cable Service 4220 Strathmore Dr. 286-9157 HILLWOOD An Uncommon Opportunity If spacious rooms, stately architecture and a quiet, family neighborhood close to Zeida Road business and shopping appeal to you, call 834-3400 for details about the rare opportunity that awaits at the Apartment and Townhome Community Beyond Comparison. Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9 5:30 Sat 10-4 Gatsby Drive at Zelda Road 1 ir 2 73 73 PI 73 2 73 Warehouse Storage EAST SIDE-Office and warenouse space available. Close to interstate and Lagoon Post Of-fice All or part of 9800 sq ft 277-U280 GUNTER PARK FRAZER LANIER 265-8483 METAL BUILDING, 50x50 Wares Ferry Road. $325 a month Jimmy Potior 277-lta6.

WAREHOUSE RETAIL 4050 to 100 000 sq ft 22 H. ceilings, truck heighth and street level loading, rail, sprinkiered interstate mtie from site-across from Eastdale Mall Pinkie Hasson ARONOV 277-1000 WAREHOUSES. 1.300 to 100 000 sq ft East West side. South side Frank Potts, 2771000 ARONOV REALTY WOODMERE STOR-MOR Mini warehouses Sev eral sites avaiiao'e starting at S20 mo 2ft2-6i88 220 Wanted To Rent RENTING A SELLING Your Property is oor business Dial 262 8801 MEAD A CHARLES 224 Commercial Property For Sale OFFICE BUILDING in Carmichael Road area Priced at $105,000 COLONIAL PROPERTIES INC 240-6092 226 Country, Suburban Homes-sale Elmore County? Edwards Realty, 271-4305 MILLBROOK-family size older home. $2000 down WELL MAINTAINED older home.

3 bedroom large den. large lot. $40,000 Jack WILSON Realty, 265-3157 or 265-4171 Duplexes 1 Apartments-Sale FOR EXCHANGE. Apartments or quadrapiexes in Auburn near A.U campus Positive cash flow, excellent occupancy. Appraisal 200,000 800.000, wanting Alabama tim-berland farmland Alabama Land Locators 821 8210 OaQ Condos Townhomes-Sale AUBURN PARENTS A INVESTORS! Sun Properties has tor sale condiminums and townhomes Call Roxy Miller at 1-826 1200 TOWN HOUSES Make the short distance to Pratlville and compare prices and save, save, save Located on prestigious Wetumpka St close to everything One level, 2 bedroom, 2'j baths, fireplace, aulted den 9ft ceiling, extra, extra, spacious living with double garage $87,000 Call Citizens Realty at 265-9511 or Mary Woodfin at 365-4319 tor an appointment today JJO Open House ZZ For Sale OPEN 43 Creek Court Arrowhead 6241 Bell Road Court OH Bell Road 2 custom built homes both with separate living and dining rooms, large dens with fireplaces plus a study, large master bedroom suites with custom baths, both priced to sell Harold Bowdoln Real Estate.

272-2770 OPEN HOUSE 6713 Sarita Court In Brighton Estates Open house from 2-5 Beautiful home Musi see all the extras Call 284 4159 or 277-8920 BALLARD OPEN HOUSE 1-6 6104 FERN COURT Architecturally designed in a setting in the trees. Spacious floor plan loaded with extras 3-bedroom, bath, 14 ft ceilings, custom kitchen, 2 car garage in Wood mere Hostess Carolyn Caldwell, 277 8920 BALLARD KISS YOUR LANDLORD LANDMARK OAKS HOMES FROM Z77.4920 Model Open 2 p.m. 5933 Carmel Dr. 279-7333 OPEN HOUSE 1-4 P.M. 425 Seminole-Arrowhead 4 Bedroom, 3 Baths, Double Garage, Two Master Suites.

