Manage your photos with Gallery (2025)

Gallery is an offline photo gallery. You can use it to edit, find, and manage photos without being connected to the Internet. Gallery also works with SD cards on Android devices.

Tip:Gallery is available on Android devices.

Download Gallery

To get Gallery, download and install the app.

Find your photos from other apps & SD cards

You can find photos and videos on your phone and SD cards in Gallery:

  • Photos: To findall your photos and videos in one place, tap PhotosManage your photos with Gallery (1).
  • Folders: To find photos and videos organized by individual apps and SD cards, tap Folders Manage your photos with Gallery (2).

Tip: You can stop WhatsApp from adding media to your phone gallery. Learn how to turn it off in WhatsApp.

Find photos of a person or thing

You can search for photos and videos that have been automatically grouped together by Gallery.

Important: Face groups aren't available in all countries or regions.

  1. On your Android phone, open Gallery Manage your photos with Gallery (3).
  2. Tap Photos Manage your photos with Gallery (4).
  3. At the top, tap one of the groups.
  4. Find the photo or video you are looking for.

Tip: If you don’t find any groups, Gallery might not have grouped your photos yet. To let Gallery automatically group your photos, leave your phone plugged in overnight.

Change & create folders

To organize your photos and videos into new folders:

  1. On your Android phone, open Gallery Manage your photos with Gallery (5).
  2. Tap FoldersManage your photos with Gallery (6)Manage your photos with Gallery (7)MoreManage your photos with Gallery (8) Manage your photos with Gallery (9)New folder.
  3. Enter the name of your new folder.
  4. Choose where you want your folder.
    • SD card: Creates a folder in your SD card.
    • Internal storage: Creates a folder on your phone.
  5. Tap Create.
  6. Select your photos.
  7. Tap Move or Copy.

Move your photos to an SD card

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (10).
  2. Press and hold the photo or video you want to move.
  3. At the top right, tap MoreManage your photos with Gallery (11) Manage your photos with Gallery (12)Move to folder.
  4. Select the SD card folder you want to move your photos or videos to.

Tip: To select multiple photos or videos, tap Photos Manage your photos with Gallery (13)Manage your photos with Gallery (14) More Manage your photos with Gallery (15). Tap Select items and choose the photos and videos you want to move. Or, tap Select all to choose everything.

Share photos & videos

  1. On your Android phone, open Gallery Manage your photos with Gallery (16).
  2. Tap a photo or video you want to share.
  3. At the bottom, tap Share Manage your photos with Gallery (17).
  4. Select the app you want to use to share the photo or video.

Edit & delete photos & videos

Automatically enhance your photos

  1. On your Android phone, open Gallery Manage your photos with Gallery (18).
  2. Tap the photo you want to enhance.
  3. At the bottom, tap Auto Manage your photos with Gallery (19).
  4. Tap Replace.

Tip:When you tap Replace, the automatically enhanced version replaces your original photo. This can’t be undone.

Edit your photos

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (20).
  2. Tap the photo you want to edit.
  3. At the bottom, tap Edit Manage your photos with Gallery (21).
  4. Edit your photo. You can rotate, crop, and choose filters.
  5. At the top right, tap Save copy.

Tip: Your edits will be saved as a separate photo and the original will still be available in your gallery.

To crop a photo:

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (22).
  2. Tap the photo you want to edit.
  3. At the bottom, tap Edit Manage your photos with Gallery (23)Manage your photos with Gallery (24) Crop Manage your photos with Gallery (25).
  4. Drag the edges of the photo inward using two fingers.
  5. At the top right, tap Save copy.

Tip: Your edited photo will be saved as a separate photo and the original will still be available in your gallery.

Edit your videos

To trim a video:

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (26).
  2. Tap the video you want to edit.
  3. At the bottom, tap Edit Manage your photos with Gallery (27).
  4. Tap the slider below the video.
  5. To change the video length, move the slider left and right.
    • To change the video length in accessibility mode, press the volume up or volume down buttons.
  6. At the top right, tap Save copy.

Tip: Your edited video will be saved as a separate video and the original will still be available in your gallery.

Move your photos to trash

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (28).
  2. Tap the photo you want to delete.
  3. At the bottom, tap DeleteManage your photos with Gallery (29)Manage your photos with Gallery (30)Move.

Move a folder to trash

You can move a folder and all of its contents to trash.

  1. On your Android phone, open GalleryManage your photos with Gallery (31).
  2. Tap the folder you want.
  3. At the top, tap More Manage your photos with Gallery (32).
  4. Tap Move folder to trash.


  • When you move a folder to trash, its photos and videos will be added individuallyand not together in the original folder.
  • If you movea folder to trash and restore items that were in that folder, Gallerywill recreate the folder or it will create a "GalleryRestored" folder and restore the items there.
  • If you move a folder to trashthat contains items that aren't photos or videos, you can still find the folder and those itemson your device in the file manager.

How trash works

Items you move to trash will be stored for 30 days and then permanently deleted. You can restore items from trash to their former locations or permanently delete them within 30 days.

Important: You can't add items to trash if it's full or if your device is low on space.