Many Extras, Assumable VA Loan. Mary East 277-4813 or 277-91 00 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY MARCH 20th 1:00 5:00 BELL HILLS Dale Marshall ROSEMONT Donny McDonald 1377 AVALON LANE NORMANDALE AREA Bill Jordan A of the scans FINANCIAL NtrrwORK WYNWOOD REALTY 277-9999 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. 210 LLJ -CVy Naw l.lHIil'i BALLARD OPEN HOUSE TODAY 2-5 2051 REXFORD ROAD LOW $4900 equity on this exceptional Georgetown townhome. NO QUALIFYING FHA 9', loan payments. Two bedrooms, 2 baths, many amenities.

HOSTESS: Norma Guest 277-6200 or 277-9100. OPEN HOUSE TODAY 2-5 6543 Eastwood Glen HALCYON SOUTH traditional home wtth forma) tvlngroorn, dining room, large eat-in kitchen, den with fireplace, and dentil moulding, 4 bedrooms, 2', boms, large double carport. Relocation company has slashed price to: 154,900 HOSTESS: BILLIE FLETCHER 271-1282 QgAcW OPEN HOUSE 2-5 P.M. 3326 Bedford Lane Host: Tony Maihan 3228 Herbert Hostess: P.R. Hall 2562 Carter Hill Rd.

Hostess: Sandra Nickel 213 guail Ridge Crossgates Hostess: Joy Sanders Kahn Co. Real Estate 834-5900 1PM lo 5 PM OPEN HOUSE Come Home To SILVERHILLS (IN PRATTVILLE) Today! 7 finished homes open for viewing. Beautiful wooded lots. Affordable prices without sacrificing quality and convenience. CALL365-AJfa Model 361-9105 1 SUNDAY 1:00 TO 5:00 P.M.

HALCYON SOUTH Stop and preview plans of the 1988 Parade of Homes. Visit Aronov temporary Information center. Follow signs off Taylor Road. PRATTVILLE EAST New homes by Gilmore Sons, Builders and Lewis Webb. Garden homes by David W.

Thames Co. See our new model and other homes being completed. Turn west off I-65 at Holiday Inn and left on Sheila Blvd. Follow Open House signs. Call 365-9999.

277-2700 REALTY Cindy Sharp CENTURIAN Award Top Listing Sales February 271-7111 mm TryStyle! 1, 2 3 Bedrooms Call 277-3670 5701 Calmar Drive Office Hours Mon Fri Sat 104; Sun 14 MARCH RENT SPECIALS APARTMENTS LOCATED OFF THE TROY HWY. 1 ft 2 BEDROOMS 281-6066 RED UON $1 Special 281-2226 Shtgtar MonaRwnf Group CHOOSEY! 14 FLOOR PLANS 6 Poot-3 CKibnouwt-Tennit 288-9400 SoulrwmBMl By Capita Plaia seasons Country Living, City Style Spacious. 1.2&3 bedrooms Adult Family sections. I APAWMtNT MOMfcS 285-6300 GET LOST! In Our Spacious Apartments NARROW LANE VILLAS 4581 Narrow LgneRd 281-0212 fX ftotei wnor Monoocd Ov vPTHE imwr, GROUP BURKE LEIGH APTS. 1,2 and 3 Bedrooms Ask About Our '1 Special Montgomery's Finest Address 281-2835 3800 Governors Dr.

Convenientty located Sot 10-4 Sun 1-4 ocrots from Montgomery Mo 6 You'll Eat It Up 1. 2. 3 bedroom "tempting homes Adult and Family CALL 279-6556 or come by East ol Edn East fmj Easldale Mall oil APARTMENTS Jjs Atlanta Highway Ask About Our Spring Fever Specials 1 2 Bedrooms Washer-Dryer Connections Lighted Tennis Courts Pool, Fireplaces, Icemakers Gas Heat Donnelly School District 231-3000 3070 Kelfy Circle Across from Montgomery Mall Turn off Strathmore to Moorcrolt Follow The Signs I CALL ABOUT OUR SPRING SPECIAL Fireplaces Playground Area 6 Tennis Courts 2 Pools Adult Family Living Ice Makers 2 Laundry Rooms Outside Storage Car Wash Area 277-9226 Open Sat. Sun. within walking distance from Eastdale Mall 4 Union Square paht'ments ASK ABOUT OUR MARCH SPECIALS Swimming Pool Tennis Courts Luxury Efficiency Efficient Apts.

Come Live With UsIH GAZEBO EAST 185 EASTDALE RD. 277-1888 5 1 garage. lyf LeKutn. S4V itA-ttbl or 263-6026. AVAILABLE IMMEOIATELY-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den and garage, Southeast area, $395.

Available immediately. Call Curtis Nordan, ARONQV ASSOCIATES 832-1500 or 264-1956. AVAILABLE NOW: 1734 Forest Ave. $375 per month. Oak Parkatrea 271-4811 or 244-0614.

BELLEHURST: 562 Larkin Lane, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living, dining, large den with fireplace. Built-in-kitchen with breakfast, covered patio. Available April, 1 Lease required with $300 deposit. $575 per month. 244-1595 BRIGHTON: Edinburgh Dr 4 bedrooms, 2 baths.

Available 4-1. 244-9890 after 6 p.m. CAPITOL HEIGHTS Brick, 2 bedroom, great room, fireplace, fenced, quiet, $375 288-1304 DOWNTOWN-WESTERN AREA, 2 duplexes and a good selection of 2 bedroom homes. Starting at $115 a month. MARTIN REALTY COMPANY 116 Catoma Street 262-5762, ask tor Hugh or Russell EAST HAVEN RD.

(2441. (Forest Hills.) 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fenced yard. $325 mo. Call, Monday, AL JORDAN AGENCY, 265-8254. 1QA Apartments 7t Unfurnished-Rent CKEST 41 ttmr Bkarjawji Apartments Townhomes SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOMS STARTING AT $330 Lease thru March Receive 1 Weekend at f'e Beach 279-6303 0 4.W nshire Devonshire.

In Grandvlew Pines, combines the small town feeling of Mlllbrook with everything you want In an apartment home spacious floorplans, clubhouse, pool and playground, adult and family sections at great rates: One Bedroom $265. Two Bedrooms $3 1 5. Three Bedrooms $350. Plus, for a limited time, were offering one-half month rent-free. Call today for more information.

Add $10 for washer-dryer connections OFFICE HOURS: M-F 8 to 6 Sat. 10 to 5 Sun. 1 to 5" 500 Deatsville Highway, Millbrook 285-6300 JfA Office Space jCJ Commercial Property AN EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION Wares Ferry 15O0 sq. It. $5i5month.

call 271-2222, Mon-Fri. ATTRACTIVE-Executive olfice space, near downtown interstate. One office or up to 2800 sq ft. Call John Stowers 263-3801. AVAILABLE NOWI Carmichael Executive Suites.

Executive offices with secretary, receptionist, answering service, typing, copies, word processing, utilities, janitorial, conference room. Call Grant Sullivan, Scott Harris, or Pinkie Hasson, 277-1000 AVAILABLE NOW: 1734 Forest Ave. $375 per month. Oak Park Area 271-4811 or 244-0614. COLONIAL FINANCIAL CENTER.

Class office space. Designed to meet your needs. Contact Kyle Collins or John Stanley COLONI-AL PROPERTIES, 240-6094. DESIGN YOUR OWN INTERIOR. 6016 East Shirley Lane, fantastic location.

Easy access to Eastern Blvd. and interstate. Off street parking 900 sq. $650 per mo. or 1800 sq $1200 per mo.

or less; depends on length of lease and Interior finish. Phone 272-2085. Great Retail Location SO. BLVD. 8,000 sq.

over 40,000 cars a day pass this property, will divide into 4,550 and 3,450 sq. ft. Professional office space. South near Baptist Hospital, 1,000 sq. ft 1.500 sq.

or 2,500 sq 277-3552, SILVERMAN REALTY CO. MOORE BLDG 217 So. Court St. Rent Includes free parking in rear. Central heat-air, janitor service, utilities.

BEAIRD REALTY 263-5481 OFFICE SPACE Two locations, as low as $125 mo. Atlanta Hwy. near Forest Hills, Gunn Road near Union Square Call BALLARD REALTY, A D. Hughes 277-8920. SUB-LEASE: VACANT-3 office suite plus reception area, S40 S.