Turn face grouping on & off

  1. On your Android phone or device, open Gallery Manage your photos with Gallery (33).
  2. At the top right, tap More Manage your photos with Gallery (34)Manage your photos with Gallery (35)Settings.
  3. Turn on Group similar faces.

Learn about face groups

Gallery creates models of the faces in your photos to group similar faces together. Face groups are private and are not shared when you share photos.

To delete your models, turn off face grouping.

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Manage your photos with Gallery (2025)


Manage your photos with Gallery? ›

When Photos backup is on, Photos backs up the photos from your gallery app. The account that is connected to your device's default gallery app is your Photos backup account. To change the connected account, you need to change the Photos backup account: On your Android device, open the Google Photos app.

Are Google Photos and Gallery connected? ›

When Photos backup is on, Photos backs up the photos from your gallery app. The account that is connected to your device's default gallery app is your Photos backup account. To change the connected account, you need to change the Photos backup account: On your Android device, open the Google Photos app.

What is the best way to manage your photos? ›

  1. Select Favorites. Let's start with identifying the photos that mean the most to you. ...
  2. Embrace the Delete Button. Set yourself up for success and make the delete button a good friend. ...
  3. Create Albums. ...
  4. Make An Edit. ...
  5. Set Priorities. ...
  6. Set A Routine. ...
  7. Back It Up. ...
  8. Search and Select.

Can anyone access my gallery photos? ›

It depends on the app. Some apps allow a user to select which photos to give permission to while others ask for permission that covers all of the photos on the device. If a user is uncertain which photos an app can access, they can once again view the app's privacy policy or Terms of Service for insight.

Will deleting from gallery delete from Google Photos? ›

If you remove copies of photos and videos on your Android device, they're now deleted but, you still can: See your photos and videos, including the ones you just removed, in the Google Photos app and Edit, share, delete, and manage anything in your Google Photos library.

Do I need both gallery and photos? ›

The primary distinction of Google Photos is its backup feature. This ensures you won't lose important pictures if you misplace your device or upgrade to a new one. While you can use both Google Photos and your built-in gallery app at the same time, you have to choose one as the default.

How do I organize my 30 years of photos? ›

You can sort them chronologically, starting with the earliest and ending with the most recent, or you can do it by theme, event, family, or person. Sorting them so that they tell family stories is also popular. The beauty of that is you can arrange them however they need to be arranged in order to tell the story.

How do I organize my 50 years of photos? ›

The best way to start is by sorting the photos chronologically. Trust me, any other method can quickly become confusing and frustrating. Divide them into two main piles—one for each century. Then, within each pile, sort by decade.

How do I organize my thousands of digital photos? ›

How to Organize Digital Photos
  1. Step 1: Digitize Old Photo Prints. ...
  2. Step 2: Store Photos in One Place. ...
  3. Step 3: Declutter Photos. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a Folder Structure. ...
  5. Step 5: Create a Photo Naming System. ...
  6. Step 6: Tag Your Photos. ...
  7. Step 7: Backup Photos. ...
  8. Step 8: Set Up a Photo Maintenance Routine (And Stick With It!)

How do I manage photos in my gallery? ›

  1. On your Android phone, open Gallery .
  2. Tap the photo you want to edit.
  3. At the bottom, tap Edit .
  4. Edit your photo. You can rotate, crop, and choose filters.
  5. At the top right, tap Save copy.

What happened to my photos in my gallery? ›

Still, some of the photos or albums disappeared from the gallery on Android. Worry not as the issue can be with the cache files of the gallery app. Whenever an app runs on your phone, it generates temporary files called cache. This data can accumulate over with and potentially make the gallery app malfunction.

Where are my gallery photos stored? ›

The DCIM ("Digital Camera Images") folder is the default folder where all photos are stored in your phone's internal storage.

How do I secure photos in my gallery? ›

Turn backup on & off for Locked Folder
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app .
  2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  3. At the top, tap your Profile picture or Initial.
  4. Tap Photos settings Backup. ...
  5. Open Locked Folder.
  6. Use your device screen lock when prompted.
  7. Turn Back up Locked Folder on or off.

Can Google see your gallery? ›

Overall Google Photos is fairly secure. It doesn't automatically post your photos for everyone to see. People won't be able to google for them. The pictures that you upload are only viewable by you — unless, of course, you share them with other people.

Can police see your photo gallery? ›

Law enforcement agencies can access and analyze the photos and videos stored on your phone. This can be done to gather evidence, identify individuals or locations, or establish a timeline of events.

Is Google Photos separate from gallery? ›

Google Photos lets you see your photos in chronological order, but that's it. Google Photos has its own separate ability to create albums, but those are totally independent of the albums that you created in your Gallery app.

Can you get photos from Google Photos to gallery? ›

Sign in to Google Photos with the email account where you saved the photos. Step 2: Select photos and click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and select the "Download" option.

Why are my gallery photos in Google Photos? ›

By default& Google Photos on your device is set to upload photos and videos when connected to a Wi-Fi network. This means that once your device connects to a wireless network with the internet& it begins to upload files.

Does Samsung Gallery sync with Google Photos? ›

Gallery only syncs with OneDrive. However, if you add your Google account to the phone, any photos you have stored in Google will show up in the Google Photos app and any photos you take will sync to Google Photos ( and OneDrive if you set it up).


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.