Perry Street. All utilities and janitorial service included. 264-1000, Wayne Johnston, agent. Ort? Commercial Property ZUJ Lease-Rent Atlanta Highway, Carol Villa Or. East Park Center-Brand New, You Pick Colors Office-400 sq.

ft. full service $360 mo. Offlce-1200 sq. It. you finish $700 mo.

Retail-1800 sq. ft you finish $1200 mo. Retail-1200 sq ft. you finish $800 mo. WATTS REALTY, 277-68)0 BIRMINGHAM HWY.

Like new metal building, approximately 6,000 sq. ft. with 5 bays, office, overhead crane, large fenced yard, would adapt to many uses. 262-1956 MOORE. CO.

FOSHEE ROAD, approximately 1300 sq.ft. metal building, just off Air Base Blvd. Drive through overhead door, office, large fenced yard. $475 per month DIAL 262-1958 MOORE CO. PRIME I-8S LOCATION approximately 8,400 sq.

like new building, 4 bays, loading dock, fenced yard, tonded l. DIAL 262-1958 MOORE CO. SUB LEASE: Great location, new metal building downtown on Madison 8400 sq. in warehouse and officeshowroom space. Heat and air.

Only $1500 a available May. 263-7822 ask for Randy or Mike Esco. SYCAMORE COURT DELI- at Lower Commerce Street. Available Immediately. $1000 mo.

Con-tact COLONIAL PROPERTIES, 240-6094. THREE LARGE OFFICES, reception, storage. Rent negotiable. Locate at Sunbelt Business Park, 3501 Wetumpka Hwy 272-6929 or 834-7180. Rooms ZUO Room Board Paradise Motel-weekly or monthly rates, cable, I ml.

from Montgomery Mall, Troy Hwy 281-3760 SCOTTISH INN MOTEL Weekly rotes, maid service, tree calls HBO Troy Hwy 288-150) )rA Office Space 4U" Commercial Property Preferred Office Space Executive Park Montgomery's most prestigious business community. Suites for lease from 375 to 7500 sq ft. Well landscaped: free parking. Call Scott Harris. One Court Square The center of downtown business.

750 to 3600 sq ft with sheltered parking Immediate occupancy Call Pinkie Hasson. Corporate Square Great location and price! 1 300 sq ft suite available immediately: also two smaller suites Call Scott Harris. Zelda Place Exciting retail environment offers an exceptional location. Up to 4 500 sq ft: txjilt to your specifications, will subdivide. Great interstate access Call Scott Harris.

Will Build to Suit in Executive Park Superior lots now available in Montgomery's most prestigious office community Will develop office buildings Call Scott Harris. 277-1000 tf I '4 MZZJhLZ vim lam: CENTRAL aALABAMA COUNCIL OF CENTURY 21 RECOGNIZES SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE At Olympiad, Montgomery's finest adult apartment community, you and a friend can live together less expensively than you can live separately. And together, you'll share a spacious 2-bedroom suite without sharing your privacy. Each of you will enjoy your own master bedroom, complete with a private bath! And you can share the health, too, in Olympiad's fabulous Fitness Center! Keep your body beautiful with our 1 1-station exercise machine, bust machine, sit- CtWlAD EAStWii 1 Open House WARES FERRY LAKES Cindy and Allen 2535 Carter Hill Road at Hill Hedge Your Hostess: Genise Dick 567-4089 -Anffi iff up board and rowing machine. And our tennis courts, swimming pools and jacuzzi make fitness more fun than ever! And that's just the beginning! Olympiad Apartments feature ireplaces, ceiling fans, 24-hour alarm systems and more! It's fun to get physical, so do it now with a friend! And save! Allen Unch January Sales Award February Listing Award OLYMPIAD ALL-ADULT APARTMENTS 155 Sylvest Drive, Montgomery 36117 (205)277-6226 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 To 6.

Sat, 11 To 5. Sun, 1 To 5. 2800 Zelda Rd. IfH fill 9 nNBERG REALTY.

The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.